# Copyright 2023 Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import logging import glob import json import os import shutil import pmb.aportgen import pmb.config import pmb.config.pmaports import pmb.helpers.cli import pmb.helpers.devices import pmb.helpers.git import pmb.helpers.http import pmb.helpers.logging import pmb.helpers.other import pmb.helpers.pmaports import pmb.helpers.run import pmb.helpers.ui import pmb.chroot.zap import pmb.parse.deviceinfo import pmb.parse._apkbuild def require_programs(): missing = [] for program in pmb.config.required_programs: if not shutil.which(program): missing.append(program) if missing: raise RuntimeError("Can't find all programs required to run" " pmbootstrap. Please install first:" f" {', '.join(missing)}") def ask_for_username(args): """ Ask for a reasonable username for the non-root user. :returns: the username """ while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Username", None, args.user, False, "[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*") if ret == "root": logging.fatal("ERROR: don't put \"root\" here. This is about" " creating an additional non-root user. Don't worry," " the root user will also be created ;)") continue return ret def ask_for_work_path(args): """ Ask for the work path, until we can create it (when it does not exist) and write into it. :returns: (path, exists) * path: is the full path, with expanded ~ sign * exists: is False when the folder did not exist before we tested whether we can create it """ logging.info("Location of the 'work' path. Multiple chroots" " (native, device arch, device rootfs) will be created" " in there.") while True: try: work = os.path.expanduser(pmb.helpers.cli.ask( "Work path", None, args.work, False)) work = os.path.realpath(work) exists = os.path.exists(work) # Work must not be inside the pmbootstrap path if (work == pmb.config.pmb_src or work.startswith(f"{pmb.config.pmb_src}/")): logging.fatal("ERROR: The work path must not be inside the" " pmbootstrap path. Please specify another" " location.") continue # Create the folder with a version file if not exists: os.makedirs(work, 0o700, True) # If the version file doesn't exists yet because we either just # created the work directory or the user has deleted it for # whatever reason then we need to write initialize it. work_version_file = f"{work}/version" if not os.path.isfile(work_version_file): with open(work_version_file, "w") as handle: handle.write(f"{pmb.config.work_version}\n") # Create cache_git dir, so it is owned by the host system's user # (otherwise pmb.helpers.mount.bind would create it as root) os.makedirs(f"{work}/cache_git", 0o700, True) return (work, exists) except OSError: logging.fatal("ERROR: Could not create this folder, or write" " inside it! Please try again.") def ask_for_channel(args): """ Ask for the postmarketOS release channel. The channel dictates, which pmaports branch pmbootstrap will check out, and which repository URLs will be used when initializing chroots. :returns: channel name (e.g. "edge", "v21.03") """ channels_cfg = pmb.helpers.git.parse_channels_cfg(args) count = len(channels_cfg["channels"]) # List channels logging.info("Choose the postmarketOS release channel.") logging.info(f"Available ({count}):") # Only show the first 3 releases. This includes edge, the latest supported # release plus one. Should be a good solution until new needs arrive when # we might want to have a custom channels.cfg attribute. for channel, channel_data in list(channels_cfg["channels"].items())[:3]: logging.info(f"* {channel}: {channel_data['description']}") # Default for first run: "recommended" from channels.cfg # Otherwise, if valid: channel from pmaports.cfg of current branch # The actual channel name is not saved in pmbootstrap.cfg, because then we # would need to sync it with what is checked out in pmaports.git. default = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config(args)["channel"] choices = channels_cfg["channels"].keys() if args.is_default_channel or default not in choices: default = channels_cfg["meta"]["recommended"] # Ask until user gives valid channel while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Channel", None, default, complete=choices) if ret in choices: return ret logging.fatal("ERROR: Invalid channel specified, please type in one" " from the list above.") def ask_for_ui(args, info): ui_list = pmb.helpers.ui.list(args, info["arch"]) hidden_ui_count = 0 device_is_accelerated = info.get("gpu_accelerated") == "true" if not device_is_accelerated: for i in reversed(range(len(ui_list))): pkgname = f"postmarketos-ui-{ui_list[i][0]}" apkbuild = pmb.helpers.pmaports.get(args, pkgname, subpackages=False, must_exist=False) if apkbuild and "pmb:gpu-accel" in apkbuild["options"]: ui_list.pop(i) hidden_ui_count += 1 # Get default default = args.ui if default not in dict(ui_list).keys(): default = pmb.config.defaults["ui"] logging.info(f"Available user interfaces ({len(ui_list) - 1}): ") ui_completion_list = [] for ui in ui_list: logging.info(f"* {ui[0]}: {ui[1]}") ui_completion_list.append(ui[0]) if hidden_ui_count > 0: logging.info(f"NOTE: {hidden_ui_count} UIs are hidden because" " \"deviceinfo_gpu_accelerated\" is not set (see" " https://postmarketos.org/deviceinfo).") while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("User interface", None, default, True, complete=ui_completion_list) if ret in dict(ui_list).keys(): return ret logging.fatal("ERROR: Invalid user interface specified, please type in" " one from the list above.") def ask_for_ui_extras(args, ui): apkbuild = pmb.helpers.pmaports.get(args, f"postmarketos-ui-{ui}", subpackages=False, must_exist=False) if not apkbuild: return False extra = apkbuild["subpackages"].get(f"postmarketos-ui-{ui}-extras") if extra is None: return False logging.info("This user interface has an extra package:" f" {extra['pkgdesc']}") return pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Enable this package?", default=args.ui_extras) def ask_for_keymaps(args, info): if "keymaps" not in info or info["keymaps"].strip() == "": return "" options = info["keymaps"].split(' ') logging.info(f"Available keymaps for device ({len(options)}): " f"{', '.join(options)}") if args.keymap == "": args.keymap = options[0] while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Keymap", None, args.keymap, True, complete=options) if ret in options: return ret logging.fatal("ERROR: Invalid keymap specified, please type in" " one from the list above.") def ask_for_timezone(args): localtimes = ["/etc/zoneinfo/localtime", "/etc/localtime"] zoneinfo_path = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" for localtime in localtimes: if not os.path.exists(localtime): continue tz = "" if os.path.exists(localtime): tzpath = os.path.realpath(localtime) tzpath = tzpath.rstrip() if os.path.exists(tzpath): try: _, tz = tzpath.split(zoneinfo_path) except: pass if tz: logging.info(f"Your host timezone: {tz}") if pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Use this timezone instead of GMT?", default="y"): return tz logging.info("WARNING: Unable to determine timezone configuration on host," " using GMT.") return "GMT" def ask_for_provider_select(args, apkbuild, providers_cfg): """ Ask for selectable providers that are specified using "_pmb_select" in a APKBUILD. :param apkbuild: the APKBUILD with the _pmb_select :param providers_cfg: the configuration section with previously selected providers. Updated with new providers after selection """ for select in apkbuild["_pmb_select"]: providers = pmb.helpers.pmaports.find_providers(args, select) logging.info(f"Available providers for {select} ({len(providers)}):") has_default = False providers_short = {} last_selected = providers_cfg.get(select, 'default') for pkgname, pkg in providers: # Strip provider prefix if possible short = pkgname if short.startswith(f'{select}-'): short = short[len(f"{select}-"):] # Allow selecting the package using both short and long name providers_short[pkgname] = pkgname providers_short[short] = pkgname if pkgname == last_selected: last_selected = short if not has_default and pkg.get('provider_priority', 0) != 0: # Display as default provider styles = pmb.config.styles logging.info(f"* {short}: {pkg['pkgdesc']} " f"{styles['BOLD']}(default){styles['END']}") has_default = True else: logging.info(f"* {short}: {pkg['pkgdesc']}") while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Provider", None, last_selected, True, complete=providers_short.keys()) if has_default and ret == 'default': # Selecting default means to not select any provider explicitly # In other words, apk chooses it automatically based on # "provider_priority" if select in providers_cfg: del providers_cfg[select] break if ret in providers_short: providers_cfg[select] = providers_short[ret] break logging.fatal("ERROR: Invalid provider specified, please type in" " one from the list above.") def ask_for_provider_select_pkg(args, pkgname, providers_cfg): """ Look up the APKBUILD for the specified pkgname and ask for selectable providers that are specified using "_pmb_select". :param pkgname: name of the package to search APKBUILD for :param providers_cfg: the configuration section with previously selected providers. Updated with new providers after selection """ apkbuild = pmb.helpers.pmaports.get(args, pkgname, subpackages=False, must_exist=False) if not apkbuild: return ask_for_provider_select(args, apkbuild, providers_cfg) def ask_for_device_kernel(args, device): """ Ask for the kernel that should be used with the device. :param device: code name, e.g. "lg-mako" :returns: None if the kernel is hardcoded in depends without subpackages :returns: kernel type ("downstream", "stable", "mainline", ...) """ # Get kernels kernels = pmb.parse._apkbuild.kernels(args, device) if not kernels: return args.kernel # Get default default = args.kernel if default not in kernels: default = list(kernels.keys())[0] # Ask for kernel (extra message when downstream and upstream are available) logging.info("Which kernel do you want to use with your device?") if "downstream" in kernels: logging.info("Downstream kernels are typically the outdated Android" " kernel forks.") if "downstream" in kernels and len(kernels) > 1: logging.info("Upstream kernels (mainline, stable, ...) get security" " updates, but may have less working features than" " downstream kernels.") # List kernels logging.info(f"Available kernels ({len(kernels)}):") for type in sorted(kernels.keys()): logging.info(f"* {type}: {kernels[type]}") while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Kernel", None, default, True, complete=kernels) if ret in kernels.keys(): return ret logging.fatal("ERROR: Invalid kernel specified, please type in one" " from the list above.") return ret def ask_for_device_nonfree(args, device): """ Ask the user about enabling proprietary firmware (e.g. Wifi) and userland (e.g. GPU drivers). All proprietary components are in subpackages $pkgname-nonfree-firmware and $pkgname-nonfree-userland, and we show the description of these subpackages (so they can indicate which peripherals are affected). :returns: answers as dict, e.g. {"firmware": True, "userland": False} """ # Parse existing APKBUILD or return defaults (when called from test case) apkbuild_path = pmb.helpers.devices.find_path(args, device, 'APKBUILD') ret = {"firmware": args.nonfree_firmware, "userland": args.nonfree_userland} if not apkbuild_path: return ret apkbuild = pmb.parse.apkbuild(apkbuild_path) # Only run when there is a "nonfree" subpackage nonfree_found = False for subpackage in apkbuild["subpackages"].keys(): if subpackage.startswith(f"device-{device}-nonfree"): nonfree_found = True if not nonfree_found: return ret # Short explanation logging.info("This device has proprietary components, which trade some of" " your freedom with making more peripherals work.") logging.info("We would like to offer full functionality without hurting" " your freedom, but this is currently not possible for your" " device.") # Ask for firmware and userland individually for type in ["firmware", "userland"]: subpkgname = f"device-{device}-nonfree-{type}" subpkg = apkbuild["subpackages"].get(subpkgname, {}) if subpkg is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find subpackage function for " f"{subpkgname}") if subpkg: logging.info(f"{subpkgname}: {subpkg['pkgdesc']}") ret[type] = pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Enable this package?", default=ret[type]) return ret def ask_for_device(args): vendors = sorted(pmb.helpers.devices.list_vendors(args)) logging.info("Choose your target device vendor (either an " "existing one, or a new one for porting).") logging.info(f"Available vendors ({len(vendors)}): {', '.join(vendors)}") current_vendor = None current_codename = None if args.device: current_vendor = args.device.split("-", 1)[0] current_codename = args.device.split("-", 1)[1] while True: vendor = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Vendor", None, current_vendor, False, r"[a-z0-9]+", vendors) new_vendor = vendor not in vendors codenames = [] if new_vendor: logging.info("The specified vendor ({}) could not be found in" " existing ports, do you want to start a new" " port?".format(vendor)) if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, default=True): continue else: # Unmaintained devices can be selected, but are not displayed devices = sorted(pmb.helpers.devices.list_codenames( args, vendor, unmaintained=False)) # Remove "vendor-" prefixes from device list codenames = [x.split('-', 1)[1] for x in devices] logging.info(f"Available codenames ({len(codenames)}): " + ", ".join(codenames)) if current_vendor != vendor: current_codename = '' codename = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Device codename", None, current_codename, False, r"[a-z0-9]+", codenames) device = f"{vendor}-{codename}" device_path = pmb.helpers.devices.find_path(args, device, 'deviceinfo') device_exists = device_path is not None if not device_exists: if device == args.device: raise RuntimeError( "This device does not exist anymore, check" " " " to see if it was renamed") logging.info("You are about to do" f" a new device port for '{device}'.") if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, default=True): current_vendor = vendor continue # New port creation confirmed logging.info("Generating new aports for: {}...".format(device)) pmb.aportgen.generate(args, f"device-{device}") pmb.aportgen.generate(args, f"linux-{device}") elif "/unmaintained/" in device_path: apkbuild = f"{device_path[:-len('deviceinfo')]}APKBUILD" unmaintained = pmb.parse._apkbuild.unmaintained(apkbuild) logging.info(f"WARNING: {device} is unmaintained: {unmaintained}") if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args): continue break kernel = ask_for_device_kernel(args, device) nonfree = ask_for_device_nonfree(args, device) return (device, device_exists, kernel, nonfree) def ask_for_additional_options(args, cfg): # Allow to skip additional options logging.info("Additional options:" f" extra free space: {args.extra_space} MB," f" boot partition size: {args.boot_size} MB," f" parallel jobs: {args.jobs}," f" ccache per arch: {args.ccache_size}," f" sudo timer: {args.sudo_timer}," f" mirror: {','.join(args.mirrors_postmarketos)}") if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Change them?", default=False): return # Extra space logging.info("Set extra free space to 0, unless you ran into a 'No space" " left on device' error. In that case, the size of the" " rootfs could not be calculated properly on your machine," " and we need to add extra free space to make the image big" " enough to fit the rootfs (pmbootstrap#1904)." " How much extra free space do you want to add to the image" " (in MB)?") answer = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Extra space size", None, args.extra_space, validation_regex="^[0-9]+$") cfg["pmbootstrap"]["extra_space"] = answer # Boot size logging.info("What should be the boot partition size (in MB)?") answer = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Boot size", None, args.boot_size, validation_regex="^[1-9][0-9]*$") cfg["pmbootstrap"]["boot_size"] = answer # Parallel job count logging.info("How many jobs should run parallel on this machine, when" " compiling?") answer = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Jobs", None, args.jobs, validation_regex="^[1-9][0-9]*$") cfg["pmbootstrap"]["jobs"] = answer # Ccache size logging.info("We use ccache to speed up building the same code multiple" " times. How much space should the ccache folder take up per" " architecture? After init is through, you can check the" " current usage with 'pmbootstrap stats'. Answer with 0 for" " infinite.") regex = "0|[0-9]+(k|M|G|T|Ki|Mi|Gi|Ti)" answer = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Ccache size", None, args.ccache_size, lowercase_answer=False, validation_regex=regex) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["ccache_size"] = answer # Sudo timer logging.info("pmbootstrap does everything in Alpine Linux chroots, so" " your host system does not get modified. In order to" " work with these chroots, pmbootstrap calls 'sudo'" " internally. For long running operations, it is possible" " that you'll have to authorize sudo more than once.") answer = pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Enable background timer to prevent" " repeated sudo authorization?", default=args.sudo_timer) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["sudo_timer"] = str(answer) # Mirrors # prompt for mirror change logging.info("Selected mirror:" f" {','.join(args.mirrors_postmarketos)}") if pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Change mirror?", default=False): mirrors = ask_for_mirror(args) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["mirrors_postmarketos"] = ",".join(mirrors) def ask_for_mirror(args): regex = "^[1-9][0-9]*$" # single non-zero number only json_path = pmb.helpers.http.download( args, "https://postmarketos.org/mirrors.json", "pmos_mirrors", cache=False) with open(json_path, "rt") as handle: s = handle.read() logging.info("List of available mirrors:") mirrors = json.loads(s) keys = mirrors.keys() i = 1 for key in keys: logging.info(f"[{i}]\t{key} ({mirrors[key]['location']})") i += 1 urls = [] for key in keys: # accept only http:// or https:// urls http_count = 0 # remember if we saw any http:// only URLs link_list = [] for k in mirrors[key]["urls"]: if k.startswith("http"): link_list.append(k) if k.startswith("http://"): http_count += 1 # remove all https urls if there is more that one URL and one of # them was http:// if http_count > 0 and len(link_list) > 1: link_list = [k for k in link_list if not k.startswith("https")] if len(link_list) > 0: urls.append(link_list[0]) mirror_indexes = [] for mirror in args.mirrors_postmarketos: for i in range(len(urls)): if urls[i] == mirror: mirror_indexes.append(str(i + 1)) break mirrors_list = [] # require one valid mirror index selected by user while len(mirrors_list) != 1: answer = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Select a mirror", None, ",".join(mirror_indexes), validation_regex=regex) mirrors_list = [] for i in answer.split(","): idx = int(i) - 1 if 0 <= idx < len(urls): mirrors_list.append(urls[idx]) if len(mirrors_list) != 1: logging.info("You must select one valid mirror!") return mirrors_list def ask_for_hostname(args, device): while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Device hostname (short form, e.g. 'foo')", None, (args.hostname or device), True) if not pmb.helpers.other.validate_hostname(ret): continue # Don't store device name in user's config (gets replaced in install) if ret == device: return "" return ret def ask_for_ssh_keys(args): if not len(glob.glob(os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_*.pub"))): return False return pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Would you like to copy your SSH public" " keys to the device?", default=args.ssh_keys) def ask_build_pkgs_on_install(args): logging.info("After pmaports are changed, the binary packages may be" " outdated. If you want to install postmarketOS without" " changes, reply 'n' for a faster installation.") return pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Build outdated packages during" " 'pmbootstrap install'?", default=args.build_pkgs_on_install) def get_locales(): ret = [] list_path = f"{pmb.config.pmb_src}/pmb/data/locales" with open(list_path, "r") as handle: for line in handle: ret += [line.rstrip()] return ret def ask_for_locale(args): locales = get_locales() logging.info("Choose your preferred locale, like e.g. en_US. Only UTF-8" " is supported, it gets appended automatically. Use" " tab-completion if needed.") while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Locale", choices=None, default=args.locale.replace(".UTF-8", ""), lowercase_answer=False, complete=locales) ret = ret.replace(".UTF-8", "") if ret not in locales: logging.info("WARNING: this locale is not in the list of known" " valid locales.") if pmb.helpers.cli.ask() != "y": # Ask again continue return f"{ret}.UTF-8" def frontend(args): require_programs() # Work folder (needs to be first, so we can create chroots early) cfg = pmb.config.load(args) work, work_exists = ask_for_work_path(args) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["work"] = work # Update args and save config (so chroots and 'pmbootstrap log' work) pmb.helpers.args.update_work(args, work) pmb.config.save(args, cfg) # Migrate work dir if necessary pmb.helpers.other.migrate_work_folder(args) # Clone pmaports pmb.config.pmaports.init(args) # Choose release channel, possibly switch pmaports branch channel = ask_for_channel(args) pmb.config.pmaports.switch_to_channel_branch(args, channel) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["is_default_channel"] = "False" # Copy the git hooks if master was checked out. (Don't symlink them and # only do it on master, so the git hooks don't change unexpectedly when # having a random branch checked out.) branch_current = pmb.helpers.git.rev_parse(args, args.aports, extra_args=["--abbrev-ref"]) if branch_current == "master": logging.info("NOTE: pmaports is on master branch, copying git hooks.") pmb.config.pmaports.install_githooks(args) # Device device, device_exists, kernel, nonfree = ask_for_device(args) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["device"] = device cfg["pmbootstrap"]["kernel"] = kernel cfg["pmbootstrap"]["nonfree_firmware"] = str(nonfree["firmware"]) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["nonfree_userland"] = str(nonfree["userland"]) info = pmb.parse.deviceinfo(args, device) apkbuild_path = pmb.helpers.devices.find_path(args, device, 'APKBUILD') if apkbuild_path: apkbuild = pmb.parse.apkbuild(apkbuild_path) ask_for_provider_select(args, apkbuild, cfg["providers"]) # Device keymap if device_exists: cfg["pmbootstrap"]["keymap"] = ask_for_keymaps(args, info) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["user"] = ask_for_username(args) ask_for_provider_select_pkg(args, "postmarketos-base", cfg["providers"]) # UI and various build options ui = ask_for_ui(args, info) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["ui"] = ui cfg["pmbootstrap"]["ui_extras"] = str(ask_for_ui_extras(args, ui)) ask_for_provider_select_pkg(args, f"postmarketos-ui-{ui}", cfg["providers"]) ask_for_additional_options(args, cfg) # Extra packages to be installed to rootfs logging.info("Additional packages that will be installed to rootfs." " Specify them in a comma separated list (e.g.: vim,file)" " or \"none\"") extra = pmb.helpers.cli.ask("Extra packages", None, args.extra_packages, validation_regex=r"^([-.+\w]+)(,[-.+\w]+)*$") cfg["pmbootstrap"]["extra_packages"] = extra # Configure timezone info cfg["pmbootstrap"]["timezone"] = ask_for_timezone(args) # Locale cfg["pmbootstrap"]["locale"] = ask_for_locale(args) # Hostname cfg["pmbootstrap"]["hostname"] = ask_for_hostname(args, device) # SSH keys cfg["pmbootstrap"]["ssh_keys"] = str(ask_for_ssh_keys(args)) # pmaports path (if users change it with: 'pmbootstrap --aports=... init') cfg["pmbootstrap"]["aports"] = args.aports # Build outdated packages in pmbootstrap install cfg["pmbootstrap"]["build_pkgs_on_install"] = str( ask_build_pkgs_on_install(args)) # Save config pmb.config.save(args, cfg) # Zap existing chroots if (work_exists and device_exists and len(glob.glob(args.work + "/chroot_*")) and pmb.helpers.cli.confirm( args, "Zap existing chroots to apply configuration?", default=True)): setattr(args, "deviceinfo", info) # Do not zap any existing packages or cache_http directories pmb.chroot.zap(args, confirm=False) logging.info("WARNING: The chroots and git repositories in the work dir do" " not get updated automatically.") logging.info("Run 'pmbootstrap status' once a day before working with" " pmbootstrap to make sure that everything is up-to-date.") logging.info("DONE!")