""" Copyright 2017 Oliver Smith This file is part of pmbootstrap. pmbootstrap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. pmbootstrap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pmbootstrap. If not, see . """ import os import logging import shlex import pmb.chroot import pmb.config import pmb.parse.apkindex import pmb.parse.arch import pmb.parse.depends import pmb.parse.version def update_repository_list(args, suffix="native", check=False): """ Update /etc/apk/repositories, if it is outdated (when the user changed the --mirror-alpine or --mirror-pmOS parameters). :param check: This function calls it self after updating the /etc/apk/repositories file, to check if it was successful. Only for this purpose, the "check" parameter should be set to True. """ # Skip if we already did this if suffix in args.cache["apk_repository_list_updated"]: return # Read old entries or create folder structure path = args.work + "/chroot_" + suffix + "/etc/apk/repositories" lines_old = [] if os.path.exists(path): # Read all old lines lines_old = [] with open(path) as handle: for line in handle: lines_old.append(line[:-1]) else: pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["mkdir", "-p", os.path.dirname(path)], suffix) # Up to date: Save cache, return lines_new = pmb.helpers.repo.urls(args) if lines_old == lines_new: args.cache["apk_repository_list_updated"].append(suffix) return # Check phase: raise error when still outdated if check: raise RuntimeError("Failed to update: " + path) # Update the file logging.debug("(" + suffix + ") update /etc/apk/repositories") if os.path.exists(path): pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["rm", path]) for line in lines_new: pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["sh", "-c", "echo " + shlex.quote(line) + " >> " + path]) update_repository_list(args, suffix, True) def check_min_version(args, suffix="native"): """ Check the minimum apk version, before running it the first time in the current session (lifetime of one pmbootstrap call). """ # Skip if we already did this if suffix in args.cache["apk_min_version_checked"]: return # Skip if apk is not installed yet if not os.path.exists(args.work + "/chroot_" + suffix + "/sbin/apk"): logging.debug("NOTE: Skipped apk version check for chroot '" + suffix + "', because it is not installed yet!") return # Compare version_installed = installed(args, suffix)["apk-tools"]["version"] version_min = pmb.config.apk_tools_static_min_version if pmb.parse.version.compare(version_installed, version_min) == -1: raise RuntimeError("You have an outdated version of the 'apk' package" " manager installed (your version: " + version_installed + ", expected at least: " + version_min + "). Delete" " your http cache and zap all chroots, then try again:" " 'pmbootstrap zap -hc'") # Mark this suffix as checked args.cache["apk_min_version_checked"].append(suffix) def install_is_necessary(args, build, arch, package, packages_installed): """ This function optionally builds an out of date package, and checks if the version installed inside a chroot is up to date. :param build: Set to true to build the package, if the binary packages are out of date, and it is in the aports folder. :param packages_installed: Return value from installed(). :returns: True if the package needs to be installed/updated, False otherwise. """ # Build package if build: pmb.build.package(args, package, arch) # No further checks when not installed if package not in packages_installed: return True # Make sure, that we really have a binary package data_repo = pmb.parse.apkindex.read_any_index(args, package, arch) if not data_repo: logging.warning("WARNING: Internal error in pmbootstrap," + " package '" + package + "' for " + arch + " has not been built yet, but it should have" " been. Rebuilding it with force. Please " " report this, if there is no ticket about this" " yet!") pmb.build.package(args, package, arch, True) return install_is_necessary(args, build, arch, package, packages_installed) # Compare the installed version vs. the version in the repos data_installed = packages_installed[package] compare = pmb.parse.version.compare(data_installed["version"], data_repo["version"]) # a) Installed newer (should not happen normally) if compare == 1: logging.info("WARNING: " + arch + " package '" + package + "' installed version " + data_installed["version"] + " is newer, than the version in the repositories: " + data_repo["version"] + " See also: ") return False # b) Repo newer elif compare == -1: return True # c) Same version, look at last modified elif compare == 0: time_installed = float(data_installed["timestamp"]) time_repo = float(data_repo["timestamp"]) return time_repo > time_installed def replace_aports_packages_with_path(args, packages, suffix, arch): """ apk will only re-install packages with the same pkgname, pkgver and pkgrel, when you give it the absolute path to the package. This function replaces all packages, that were built locally, with the absolute path to the package. """ ret = [] for package in packages: aport = pmb.build.find_aport(args, package, False) if aport: apkbuild = pmb.parse.apkbuild(args, aport + "/APKBUILD") apk_path = ("/home/user/packages/user/" + arch + "/" + package + "-" + apkbuild["pkgver"] + "-r" + apkbuild["pkgrel"] + ".apk") if os.path.exists(args.work + "/chroot_" + suffix + apk_path): package = apk_path ret.append(package) return ret def install(args, packages, suffix="native", build=True): """ :param build: automatically build the package, when it does not exist yet or needs to be updated, and it is inside the pm-aports folder. Checking this is expensive - if you know, that all packages are provides by upstream repos, set this to False! """ # Initialize chroot check_min_version(args, suffix) pmb.chroot.init(args, suffix) # Add depends to packages arch = pmb.parse.arch.from_chroot_suffix(args, suffix) packages_with_depends = pmb.parse.depends.recurse(args, packages, arch, strict=True) # Filter out up-to-date packages packages_installed = installed(args, suffix) packages_todo = [] for package in packages_with_depends: if install_is_necessary( args, build, arch, package, packages_installed): packages_todo.append(package) if not len(packages_todo): return # Sanitize packages: don't allow '--allow-untrusted' and other options # to be passed to apk! for package in packages_todo: if package.startswith("-"): raise ValueError("Invalid package name: " + package) # Readable install message without dependencies message = "(" + suffix + ") install" for pkgname in packages: if pkgname not in packages_installed: message += " " + pkgname logging.info(message) # Install/update everything packages_todo = replace_aports_packages_with_path(args, packages_todo, suffix, arch) pmb.chroot.root(args, ["apk", "--no-progress", "add", "-u"] + packages_todo, suffix) def upgrade(args, suffix="native", update_index=True): """ Upgrade all packages installed in a chroot """ # Prepare apk and update index check_min_version(args, suffix) pmb.chroot.init(args, suffix) if update_index: pmb.chroot.root(args, ["apk", "update"], suffix) # Rebuild and upgrade out-of-date packages packages = installed(args, suffix).keys() install(args, packages, suffix) def installed(args, suffix="native"): """ Read the list of installed packages (which has almost the same format, as an APKINDEX, but with more keys). :returns: a dictionary with the following structure: { "postmarketos-mkinitfs": { "pkgname": "postmarketos-mkinitfs" "version": "0.0.4-r10", "depends": ["busybox-extras", "lddtree", ...], "provides": ["mkinitfs=0.0.1"] }, ... } """ path = args.work + "/chroot_" + suffix + "/lib/apk/db/installed" if not os.path.exists(path): return {} return pmb.parse.apkindex.parse(args, path)