# Copyright 2023 Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later """ Test pmb/helpers/status.py """ import os import pytest import shutil import sys import pmb_test import pmb_test.git import pmb.config import pmb.config.workdir @pytest.fixture def args(request): import pmb.parse sys.argv = ["pmbootstrap", "init"] args = pmb.parse.arguments() args.log = args.work + "/log_testsuite.txt" pmb.helpers.logging.init(args) request.addfinalizer(pmb.helpers.logging.logfd.close) return args def test_pmbootstrap_status(args, tmpdir): """ High level testing of 'pmbootstrap status': run it twice, once with a fine workdir, and once where one check is failing. """ # Prepare empty workdir work = str(tmpdir) with open(work + "/version", "w") as handle: handle.write(str(pmb.config.work_version)) # "pmbootstrap status" succeeds (pmb.helpers.run.user verifies exit 0) pmbootstrap = pmb.config.pmb_src + "/pmbootstrap.py" pmb.helpers.run.user(args, [pmbootstrap, "-w", work, "status", "--details"]) # Mark chroot_native as outdated with open(work + "/workdir.cfg", "w") as handle: handle.write("[chroot-init-dates]\nnative = 1234\n") # "pmbootstrap status" fails ret = pmb.helpers.run.user(args, [pmbootstrap, "-w", work, "status"], check=False) assert ret == 1 def test_print_checks_git_repo(args, monkeypatch, tmpdir): """ Test pmb.helpers.status.print_checks_git_repo """ path, run_git = pmb_test.git.prepare_tmpdir(args, monkeypatch, tmpdir) # Not on official branch func = pmb.helpers.status.print_checks_git_repo name_repo = "test" run_git(["checkout", "-b", "inofficial-branch"]) status, _ = func(args, name_repo) assert status == -1 # Workdir is not clean run_git(["checkout", "master"]) shutil.copy(__file__, path + "/test.py") status, _ = func(args, name_repo) assert status == -2 os.unlink(path + "/test.py") # Tracking different remote status, _ = func(args, name_repo) assert status == -3 # Let master track origin/master run_git(["checkout", "-b", "temp"]) run_git(["branch", "-D", "master"]) run_git(["checkout", "-b", "master", "--track", "origin/master"]) # Not up to date run_git(["commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "new"], "remote") run_git(["fetch"]) status, _ = func(args, name_repo) assert status == -4 # Up to date run_git(["pull"]) status, _ = func(args, name_repo) assert status == 0 # Outdated remote information def is_outdated(path): return True monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.git, "is_outdated", is_outdated) status, _ = func(args, name_repo) assert status == -5