# Copyright 2023 Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later """ Tests all functions from pmb.build._package """ import datetime import glob import os import pytest import shutil import sys import pmb_test # noqa import pmb_test.git import pmb.build import pmb.build._package import pmb.config import pmb.config.init import pmb.helpers.logging @pytest.fixture def args(tmpdir, request): import pmb.parse sys.argv = ["pmbootstrap", "init"] args = pmb.parse.arguments() args.log = args.work + "/log_testsuite.txt" pmb.helpers.logging.init(args) request.addfinalizer(pmb.helpers.logging.logfd.close) return args def return_none(*args, **kwargs): return None def return_string(*args, **kwargs): return "some/random/path.apk" def return_true(*args, **kwargs): return True def return_false(*args, **kwargs): return False def return_fake_build_depends(*args, **kwargs): """ Fake return value for pmb.build._package.build_depends: depends: ["alpine-base"], depends_built: [] """ return (["alpine-base"], []) def args_patched(monkeypatch, argv): monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "argv", argv) return pmb.parse.arguments() def test_skip_already_built(): func = pmb.build._package.skip_already_built assert pmb.helpers.other.cache["built"] == {} assert func("test-package", "armhf") is False assert pmb.helpers.other.cache["built"] == {"armhf": ["test-package"]} assert func("test-package", "armhf") is True def test_get_apkbuild(args): func = pmb.build._package.get_apkbuild # Valid aport pkgname = "postmarketos-base" assert func(args, pkgname, "x86_64")["pkgname"] == pkgname # Valid binary package assert func(args, "alpine-base", "x86_64") is None # Invalid package with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: func(args, "invalid-package-name", "x86_64") assert "Could not find" in str(e.value) def test_check_build_for_arch(monkeypatch, args): # Fake APKBUILD data apkbuild = {"pkgname": "testpkgname"} def fake_helpers_pmaports_get(args, pkgname): return apkbuild monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.helpers.pmaports, "get", fake_helpers_pmaports_get) # pmaport with arch exists func = pmb.build._package.check_build_for_arch apkbuild["arch"] = ["armhf"] assert func(args, "testpkgname", "armhf") is True apkbuild["arch"] = ["noarch"] assert func(args, "testpkgname", "armhf") is True apkbuild["arch"] = ["all"] assert func(args, "testpkgname", "armhf") is True # No binary package exists and can't build it apkbuild["arch"] = ["x86_64"] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: func(args, "testpkgname", "armhf") assert "Can't build" in str(e.value) # pmaport can't be built for x86_64, but binary package exists in Alpine apkbuild = {"pkgname": "mesa", "arch": "armhf", "pkgver": "9999", "pkgrel": "0"} assert func(args, "mesa", "x86_64") is False def test_get_depends(monkeypatch): func = pmb.build._package.get_depends apkbuild = {"pkgname": "test", "depends": ["a"], "makedepends": ["c", "b"], "checkdepends": "e", "subpackages": {"d": None}, "options": []} # Depends + makedepends args = args_patched(monkeypatch, ["pmbootstrap", "build", "test"]) assert func(args, apkbuild) == ["a", "b", "c", "e"] args = args_patched(monkeypatch, ["pmbootstrap", "install"]) assert func(args, apkbuild) == ["a", "b", "c", "e"] # Ignore depends (-i) args = args_patched(monkeypatch, ["pmbootstrap", "build", "-i", "test"]) assert func(args, apkbuild) == ["b", "c", "e"] # Package depends on its own subpackage apkbuild["makedepends"] = ["d"] args = args_patched(monkeypatch, ["pmbootstrap", "build", "test"]) assert func(args, apkbuild) == ["a", "e"] # Package depends on itself apkbuild["makedepends"] = ["c", "b", "test"] args = args_patched(monkeypatch, ["pmbootstrap", "build", "test"]) assert func(args, apkbuild) == ["a", "b", "c", "e"] def test_build_depends(args, monkeypatch): # Shortcut and fake apkbuild func = pmb.build._package.build_depends apkbuild = {"pkgname": "test", "depends": ["a", "!c"], "makedepends": ["b"], "checkdepends": [], "subpackages": {"d": None}, "options": []} # No depends built (first makedepends + depends, then only makedepends) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.build._package, "package", return_none) assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", True) == (["!c", "a", "b"], []) # All depends built (makedepends only) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.build._package, "package", return_string) assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", False) == (["!c", "a", "b"], ["a", "b"]) def test_build_depends_no_binary_error(args, monkeypatch): # Shortcut and fake apkbuild func = pmb.build._package.build_depends apkbuild = {"pkgname": "test", "depends": ["some-invalid-package-here"], "makedepends": [], "checkdepends": [], "subpackages": {}, "options": []} # pmbootstrap build --no-depends args.no_depends = True # Missing binary package error with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", True) assert str(e.value).startswith("Missing binary package for dependency") # All depends exist apkbuild["depends"] = ["alpine-base"] assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", True) == (["alpine-base"], []) def test_build_depends_binary_outdated(args, monkeypatch): """ pmbootstrap runs with --no-depends and dependency binary package is outdated (#1895) """ # Override pmb.parse.apkindex.package(): pretend hello-world is missing # and binutils-aarch64 is outdated func_orig = pmb.parse.apkindex.package def func_patch(args, package, *args2, **kwargs): print(f"func_patch: called for package: {package}") if package == "hello-world": print("pretending that it does not exist") return None if package == "binutils-aarch64": print("pretending that it is outdated") ret = func_orig(args, package, *args2, **kwargs) ret["version"] = "0-r0" return ret return func_orig(args, package, *args2, **kwargs) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.parse.apkindex, "package", func_patch) # Build hello-world with --no-depends and expect failure args.no_depends = True pkgname = "hello-world" arch = "aarch64" force = False strict = True with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: pmb.build.package(args, pkgname, arch, force, strict) assert "'binutils-aarch64' of 'gcc-aarch64' is outdated" in str(e.value) def test_is_necessary_warn_depends(args, monkeypatch): # Shortcut and fake apkbuild func = pmb.build._package.is_necessary_warn_depends apkbuild = {"pkgname": "test"} # Necessary monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.build, "is_necessary", return_true) assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", False, []) is True # Necessary (strict=True overrides is_necessary()) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.build, "is_necessary", return_false) assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", True, []) is True # Not necessary (with depends: different code path that prints a warning) assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", False, []) is False assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", False, ["first", "second"]) is False def test_init_buildenv(args, monkeypatch): # First init native chroot buildenv properly without patched functions pmb.build.init(args) # Disable effects of functions we don't want to test here monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.build._package, "build_depends", return_fake_build_depends) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.build._package, "is_necessary_warn_depends", return_true) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.chroot.apk, "install", return_none) # Shortcut and fake apkbuild func = pmb.build._package.init_buildenv apkbuild = {"pkgname": "test", "depends": ["a"], "makedepends": ["b"], "options": []} # Build is necessary (various code paths) assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", strict=True) is True assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", cross="native") is True # Build is not necessary (only builds dependencies) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.build._package, "is_necessary_warn_depends", return_false) assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf") is False def test_get_pkgver(monkeypatch): # With original source func = pmb.build._package.get_pkgver assert func("1.0", True) == "1.0" # Without original source now = datetime.date(2018, 1, 1) assert func("1.0", False, now) == "1.0_p20180101000000" assert func("1.0_git20170101", False, now) == "1.0_p20180101000000" def test_run_abuild(args, monkeypatch): # Disable effects of functions we don't want to test here monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.build, "copy_to_buildpath", return_none) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.chroot, "user", return_none) # Shortcut and fake apkbuild func = pmb.build._package.run_abuild apkbuild = {"pkgname": "test", "pkgver": "1", "pkgrel": "2", "options": []} # Normal run output = "armhf/test-1-r2.apk" env = {"CARCH": "armhf", "GOCACHE": "/home/pmos/.cache/go-build", "SUDO_APK": "abuild-apk --no-progress"} cmd = ["abuild", "-D", "postmarketOS", "-d"] assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf") == (output, cmd, env) # Force and strict cmd = ["abuild", "-D", "postmarketOS", "-r", "-f"] assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", True, True) == (output, cmd, env) # cross=native env = {"CARCH": "armhf", "GOCACHE": "/home/pmos/.cache/go-build", "SUDO_APK": "abuild-apk --no-progress", "CROSS_COMPILE": "armv6-alpine-linux-musleabihf-", "CC": "armv6-alpine-linux-musleabihf-gcc"} cmd = ["abuild", "-D", "postmarketOS", "-d"] assert func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", cross="native") == (output, cmd, env) def test_finish(args, monkeypatch): # Real output path output = pmb.build.package(args, "hello-world", force=True) # Disable effects of functions we don't want to test below monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.chroot, "user", return_none) # Shortcut and fake apkbuild func = pmb.build._package.finish apkbuild = {"options": []} # Non-existing output path with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: func(args, apkbuild, "armhf", "/invalid/path") assert "Package not found" in str(e.value) # Existing output path func(args, apkbuild, pmb.config.arch_native, output) def test_package(args): # First build assert pmb.build.package(args, "hello-world", force=True) # Package exists pmb.helpers.other.cache["built"] = {} assert pmb.build.package(args, "hello-world") is None # Force building again pmb.helpers.other.cache["built"] = {} assert pmb.build.package(args, "hello-world", force=True) # Build for another architecture assert pmb.build.package(args, "hello-world", "armhf", force=True) # Upstream package, for which we don't have an aport assert pmb.build.package(args, "alpine-base") is None def test_build_depends_high_level(args, monkeypatch): """ "hello-world-wrapper" depends on "hello-world". We build both, then delete "hello-world" and check that it gets rebuilt correctly again. """ # Patch pmb.build.is_necessary() to always build the hello-world package def fake_build_is_necessary(args, arch, apkbuild, apkindex_path=None): if apkbuild["pkgname"] == "hello-world": return True return pmb.build.other.is_necessary(args, arch, apkbuild, apkindex_path) monkeypatch.setattr(pmb.build, "is_necessary", fake_build_is_necessary) # Build hello-world to get its full output path channel = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config(args)["channel"] output_hello = pmb.build.package(args, "hello-world") output_hello_outside = f"{args.work}/packages/{channel}/{output_hello}" assert os.path.exists(output_hello_outside) # Make sure the wrapper exists pmb.build.package(args, "hello-world-wrapper") # Remove hello-world pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["rm", output_hello_outside]) pmb.build.index_repo(args, pmb.config.arch_native) pmb.helpers.other.cache["built"] = {} # Ask to build the wrapper. It should not build the wrapper (it exists, not # using force), but build/update its missing dependency "hello-world" # instead. assert pmb.build.package(args, "hello-world-wrapper") is None assert os.path.exists(output_hello_outside) def test_build_local_source_high_level(args, tmpdir): """ Test building a package with overriding the source code: pmbootstrap build --src=/some/path hello-world We use a copy of the hello-world APKBUILD here that doesn't have the source files it needs to build included. And we use the original aport folder as local source folder, so pmbootstrap should take the source files from there and the build should succeed. """ # aports: Add deviceinfo (required by pmbootstrap to start) tmpdir = str(tmpdir) aports = tmpdir + "/aports" aport = aports + "/device/testing/device-" + args.device os.makedirs(aport) path_original = pmb.helpers.pmaports.find(args, f"device-{args.device}") shutil.copy(f"{path_original}/deviceinfo", aport) # aports: Add modified hello-world aport (source="", uses $builddir) aport = aports + "/main/hello-world" os.makedirs(aport) shutil.copy(pmb.config.pmb_src + "/test/testdata/build_local_src/APKBUILD", aport) # aports: Add pmaports.cfg, .git shutil.copy(args.aports + "/pmaports.cfg", aports) pmb_test.git.copy_dotgit(args, tmpdir) # src: Copy hello-world source files src = tmpdir + "/src" os.makedirs(src) shutil.copy(args.aports + "/main/hello-world/Makefile", src) shutil.copy(args.aports + "/main/hello-world/main.c", src) # src: Create unreadable file (rsync should skip it) unreadable = src + "/_unreadable_file" shutil.copy(args.aports + "/main/hello-world/main.c", unreadable) pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["chown", "root:root", unreadable]) pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["chmod", "500", unreadable]) # Test native arch and foreign arch chroot channel = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config(args)["channel"] for arch in [pmb.config.arch_native, "armhf"]: # Delete all hello-world --src packages pattern = f"{args.work}/packages/{channel}/{arch}/hello-world-*_p*.apk" for path in glob.glob(pattern): pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["rm", path]) assert len(glob.glob(pattern)) == 0 # Build hello-world --src package pmb.helpers.run.user(args, [pmb.config.pmb_src + "/pmbootstrap.py", "--aports", aports, "build", "--src", src, "hello-world", "--arch", arch]) # Verify that the package has been built and delete it paths = glob.glob(pattern) assert len(paths) == 1 pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["rm", paths[0]]) # Clean up: update index, delete temp folder pmb.build.index_repo(args, pmb.config.arch_native) pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["rm", "-r", tmpdir]) def test_build_abuild_leftovers(args, tmpdir): """ Test building a package with having abuild leftovers, that will error if copied: pmbootstrap build hello-world """ # aports: Add deviceinfo (required by pmbootstrap to start) tmpdir = str(tmpdir) aports = f"{tmpdir}/aports" aport = f"{aports}/device/testing/device-{args.device}" os.makedirs(aport) path_original = pmb.helpers.pmaports.find(args, f"device-{args.device}") shutil.copy(f"{path_original}/deviceinfo", aport) # aports: Add modified hello-world aport (source="", uses $builddir) test_aport = "main/hello-world" aport = f"{aports}/{test_aport}" shutil.copytree(f"{args.aports}/{test_aport}", aport) # aports: Add pmaports.cfg, .git shutil.copy(f"{args.aports}/pmaports.cfg", aports) pmb_test.git.copy_dotgit(args, aports) # aport: create abuild dir with broken symlink src = f"{aport}/src" os.makedirs(src) os.symlink("/var/cache/distfiles/non-existent.tar.gz", f"{src}/broken-tarball-symlink.tar.gz") # Delete all hello-world packages channel = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config(args)["channel"] pattern = f"{args.work}/packages/{channel}/*/hello-world-*_p*.apk" for path in glob.glob(pattern): pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["rm", path]) assert len(glob.glob(pattern)) == 0 # Build hello-world package pmb.helpers.run.user(args, [f"{pmb.config.pmb_src}/pmbootstrap.py", "--aports", aports, "build", "--src", src, "hello-world", "--arch", pmb.config.arch_native]) # Verify that the package has been built and delete it paths = glob.glob(pattern) assert len(paths) == 1 pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["rm", paths[0]]) # Clean up: update index, delete temp folder pmb.build.index_repo(args, pmb.config.arch_native) pmb.helpers.run.root(args, ["rm", "-r", tmpdir])