""" Copyright 2018 Oliver Smith This file is part of pmbootstrap. pmbootstrap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. pmbootstrap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pmbootstrap. If not, see . """ import shlex import subprocess import logging import os def core(args, cmd, log_message, log, return_stdout, check=True, working_dir=None, background=False): """ Run the command and write the output to the log. :param cmd: command as list, e.g. ["echo", "string with spaces"] :param log_message: simplified and more readable form of the command, e.g. "(native) % echo test" instead of the full command with entering the chroot and more escaping :param log: * True: write stdout and stderr of the running process into the log file (read with "pmbootstrap log"). * False: redirect stdout and stderr to pmbootstrap stdout :param return_stdout: write stdout to a buffer and return it as string when the command is through :param check: raise an exception, when the command fails :param working_dir: path in host system where the command should run :param background: run the process in the background and return the process handler :returns: * stdout when return_stdout is True * process handler when background is True * None otherwise """ logging.debug(log_message) logging.verbose("run: " + str(cmd)) if working_dir: working_dir_old = os.getcwd() os.chdir(working_dir) ret = None if background: if log: ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=args.logfd, stderr=args.logfd) else: ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd) logging.debug("Started process in background with PID " + str(ret.pid)) else: try: if log: if return_stdout: ret = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("utf-8") args.logfd.write(ret) else: subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=args.logfd, stderr=args.logfd) args.logfd.flush() else: logging.debug("*** output passed to pmbootstrap stdout, not" + " to this log ***") subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if check: if log: logging.debug("^" * 70) logging.info("NOTE: The failed command's output is above" " the ^^^ line in the logfile: " + args.log) raise RuntimeError("Command failed: " + log_message) from exc else: pass if working_dir: os.chdir(working_dir_old) return ret def flat_cmd(cmd, working_dir=None, env={}): """ Convert a shell command passed as list into a flat shell string with proper escaping. :param cmd: command as list, e.g. ["echo", "string with spaces"] :param working_dir: when set, prepend "cd ...;" to execute the command in the given working directory :param env: dict of environment variables to be passed to the command, e.g. {"JOBS": "5"} :returns: the flat string, e.g. echo 'string with spaces' cd /home/pmos;echo 'string with spaces' """ # Merge env and cmd into escaped list escaped = [] for key, value in env.items(): escaped.append(key + "=" + shlex.quote(value)) for i in range(len(cmd)): escaped.append(shlex.quote(cmd[i])) # Prepend working dir ret = " ".join(escaped) if working_dir: ret = "cd " + shlex.quote(working_dir) + ";" + ret return ret def user(args, cmd, log=True, working_dir=None, return_stdout=False, check=True, background=False, env={}): """ Run a command on the host system as user. :param cmd: command as list, e.g. ["echo", "string with spaces"] :param log: when set to true, redirect all output to the logfile :param working_dir: path in host system where the command should run :param return_stdout: write stdout to a buffer and return it as string when the command is through :param check: raise an exception, when the command fails :param background: run the process in the background and return the process handler :param env: dict of environment variables to be passed to the command, e.g. {"JOBS": "5"} :returns: * stdout when return_stdout is True * process handler when background is True * None otherwise """ # Readable log message (without all the escaping) msg = "% " for key, value in env.items(): msg += key + "=" + value + " " if working_dir: msg += "cd " + working_dir + "; " msg += " ".join(cmd) # Add environment variables and run if env: cmd = ["sh", "-c", flat_cmd(cmd, env=env)] return core(args, cmd, msg, log, return_stdout, check, working_dir, background) def root(args, cmd, log=True, working_dir=None, return_stdout=False, check=True, background=False, env={}): """ Run a command on the host system as root, with sudo. NOTE: See user() above for parameter descriptions. """ if env: cmd = ["sh", "-c", flat_cmd(cmd, env=env)] cmd = ["sudo"] + cmd return user(args, cmd, log, working_dir, return_stdout, check, background)