# Copyright 2023 Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import fnmatch import logging import re import glob import pmb.helpers.git def indent_size(line): """ Number of spaces at the beginning of a string. """ matches = re.findall("^[ ]*", line) if len(matches) == 1: return len(matches[0]) return 0 def format_function(name, body, remove_indent=4): """ Format the body of a shell function passed to rewrite() below, so it fits the format of the original APKBUILD. :param remove_indent: Maximum number of spaces to remove from the beginning of each line of the function body. """ tab_width = 4 ret = "" lines = body.split("\n") for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] if not line.strip(): if not ret or i == len(lines) - 1: continue # Remove indent spaces = min(indent_size(line), remove_indent) line = line[spaces:] # Convert spaces to tabs spaces = indent_size(line) tabs = int(spaces / tab_width) line = ("\t" * tabs) + line[spaces:] ret += line + "\n" return name + "() {\n" + ret + "}\n" def rewrite(args, pkgname, path_original="", fields={}, replace_pkgname=None, replace_functions={}, replace_simple={}, below_header="", remove_indent=4): """ Append a header to $WORK/aportgen/APKBUILD, delete maintainer/contributor lines (so they won't be bugged with issues regarding our generated aports), and add reference to the original aport. :param path_original: The original path of the automatically generated aport. :param fields: key-value pairs of fields that shall be changed in the APKBUILD. For example: {"pkgdesc": "my new package", "subpkgs": ""} :param replace_pkgname: When set, $pkgname gets replaced with that string in every line. :param replace_functions: Function names and new bodies, for example: {"build": "return 0"} The body can also be None (deletes the function) :param replace_simple: Lines that fnmatch the pattern, get replaced/deleted. Example: {"*test*": "# test", "*mv test.bin*": None} :param below_header: String that gets directly placed below the header. :param remove_indent: Number of spaces to remove from function body provided to replace_functions. """ # Header if path_original: lines_new = [ "# Automatically generated aport, do not edit!\n", "# Generator: pmbootstrap aportgen " + pkgname + "\n", "# Based on: " + path_original + "\n", "\n", ] else: lines_new = [ "# Forked from Alpine INSERT-REASON-HERE (CHANGEME!)\n", "\n", ] if below_header: for line in below_header.split("\n"): if not line[:8].strip(): line = line[8:] lines_new += line.rstrip() + "\n" # Copy/modify lines, skip Maintainer/Contributor path = args.work + "/aportgen/APKBUILD" with open(path, "r+", encoding="utf-8") as handle: skip_in_func = False for line in handle.readlines(): # Skip maintainer/contributor if line.startswith("# Maintainer") or line.startswith( "# Contributor"): continue # Replace functions if skip_in_func: if line.startswith("}"): skip_in_func = False continue else: for func, body in replace_functions.items(): if line.startswith(func + "() {"): skip_in_func = True if body: lines_new += format_function( func, body, remove_indent=remove_indent) break if skip_in_func: continue # Replace fields for key, value in fields.items(): if line.startswith(key + "="): if value: if key in ["pkgname", "pkgver", "pkgrel"]: # No quotes to avoid lint error line = f"{key}={value}\n" else: line = f'{key}="{value}"\n' else: # Remove line without value to avoid lint error line = "" break # Replace $pkgname if replace_pkgname and "$pkgname" in line: line = line.replace("$pkgname", replace_pkgname) # Replace simple for pattern, replacement in replace_simple.items(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(line, pattern + "\n"): line = replacement if replacement: line += "\n" break if line is None: continue lines_new.append(line) # Write back handle.seek(0) handle.write("".join(lines_new)) handle.truncate() def get_upstream_aport(args, pkgname, arch=None): """ Perform a git checkout of Alpine's aports and get the path to the aport. :param pkgname: package name :param arch: Alpine architecture (e.g. "armhf"), defaults to native arch :returns: absolute path on disk where the Alpine aport is checked out example: /opt/pmbootstrap_work/cache_git/aports/upstream/main/gcc """ # APKBUILD pmb.helpers.git.clone(args, "aports_upstream") aports_upstream_path = args.work + "/cache_git/aports_upstream" if getattr(args, "fork_alpine_retain_branch", False): logging.info("Not changing aports branch as --fork-alpine-retain-branch was " "used.") else: # Checkout branch channel_cfg = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config_channel(args) branch = channel_cfg["branch_aports"] logging.info(f"Checkout aports.git branch: {branch}") if pmb.helpers.run.user(args, ["git", "checkout", branch], aports_upstream_path, check=False): logging.info("NOTE: run 'pmbootstrap pull' and try again") logging.info("NOTE: if it still fails, your aports.git was cloned with" " an older version of pmbootstrap, as shallow clone." " Unshallow it, or remove it and let pmbootstrap clone it" f" again: {aports_upstream_path}") raise RuntimeError("Branch checkout failed.") # Search package paths = glob.glob(aports_upstream_path + "/*/" + pkgname) if len(paths) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Package " + pkgname + " found in multiple" " aports subfolders.") elif len(paths) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Package " + pkgname + " not found in alpine" " aports repository.") aport_path = paths[0] # Parse APKBUILD apkbuild = pmb.parse.apkbuild(f"{aport_path}/APKBUILD", check_pkgname=False) apkbuild_version = apkbuild["pkgver"] + "-r" + apkbuild["pkgrel"] # Binary package split = aport_path.split("/") repo = split[-2] pkgname = split[-1] index_path = pmb.helpers.repo.alpine_apkindex_path(args, repo, arch) package = pmb.parse.apkindex.package(args, pkgname, indexes=[index_path]) # Compare version (return when equal) compare = pmb.parse.version.compare(apkbuild_version, package["version"]) # APKBUILD > binary: this is fine if compare == 1: logging.info(f"NOTE: {pkgname} {arch} binary package has a lower" f" version {package['version']} than the APKBUILD" f" {apkbuild_version}") return aport_path # APKBUILD < binary: aports.git is outdated if compare == -1: logging.warning("WARNING: Package '" + pkgname + "' has a lower version in" " local checkout of Alpine's aports (" + apkbuild_version + ") compared to Alpine's binary package (" + package["version"] + ")!") logging.info("NOTE: You can update your local checkout with: 'pmbootstrap pull'") return aport_path