#lang syndicate ;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later ;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2011-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones (provide (struct-out inbound-packet) (struct-out inbound-credit) (struct-out outbound-packet) (struct-out outbound-byte-credit) (struct-out new-keys) default-packet-limit local-algorithm-list ssh-reader ssh-writer) (require bitsyntax) (require syndicate/drivers/tcp) (require "crypto.rkt") (require "ssh-numbers.rkt") (require "ssh-message-types.rkt") (require "ssh-exceptions.rkt") (module+ test (require rackunit)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Data definitions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; A DecodedPacket is one of the packet structures defined in ;; ssh-message-types.rkt. ;; An InboundPacket is an (inbound-packet Number Bytes ;; Maybe Number) representing a packet read from the ;; socket, its sequence number, and the total number of bytes involved ;; in its reception. (struct inbound-packet (sequence-number payload message transfer-size) #:prefab) (struct inbound-credit (amount) #:prefab) (struct outbound-packet (message) #:prefab) (struct outbound-byte-credit (amount) #:prefab) (struct new-keys (is-server? derive-key c2s-enc s2c-enc c2s-mac s2c-mac c2s-zip s2c-zip) #:prefab) (struct crypto-configuration (cipher cipher-description hmac hmac-description) #:transparent) ;; Description of a supported cipher. (struct supported-cipher (name factory key-length block-size iv-length) #:transparent) ;; Description of a supported hmac algorithm. (struct supported-hmac (name factory digest-length key-length) #:transparent) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Parameters ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define default-packet-limit (make-parameter 65536)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Encryption, MAC, and Compression algorithm descriptions and parameters ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; "none" cipher description. (define null-cipher-description (supported-cipher 'none (lambda (enc? key iv) (lambda (block) block)) 0 8 ;; pseudo-block-size for packet I/O 0)) ;; "none" HMAC function. (define (null-hmac blob) #"") ;; "none" HMAC description. (define null-hmac-description (supported-hmac 'none (lambda (key) (error 'null-hmac-description "Cannot construct null hmac instance")) 0 0)) (define (make-cipher-entry name cipher-spec key-length #:block-size [block-size (cipher-block-size cipher-spec)]) (list name (supported-cipher name (lambda (enc? key iv) (let ((ctx ((if enc? make-encrypt-ctx make-decrypt-ctx) cipher-spec key iv #:pad #f))) (lambda (input) (cipher-update ctx input)))) key-length block-size (cipher-iv-size cipher-spec)))) (define supported-crypto-algorithms (list (make-cipher-entry 'aes128-ctr '(aes ctr) 16 #:block-size 16) (make-cipher-entry 'aes192-ctr '(aes ctr) 24 #:block-size 16) (make-cipher-entry 'aes256-ctr '(aes ctr) 32 #:block-size 16) (make-cipher-entry 'aes128-cbc '(aes cbc) 16) (make-cipher-entry 'aes192-cbc '(aes cbc) 24) (make-cipher-entry 'aes256-cbc '(aes cbc) 32) (make-cipher-entry '3des-cbc '(des-ede3 cbc) 24) )) ;; TODO: actually test these! (define (make-hmac-entry name digest-spec key-length-or-false) (let* ((digest-length (digest-size digest-spec)) (key-length (or key-length-or-false digest-length))) (list name (supported-hmac name (lambda (key) (lambda (blob) (hmac digest-spec key blob))) digest-length key-length)))) (define supported-hmac-algorithms (list (make-hmac-entry 'hmac-sha1 'sha1 #f))) (define supported-compression-algorithms '(none)) ;; TODO: zlib, and zlib delayed (define local-algorithm-list (let ((crypto-names (map car supported-crypto-algorithms)) (mac-names (map car supported-hmac-algorithms))) (make-parameter (lambda () (ssh-msg-kexinit (crypto-random-bytes 16) '(diffie-hellman-group14-sha256) '(ssh-ed25519) crypto-names crypto-names mac-names mac-names supported-compression-algorithms supported-compression-algorithms '() '() #f 0))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Cryptographic stream configuration ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define initial-crypto-configuration (crypto-configuration #f null-cipher-description null-hmac null-hmac-description)) (define (apply-negotiated-options conn-ds nk is-outbound?) (match-define (new-keys is-server? (embedded derive-key) c2s-enc s2c-enc c2s-mac s2c-mac c2s-zip s2c-zip) nk) ;; TODO: zip ;; TODO: make this less ugly. Compute all the keys, select just the ones we need afterward? (define c2s ;; c2s true iff stream is serverward (if is-server? (not is-outbound?) is-outbound?)) (define enc (if c2s c2s-enc s2c-enc)) (define mac (if c2s c2s-mac s2c-mac)) (define zip (if c2s c2s-zip s2c-zip)) (define cipher-description (cond ((assq enc supported-crypto-algorithms) => cadr) (else (disconnect-with-error conn-ds SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED "Could not find driver for encryption algorithm ~v" enc)))) (define cipher ((supported-cipher-factory cipher-description) is-outbound? (derive-key (if c2s #"C" #"D") (supported-cipher-key-length cipher-description)) (derive-key (if c2s #"A" #"B") (supported-cipher-iv-length cipher-description)))) (define hmac-description (cond ((assq mac supported-hmac-algorithms) => cadr) (else (disconnect-with-error conn-ds SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED "Could not find driver for HMAC algorithm ~v" mac)))) (define hmac ((supported-hmac-factory hmac-description) (derive-key (if c2s #"E" #"F") (supported-hmac-key-length hmac-description)))) (crypto-configuration cipher cipher-description hmac hmac-description)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Transport utilities ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; MacFunction Natural Bytes -> Bytes ;; Computes the HMAC trailer for a given blob at the given sequence number. (define (apply-hmac mac sequence-number packet) (mac (bit-string->bytes (bit-string-append (integer->bit-string sequence-number 32 #t) packet)))) (define (check-packet-length! conn-ds actual-length limit block-size) (when (> actual-length limit) (log-warning (format "Packet of length ~v exceeded our limit of ~v" actual-length limit))) (when (> actual-length (* 2 limit)) ;; TODO: For some reason, OpenSSH seems to occasionally slightly ;; exceed the packet size limit! (For example, sending a packet of ;; length 65564 when I'm expecting a max of 65536.) So we actually ;; enforce twice our actual limit. (disconnect-with-error conn-ds 0 ;; TODO: better reason code? "Packet of length ~v is longer than packet limit ~v" actual-length limit)) (when (not (zero? (modulo (+ actual-length 4) block-size))) ;; the +4 is because the length sent on the wire doesn't include ;; the length-of-length, but the requirements for transmitted ;; chunks of data are that they be block-size multiples ;; *including* the length-of-length (disconnect-with-error conn-ds SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR "Packet of length ~v is not a multiple of block size ~v" actual-length block-size))) ;; Integer PositiveInteger -> Integer ;; Rounds "what" up to the nearest multiple of "to". (define (round-up what to) (* to (quotient (+ what (- to 1)) to))) (module+ test (check-equal? (round-up 0 8) 0) (check-equal? (round-up 1 8) 8) (check-equal? (round-up 7 8) 8) (check-equal? (round-up 8 8) 8) (check-equal? (round-up 9 8) 16)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Encrypted Packet Input ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (ssh-reader conn-ds source) (define input-handler #f) (define (update-input-handler #:on-data proc) (set! input-handler proc)) (make-sink #:initial-source source #:name 'ssh-in #:on-data (lambda (data mode) (input-handler data mode))) (on-start (send-lines-credit source 1 (LineMode-crlf))) (update-input-handler #:on-data (lambda (remote-identification _mode) (send! conn-ds (ssh-identification-line remote-identification)) (update-input-handler #:on-data handle-packet-header))) (define packet-size-limit (default-packet-limit)) (define sequence-number 0) (define remaining-credit 0) (define config initial-crypto-configuration) (define (current-cipher) (crypto-configuration-cipher config)) (define (block-size) (supported-cipher-block-size (crypto-configuration-cipher-description config))) (define (decrypt-chunk chunk) ((or (current-cipher) values) chunk)) (define (subsequent-block-size) (if (current-cipher) (block-size) 1)) (define (hmac) (crypto-configuration-hmac config)) (define (issue-credit) (when (positive? remaining-credit) (send-packet-credit source (block-size)))) (define (handle-packet-header encrypted-packet _mode) (define first-block (decrypt-chunk encrypted-packet)) (define packet-length (integer-bytes->integer first-block #f #t 0 4)) (check-packet-length! conn-ds packet-length packet-size-limit (subsequent-block-size)) (define amount-of-packet-in-first-block (- (bytes-length first-block) 4)) ;; not incl length (define remaining-to-read (- packet-length amount-of-packet-in-first-block)) (if (positive? remaining-to-read) (begin (send-packet-credit source remaining-to-read) (update-input-handler #:on-data (lambda (encrypted-packet _mode) (define subsequent-chunk (decrypt-chunk encrypted-packet)) (check-hmac (bytes-append first-block subsequent-chunk) packet-length)))) (check-hmac first-block packet-length))) (define (check-hmac packet packet-length) (define payload-length (let ((padding-length (bytes-ref packet 4))) (- packet-length padding-length 1))) (define computed-hmac-bytes (apply-hmac (hmac) sequence-number packet)) (define mac-byte-count (bytes-length computed-hmac-bytes)) (if (positive? mac-byte-count) (begin (send-packet-credit source mac-byte-count) (update-input-handler #:on-data (lambda (received-hmac-bytes _mode) (if (equal? computed-hmac-bytes received-hmac-bytes) (finish-packet mac-byte-count packet-length payload-length packet) (disconnect-with-error/local-info conn-ds `((expected-hmac ,computed-hmac-bytes) (actual-hmac ,received-hmac-bytes)) SSH_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR "Corrupt MAC"))))) (finish-packet 0 packet-length payload-length packet))) (define (finish-packet mac-byte-count packet-length payload-length packet) (define bytes-read (+ packet-length mac-byte-count)) (define payload (subbytes packet 5 (+ 5 payload-length))) (update-input-handler #:on-data handle-packet-header) (send! conn-ds (inbound-packet sequence-number payload (ssh-message-decode payload) bytes-read)) (set! sequence-number (+ sequence-number 1)) (set! remaining-credit (- remaining-credit 1)) (issue-credit)) (at conn-ds (on (message (inbound-credit $amount)) (set! remaining-credit (+ remaining-credit amount)) (issue-credit)) (on (message ($ nk (new-keys _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _))) (set! config (apply-negotiated-options conn-ds nk #f))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Encrypted Packet Output ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (ssh-writer conn-ds sink local-identification) (define config initial-crypto-configuration) (define sequence-number 0) (on-start (send-line sink local-identification)) (make-source #:initial-sink sink #:name 'ssh-out) (define (block-size) (supported-cipher-block-size (crypto-configuration-cipher-description config))) (define (encrypt-chunk chunk) ((or (crypto-configuration-cipher config) values) chunk)) (define (hmac) (crypto-configuration-hmac config)) (at conn-ds (on (message (outbound-packet $message)) (define pad-block-size (block-size)) (define payload (ssh-message-encode message)) ;; There must be at least 4 bytes of padding, and padding needs to ;; make the packet length a multiple of pad-block-size. (define unpadded-length (+ 4 ;; length of length 1 ;; length of length-of-padding indicator (bit-string-byte-count payload))) (define min-padded-length (+ unpadded-length 4)) (define padded-length (round-up min-padded-length pad-block-size)) (define padding-length (- padded-length unpadded-length)) (define packet-length (- padded-length 4)) ;; ^^ the packet length does *not* include itself! (define packet (bit-string->bytes (bit-string (packet-length :: integer bits 32) (padding-length :: integer bits 8) (payload :: binary) ((crypto-random-bytes padding-length) :: binary)))) (define encrypted-packet (encrypt-chunk packet)) (define computed-hmac-bytes (apply-hmac (hmac) sequence-number packet)) (define mac-byte-count (bytes-length computed-hmac-bytes)) (send-data sink encrypted-packet) (send-data sink computed-hmac-bytes) (send! (outbound-byte-credit (+ (bytes-length encrypted-packet) (bytes-length computed-hmac-bytes)))) (set! sequence-number (+ sequence-number 1))) (on (message ($ nk (new-keys _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _))) (set! config (apply-negotiated-options conn-ds nk #t)))))