""" Copyright 2019 Oliver Smith This file is part of pmbootstrap. pmbootstrap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. pmbootstrap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pmbootstrap. If not, see . """ import os import shutil import pmb.config import pmb.chroot import pmb.chroot.binfmt import pmb.helpers.run import pmb.helpers.run_core def executables_absolute_path(): """ Get the absolute paths to the sh and chroot executables. """ ret = {} for binary in ["sh", "chroot"]: path = shutil.which(binary, path=pmb.config.chroot_host_path) if not path: raise RuntimeError("Could not find the '" + binary + "' executable. Make sure, that it is in" " your current user's PATH.") ret[binary] = path return ret def root(args, cmd, suffix="native", working_dir="/", output="log", output_return=False, check=None, env={}, auto_init=True): """ Run a command inside a chroot as root. :param env: dict of environment variables to be passed to the command, e.g. {"JOBS": "5"} :param auto_init: automatically initialize the chroot See pmb.helpers.run_core.core() for a detailed description of all other arguments and the return value. """ # Initialize chroot chroot = args.work + "/chroot_" + suffix if not auto_init and not os.path.islink(chroot + "/bin/sh"): raise RuntimeError("Chroot does not exist: " + chroot) if auto_init: pmb.chroot.init(args, suffix) # Readable log message (without all the escaping) msg = "(" + suffix + ") % " for key, value in env.items(): msg += key + "=" + value + " " if working_dir != "/": msg += "cd " + working_dir + "; " msg += " ".join(cmd) # Merge env with defaults into env_all env_all = {"CHARSET": "UTF-8", "HISTFILE": "~/.ash_history", "HOME": "/root", "PATH": pmb.config.chroot_path, "SHELL": "/bin/ash", "TERM": "xterm"} for key, value in env.items(): env_all[key] = value # Build the command in steps and run it, e.g.: # cmd: ["echo", "test"] # cmd_chroot: ["/sbin/chroot", "/..._native", "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo test"] # cmd_sudo: ["sudo", "env", "-i", "sh", "-c", "PATH=... /sbin/chroot ..."] executables = executables_absolute_path() cmd_chroot = [executables["chroot"], chroot, "/bin/sh", "-c", pmb.helpers.run.flat_cmd(cmd, working_dir)] cmd_sudo = ["sudo", "env", "-i", executables["sh"], "-c", pmb.helpers.run.flat_cmd(cmd_chroot, env=env_all)] kill_as_root = output in ["log", "stdout"] return pmb.helpers.run_core.core(args, msg, cmd_sudo, None, output, output_return, check, kill_as_root)