Consider whether a stack or a queue makes most sense for the freelist. Needed by prospect: - `pattern->matcher` with `#t` - `matcher-project` - `matcher-project/set` - `matcher-project/set/single` - many userland uses - one interesting use in `drop-interests` / `drop-patch`, used in `mux-update-stream` - perhaps this can be replaced with a `matcher-step` combination? - no, it'd be a little awkward, because of the trailing close-paren. - `matcher-match-value` - used to route messages - once to check that noone has asserted the message in the routing table - and once to actually route it - `matcher-match-matcher` - used in `compute-affected-pids` to project out PIDs on the right (after a step to get past the struct:observe) - used with a combiner that unions in the PIDs on the right - used with a left-short that steps over the close-paren from the struct:observe - `matcher-union` with default and with `\vw.#t` - used to create cross-level observations in `observe-at-meta` in core - to compute the "cover" of a patch in compute-affected-pids - union of added & removed - used in `apply-patch` and `patch-union` with default combiner - used in `update-interests` and `compose-patch` with a combiner that ignores the structure of the ok() value - (used in `unapply-patch`, which is not used) - `matcher-step` (for removing open-paren and observation marks and skipping the corresponding close-paren) - used in `biased-intersection` and `compute-affected-pids` to skip struct:observe - `matcher-relabel` - used throughout to replace ok() leaf values. - `matcher-subtract` with default, `\vw.#f`, `add-combiner` and `rem-combiner` - used with always-false in `limit-patch`, `compose-patch` and `update-interests`, ignoring the ok() values - used with default in `compute-patch` (and in `limit-patch/routing-table`, which is not used) - used with both `add-combiner` and `rem-combiner` in `compute-aggregate-patch` - used with default in `apply-patch` - (used in `unapply-patch`, which is not used) - `matcher-intersect` with `\vw.v`, `\vw.v∩w`, and `\vw.#t` with a left-short argument. - used in `limit-patch` in a way that's tantamount to an explicit simultaneous relabelling - used with an always-true combiner in `biased-intersection` - (used in `limit-patch/routing-table`, which is unused) digraph Dependencies { graph [rankdir=LR]; // matcher subgraph xcluster_union { unionUnit; unionPIDs; } project; matchValue; matchMatcher; step; relabel; subgraph xcluster_subtract { subtractUnit; subtractPIDs; subtractCustom; } subgraph xcluster_intersect { intersectAsymmetric; intersectUnit; } // patch // composePatch -> subtractUnit; // composePatch -> unionUnit; // computePatch -> subtractUnit; // I guess? // stripInterests -> relabel; // stripPatch -> stripInterests; applyPatch -> subtractPIDs; applyPatch -> unionPIDs; biasedIntersection -> intersectUnit; biasedIntersection -> step; computeAggregatePatch -> subtractCustom; labelInterests -> relabel; limitPatch -> intersectAsymmetric; limitPatch -> subtractUnit; patchUnion -> unionUnit; updateInterests -> subtractUnit; updateInterests -> unionUnit; dropInterests -> project; labelPatch -> labelInterests; // mux computeAffectedPIDs -> matchMatcher; computeAffectedPIDs -> step; computeAffectedPIDs -> unionUnit; messageRouting -> matchValue; muxUpdateStream -> applyPatch; muxUpdateStream -> biasedIntersection; muxUpdateStream -> computeAffectedPIDs; muxUpdateStream -> computeAggregatePatch; muxUpdateStream -> dropInterests; muxUpdateStream -> labelPatch; muxUpdateStream -> limitPatch; muxUpdateStream -> patchUnion; // core observeAtMeta -> union; // user code userCode -> project; userCode -> observeAtMeta; // semantics semantics -> muxUpdateStream; semantics -> messageRouting; groundVM -> applyPatch; groundVM -> labelPatch; demandMatcher -> updateInterests; }