# Copyright 2023 Attila Szollosi # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import glob import logging import re import os import pmb.build import pmb.config import pmb.parse import pmb.helpers.pmaports def get_all_component_names(): """ Get the component names from kconfig_options variables in pmb/config/__init__.py. This does not include the base options. :returns: a list of component names, e.g. ["waydroid", "iwd", "nftables"] """ prefix = "kconfig_options_" ret = [] for key in pmb.config.__dict__.keys(): if key.startswith(prefix): ret += [key.split(prefix, 1)[1]] return ret def is_set(config, option): """ Check, whether a boolean or tristate option is enabled either as builtin or module. """ return re.search("^CONFIG_" + option + "=[ym]$", config, re.M) is not None def is_set_str(config, option, string): """ Check, whether a config option contains a string as value. """ match = re.search("^CONFIG_" + option + "=\"(.*)\"$", config, re.M) if match: return string == match.group(1) else: return False def is_in_array(config, option, string): """ Check, whether a config option contains string as an array element """ match = re.search("^CONFIG_" + option + "=\"(.*)\"$", config, re.M) if match: values = match.group(1).split(",") return string in values else: return False def check_option(component, details, config, config_path, option, option_value): def warn_ret_false(should_str): config_name = os.path.basename(config_path) if details: logging.warning(f"WARNING: {config_name}: CONFIG_{option} should" f" {should_str} ({component}):" f" https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/kconfig#CONFIG_{option}") else: logging.warning(f"WARNING: {config_name} isn't configured properly" f" ({component}), run 'pmbootstrap kconfig check'" " for details!") return False if isinstance(option_value, list): for string in option_value: if not is_in_array(config, option, string): return warn_ret_false(f'contain "{string}"') elif isinstance(option_value, str): if not is_set_str(config, option, option_value): return warn_ret_false(f'be set to "{option_value}"') elif option_value in [True, False]: if option_value != is_set(config, option): return warn_ret_false("be set" if option_value else "*not* be set") else: raise RuntimeError("kconfig check code can only handle booleans," f" strings and arrays. Given value {option_value}" " is not supported. If you need this, please patch" " pmbootstrap or open an issue.") return True def check_config(config_path, config_arch, pkgver, components_list=[], details=False, enforce_check=True): """ :param config_path: full path to kernel config file :param config_arch: architecture name (alpine format, e.g. aarch64, x86_64) :param pkgver: kernel version :param components_list: what to check for, e.g. ["waydroid", "iwd"] :param details: print all warnings if True, otherwise one generic warning :param enforce_check: set to False to not fail kconfig check as long as everything in kconfig_options is set correctly, even if additional components are checked :returns: True if the check passed, False otherwise """ logging.debug(f"Check kconfig: {config_path}") with open(config_path) as handle: config = handle.read() # Devices in all categories need basic options # https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Device_categorization components_list = ["postmarketOS"] + components_list # Devices in "community" or "main" need additional options if "community" in components_list: components_list += [ "containers", "filesystems", "iwd", "netboot", "nftables", "waydroid", "wireguard", "zram", ] components = {} for name in components_list: if name == "postmarketOS": pmb_config_var = "kconfig_options" else: pmb_config_var = f"kconfig_options_{name}" components[name] = getattr(pmb.config, pmb_config_var, None) assert components[name], f"invalid kconfig component name: {name}" results = [] for component, options in components.items(): result = check_config_options_set(config, config_path, config_arch, options, component, pkgver, details) # We always enforce "postmarketOS" component and when explicitly # requested if enforce_check or component == "postmarketOS": results += [result] return all(results) def check_config_options_set(config, config_path, config_arch, options, component, pkgver, details=False): # Loop through necessary config options, and print a warning, # if any is missing ret = True for rules, archs_options in options.items(): # Skip options irrelevant for the current kernel's version # Example rules: ">=4.0 <5.0" skip = False for rule in rules.split(" "): if not pmb.parse.version.check_string(pkgver, rule): skip = True break if skip: continue for archs, options in archs_options.items(): if archs != "all": # Split and check if the device's architecture architecture has # special config options. If option does not contain the # architecture of the device kernel, then just skip the option. architectures = archs.split(" ") if config_arch not in architectures: continue for option, option_value in options.items(): if not check_option(component, details, config, config_path, option, option_value): ret = False if not details: break # do not give too much error messages return ret def check(args, pkgname, components_list=[], details=False, must_exist=True): """ Check for necessary kernel config options in a package. :param pkgname: the package to check for, optionally without "linux-" :param components_list: what to check for, e.g. ["waydroid", "iwd"] :param details: print all warnings if True, otherwise one generic warning :param must_exist: if False, just return if the package does not exist :returns: True when the check was successful, False otherwise None if the aport cannot be found (only if must_exist=False) """ # Pkgname: allow omitting "linux-" prefix if pkgname.startswith("linux-"): flavor = pkgname.split("linux-")[1] else: flavor = pkgname # Read all kernel configs in the aport ret = True aport = pmb.helpers.pmaports.find(args, "linux-" + flavor, must_exist=must_exist) if aport is None: return None apkbuild = pmb.parse.apkbuild(f"{aport}/APKBUILD") pkgver = apkbuild["pkgver"] # We only enforce optional checks for community & main devices enforce_check = aport.split("/")[-2] in ["community", "main"] for name in get_all_component_names(): if f"pmb:kconfigcheck-{name}" in apkbuild["options"] and \ name not in components_list: components_list += [name] for config_path in glob.glob(aport + "/config-*"): # The architecture of the config is in the name, so it just needs to be # extracted config_name = os.path.basename(config_path) config_name_split = config_name.split(".") if len(config_name_split) != 2: raise RuntimeError(f"{config_name} is not a valid kernel config " "name. Ensure that the _config property in your " "kernel APKBUILD has a . before the " "architecture name, e.g. .aarch64 or .armv7, " "and that there is no excess punctuation " "elsewhere in the name.") config_arch = config_name_split[1] ret &= check_config(config_path, config_arch, pkgver, components_list, details=details, enforce_check=enforce_check) return ret def extract_arch(config_path): # Extract the architecture out of the config with open(config_path) as f: config = f.read() if is_set(config, "ARM"): return "armv7" elif is_set(config, "ARM64"): return "aarch64" elif is_set(config, "X86_32"): return "x86" elif is_set(config, "X86_64"): return "x86_64" # No match logging.info("WARNING: failed to extract arch from kernel config") return "unknown" def extract_version(config_path): # Try to extract the version string out of the comment header with open(config_path) as f: # Read the first 3 lines of the file and get the third line only text = [next(f) for x in range(3)][2] ver_match = re.match(r"# Linux/\S+ (\S+) Kernel Configuration", text) if ver_match: return ver_match.group(1) # No match logging.info("WARNING: failed to extract version from kernel config") return "unknown" def check_file(config_path, components_list=[], details=False): """ Check for necessary kernel config options in a kconfig file. :param config_path: full path to kernel config file :param components_list: what to check for, e.g. ["waydroid", "iwd"] :param details: print all warnings if True, otherwise one generic warning :returns: True when the check was successful, False otherwise """ arch = extract_arch(config_path) version = extract_version(config_path) logging.debug(f"Check kconfig: parsed arch={arch}, version={version} from " f"file: {config_path}") return check_config(config_path, arch, version, components_list, details=details)