# Copyright 2021 Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import pytest import sys import pmb_test # noqa import pmb.chroot.apk_static import pmb.config.pmaports import pmb.parse.apkindex import pmb.helpers.logging import pmb.helpers.run import pmb.parse.bootimg @pytest.fixture def args(request): import pmb.parse sys.argv = ["pmbootstrap.py", "chroot"] args = pmb.parse.arguments() args.log = args.work + "/log_testsuite.txt" pmb.helpers.logging.init(args) request.addfinalizer(args.logfd.close) return args def pmbootstrap_run(args, parameters, check=True): """Execute pmbootstrap.py with a test pmbootstrap.conf.""" return pmb.helpers.run.user(args, ["./pmbootstrap.py"] + parameters, working_dir=pmb.config.pmb_src, check=check) def test_crossdirect_rust(args): """ Set up buildroot_armv7 chroot for building, but remove /usr/bin/rustc. Build hello-world-rust for armv7, to verify that it uses /native/usr/bin/rustc instead of /usr/bin/rustc. The package has a check() function, which makes sure that the built program is actually working. """ pmbootstrap_run(args, ["-y", "zap"]) # Remember previously selected device cfg = pmb.config.load(args) old_device = cfg['pmbootstrap']['device'] try: # First, switch to device that is known to exist on all channels, # such as qemu-amd64. Currently selected device may not exist in # stable branch! cfg['pmbootstrap']['device'] = 'qemu-amd64' pmb.config.save(args, cfg) # Switch to "v20.05" channel, as a stable release of alpine is more # likely to have the same rustc version across various architectures. # If armv7/x86_64 have a different rustc version, this test will fail: # 'found crate `std` compiled by an incompatible version of rustc' pmb.config.pmaports.switch_to_channel_branch(args, "v21.03") pmbootstrap_run(args, ["build_init", "-barmv7"]) pmbootstrap_run(args, ["chroot", "--add=rust", "-barmv7", "--", "mv", "/usr/bin/rustc", "/usr/bin/rustc_"]) pmbootstrap_run(args, ["build", "hello-world-rust", "--arch=armv7", "--force"]) # Make /native/usr/bin/rustc unusuable too, to make the build fail pmbootstrap_run(args, ["chroot", "--", "rm", "/usr/bin/rustc"]) assert pmbootstrap_run(args, ["build", "hello-world-rust", "--arch=armv7", "--force"], check=False) == 1 # Make /usr/bin/rustc usable again, to test fallback with qemu pmbootstrap_run(args, ["chroot", "-barmv7", "--", "mv", "/usr/bin/rustc_", "/usr/bin/rustc"]) pmbootstrap_run(args, ["build", "hello-world-rust", "--arch=armv7", "--force"]) finally: # Clean up pmb.config.pmaports.switch_to_channel_branch(args, "edge") pmbootstrap_run(args, ["-y", "zap"]) # Restore previously selected device cfg['pmbootstrap']['device'] = old_device pmb.config.save(args, cfg)