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2023-01-22 18:11:10 +00:00
# Copyright 2023 Oliver Smith
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import logging
import os
import pmb.chroot.apk
import pmb.config
import pmb.flasher
import pmb.helpers.file
def odin(args, flavor, folder):
Create Odin flashable tar file with kernel and initramfs
for devices configured with the flasher method 'heimdall-isorec'
and with boot.img for devices with 'heimdall-bootimg'
suffix = "rootfs_" + args.device
# Backwards compatibility with old mkinitfs (pma#660)
suffix_flavor = f"-{flavor}"
pmaports_cfg = pmb.config.pmaports.read_config(args)
if pmaports_cfg.get("supported_mkinitfs_without_flavors", False):
suffix_flavor = ""
# Validate method
method = args.deviceinfo["flash_method"]
if not method.startswith("heimdall-"):
raise RuntimeError("An odin flashable tar is not supported"
f" for the flash method '{method}' specified"
" in the current configuration."
" Only 'heimdall' methods are supported.")
# Partitions
partition_kernel = \
args.deviceinfo["flash_heimdall_partition_kernel"] or "KERNEL"
partition_initfs = \
args.deviceinfo["flash_heimdall_partition_initfs"] or "RECOVERY"
# Temporary folder
temp_folder = "/tmp/odin-flashable-tar"
if os.path.exists(f"{}/chroot_native{temp_folder}"):
pmb.chroot.root(args, ["rm", "-rf", temp_folder])
# Odin flashable tar generation script
# (because redirecting stdin/stdout is not allowed
# in pmbootstrap's chroot/shell functions for security reasons)
odin_script = f"{}/chroot_rootfs_{args.device}/tmp/"
with open(odin_script, "w") as handle:
odin_kernel_md5 = f"{partition_kernel}.bin.md5"
odin_initfs_md5 = f"{partition_initfs}.bin.md5"
odin_device_tar = f"{args.device}.tar"
odin_device_tar_md5 = f"{args.device}.tar.md5"
f"cd {temp_folder}\n")
if method == "heimdall-isorec":
# Kernel: copy and append md5
f"cp /boot/vmlinuz{suffix_flavor} {odin_kernel_md5}\n"
f"md5sum -t {odin_kernel_md5} >> {odin_kernel_md5}\n"
# Initramfs: recompress with lzop, append md5
f"gunzip -c /boot/initramfs{suffix_flavor}"
f" | lzop > {odin_initfs_md5}\n"
f"md5sum -t {odin_initfs_md5} >> {odin_initfs_md5}\n")
elif method == "heimdall-bootimg":
# boot.img: copy and append md5
f"cp /boot/boot.img{suffix_flavor} {odin_kernel_md5}\n"
f"md5sum -t {odin_kernel_md5} >> {odin_kernel_md5}\n")
# Create tar, remove included files and append md5
f"tar -c -f {odin_device_tar} *.bin.md5\n"
"rm *.bin.md5\n"
f"md5sum -t {odin_device_tar} >> {odin_device_tar}\n"
f"mv {odin_device_tar} {odin_device_tar_md5}\n")
commands = [["mkdir", "-p", temp_folder],
["cat", "/tmp/"], # for the log
["sh", "/tmp/"],
["rm", "/tmp/"]
for command in commands:
pmb.chroot.root(args, command, suffix)
# Move Odin flashable tar to native chroot and cleanup temp folder
pmb.chroot.user(args, ["mkdir", "-p", "/home/pmos/rootfs"])
pmb.chroot.root(args, ["mv", f"/mnt/rootfs_{args.device}{temp_folder}"
f"/{odin_device_tar_md5}", "/home/pmos/rootfs/"]),
pmb.chroot.root(args, ["chown", "pmos:pmos",
pmb.chroot.root(args, ["rmdir", temp_folder], suffix)
# Create the symlink
file = f"{}/chroot_native/home/pmos/rootfs/{odin_device_tar_md5}"
link = f"{folder}/{odin_device_tar_md5}"
pmb.helpers.file.symlink(args, file, link)
# Display a readable message
msg = f" * {odin_device_tar_md5}"
if method == "heimdall-isorec":
msg += " (Odin flashable file, contains initramfs and kernel)"
elif method == "heimdall-bootimg":
msg += " (Odin flashable file, contains boot.img)"