# Copyright 2021 Pablo Castellano, Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import logging import os import re import signal import shlex import shutil import pmb.build import pmb.chroot import pmb.chroot.apk import pmb.chroot.other import pmb.chroot.initfs import pmb.config import pmb.helpers.run import pmb.parse.arch import pmb.parse.cpuinfo def system_image(args): """ Returns path to rootfs for specified device. In case that it doesn't exist, raise and exception explaining how to generate it. """ path = args.work + "/chroot_native/home/pmos/rootfs/" + args.device + ".img" if not os.path.exists(path): logging.debug("Could not find rootfs: " + path) raise RuntimeError("The rootfs has not been generated yet, please " "run 'pmbootstrap install' first.") return path def create_second_storage(args): """ Generate a second storage image if it does not exist. :returns: path to the image or None """ path = f"{args.work}/chroot_native/home/pmos/rootfs/{args.device}-2nd.img" pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["touch", path]) pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["chmod", "a+w", path]) resize_image(args, args.second_storage, path) return path def which_qemu(args, arch): """ Finds the qemu executable or raises an exception otherwise """ executable = "qemu-system-" + arch if shutil.which(executable): return executable else: raise RuntimeError("Could not find the '" + executable + "' executable" " in your PATH. Please install it in order to" " run qemu.") def create_gdk_loader_cache(args): """ Create a gdk loader cache that can be used for running GTK UIs outside of the chroot. """ gdk_cache_dir = "/usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/" custom_cache_path = gdk_cache_dir + "loaders-pmos-chroot.cache" rootfs_native = args.work + "/chroot_native" if os.path.isfile(rootfs_native + custom_cache_path): return rootfs_native + custom_cache_path cache_path = gdk_cache_dir + "loaders.cache" if not os.path.isfile(rootfs_native + cache_path): raise RuntimeError("gdk pixbuf cache file not found: " + cache_path) pmb.chroot.root(args, ["cp", cache_path, custom_cache_path]) cmd = ["sed", "-i", "-e", "s@\"" + gdk_cache_dir + "@\"" + rootfs_native + gdk_cache_dir + "@", custom_cache_path] pmb.chroot.root(args, cmd) return rootfs_native + custom_cache_path def command_qemu(args, arch, img_path, img_path_2nd=None): """ Generate the full qemu command with arguments to run postmarketOS """ cmdline = args.deviceinfo["kernel_cmdline"] if args.cmdline: cmdline = args.cmdline if "video=" not in cmdline: cmdline += " video=" + args.qemu_video logging.debug("Kernel cmdline: " + cmdline) port_ssh = str(args.port) suffix = "rootfs_" + args.device rootfs = args.work + "/chroot_" + suffix flavor = pmb.chroot.other.kernel_flavors_installed(args, suffix)[0] ncpus = os.cpu_count() # QEMU mach-virt's max CPU count is 8, limit it so it will work correctly # on systems with more than 8 CPUs if arch != args.arch_native and ncpus > 8: ncpus = 8 if args.host_qemu: qemu_bin = which_qemu(args, arch) env = {} command = [qemu_bin] else: rootfs_native = args.work + "/chroot_native" env = {"QEMU_MODULE_DIR": rootfs_native + "/usr/lib/qemu", "GBM_DRIVERS_PATH": rootfs_native + "/usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri", "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH": rootfs_native + "/usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri"} if "gtk" in args.qemu_display: gdk_cache = create_gdk_loader_cache(args) env.update({"GTK_THEME": "Default", "GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE": gdk_cache, "XDG_DATA_DIRS": rootfs_native + "/usr/local/share:" + rootfs_native + "/usr/share"}) command = [] if args.arch_native in ["aarch64", "armv7"]: # Workaround for QEMU failing on aarch64 asymetric multiprocessor arch # (big/little architecture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_big.LITTLE) # see https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1443 ncpus_bl = pmb.parse.cpuinfo.arm_big_little_first_group_ncpus() if ncpus_bl: ncpus = ncpus_bl logging.info("QEMU will run on big/little architecture on the" f" first {ncpus} cores (from /proc/cpuinfo)") command += [rootfs_native + "/lib/ld-musl-" + args.arch_native + ".so.1"] command += [rootfs_native + "/usr/bin/taskset"] command += ["-c", "0-" + str(ncpus - 1)] command += [rootfs_native + "/lib/ld-musl-" + args.arch_native + ".so.1"] command += ["--library-path=" + rootfs_native + "/lib:" + rootfs_native + "/usr/lib:" + rootfs_native + "/usr/lib/pulseaudio"] command += [rootfs_native + "/usr/bin/qemu-system-" + arch] command += ["-L", rootfs_native + "/usr/share/qemu/"] command += ["-nodefaults"] command += ["-kernel", rootfs + "/boot/vmlinuz-" + flavor] command += ["-initrd", rootfs + "/boot/initramfs-" + flavor] command += ["-append", shlex.quote(cmdline)] command += ["-smp", str(ncpus)] command += ["-m", str(args.memory)] command += ["-serial", "stdio"] command += ["-drive", "file=" + img_path + ",format=raw,if=virtio"] if img_path_2nd: command += ["-drive", "file=" + img_path_2nd + ",format=raw,if=virtio"] if args.qemu_tablet: command += ["-device", "virtio-tablet-pci"] else: command += ["-device", "virtio-mouse-pci"] command += ["-device", "virtio-keyboard-pci"] command += ["-nic", "user,model=virtio-net-pci," "hostfwd=tcp::" + port_ssh + "-:22," ] if arch == "x86_64": command += ["-vga", "virtio"] elif arch == "aarch64": command += ["-M", "virt"] command += ["-cpu", "cortex-a57"] command += ["-device", "virtio-gpu-pci"] else: raise RuntimeError("Architecture {} not supported by this command yet.".format(arch)) # Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) support native = args.arch_native == args.deviceinfo["arch"] if args.qemu_kvm and native and os.path.exists("/dev/kvm"): command += ["-enable-kvm"] command += ["-cpu", "host"] else: logging.info("WARNING: QEMU is not using KVM and will run slower!") if args.qemu_cpu: command += ["-cpu", args.qemu_cpu] display = args.qemu_display if display != "none": display += ",gl=" + ("on" if args.qemu_gl else "off") command += ["-display", display] command += ["-show-cursor"] # Audio support if args.qemu_audio: command += ["-audiodev", args.qemu_audio + ",id=audio"] command += ["-soundhw", "hda"] return (command, env) def resize_image(args, img_size_new, img_path): """ Truncates an image to a specific size. The value must be larger than the current image size, and it must be specified in MiB or GiB units (powers of 1024). :param img_size_new: new image size in M or G :param img_path: the path to the image """ # Current image size in bytes img_size = os.path.getsize(img_path) # Make sure we have at least 1 integer followed by either M or G pattern = re.compile("^[0-9]+[M|G]$") if not pattern.match(img_size_new): raise RuntimeError("IMAGE_SIZE must be in [M]iB or [G]iB, e.g. 2048M" " or 2G") # Remove M or G and convert to bytes img_size_new_bytes = int(img_size_new[:-1]) * 1024 * 1024 # Convert further for G if (img_size_new[-1] == "G"): img_size_new_bytes = img_size_new_bytes * 1024 if (img_size_new_bytes >= img_size): logging.info(f"Resize image to {img_size_new}: {img_path}") pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["truncate", "-s", img_size_new, img_path]) else: # Convert to human-readable format # NOTE: We convert to M here, and not G, so that we don't have to display # a size like 1.25G, since decimal places are not allowed by truncate. # We don't want users thinking they can use decimal numbers, and so in # this example, they would need to use a size greater then 1280M instead. img_size_str = str(round(img_size / 1024 / 1024)) + "M" raise RuntimeError(f"IMAGE_SIZE must be {img_size_str} or greater") def sigterm_handler(number, frame): raise RuntimeError("pmbootstrap was terminated by another process," " and killed the QEMU VM it was running.") def install_depends(args, arch): """ Install any necessary qemu dependencies in native chroot """ depends = [ "mesa-dri-classic", "mesa-dri-gallium", "mesa-egl", "mesa-gl", "qemu", "qemu-audio-alsa", "qemu-audio-pa", "qemu-audio-sdl", "qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu", "qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci", "qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga", "qemu-system-" + arch, "qemu-ui-gtk", "qemu-ui-opengl", "qemu-ui-sdl", ] # QEMU packaging isn't split up as much in 3.12 channel_cfg = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config_channel(args) if channel_cfg["branch_aports"] == "3.12-stable": depends.remove("qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu") depends.remove("qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci") depends.remove("qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga") depends.remove("qemu-ui-opengl") pmb.chroot.apk.install(args, depends) def run(args): """ Run a postmarketOS image in qemu """ if not args.device.startswith("qemu-"): raise RuntimeError("'pmbootstrap qemu' can be only used with one of " "the QEMU device packages. Run 'pmbootstrap init' " "and select the 'qemu' vendor.") arch = pmb.parse.arch.alpine_to_qemu(args.deviceinfo["arch"]) img_path = system_image(args) img_path_2nd = None if args.second_storage: img_path_2nd = create_second_storage(args) if not args.host_qemu: install_depends(args, arch) logging.info("Running postmarketOS in QEMU VM (" + arch + ")") qemu, env = command_qemu(args, arch, img_path, img_path_2nd) # Workaround: QEMU runs as local user and needs write permissions in the # rootfs, which is owned by root if not os.access(img_path, os.W_OK): pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["chmod", "666", img_path]) # Resize the rootfs (or show hint) if args.image_size: resize_image(args, args.image_size, img_path) else: logging.info("NOTE: Run 'pmbootstrap qemu --image-size 2G' to set" " the rootfs size when you run out of space!") # SSH/serial hints logging.info("Connect to the VM:") logging.info("* (ssh) ssh -p {port} {user}@localhost".format(**vars(args))) logging.info("* (serial) in this console (stdout/stdin)") # Run QEMU and kill it together with pmbootstrap process = None try: signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) process = pmb.helpers.run.user(args, qemu, output="tui", env=env) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Don't show a trace when pressing ^C pass finally: if process: process.terminate()