""" Copyright 2019 Oliver Smith This file is part of pmbootstrap. pmbootstrap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. pmbootstrap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pmbootstrap. If not, see . """ import pmb.helpers.run import pmb.aportgen.core import pmb.parse.apkindex import pmb.parse.arch def generate_apkbuild(args, pkgname, deviceinfo, patches): device = "-".join(pkgname.split("-")[1:]) carch = pmb.parse.arch.alpine_to_kernel(deviceinfo["arch"]) makedepends = "perl sed installkernel bash gmp-dev bc linux-headers elfutils-dev devicepkg-dev" package = """ # kernel.release install -D "$builddir/include/config/kernel.release" \\ "$pkgdir/usr/share/kernel/$_flavor/kernel.release" # zImage (find the right one) cd "$builddir/arch/$_carch/boot" _target="$pkgdir/boot/vmlinuz-$_flavor" for _zimg in zImage-dtb Image.gz-dtb *zImage Image; do [ -e "$_zimg" ] || continue msg "zImage found: $_zimg" install -Dm644 "$_zimg" "$_target" break done if ! [ -e "$_target" ]; then error "Could not find zImage in $PWD!" return 1 fi""" build = """ unset LDFLAGS make ARCH="$_carch" CC="${CC:-gcc}" \\ KBUILD_BUILD_VERSION="$((pkgrel + 1 ))-postmarketOS\"""" if deviceinfo["bootimg_qcdt"] == "true": makedepends += " dtbtool" build += """\n # Generate master DTB (deviceinfo_bootimg_qcdt) dtbTool -s 2048 -p "scripts/dtc/" -o "arch/""" + carch + "/boot/dt.img\" \"arch/" + carch + "/boot/\"" package += """\n # Master DTB (deviceinfo_bootimg_qcdt) install -Dm644 "$builddir/arch/""" + carch + """/boot/dt.img" \\ "$pkgdir/boot/dt.img\"""" content = """\ # Reference: # Kernel config based on: arch/""" + carch + """/configs/(CHANGEME!) pkgname=\"""" + pkgname + """\" pkgver=3.x.x pkgrel=0 pkgdesc=\"""" + deviceinfo["name"] + """ kernel fork\" arch=\"""" + deviceinfo["arch"] + """\" _carch=\"""" + carch + """\" _flavor=\"""" + device + """\" url="https://kernel.org" license="GPL-2.0-only" options="!strip !check !tracedeps" makedepends=\"""" + makedepends + """\" # Compiler: latest GCC from Alpine HOSTCC="${CC:-gcc}" HOSTCC="${HOSTCC#${CROSS_COMPILE}}" # Source _repository="(CHANGEME!)" _commit="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" _config="config-${_flavor}.${arch}" source=" $pkgname-$_commit.tar.gz::https://github.com/LineageOS/${_repository}/archive/${_commit}.tar.gz $_config""" + ("\n" + " " * 12).join([""] + patches) + """ " builddir="$srcdir/${_repository}-${_commit}" prepare() { default_prepare downstreamkernel_prepare "$srcdir" "$builddir" "$_config" "$_carch" "$HOSTCC" } build() {""" + build + """ } package() {""" + package + """ } sha512sums="(run 'pmbootstrap checksum """ + pkgname + """' to fill)\"""" # Write the file with open(args.work + "/aportgen/APKBUILD", "w", encoding="utf-8") as handle: for line in content.split("\n"): handle.write(line[8:].replace(" " * 4, "\t") + "\n") def generate(args, pkgname): device = "-".join(pkgname.split("-")[1:]) deviceinfo = pmb.parse.deviceinfo(args, device) # Symlink commonly used patches pmb.helpers.run.user(args, ["mkdir", "-p", args.work + "/aportgen"]) patches = [ "gcc7-give-up-on-ilog2-const-optimizations.patch", "gcc8-fix-put-user.patch", "kernel-use-the-gnu89-standard-explicitly.patch", ] for patch in patches: pmb.helpers.run.user(args, ["ln", "-s", "../../.shared-patches/linux/" + patch, args.work + "/aportgen/" + patch]) generate_apkbuild(args, pkgname, deviceinfo, patches)