
189 lines
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#lang syndicate
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2012-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
;;; (Temporary) example client and server
(require syndicate/drivers/racket-event)
(require syndicate/drivers/timer)
(require syndicate/drivers/tcp)
(require syndicate/driver-support)
(require syndicate/dataspace)
(require syndicate/pattern)
(require (only-in racket/port peek-bytes-avail!-evt))
(require "cook-port.rkt")
(require "sandboxes.rkt")
(require "ssh-numbers.rkt")
(require "ssh-transport.rkt")
(require "ssh-session.rkt")
(require "ssh-channel.rkt")
(require "ssh-message-types.rkt")
(require "ssh-exceptions.rkt")
(require "schemas/gen/channel.rkt")
(require "schemas/gen/auth.rkt")
(module+ main
(standard-actor-system (ds)
(with-services [syndicate/drivers/racket-event]
(define spec (TcpLocal "" 29418))
(at ds
(stop-on (asserted (StreamListenerError spec $message)))
(during/spawn (StreamConnection $source $sink spec)
#:name (list 'ssh source)
(session ds source sink))))))
(define (check-remote-identification! peer-identification-string)
(define required-peer-identification-regex #rx"^SSH-2\\.0-.*")
;; Each identification string is both a cleartext indicator that
;; we've reached some notion of the right place and also input to
;; the hash function used during D-H key exchange.
(when (not (regexp-match required-peer-identification-regex
(error 'ssh-session
"Invalid peer identification string ~v"
(define (session ground-ds source sink)
(define local-identification #"SSH-2.0-RacketSSH_0.0")
(define id-line-reader-facet
(on-start (send-line sink local-identification)
(send-lines-credit source 1 (LineMode-crlf)))
(handle-connection source sink
#:initial-credit #f
#:on-data (lambda (remote-identification _mode)
(check-remote-identification! remote-identification)
(send! session-vm-factory remote-identification)))))
(define transfers-remaining 2)
(define transfer-control
(object #:name 'transfer-control
[#:message 'transfer-control
(set! transfers-remaining (- transfers-remaining 1))
(when (zero? transfers-remaining) (stop-facet id-line-reader-facet))]))
(define session-vm-factory
#:name 'session-vm-factory
[#:message remote-identification
(on-stop (log-info "Session VM for ~a closed" source))
#:link? #t
(define conn-ds (dataspace #:name (gensym 'conn-ds)))
(spawn #:name 'reader (ssh-reader conn-ds source transfer-control))
(spawn #:name 'writer (ssh-writer conn-ds sink transfer-control))
;; Wait for the reader and writer get started, then tell the reader
;; we are ready for a single packet and spawn the session manager.
(at conn-ds
(stop-on (asserted (Observe (:pattern (inbound-credit ,_)) _))
(send! (inbound-credit 1))
#:name 'session
(ssh-session conn-ds
(at conn-ds
(during (SshAuthenticatedUser $user-name #"ssh-connection")
(run-repl-instance conn-ds user-name))
(on (asserted (protocol-error $reason-code $message _ $originated-at-peer?))
(when (not originated-at-peer?)
(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-disconnect reason-code
(string->bytes/utf-8 message)
(sync! conn-ds (stop-actor-system)))))]))
(define (run-repl-instance conn-ds user-name)
(on-start (log-info "~s connected" user-name))
(on-stop (log-info "~s disconnected" user-name))
(at conn-ds
(assert (SshChannelTypeAvailable #"session"))
(during (StreamConnection $source $sink (SshChannelLocal #"session" _))
;; c2s-in used by repl to read input from channel
;; c2s-out used by channel to feed input from remote to the repl
;; s2c-in used by channel to feed output from repl to remote
;; s2c-out used by repl to write output to channel
(define-values (c2s-in c2s-out) (make-pipe))
(define-values (s2c-in s2c-out) (make-pipe))
(define-values (s2c-err-in s2c-err-out) (make-pipe))
(on-stop (close-input-port c2s-in)
(close-output-port c2s-out)
(close-input-port s2c-in)
(close-output-port s2c-out)
(close-input-port s2c-err-in)
(close-output-port s2c-err-out))
(define (handle-data data mode)
(match mode
(write-bytes data c2s-out)
(flush-output c2s-out)
(send-bytes-credit source (bytes-length data))]
[(Mode-object (:parse (SshChannelObject-extended-data type-code)))
(match type-code
(log-info "2> ~s" data)]
(log-warning "Ignoring extended data type-code ~s: ~s" type-code data)])
(send-bytes-credit source (bytes-length data))]
[(Mode-object (:parse (SshChannelObject-request type want-reply)))
(define ok? (handle-request type))
(when want-reply
(define reply (if ok? (SshChannelObject-success) (SshChannelObject-failure)))
(send-data sink #"" (Mode-object reply)))]))
(define (handle-eof)
(close-output-port c2s-out))
(define (handle-request type)
(match type
(define-values (cooked-c2s-in cooked-s2c-out) (cook-io c2s-in s2c-out "> "))
(set! c2s-in cooked-c2s-in)
(set! s2c-out cooked-s2c-out)
(set! s2c-err-out (cook-output s2c-err-out))
;; Don't care
;; TODO: care?
(make-sink #:initial-source (port-source s2c-in)
#:on-connect (lambda (s) (send-credit s (CreditAmount-unbounded) (Mode-bytes)))
#:on-data (lambda (data _mode) (send-data sink data))
#:on-eof (lambda () (stop-current-facet)))
(make-sink #:initial-source (port-source s2c-err-in)
#:on-connect (lambda (s) (send-credit s (CreditAmount-unbounded) (Mode-bytes)))
#:on-data (lambda (data _mode)
(send-data sink data
(Mode-object (SshChannelObject-extended-data
(linked-thread #:name 'repl
(lambda (_facet)
(repl-shell user-name c2s-in s2c-out s2c-err-out)))
(log-warning "Unsupported channel request type ~s" type)
(handle-connection source sink #:initial-credit #f #:on-data handle-data #:on-eof handle-eof)
(assert (SshChannelOpenResponse-ok sink #"")))))