# Copyright 2021 Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later """ Save, read, verify workdir state related information in $WORK/workdir.cfg, for example the init dates of the chroots. This is not saved in pmbootstrap.cfg, because pmbootstrap.cfg is not tied to a specific work dir. """ import configparser import os import time import pmb.config import pmb.config.pmaports def chroot_save_init(args, suffix): """ Save the chroot initialization data in $WORK/workdir.cfg. """ # Read existing cfg cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() path = args.work + "/workdir.cfg" if os.path.isfile(path): cfg.read(path) # Create sections for key in ["chroot-init-dates", "chroot-channels"]: if key not in cfg: cfg[key] = {} # Update sections channel = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config(args)["channel"] cfg["chroot-channels"][suffix] = channel cfg["chroot-init-dates"][suffix] = str(int(time.time())) # Write back with open(path, "w") as handle: cfg.write(handle) def chroots_outdated(args): """ Check if init dates from workdir.cfg indicate that any chroot is outdated. :returns: True if any of the chroots are outdated and should be zapped, False otherwise """ # Skip if workdir.cfg doesn't exist path = args.work + "/workdir.cfg" if not os.path.exists(path): return False cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(path) key = "chroot-init-dates" if key not in cfg: return False date_outdated = time.time() - pmb.config.chroot_outdated for suffix in cfg[key]: date_init = int(cfg[key][suffix]) if date_init <= date_outdated: return True return False def chroot_check_channel(args, suffix): path = args.work + "/workdir.cfg" msg_again = "Run 'pmbootstrap zap' to delete your chroots and try again." msg_unknown = ("Could not figure out on which release channel the" f" '{suffix}' chroot is.") if not os.path.exists(path): raise RuntimeError(f"{msg_unknown} {msg_again}") cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(path) key = "chroot-channels" if key not in cfg or suffix not in cfg[key]: raise RuntimeError(f"{msg_unknown} {msg_again}") channel = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config(args)["channel"] channel_cfg = cfg[key][suffix] if channel != channel_cfg: raise RuntimeError(f"Chroot '{suffix}' was created for the" f" '{channel_cfg}' channel, but you are on the" f" '{channel}' channel now. {msg_again}") def clean(args): """ Remove obsolete data data from workdir.cfg. :returns: None if workdir does not exist, True if config was rewritten, False if config did not change """ # Skip if workdir.cfg doesn't exist path = args.work + "/workdir.cfg" if not os.path.exists(path): return None # Read cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(path) # Remove entries for deleted chroots changed = False for key in ["chroot-init-dates", "chroot-channels"]: if key not in cfg: continue for suffix in cfg[key]: path_suffix = args.work + "/chroot_" + suffix if os.path.exists(path_suffix): continue changed = True del cfg[key][suffix] # Write back if changed: with open(path, "w") as handle: cfg.write(handle) return changed