""" Copyright 2018 Oliver Smith This file is part of pmbootstrap. pmbootstrap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. pmbootstrap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pmbootstrap. If not, see . """ import argparse import glob import os try: import argcomplete except ImportError: argcomplete = False import pmb.config import pmb.parse.arch def arguments_export(subparser): ret = subparser.add_parser("export", help="create convenience symlinks" " to generated image files (system, kernel," " initramfs, boot.img, ...)") ret.add_argument("export_folder", help="export folder, defaults to" " /tmp/postmarketOS-export", default="/tmp/postmarketOS-export", nargs="?") ret.add_argument("--odin", help="odin flashable tar" " (boot.img/kernel+initramfs only)", action="store_true", dest="odin_flashable_tar") ret.add_argument("--flavor", default=None) return ret def arguments_flasher(subparser): ret = subparser.add_parser("flasher", help="flash something to the" " target device") ret.add_argument("--method", help="override flash method", dest="flash_method", default=None) sub = ret.add_subparsers(dest="action_flasher") sub.required = True # Boot, flash kernel boot = sub.add_parser("boot", help="boot a kernel once") boot.add_argument("--cmdline", help="override kernel commandline") flash_kernel = sub.add_parser("flash_kernel", help="flash a kernel") for action in [boot, flash_kernel]: action.add_argument("--flavor", default=None) # Flash rootfs flash_rootfs = sub.add_parser("flash_rootfs", aliases=["flash_system"], help="flash the rootfs to a partition on the" " device (partition layout does not get" " changed)") flash_rootfs.add_argument("--partition", default=None, help="partition to flash to (Android: default" " is 'system', but 'userdata' may have more" " space)") # Actions without extra arguments sub.add_parser("sideload", help="sideload recovery zip") sub.add_parser("list_flavors", help="list installed kernel flavors" + " inside the device rootfs chroot on this computer") sub.add_parser("list_devices", help="show connected devices") return ret def arguments_initfs(subparser): ret = subparser.add_parser( "initfs", help="do something with the initramfs") sub = ret.add_subparsers(dest="action_initfs") # hook ls sub.add_parser( "hook_ls", help="list available and installed hook packages") # hook add/del hook_add = sub.add_parser("hook_add", help="add a hook package") hook_del = sub.add_parser("hook_del", help="uninstall a hook package") for action in [hook_add, hook_del]: action.add_argument("hook", help="name of the hook aport, without the" " '" + pmb.config.initfs_hook_prefix + "' prefix, for example: 'debug-shell'") # ls, build, extract ls = sub.add_parser("ls", help="list initramfs contents") build = sub.add_parser("build", help="(re)build the initramfs") extract = sub.add_parser( "extract", help="extract the initramfs to a temporary folder") for action in [ls, build, extract]: action.add_argument( "--flavor", default=None, help="name of the kernel flavor (run 'pmbootstrap flasher list_flavors'" " to get a list of all installed flavors") return ret def arguments_qemu(subparser): ret = subparser.add_parser("qemu") ret.add_argument("--arch", choices=["aarch64", "arm", "x86_64"], help="emulate a different architecture") ret.add_argument("--cmdline", help="override kernel commandline") ret.add_argument( "--image-size", help="set rootfs size (e.g. 2048M or 2G)") ret.add_argument("-m", "--memory", type=int, default=1024, help="guest RAM (default: 1024)") ret.add_argument("-p", "--port", type=int, default=2222, help="SSH port (default: 2222)") ret.add_argument("--flavor", help="name of the kernel flavor (run 'pmbootstrap flasher list_flavors'" " to get a list of all installed flavors") display = ret.add_mutually_exclusive_group() display.add_argument("--spice", dest="spice_port", const="8077", action="store", nargs="?", default=None, help="use SPICE for 2D acceleration (default port:" " 8077)") display.add_argument("--display", dest="qemu_display", const="sdl,gl=on", help="Qemu's display parameter (default: sdl,gl=on)", default="sdl,gl=on", nargs="?") ret.add_argument("--host-qemu", dest="host_qemu", action='store_true', help="Use the host system's qemu") return ret def arguments_pkgrel_bump(subparser): ret = subparser.add_parser("pkgrel_bump", help="increase the pkgrel to" " indicate that a package must be rebuilt" " because of a dependency change") ret.add_argument("--dry", action="store_true", help="instead of modifying" " APKBUILDs, exit with >0 when a package would have been" " bumped") # Mutually exclusive: "--auto" or package names mode = ret.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) mode.add_argument("--auto", action="store_true", help="all packages which" " depend on a library which had an incompatible update" " (libraries with a soname bump)") mode.add_argument("packages", nargs="*", default=[]) return ret def arguments_newapkbuild(subparser): """ Wrapper for Alpine's "newapkbuild" command. Most parameters will get directly passed through, and they are defined in "pmb/config/__init__.py". That way they can be used here and when passing them through in "pmb/helpers/frontend.py". The order of the parameters is kept the same as in "newapkbuild -h". """ sub = subparser.add_parser("newapkbuild", help="get a template to package" " new software") sub.add_argument("--folder", help="set postmarketOS aports folder" " (default: main)", default="main") # Passthrough: Strings (e.g. -d "my description") for entry in pmb.config.newapkbuild_arguments_strings: sub.add_argument(entry[0], dest=entry[1], help=entry[2]) # Passthrough: Package type switches (e.g. -C for CMake) group = sub.add_mutually_exclusive_group() for entry in pmb.config.newapkbuild_arguments_switches_pkgtypes: group.add_argument(entry[0], dest=entry[1], help=entry[2], action="store_true") # Passthrough: Other switches (e.g. -c for copying sample files) for entry in pmb.config.newapkbuild_arguments_switches_other: sub.add_argument(entry[0], dest=entry[1], help=entry[2], action="store_true") # Force switch sub.add_argument("-f", dest="force", action="store_true", help="force even if directory already exists") # Passthrough: PKGNAME[-PKGVER] | SRCURL sub.add_argument("pkgname_pkgver_srcurl", metavar="PKGNAME[-PKGVER] | SRCURL", help="set either the package name (optionally with the" " PKGVER at the end, e.g. 'hello-world-1.0') or the" " download link to the source archive") def arguments_kconfig(subparser): # Allowed architectures arch_native = pmb.parse.arch.alpine_native() arch_choices = set(pmb.config.build_device_architectures + [arch_native]) # Kconfig subparser ret = subparser.add_parser("kconfig", help="change or edit kernel configs") sub = ret.add_subparsers(dest="action_kconfig") sub.required = True # "pmbootstrap kconfig check" check = sub.add_parser("check", help="check kernel aport config") check.add_argument("--arch", choices=arch_choices, dest="arch") check.add_argument("package", default="", nargs='?') # "pmbootstrap kconfig edit" (legacy: "pmbootstrap menuconfig") legacy_menuconfig = subparser.add_parser("menuconfig") edit = sub.add_parser("edit", help="edit kernel aport config") for parser in [edit, legacy_menuconfig]: parser.add_argument("--arch", choices=arch_choices, dest="arch") parser.add_argument("-x", dest="xconfig", action="store_true", help="use xconfig rather than ncurses for kernel" " configuration") parser.add_argument("-g", dest="gconfig", action="store_true", help="use gconfig rather than ncurses for kernel" " configuration") parser.add_argument("package") def packagecompleter(prefix, action, parser, parsed_args): args = parsed_args pmb.config.merge_with_args(args) packages = set() for apkbuild in glob.glob(args.aports + "/*/" + prefix + "*/APKBUILD"): packages.add(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(apkbuild))) return packages def arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="pmbootstrap") arch_native = pmb.parse.arch.alpine_native() arch_choices = set(pmb.config.build_device_architectures + [arch_native]) # Other parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="version", version=pmb.config.version) parser.add_argument("-a", "--alpine-version", dest="alpine_version", help="examples: edge, latest-stable, v3.5") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="config", default=pmb.config.defaults["config"]) parser.add_argument("-d", "--port-distccd", dest="port_distccd") parser.add_argument("-mp", "--mirror-pmOS", dest="mirror_postmarketos") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mirror-alpine", dest="mirror_alpine") parser.add_argument("-j", "--jobs", help="parallel jobs when compiling") parser.add_argument("-p", "--aports", help="postmarketos aports paths") parser.add_argument("-s", "--skip-initfs", dest="skip_initfs", help="do not re-generate the initramfs", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", help="seconds after which processes" " get killed that stopped writing any output (default:" " 300)", default=300, type=float) parser.add_argument("-w", "--work", help="folder where all data" " gets stored (chroots, caches, built packages)") parser.add_argument("-y", "--assume-yes", help="Assume 'yes' to all" " question prompts. WARNING: this option will" " cause normal 'are you sure?' prompts to be" " disabled!", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--as-root", help="Allow running as root (not" " recommended, may screw up your work folders" " directory permissions!)", dest="as_root", action="store_true") # Compiler parser.add_argument("--ccache-disable", action="store_false", dest="ccache", help="do not cache the compiled output") parser.add_argument("--distcc-nofallback", action="store_false", help="when using the cross compiler via distcc fails," "do not fall back to compiling slowly with QEMU", dest="distcc_fallback") parser.add_argument("--no-cross", action="store_false", dest="cross", help="disable cross compiler, build only with QEMU and" " gcc (slow!)") # Logging parser.add_argument("-l", "--log", dest="log", default=None, help="path to log file") parser.add_argument("--details-to-stdout", dest="details_to_stdout", help="print details (e.g. build output) to stdout," " instead of writing to the log", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="write even more to the" " logfiles (this may reduce performance)") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="do not output any log messages") # Actions sub = parser.add_subparsers(title="action", dest="action") sub.add_parser("init", help="initialize config file") sub.add_parser("shutdown", help="umount, unregister binfmt") sub.add_parser("index", help="re-index all repositories with custom built" " packages (do this after manually removing package files)") sub.add_parser("work_migrate", help="run this before using pmbootstrap" " non-interactively to migrate the" " work folder version on demand") arguments_kconfig(sub) arguments_export(sub) arguments_flasher(sub) arguments_initfs(sub) arguments_qemu(sub) arguments_pkgrel_bump(sub) arguments_newapkbuild(sub) # Action: log log = sub.add_parser("log", help="follow the pmbootstrap logfile") log_distccd = sub.add_parser( "log_distccd", help="follow the distccd logfile") for action in [log, log_distccd]: action.add_argument("-n", "--lines", default="60", help="count of initial output lines") action.add_argument("-c", "--clear", help="clear the log", action="store_true", dest="clear_log") # Action: zap zap = sub.add_parser("zap", help="safely delete chroot folders") zap.add_argument("--dry", action="store_true", help="instead of actually" " deleting anything, print out what would have been" " deleted") zap.add_argument("-hc", "--http", action="store_true", help="also delete http" " cache") zap.add_argument("-d", "--distfiles", action="store_true", help="also delete" " downloaded source tarballs") zap.add_argument("-p", "--pkgs-local", action="store_true", dest="pkgs_local", help="also delete *all* locally compiled packages") zap.add_argument("-m", "--pkgs-local-mismatch", action="store_true", dest="pkgs_local_mismatch", help="also delete locally compiled packages without" " existing aport of same version") zap.add_argument("-o", "--pkgs-online-mismatch", action="store_true", dest="pkgs_online_mismatch", help="also delete outdated packages from online mirrors" " (that have been downloaded to the apk cache)") # Action: stats stats = sub.add_parser("stats", help="show ccache stats") stats.add_argument("--arch", default=arch_native, choices=arch_choices) # Action: update update = sub.add_parser("update", help="update all existing APKINDEX" " files") update.add_argument("--arch", default=None, choices=arch_choices, help="only update a specific architecture") update.add_argument("--non-existing", action="store_true", help="do not" " only update the existing APKINDEX files, but all of" " them", dest="non_existing") # Action: build_init / chroot build_init = sub.add_parser("build_init", help="initialize build" " environment (usually you do not need to call this)") chroot = sub.add_parser("chroot", help="start shell in chroot") chroot.add_argument("--add", help="build/install comma separated list of" " packages in the chroot before entering it") chroot.add_argument("--user", help="run the command as user, not as root", action="store_true") chroot.add_argument("--output", choices=["log", "stdout", "interactive", "tui", "background"], help="how the output of the" " program should be handled, choose from: 'log'," " 'stdout', 'interactive', 'tui' (default)," " 'background'. Details: pmb/helpers/run_core.py", default="tui") chroot.add_argument("command", default=["sh", "-i"], help="command" " to execute inside the chroot. default: sh", nargs='*') for action in [build_init, chroot]: suffix = action.add_mutually_exclusive_group() if action == chroot: suffix.add_argument("-r", "--rootfs", action="store_true", help="Chroot for the device root file system") suffix.add_argument("-b", "--buildroot", nargs="?", const="device", choices={"device"} | arch_choices, help="Chroot for building packages, defaults to device " "architecture") suffix.add_argument("-s", "--suffix", default=None, help="Specify any chroot suffix, defaults to" " 'native'") # Action: install install = sub.add_parser("install", help="set up device specific" + " chroot and install to sdcard or image file") group = install.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("--sdcard", help="path to the sdcard device," " eg. /dev/mmcblk0") group.add_argument("--split", help="install the boot and root partition" " in separated image files", action="store_true") group.add_argument("--android-recovery-zip", help="generate TWRP flashable zip", action="store_true", dest="android_recovery_zip") install.add_argument("--rsync", help="update the sdcard using rsync," " only works with --no-fde", action="store_true") install.add_argument("--cipher", help="cryptsetup cipher used to" " encrypt the rootfs, eg. aes-xts-plain64") install.add_argument("--iter-time", help="cryptsetup iteration time (in" " miliseconds) to use when encrypting the system" " partiton") install.add_argument("--add", help="comma separated list of packages to be" " added to the rootfs (e.g. 'vim,gcc')") install.add_argument("--no-fde", help="do not use full disk encryption", action="store_false", dest="full_disk_encryption") install.add_argument("--flavor", help="Specify kernel flavor to include in recovery" " flashable zip", default=None) install.add_argument("--recovery-install-partition", default="system", help="partition to flash from recovery," " eg. external_sd", dest="recovery_install_partition") install.add_argument("--recovery-no-kernel", help="do not overwrite the existing kernel", action="store_false", dest="recovery_flash_kernel") # Action: checksum / aportgen / build checksum = sub.add_parser("checksum", help="update aport checksums") aportgen = sub.add_parser("aportgen", help="generate a postmarketOS" " specific package build recipe (aport/APKBUILD)") build = sub.add_parser("build", help="create a package for a" " specific architecture") build.add_argument("--arch", choices=arch_choices, default=None, help="CPU architecture to build for (default: " + arch_native + " or first available architecture in" " APKBUILD)") build.add_argument("--force", action="store_true", help="even build if not" " necessary") build.add_argument("--strict", action="store_true", help="(slower) zap and install only" " required depends when building, to detect dependency errors") build.add_argument("--src", help="override source used to build the" " package with a local folder (the APKBUILD must" " expect the source to be in $builddir, so you might" " need to adjust it)", nargs=1) build.add_argument("-i", "--ignore-depends", action="store_true", help="only build and install makedepends from an" " APKBUILD, ignore the depends (old behavior). This is" " faster for device packages for example, because then" " you don't need to build and install the kernel. But it" " is incompatible with how Alpine's abuild handles it.", dest="ignore_depends") for action in [checksum, build, aportgen]: argument_packages = action.add_argument("packages", nargs="+") if argcomplete: argument_packages.completer = packagecompleter # Action: kconfig_check / apkbuild_parse kconfig_check = sub.add_parser("kconfig_check", help="check, whether all" " the necessary options are" " enabled/disabled in the kernel config") apkbuild_parse = sub.add_parser("apkbuild_parse") for action in [kconfig_check, apkbuild_parse]: action.add_argument("packages", nargs="*") # Action: apkindex_parse apkindex_parse = sub.add_parser("apkindex_parse") apkindex_parse.add_argument("apkindex_path") apkindex_parse.add_argument("package", default=None, nargs="?") # Action: config config = sub.add_parser("config", help="get and set pmbootstrap options") config.add_argument("name", nargs="?", help="variable name") config.add_argument("value", nargs="?", help="set variable to value") # Action: bootimg_analyze bootimg_analyze = sub.add_parser("bootimg_analyze", help="Extract all the" " information from an existing boot.img") bootimg_analyze.add_argument("path", help="path to the boot.img") bootimg_analyze.add_argument("--force", "-f", action="store_true", help="force even if the file seems to be" " invalid") if argcomplete: argcomplete.autocomplete(parser, always_complete_options="long") # Use defaults from the user's config file args = parser.parse_args() pmb.config.merge_with_args(args) # Replace $WORK in variables from any config for key, value in pmb.config.defaults.items(): if key not in args: continue old = getattr(args, key) if isinstance(old, str): setattr(args, key, old.replace("$WORK", args.work)) # Add convenience shortcuts setattr(args, "arch_native", arch_native) # Add a caching dict (caches parsing of files etc. for the current session) setattr(args, "cache", {"apkindex": {}, "apkbuild": {}, "apk_min_version_checked": [], "apk_repository_list_updated": [], "built": {}, "find_aport": {}}) # Add and verify the deviceinfo (only after initialization) if args.action not in ("init", "config", "bootimg_analyze"): setattr(args, "deviceinfo", pmb.parse.deviceinfo(args)) arch = args.deviceinfo["arch"] if (arch != args.arch_native and arch not in pmb.config.build_device_architectures): raise ValueError("Arch '" + arch + "' is not available in" " postmarketOS. If you would like to add it, see:" " ") return args