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2023-01-22 18:11:10 +00:00
# Copyright 2023 Luca Weiss
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import datetime
import fnmatch
import logging
import os
import re
import urllib
from typing import Optional
import pmb.helpers.file
import pmb.helpers.http
import pmb.helpers.pmaports
req_headers = None
req_headers_github = None
def init_req_headers() -> None:
global req_headers
global req_headers_github
# Only initialize them once
if req_headers is not None and req_headers_github is not None:
# Generic request headers
req_headers = {
'User-Agent': f'pmbootstrap/{pmb.__version__} aportupgrade'}
# Request headers specific to GitHub
req_headers_github = dict(req_headers)
if os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") is not None:
token = os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
req_headers_github['Authorization'] = f'token {token}'
else:"NOTE: Consider using a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable"
" to increase your rate limit")
def get_package_version_info_github(repo_name: str, ref: Optional[str]):
logging.debug("Trying GitHub repository: {}".format(repo_name))
# Get the URL argument to request a special ref, if needed
ref_arg = ""
if ref is not None:
2020-08-20 20:41:15 +00:00
ref_arg = f"?sha={ref}"
# Get the commits for the repository
commits = pmb.helpers.http.retrieve_json(
2020-08-20 20:41:15 +00:00
latest_commit = commits[0]
commit_date = latest_commit["commit"]["committer"]["date"]
# Extract the time from the field
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(commit_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
return {
"sha": latest_commit["sha"],
"date": date,
def get_package_version_info_gitlab(gitlab_host: str, repo_name: str,
ref: Optional[str]):
logging.debug("Trying GitLab repository: {}".format(repo_name))
repo_name_safe = urllib.parse.quote(repo_name, safe='')
# Get the URL argument to request a special ref, if needed
ref_arg = ""
if ref is not None:
2020-08-20 20:41:15 +00:00
ref_arg = f"?ref_name={ref}"
# Get the commits for the repository
commits = pmb.helpers.http.retrieve_json(
latest_commit = commits[0]
commit_date = latest_commit["committed_date"]
# Extract the time from the field
# 2019-10-14T09:32:00.000Z / 2019-12-27T07:58:53.000-05:00
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(commit_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000%z")
return {
"sha": latest_commit["id"],
"date": date,
def upgrade_git_package(args, pkgname: str, package) -> bool:
Update _commit/pkgver/pkgrel in a git-APKBUILD (or pretend to do it if
args.dry is set).
:param pkgname: the package name
:param package: a dict containing package information
:returns: if something (would have) been changed
# Get the wanted source line
source = package["source"][0]
source = re.split(r"::", source)
if 1 <= len(source) <= 2:
source = source[-1]
raise RuntimeError("Unhandled number of source elements. Please open"
f" a bug report: {source}")
verinfo = None
github_match = re.match(
r"https://github\.com/(.+)/(?:archive|releases)", source)
gitlab_match = re.match(
fr"({'|'.join(GITLAB_HOSTS)})/(.+)/-/archive/", source)
if github_match:
verinfo = get_package_version_info_github(, args.ref)
elif gitlab_match:
verinfo = get_package_version_info_gitlab(,, args.ref)
if verinfo is None:
# ignore for now
logging.warning("{}: source not handled: {}".format(pkgname, source))
return False
# Get the new commit sha
sha = package["_commit"]
sha_new = verinfo["sha"]
# Format the new pkgver, keep the value before _git the same
if package["pkgver"] == "9999":
pkgver = package["_pkgver"]
pkgver = package["pkgver"]
pkgver_match = re.match(r"([\d.]+)_git", pkgver)
date_pkgver = verinfo["date"].strftime("%Y%m%d")
2020-08-20 20:41:15 +00:00
pkgver_new = f"{}_git{date_pkgver}"
# pkgrel will be zero
pkgrel = int(package["pkgrel"])
pkgrel_new = 0
if sha == sha_new:"{}: up-to-date".format(pkgname))
return False"{}: upgrading pmaport".format(pkgname))
if args.dry:" Would change _commit from {sha} to {sha_new}")" Would change pkgver from {pkgver} to {pkgver_new}")" Would change pkgrel from {pkgrel} to {pkgrel_new}")
return True
if package["pkgver"] == "9999":
pmb.helpers.file.replace_apkbuild(args, pkgname, "_pkgver", pkgver_new)
pmb.helpers.file.replace_apkbuild(args, pkgname, "pkgver", pkgver_new)
pmb.helpers.file.replace_apkbuild(args, pkgname, "pkgrel", pkgrel_new)
pmb.helpers.file.replace_apkbuild(args, pkgname, "_commit", sha_new, True)
return True
def upgrade_stable_package(args, pkgname: str, package) -> bool:
Update _commit/pkgver/pkgrel in an APKBUILD (or pretend to do it if
args.dry is set).
:param pkgname: the package name
:param package: a dict containing package information
:returns: if something (would have) been changed
# Looking up if there's a custom mapping from postmarketOS package name
# to Anitya project name.
mappings = pmb.helpers.http.retrieve_json(
f"&name={pkgname}", headers=req_headers)
if mappings["total_items"] < 1:
projects = pmb.helpers.http.retrieve_json(
f"{ANITYA_API_BASE}/projects/?name={pkgname}", headers=req_headers)
if projects["total_items"] < 1:
logging.warning(f"{pkgname}: failed to get Anitya project")
return False
project_name = mappings["items"][0]["project"]
ecosystem = mappings["items"][0]["ecosystem"]
projects = pmb.helpers.http.retrieve_json(
if projects["total_items"] < 1:
logging.warning(f"{pkgname}: didn't find any projects, can't upgrade!")
return False
if projects["total_items"] > 1:
logging.warning(f"{pkgname}: found more than one project, can't "
f"upgrade! Please create an explicit mapping of "
f"\"project\" to the package name.")
return False
# Get the first, best-matching item
project = projects["items"][0]
# Check that we got a version number
if len(project["stable_versions"]) < 1:
logging.warning("{}: got no version number, ignoring".format(pkgname))
return False
version = project["stable_versions"][0]
# Compare the pmaports version with the project version
if package["pkgver"] == version:"{}: up-to-date".format(pkgname))
return False
if package["pkgver"] == "9999":
pkgver = package["_pkgver"]
pkgver = package["pkgver"]
pkgver_new = version
pkgrel = package["pkgrel"]
pkgrel_new = 0
if not pmb.parse.version.validate(pkgver_new):
logging.warning(f"{pkgname}: would upgrade to invalid pkgver:"
f" {pkgver_new}, ignoring")
return False"{}: upgrading pmaport".format(pkgname))
if args.dry:" Would change pkgver from {pkgver} to {pkgver_new}")" Would change pkgrel from {pkgrel} to {pkgrel_new}")
return True
if package["pkgver"] == "9999":
pmb.helpers.file.replace_apkbuild(args, pkgname, "_pkgver", pkgver_new)
pmb.helpers.file.replace_apkbuild(args, pkgname, "pkgver", pkgver_new)
pmb.helpers.file.replace_apkbuild(args, pkgname, "pkgrel", pkgrel_new)
return True
def upgrade(args, pkgname, git=True, stable=True) -> bool:
Find new versions of a single package and upgrade it.
:param pkgname: the name of the package
:param git: True if git packages should be upgraded
:param stable: True if stable packages should be upgraded
:returns: if something (would have) been changed
# Initialize request headers
package = pmb.helpers.pmaports.get(args, pkgname)
# Run the correct function
if "_git" in package["pkgver"]:
if git:
return upgrade_git_package(args, pkgname, package)
if stable:
return upgrade_stable_package(args, pkgname, package)
def upgrade_all(args) -> None:
Upgrade all packages, based on args.all, args.all_git and args.all_stable.
for pkgname in pmb.helpers.pmaports.get_list(args):
# Always ignore postmarketOS-specific packages that have no upstream
# source
skip = False
for pattern in pmb.config.upgrade_ignore:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(pkgname, pattern):
skip = True
if skip:
upgrade(args, pkgname, args.all or args.all_git,
args.all or args.all_stable)