""" Copyright 2018 Oliver Smith This file is part of pmbootstrap. pmbootstrap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. pmbootstrap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pmbootstrap. If not, see . """ import logging import os import tarfile import pmb.chroot.apk import pmb.helpers.repo import pmb.parse.version def parse_next_block(args, path, lines, start): """ Parse the next block in an APKINDEX. :param path: to the APKINDEX.tar.gz :param start: current index in lines, gets increased in this function. Wrapped into a list, so it can be modified "by reference". Example: [5] :param lines: all lines from the "APKINDEX" file inside the archive :returns: a dictionary with the following structure: { "arch": "noarch", "depends": ["busybox-extras", "lddtree", ... ], "pkgname": "postmarketos-mkinitfs", "provides": ["mkinitfs=0.0.1"], "version": "0.0.4-r10", } :returns: None, when there are no more blocks """ # Parse until we hit an empty line or end of file ret = {} mapping = { "A": "arch", "P": "pkgname", "V": "version", "D": "depends", "p": "provides", "t": "timestamp" } end_of_block_found = False for i in range(start[0], len(lines)): # Check for empty line start[0] = i + 1 line = lines[i] if not isinstance(line, str): line = line.decode() if line == "\n": end_of_block_found = True break # Parse keys from the mapping for letter, key in mapping.items(): if line.startswith(letter + ":"): if key in ret: raise RuntimeError( "Key " + key + " (" + letter + ":) specified twice" " in block: " + str(ret) + ", file: " + path) ret[key] = line[2:-1] # Format and return the block if end_of_block_found: # Check for required keys for key in ["pkgname", "version", "timestamp"]: if key not in ret: raise RuntimeError("Missing required key '" + key + "' in block " + str(ret) + ", file: " + path) # Format optional lists for key in ["provides", "depends"]: if key in ret and ret[key] != "": # Ignore all operators for now values = ret[key].split(" ") ret[key] = [] for value in values: if value.startswith("!"): continue for operator in [">", "=", "<"]: if operator in value: value = value.split(operator)[0] break ret[key].append(value) else: ret[key] = [] return ret # No more blocks elif ret != {}: raise RuntimeError("Last block in " + path + " does not end" " with a new line! Delete the file and" " try again. Last block: " + str(ret)) return None def parse_add_block(path, strict, ret, block, pkgname=None): """ Add one block to the return dictionary of parse(). :param path: to the APKINDEX.tar.gz :param strict: When set to True, only allow one entry per pkgname. In case there are two, raise an exception. When set to False, and there are multiple entries for one pkgname, it uses the latest one. :param ret: dictionary of all packages in the APKINDEX, that is getting built right now. This function will extend it. :param block: return value from parse_next_block(). :param pkgname: defaults to the real pkgname, could be an alias from the "provides" list. :param version: defaults to the real version, could be a value from the "provides" list. """ # Defaults if not pkgname: pkgname = block["pkgname"] # Handle duplicate entries if pkgname in ret: if strict: raise RuntimeError("Multiple blocks for " + pkgname + " in " + path) # Ignore the block, if the block we already have has a higher # version version_old = ret[pkgname]["version"] version_new = block["version"] if pmb.parse.version.compare(version_old, version_new) == 1: return # Add it to the result set ret[pkgname] = block def parse(args, path, strict=False): """ Parse an APKINDEX.tar.gz file, and return its content as dictionary. :param strict: When set to True, only allow one entry per pkgname. In case there are two, raise an exception. When set to False, and there are multiple entries for one pkgname, it uses the latest one. :returns: a dictionary with the following structure: { "postmarketos-mkinitfs": { "pkgname": "postmarketos-mkinitfs" "version": "0.0.4-r10", "depends": ["busybox-extras", "lddtree", ...], "provides": ["mkinitfs=0.0.1"] }, ... } """ # Try to get a cached result first lastmod = os.path.getmtime(path) if path in args.cache["apkindex"]: cache = args.cache["apkindex"][path] if cache["lastmod"] == lastmod: return cache["ret"] # Read all lines if tarfile.is_tarfile(path): with tarfile.open(path, "r:gz") as tar: with tar.extractfile(tar.getmember("APKINDEX")) as handle: lines = handle.readlines() else: with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as handle: lines = handle.readlines() # Parse the whole APKINDEX file ret = {} start = [0] while True: block = parse_next_block(args, path, lines, start) if not block: break # Add the next package and all aliases parse_add_block(path, strict, ret, block) if "provides" in block: for alias in block["provides"]: parse_add_block(path, strict, ret, block, alias) # Update the cache args.cache["apkindex"][path] = {"lastmod": lastmod, "ret": ret} return ret def clear_cache(args, path): logging.verbose("Clear APKINDEX cache for: " + path) if path in args.cache["apkindex"]: del args.cache["apkindex"][path] else: logging.verbose("Nothing to do, path was not in cache:" + str(args.cache["apkindex"].keys())) def read(args, package, path, must_exist=True): """ Get information about a single package from an APKINDEX.tar.gz file. :param path: Path to APKINDEX.tar.gz, defaults to $WORK/APKINDEX.tar.gz :param package: The package of which you want to read the properties. :param must_exist: When set to true, raise an exception when the package is missing in the index, or the index file was not found. :returns: {"pkgname": ..., "version": ..., "depends": [...]} When the package appears multiple times in the APKINDEX, this function returns the attributes of the latest version. """ # Verify APKINDEX path if not os.path.exists(path): if not must_exist: return None raise RuntimeError("File not found: " + path) # Parse the APKINDEX apkindex = parse(args, path) if package not in apkindex: if must_exist: raise RuntimeError("Package '" + package + "' not found in " + path) else: return None return apkindex[package] def read_any_index(args, package, arch=None): """ Get information about a single package from any APKINDEX.tar.gz. We iterate through the index files in the order they are listed in /etc/apk/repositories (we write that file in pmbootstrap, so we know the order). That way it is possible to override a package from an upstream binary repository (pmOS or Alpine) with a package built locally with pmbootstrap. If a package is in multiple APKINDEX files in multiple versions, then the highest one gets returned (even if it is not in the first APKINDEX we look at). :param arch: defaults to native architecture :returns: the same format as read() """ if not arch: arch = args.arch_native # Iterate over indexes ret = None version_last = None for index in pmb.helpers.repo.apkindex_files(args, arch): # Skip indexes without the package index_data = read(args, package, index, False) if not index_data: continue # Skip lower versions version = index_data["version"] if ret and pmb.parse.version.compare(version, version_last) == -1: logging.verbose(package + ": " + version + " found in " + index + " (but " + version_last + " is bigger)") continue # Save as result logging.verbose(package + ": " + version + " found in " + index) ret = index_data version_last = version # No result log entry if not ret: logging.verbose(package + ": no match found in any APKINDEX.tar.gz!") return ret