# Copyright 2020 Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import logging import os import pmb.config import pmb.flasher import pmb.install import pmb.chroot.apk import pmb.chroot.initfs import pmb.chroot.other import pmb.helpers.frontend import pmb.parse.kconfig def kernel(args): # Rebuild the initramfs, just to make sure (see #69) flavor = pmb.helpers.frontend._parse_flavor(args, args.autoinstall) if args.autoinstall: pmb.chroot.initfs.build(args, flavor, "rootfs_" + args.device) # Check kernel config pmb.parse.kconfig.check(args, flavor) # Generate the paths and run the flasher if args.action_flasher == "boot": logging.info("(native) boot " + flavor + " kernel") pmb.flasher.run(args, "boot", flavor) else: logging.info("(native) flash kernel " + flavor) pmb.flasher.run(args, "flash_kernel", flavor) logging.info("You will get an IP automatically assigned to your " "USB interface shortly.") logging.info("Then you can connect to your device using ssh after pmOS has booted:") logging.info("ssh {}@{}".format(args.user, pmb.config.default_ip)) logging.info("NOTE: If you enabled full disk encryption, you should make sure that" " osk-sdl has been properly configured for your device") def list_flavors(args): suffix = "rootfs_" + args.device logging.info("(" + suffix + ") installed kernel flavors:") for flavor in pmb.chroot.other.kernel_flavors_installed(args, suffix): logging.info("* " + flavor) def rootfs(args): method = args.flash_method or args.deviceinfo["flash_method"] # Generate rootfs, install flasher suffix = ".img" if pmb.config.flashers.get(method, {}).get("split", False): suffix = "-root.img" img_path = args.work + "/chroot_native/home/pmos/rootfs/" + args.device + suffix if not os.path.exists(img_path): raise RuntimeError("The rootfs has not been generated yet, please run" " 'pmbootstrap install' first.") # Do not flash if using fastboot & image is too large if method.startswith("fastboot") and args.deviceinfo["flash_fastboot_max_size"]: img_size = os.path.getsize(img_path) / 1024**2 max_size = int(args.deviceinfo["flash_fastboot_max_size"]) if img_size > max_size: raise RuntimeError("The rootfs is too large for fastboot to" " flash.") # Run the flasher logging.info("(native) flash rootfs image") pmb.flasher.run(args, "flash_rootfs") def list_devices(args): pmb.flasher.run(args, "list_devices") def sideload(args): method = args.flash_method or args.deviceinfo["flash_method"] cfg = pmb.config.flashers[method] # Install depends pmb.chroot.apk.install(args, cfg["depends"]) # Mount the buildroot suffix = "buildroot_" + args.deviceinfo["arch"] mountpoint = "/mnt/" + suffix pmb.helpers.mount.bind(args, args.work + "/chroot_" + suffix, args.work + "/chroot_native/" + mountpoint) # Missing recovery zip error zip_path = ("/var/lib/postmarketos-android-recovery-installer/pmos-" + args.device + ".zip") if not os.path.exists(args.work + "/chroot_native" + mountpoint + zip_path): raise RuntimeError("The recovery zip has not been generated yet," " please run 'pmbootstrap install' with the" " '--android-recovery-zip' parameter first!") pmb.flasher.run(args, "sideload") def frontend(args): action = args.action_flasher method = args.flash_method or args.deviceinfo["flash_method"] # Legacy alias if action == "flash_system": action = "flash_rootfs" if method == "none" and action in ["boot", "flash_kernel", "flash_rootfs"]: logging.info("This device doesn't support any flash method.") return if action in ["boot", "flash_kernel"]: kernel(args) if action == "flash_rootfs": rootfs(args) if action == "list_flavors": list_flavors(args) if action == "list_devices": list_devices(args) if action == "sideload": sideload(args)