# Copyright 2022 Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import glob import logging import os import re import pmb.chroot import pmb.config import pmb.config.init import pmb.helpers.pmaports import pmb.helpers.run def folder_size(args, path): """ Run `du` to calculate the size of a folder (this is less code and faster than doing the same task in pure Python). This result is only approximatelly right, but good enough for pmbootstrap's use case (#760). :returns: folder size in kilobytes """ output = pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["du", "-ks", path], output_return=True) # Only look at last line to filter out sudo garbage (#1766) last_line = output.split("\n")[-2] ret = int(last_line.split("\t")[0]) return ret def check_grsec(): """ Check if the current kernel is based on the grsec patchset, and if the chroot_deny_chmod option is enabled. Raise an exception in that case, with a link to the issue. Otherwise, do nothing. """ path = "/proc/sys/kernel/grsecurity/chroot_deny_chmod" if not os.path.exists(path): return raise RuntimeError("You're running a kernel based on the grsec" " patchset. This is not supported.") def check_binfmt_misc(args): """ Check if the 'binfmt_misc' module is loaded by checking, if /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/ exists. If it exists, then do nothing. Otherwise, load the module and mount binfmt_misc. If that fails as well, raise an exception pointing the user to the wiki. """ path = "/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/status" if os.path.exists(path): return pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["modprobe", "binfmt_misc"], check=False) pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["mount", "-t", "binfmt_misc", "none", "/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc"]) if not os.path.exists(path): link = "https://postmarketos.org/binfmt_misc" raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to set up binfmt_misc, see: {link}") def migrate_success(args, version): logging.info("Migration to version " + str(version) + " done") with open(args.work + "/version", "w") as handle: handle.write(str(version) + "\n") def migrate_work_folder(args): # Read current version current = 0 path = args.work + "/version" if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, "r") as f: current = int(f.read().rstrip()) # Compare version, print warning or do nothing required = pmb.config.work_version if current == required: return logging.info("WARNING: Your work folder version needs to be migrated" " (from version " + str(current) + " to " + str(required) + ")!") # 0 => 1 if current == 0: # Ask for confirmation logging.info("Changelog:") logging.info("* Building chroots have a different username (#709)") logging.info("Migration will do the following:") logging.info("* Zap your chroots") logging.info("* Adjust '" + args.work + "/config_abuild/abuild.conf'") if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args): raise RuntimeError("Aborted.") # Zap and update abuild.conf pmb.chroot.zap(args, False) conf = args.work + "/config_abuild/abuild.conf" if os.path.exists(conf): pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["sed", "-i", "s./home/user/./home/pmos/.g", conf]) # Update version file migrate_success(args, 1) current = 1 # 1 => 2 if current == 1: # Ask for confirmation logging.info("Changelog:") logging.info("* Fix: cache_distfiles was writable for everyone") logging.info("Migration will do the following:") logging.info("* Fix permissions of '" + args.work + "/cache_distfiles'") if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args): raise RuntimeError("Aborted.") # Fix permissions dir = "/var/cache/distfiles" for cmd in [["chown", "-R", "root:abuild", dir], ["chmod", "-R", "664", dir], ["chmod", "a+X", dir]]: pmb.chroot.root(args, cmd) migrate_success(args, 2) current = 2 if current == 2: # Ask for confirmation logging.info("Changelog:") logging.info("* Device chroots have a different user UID (#1576)") logging.info("Migration will do the following:") logging.info("* Zap your chroots") if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args): raise RuntimeError("Aborted.") # Zap chroots pmb.chroot.zap(args, False) # Update version file migrate_success(args, 3) current = 3 if current == 3: # Ask for confirmation path = args.work + "/cache_git" logging.info("Changelog:") logging.info("* pmbootstrap clones repositories with host system's") logging.info(" 'git' instead of using it from an Alpine chroot") logging.info("Migration will do the following:") logging.info("* Check if 'git' is installed") logging.info("* Change ownership to your user: " + path) if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args): raise RuntimeError("Aborted.") # Require git, set cache_git ownership pmb.config.init.require_programs() if os.path.exists(path): uid_gid = "{}:{}".format(os.getuid(), os.getgid()) pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["chown", "-R", uid_gid, path]) else: os.makedirs(path, 0o700, True) # Update version file migrate_success(args, 4) current = 4 if current == 4: # Ask for confirmation logging.info("Changelog:") logging.info("* packages built by pmbootstrap are in a channel subdir") logging.info("Migration will do the following:") logging.info("* Move existing packages to edge subdir (if any)") logging.info("* Zap your chroots") if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args): raise RuntimeError("Aborted.") # Zap chroots pmb.chroot.zap(args, False) # Move packages to edge subdir edge_path = f"{args.work}/packages/edge" pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["mkdir", "-p", edge_path]) for arch in pmb.config.build_device_architectures: old_path = f"{args.work}/packages/{arch}" new_path = f"{edge_path}/{arch}" if os.path.exists(old_path): if os.path.exists(new_path): raise RuntimeError(f"Won't move '{old_path}' to" f" '{new_path}', destination already" " exists! Consider 'pmbootstrap zap -p'" f" to delete '{args.work}/packages'.") pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["mv", old_path, new_path]) pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["chown", pmb.config.chroot_uid_user, edge_path]) # Update version file migrate_success(args, 5) current = 5 if current == 5: # Ask for confirmation logging.info("Changelog:") logging.info("* besides edge, pmaports channels have the same name") logging.info(" as the branch now (pmbootstrap#2015)") logging.info("Migration will do the following:") logging.info("* Zap your chroots") logging.info("* Adjust subdirs of your locally built packages dir:") logging.info(f" {args.work}/packages") logging.info(" stable => v20.05") logging.info(" stable-next => v21.03") if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args): raise RuntimeError("Aborted.") # Zap chroots to avoid potential "ERROR: Chroot 'native' was created # for the 'stable' channel, but you are on the 'v20.05' channel now." pmb.chroot.zap(args, False) # Migrate packages_dir = f"{args.work}/packages" for old, new in pmb.config.pmaports_channels_legacy.items(): if os.path.exists(f"{packages_dir}/{old}"): pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["mv", old, new], packages_dir) # Update version file migrate_success(args, 6) current = 6 # Can't migrate, user must delete it if current != required: raise RuntimeError("Sorry, we can't migrate that automatically. Please" " run 'pmbootstrap shutdown', then delete your" " current work folder manually ('sudo rm -rf " + args.work + "') and start over with 'pmbootstrap" " init'. All your binary packages and caches will" " be lost.") def check_old_devices(args): """ Check if there are any device ports in device/*/APKBUILD, rather than device/*/*/APKBUILD (e.g. device/testing/...). """ g = glob.glob(args.aports + "/device/*/APKBUILD") if not g: return raise RuntimeError("Found device ports outside device/testing/... " "Please run 'pmbootstrap pull' and/or move the " "following device ports to device/testing:\n - " + '\n - '.join(g)) def validate_hostname(hostname): """ Check whether the string is a valid hostname, according to """ # Check length if len(hostname) > 63: logging.fatal("ERROR: Hostname '" + hostname + "' is too long.") return False # Check that it only contains valid chars if not re.match("^[0-9a-z-]*$", hostname): logging.fatal("ERROR: Hostname must only contain letters (a-z)," " digits (0-9) or minus signs (-)") return False # Check that doesn't begin or end with a minus sign if hostname[:1] == "-" or hostname[-1:] == "-": logging.fatal("ERROR: Hostname must not begin or end with a minus" " sign") return False return True """ pmbootstrap uses this dictionary to save the result of expensive results, so they work a lot faster the next time they are needed in the same session. Usually the cache is written to and read from in the same Python file, with code similar to the following: def lookup(key): if key in pmb.helpers.other.cache["mycache"]: return pmb.helpers.other.cache["mycache"][key] ret = expensive_operation(args, key) pmb.helpers.other.cache["mycache"][key] = ret return ret """ cache = None def init_cache(): global cache """ Add a caching dict (caches parsing of files etc. for the current session) """ repo_update = {"404": [], "offline_msg_shown": False} cache = {"apkindex": {}, "apkbuild": {}, "apk_min_version_checked": [], "apk_repository_list_updated": [], "built": {}, "find_aport": {}, "pmb.helpers.package.depends_recurse": {}, "pmb.helpers.package.get": {}, "pmb.helpers.repo.update": repo_update, "pmb.helpers.git.parse_channels_cfg": {}, "pmb.config.pmaports.read_config": None}