""" Copyright 2018 Oliver Smith This file is part of pmbootstrap. pmbootstrap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. pmbootstrap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pmbootstrap. If not, see . """ import os import pytest import sys # Import from parent directory sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/.."))) import pmb.build.other @pytest.fixture def args(request): import pmb.parse sys.argv = ["pmbootstrap", "init"] args = pmb.parse.arguments() args.log = args.work + "/log_testsuite.txt" pmb.helpers.logging.init(args) request.addfinalizer(args.logfd.close) return args def test_filter_missing_packages_invalid(args): """ Test ...repo_missing.filter_missing_packages(): invalid package """ func = pmb.helpers.repo_missing.filter_missing_packages with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: func(args, "armhf", ["invalid-package-name"]) assert str(e.value).startswith("Could not find aport") def test_filter_missing_packages_binary_exists(args): """ Test ...repo_missing.filter_missing_packages(): binary exists """ func = pmb.helpers.repo_missing.filter_missing_packages assert func(args, "armhf", ["busybox"]) == [] def test_filter_missing_packages_pmaports(args, monkeypatch): """ Test ...repo_missing.filter_missing_packages(): pmaports """ build_is_necessary = None func = pmb.helpers.repo_missing.filter_missing_packages def stub(args, arch, pmaport): return build_is_necessary monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.build, "is_necessary", stub) build_is_necessary = True assert func(args, "x86_64", ["busybox", "hello-world"]) == ["hello-world"] build_is_necessary = False assert func(args, "x86_64", ["busybox", "hello-world"]) == [] def test_filter_aport_packages(args): """ Test ...repo_missing.filter_aport_packages() """ func = pmb.helpers.repo_missing.filter_aport_packages assert func(args, "armhf", ["busybox", "hello-world"]) == ["hello-world"] def test_filter_arch_packages(args, monkeypatch): """ Test ...repo_missing.filter_arch_packages() """ func = pmb.helpers.repo_missing.filter_arch_packages check_arch = None def stub(args, arch, pmaport): return check_arch monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.package, "check_arch_recurse", stub) check_arch = False assert func(args, "armhf", ["hello-world"]) == [] check_arch = True assert func(args, "armhf", []) == [] def test_get_relevant_packages(args, monkeypatch): """ Test ...repo_missing.get_relevant_packages() """ # Set up fake return values stub_data = {"check_arch_recurse": False, "depends_recurse": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "filter_arch_packages": ["a", "b", "c"], "filter_aport_packages": ["b", "a"], "filter_missing_packages": ["a"]} def stub(args, arch, pmaport): return stub_data["check_arch_recurse"] monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.package, "check_arch_recurse", stub) def stub(args, arch, pmaport): return stub_data["depends_recurse"] monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.package, "depends_recurse", stub) def stub(args, arch, pmaport): return stub_data["filter_arch_packages"] monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.repo_missing, "filter_arch_packages", stub) def stub(args, arch, pmaport): return stub_data["filter_aport_packages"] monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.repo_missing, "filter_aport_packages", stub) def stub(args, arch, pmaport): return stub_data["filter_missing_packages"] monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.repo_missing, "filter_missing_packages", stub) # No given package func = pmb.helpers.repo_missing.get_relevant_packages assert func(args, "armhf") == ["a"] assert func(args, "armhf", built=True) == ["a", "b"] # Package can't be built for given arch with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: func(args, "armhf", "a") assert "can't be built" in str(e.value) # Package can be built for given arch stub_data["check_arch_recurse"] = True assert func(args, "armhf", "a") == ["a"] assert func(args, "armhf", "a", True) == ["a", "b"] def test_generate_output_format(args, monkeypatch): """ Test ...repo_missing.generate_output_format() """ def stub(args, pkgname, arch): return {"pkgname": "hello-world", "version": "1.0-r0", "depends": ["depend1", "depend2"]} monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.package, "get", stub) def stub(args, pkgname): return "main" monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.pmaports, "get_repo", stub) func = pmb.helpers.repo_missing.generate_output_format ret = [{"pkgname": "hello-world", "repo": "main", "version": "1.0-r0", "depends": ["depend1", "depend2"]}] assert func(args, "armhf", ["hello-world"]) == ret