# Copyright 2023 Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import os import sys import pytest import shutil import time import pmb_test # noqa import pmb_test.const import pmb_test.git import pmb.helpers.git import pmb.helpers.logging import pmb.helpers.run @pytest.fixture def args(request): import pmb.parse cfg = f"{pmb_test.const.testdata}/channels.cfg" sys.argv = ["pmbootstrap.py", "--config-channels", cfg, "init"] args = pmb.parse.arguments() args.log = args.work + "/log_testsuite.txt" pmb.helpers.logging.init(args) request.addfinalizer(pmb.helpers.logging.logfd.close) return args def test_get_path(args): func = pmb.helpers.git.get_path args.work = "/wrk" args.aports = "/tmp/pmaports" assert func(args, "aports_upstream") == "/wrk/cache_git/aports_upstream" assert func(args, "pmaports") == "/tmp/pmaports" def test_can_fast_forward(args, tmpdir): tmpdir = str(tmpdir) func = pmb.helpers.git.can_fast_forward branch_origin = "fake-branch-origin" def run_git(git_args): pmb.helpers.run.user(args, ["git"] + git_args, tmpdir, "stdout") # Create test git repo run_git(["init", "."]) run_git(["commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "commit on master"]) run_git(["checkout", "-b", branch_origin]) run_git(["commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "commit on branch_origin"]) run_git(["checkout", "master"]) # Can fast-forward assert func(args, tmpdir, branch_origin) is True # Can't fast-forward run_git(["commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "commit on master #2"]) assert func(args, tmpdir, branch_origin) is False # Git command fails with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: func(args, tmpdir, "invalid-branch") assert str(e.value).startswith("Unexpected exit code") def test_clean_worktree(args, tmpdir): tmpdir = str(tmpdir) func = pmb.helpers.git.clean_worktree def run_git(git_args): pmb.helpers.run.user(args, ["git"] + git_args, tmpdir, "stdout") # Create test git repo run_git(["init", "."]) run_git(["commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "commit on master"]) assert func(args, tmpdir) is True pmb.helpers.run.user(args, ["touch", "test"], tmpdir) assert func(args, tmpdir) is False def test_get_upstream_remote(args, monkeypatch, tmpdir): tmpdir = str(tmpdir) func = pmb.helpers.git.get_upstream_remote name_repo = "test" # Override get_path() def get_path(args, name_repo): return tmpdir monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.git, "get_path", get_path) # Override pmb.config.git_repos url = "https://postmarketos.org/get-upstream-remote-test.git" git_repos = {"test": url} monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.config, "git_repos", git_repos) def run_git(git_args): pmb.helpers.run.user(args, ["git"] + git_args, tmpdir, "stdout") # Create git repo run_git(["init", "."]) run_git(["commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "commit on master"]) # No upstream remote with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: func(args, name_repo) assert "could not find remote name for URL" in str(e.value) run_git(["remote", "add", "hello", url]) assert func(args, name_repo) == "hello" def test_parse_channels_cfg(args): exp = {"meta": {"recommended": "edge"}, "channels": {"edge": {"description": "Rolling release channel", "branch_pmaports": "master", "branch_aports": "master", "mirrordir_alpine": "edge"}, "v20.05": {"description": "For workgroups", "branch_pmaports": "v20.05", "branch_aports": "3.11-stable", "mirrordir_alpine": "v3.11"}, "v21.03": {"description": "Second beta release", "branch_pmaports": "v21.03", "branch_aports": "3.13-stable", "mirrordir_alpine": "v3.13"}}} assert pmb.helpers.git.parse_channels_cfg(args) == exp def test_pull_non_existing(args): assert pmb.helpers.git.pull(args, "non-existing-repo-name") == 1 def test_pull(args, monkeypatch, tmpdir): """ Test pmb.helpers.git.pull """ path, run_git = pmb_test.git.prepare_tmpdir(args, monkeypatch, tmpdir) # Not on official branch func = pmb.helpers.git.pull name_repo = "test" run_git(["checkout", "-b", "inofficial-branch"]) assert func(args, name_repo) == -1 # Workdir is not clean run_git(["checkout", "master"]) shutil.copy(__file__, path + "/test.py") assert func(args, name_repo) == -2 os.unlink(path + "/test.py") # Tracking different remote assert func(args, name_repo) == -3 # Let master track origin/master run_git(["checkout", "-b", "temp"]) run_git(["branch", "-D", "master"]) run_git(["checkout", "-b", "master", "--track", "origin/master"]) # Already up to date assert func(args, name_repo) == 2 # Can't fast-forward run_git(["commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "test"]) assert func(args, name_repo) == -4 # Fast-forward successfully run_git(["reset", "--hard", "origin/master"]) run_git(["commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "new"], "remote") assert func(args, name_repo) == 0 def test_is_outdated(tmpdir, monkeypatch): func = pmb.helpers.git.is_outdated # Override time.time(): now is "100" def fake_time(): return 100.0 monkeypatch.setattr(time, "time", fake_time) # Create .git/FETCH_HEAD path = str(tmpdir) os.mkdir(path + "/.git") fetch_head = path + "/.git/FETCH_HEAD" open(fetch_head, "w").close() # Set mtime to 90 os.utime(fetch_head, times=(0, 90)) # Outdated (date_outdated: 90) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.config, "git_repo_outdated", 10) assert func(path) is True # Not outdated (date_outdated: 89) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.config, "git_repo_outdated", 11) assert func(path) is False