""" Copyright 2017 Oliver Smith This file is part of pmbootstrap. pmbootstrap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. pmbootstrap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pmbootstrap. If not, see . """ import logging import glob import os import pmb.config import pmb.helpers.cli import pmb.helpers.devices import pmb.helpers.run import pmb.helpers.ui import pmb.chroot.zap import pmb.parse.deviceinfo def ask_for_work_path(args): """ Ask for the work path, until we can create it (when it does not exist) and write into it. :returns: the work path """ logging.info("Location of the 'work' path. Multiple chroots" " (native, device arch, device rootfs) will be created" " in there.") while True: try: ret = os.path.expanduser(pmb.helpers.cli.ask( args, "Work path", None, args.work, False)) ret = os.path.realpath(ret) # Work must not be inside the pmbootstrap path if ret == pmb.config.pmb_src or ret.startswith(pmb.config.pmb_src + "/"): logging.fatal("ERROR: The work path must not be inside the" " pmbootstrap path. Please specify another" " location.") continue # Create the folder with a version file if not os.path.exists(ret): os.makedirs(ret, 0o700, True) with open(ret + "/version", "w") as handle: handle.write(pmb.config.work_version + "\n") # Make sure, that we can write into it os.makedirs(ret + "/cache_http", 0o700, True) return ret except OSError: logging.fatal("ERROR: Could not create this folder, or write" " inside it! Please try again.") def ask_for_ui(args): ui_list = pmb.helpers.ui.list(args) logging.info("Available user interfaces (" + str(len(ui_list) - 1) + "): ") for ui, description in ui_list.items(): logging.info("* " + ui + ": " + description) while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask(args, "User interface", None, args.ui, True) if ret in ui_list: return ret logging.fatal("ERROR: Invalid user interface specified, please type in" " one from the list above.") def ask_for_keymaps(args, device): info = pmb.parse.deviceinfo(args, device=device) if "keymaps" not in info or info["keymaps"].strip() == "": return "" options = info["keymaps"].split(' ') logging.info("Available keymaps for device (" + str(len(options)) + "): " + ", ".join(options)) if args.keymap is "": args.keymap = options[0] while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask(args, "Keymap", None, args.keymap, True) if ret in options: return ret logging.fatal("ERROR: Invalid keymap specified, please type in" " one from the list above.") def ask_for_timezone(args): localtimes = ["/etc/zoneinfo/localtime", "/etc/localtime"] zoneinfo_path = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" for localtime in localtimes: if not os.path.exists(localtime): continue tz = "" if os.path.exists(localtime): tzpath = os.path.realpath(localtime) tzpath = tzpath.rstrip() if os.path.exists(tzpath): try: _, tz = tzpath.split(zoneinfo_path) except: pass if tz: logging.info("Your host timezone: " + tz) if pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Use this timezone instead of GMT?", default="y"): return tz logging.info("WARNING: Unable to determine timezone configuration on host, using GMT.") return "GMT" def ask_for_device(args): devices = sorted(pmb.helpers.devices.list(args)) logging.info("Target device (either an existing one, or a new one for" " porting).") logging.info("Available (" + str(len(devices)) + "): " + ", ".join(devices)) while True: device = pmb.helpers.cli.ask(args, "Device", None, args.device, False, "[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]+") device_exists = os.path.exists(args.aports + "/device/device-" + device + "/deviceinfo") if not device_exists: logging.info("You are about to do a new device port for '" + device + "'.") if not pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, default=True): continue pmb.aportgen.generate(args, "device-" + device) pmb.aportgen.generate(args, "linux-" + device) break return (device, device_exists) def ask_for_qemu_mesa_driver(args): drivers = pmb.config.qemu_mesa_drivers logging.info("Which mesa driver do you prefer for your Qemu device? Only" " select something other than the default if you are having" " graphical problems (such as glitches).") while True: ret = pmb.helpers.cli.ask(args, "Mesa driver", drivers, args.qemu_mesa_driver) if ret in drivers: return ret logging.fatal("ERROR: Please specify a driver from the list. To change" " it, see qemu_mesa_drivers in pmb/config/__init__.py.") def frontend(args): cfg = pmb.config.load(args) # Device cfg["pmbootstrap"]["device"], device_exists = ask_for_device(args) # Qemu mesa driver if cfg["pmbootstrap"]["device"].startswith("qemu-"): cfg["pmbootstrap"]["qemu_mesa_driver"] = ask_for_qemu_mesa_driver(args) # Device keymap if device_exists: cfg["pmbootstrap"]["keymap"] = ask_for_keymaps(args, device=cfg["pmbootstrap"]["device"]) # Username cfg["pmbootstrap"]["user"] = pmb.helpers.cli.ask(args, "Username", None, args.user, False, "[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*") # UI and work folder cfg["pmbootstrap"]["ui"] = ask_for_ui(args) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["work"] = ask_for_work_path(args) # Parallel job count logging.info("How many jobs should run parallel on this machine, when" " compiling?") cfg["pmbootstrap"]["jobs"] = pmb.helpers.cli.ask(args, "Jobs", None, args.jobs, validation_regex="[1-9][0-9]*") # Timestamp based rebuilds logging.info("Rebuild packages, when the last modified timestamp changed," " even if the version did not change? This makes pmbootstrap" " behave more like 'make'.") answer = pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Timestamp based rebuilds", default=args.timestamp_based_rebuild) cfg["pmbootstrap"]["timestamp_based_rebuild"] = str(answer) # Extra packages to be installed to rootfs logging.info("Additional packages that will be installed to rootfs." " Specify them in a comma separated list (e.g.: vim,file)" " or \"none\"") cfg["pmbootstrap"]["extra_packages"] = pmb.helpers.cli.ask(args, "Extra packages", None, args.extra_packages, validation_regex="^(|[-.+\w\s]+(?:,[-.+\w\s]*)*)$") # Configure timezone info cfg["pmbootstrap"]["timezone"] = ask_for_timezone(args) # Save config pmb.config.save(args, cfg) # Zap existing chroots setattr(args, "work", cfg["pmbootstrap"]["work"]) if (device_exists and len(glob.glob(args.work + "/chroot_*")) and pmb.helpers.cli.confirm(args, "Zap existing chroots to apply configuration?", default=True)): setattr(args, "deviceinfo", pmb.parse.deviceinfo(args, device=cfg["pmbootstrap"]["device"])) # Do not zap any existing packages or cache_http directories pmb.chroot.zap(args, confirm=False) logging.info( "WARNING: The applications in the chroots do not get updated automatically.") logging.info("Run 'pmbootstrap zap' to delete all chroots once a day before" " working with pmbootstrap!") logging.info("It only takes a few seconds, and all packages are cached.") logging.info("Done!")