First steps toward modernization and port to syndicate-rkt.

Switch from (planet vyzo/crypto) to crypto.
Comment out most of the upper layers of the protocol.
Switch to new syndicate/rkt.

Unfortunately since I last ran this, the set of MUST-implement kex
methods has changed and there's no overlap with my default SSH client :-)
This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-06-12 20:31:34 +02:00
parent 5381a0b8d3
commit 3c07c96307
13 changed files with 967 additions and 1562 deletions

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2011-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
;;; Provide AES CTR mode, since OpenSSL's EVP support for AES CTR mode
;;; is still ifdef'd out.
(provide start-aes-ctr
(require ffi/unsafe)
(require ffi/unsafe/define)
(require openssl/libcrypto)
(define _AES_KEY-pointer _pointer)
(define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16)
(define sizeof-AES_KEY 244) ;; TODO: figure out a good way to get this
;; from the header file or the library
;; itself
(define-ffi-definer define-crypto libcrypto
#:default-make-fail make-not-available)
(define-crypto AES_set_encrypt_key (_fun _pointer _int _AES_KEY-pointer -> _int))
;;(define-crypto AES_set_decrypt_key (_fun _pointer _int _AES_KEY-pointer -> _int))
(define-crypto AES_ctr128_encrypt
(_fun _pointer ;; in
_pointer ;; out
_long ;; length
_AES_KEY-pointer ;; key
_pointer ;; ivec, AES_BLOCK_SIZE bytes
_pointer ;; ecount_buf, AES_BLOCK_SIZE bytes
_pointer ;; int pointer, the "num" field of the ongoing state (??)
-> _void))
(struct aes-ctr-state (key ivec ecount num) #:transparent)
(define (start-aes-ctr key initialization-vector)
(let ((key-buffer (malloc sizeof-AES_KEY))
(ivec (make-bytes AES_BLOCK_SIZE))
(ecount (make-bytes AES_BLOCK_SIZE))
(num (make-bytes (ctype-sizeof _int))))
(AES_set_encrypt_key key
(* 8 (bytes-length key)) ;; measured in bits
(bytes-copy! ivec 0 initialization-vector 0 AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
(bytes-fill! ecount 0)
(bytes-fill! num 0)
(aes-ctr-state key-buffer
(define (aes-ctr-process! state input-block)
(define block-length (bytes-length input-block))
(define output-block (make-bytes block-length))
(AES_ctr128_encrypt input-block
(aes-ctr-state-key state)
(aes-ctr-state-ivec state)
(aes-ctr-state-ecount state)
(aes-ctr-state-num state))

syndicate-ssh/crypto.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#lang racket/base
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2011-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
(provide (all-from-out crypto))
(require crypto)
(require crypto/all)

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2011-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
(provide make-queue
(struct queue (head tail) #:transparent)
(define (make-queue)
(queue '() '()))
(define (enqueue q v)
(queue (queue-head q)
(cons v (queue-tail q))))
(define (enqueue-all q v)
(queue (queue-head q)
(append (reverse v) (queue-tail q))))
(define (shuffle q)
(if (null? (queue-head q))
(queue (reverse (queue-tail q)) '())
(define (dequeue q)
(let ((q1 (shuffle q)))
(values (car (queue-head q1))
(queue (cdr (queue-head q1)) (queue-tail q1)))))
(define (list->queue xs)
(queue xs '()))
(define (queue->list q)
(append (queue-head q) (reverse (queue-tail q))))
(define (queue-length q)
(+ (length (queue-head q))
(length (queue-tail q))))
(define (queue-empty? q)
(and (null? (queue-head q))
(null? (queue-tail q))))
(define (queue-append q1 q2)
(queue (append (queue-head q1)
(reverse (queue-tail q1))
(queue-head q2))
(queue-tail q2)))
(define (queue-extract q predicate [default-value #f])
(let search-head ((head (queue-head q))
(rejected-head-rev '()))
((null? head) (let search-tail ((tail (reverse (queue-tail q)))
(rejected-tail-rev '()))
((null? tail) (values default-value q))
((predicate (car tail)) (values (car tail)
(queue (queue-head q)
(append (reverse (cdr tail))
(else (search-tail (cdr tail) (cons (car tail) rejected-tail-rev))))))
((predicate (car head)) (values (car head)
(queue (append (reverse rejected-head-rev)
(cdr head))
(queue-tail q))))
(else (search-head (cdr head) (cons (car head) rejected-head-rev))))))

View File

@ -9,11 +9,12 @@
;; (define build-deps '("rackunit-lib"))
(define build-deps '("rackunit-lib"))
(define pre-install-collection "private/install.rkt")

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2013-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
;;; Reexport racket-matrix module contents.
(require marketplace/sugar)
(require marketplace/drivers/tcp)
(require marketplace/drivers/timer)
(require marketplace/drivers/event-relay)
(provide (all-from-out marketplace/sugar))
(provide (all-from-out marketplace/drivers/tcp))
(provide (all-from-out marketplace/drivers/timer))
(provide (all-from-out marketplace/drivers/event-relay))

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
#lang racket/base
#lang syndicate
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2012-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
;;; (Temporary) example client and server
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/contract)
(require syndicate/drivers/timer)
(require syndicate/drivers/tcp)
(require syndicate/dataspace)
(require (only-in racket/port peek-bytes-avail!-evt))
(require "cook-port.rkt")
(require "sandboxes.rkt")
@ -17,19 +18,16 @@
(require "ssh-channel.rkt")
(require "ssh-message-types.rkt")
(require "ssh-exceptions.rkt")
(require "marketplace-support.rkt")
(define (main)
(ground-vm (timer-driver)
(name-process 'ssh-tcp-listener (spawn listener))))
(define listener
(observe-publishers (tcp-channel ? (tcp-listener 2322) ?)
(match-conversation r
(on-presence (session-vm r))))))
(module+ main
(actor-system/dataspace (ds)
(spawn-timer-driver ds)
(spawn-tcp-driver ds)
(spawn #:name 'ssh-tcp-listener
(at ds
(during/spawn (Connection $conn (TcpInbound "" 2322))
#:name (list 'ssh conn)
(session ds conn))))))
@ -44,242 +42,164 @@
"Invalid peer identification string ~v"
(define (spy marker)
(define (dump what message)
(write `(,marker ,what ,message))
(observe-publishers/everything (wild)
(match-interest-type i
(match-conversation c
(on-presence (dump 'arrived (role 'publisher c i)))
(on-absence (dump 'departed (role 'publisher c i)))
(on-message [message (dump 'message message)]))))
(observe-subscribers/everything (wild)
(match-interest-type i
(match-conversation c
(on-presence (dump 'arrived (role 'subscriber c i)))
(on-absence (dump 'departed (role 'subscriber c i)))
(on-message [message (dump 'feedback message)]))))))
(define (session ground-ds conn)
(define root-facet this-facet)
(define-syntax-rule (wait-as my-orientation topic action ...)
(let-fresh (endpoint-name)
(build-endpoint endpoint-name
(role my-orientation topic 'observer)
(match-state state
(on-presence (sequence-actions (transition state
(delete-endpoint endpoint-name)
action ...)))))))
(define update-input-handler
(accept-connection conn
#:initial-credit #f
#:on-data (lambda (input mode) (error 'session "Unexpected input"))))
(define (session-vm new-conversation)
(match-define (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr _) new-conversation)
(define local-identification #"SSH-2.0-RacketSSH_0.0")
(define local-identification "SSH-2.0-RacketSSH_0.0")
(send-line conn local-identification)
(define (issue-identification-string)
(send-message (tcp-channel local-addr remote-addr
(bytes-append local-identification #"\r\n")))))
(send-lines-credit conn 1 (LineMode-crlf))
#:on-data (lambda (remote-identification _mode)
(check-remote-identification! remote-identification)
(define (read-handshake-and-become-reader)
(transition 'handshake-is-stateless ;; but, crucially, the ssh-reader proper isn't!
(name-endpoint 'socket-reader
(subscriber (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr ?)
(match-state state
[(tcp-channel _ _ (? eof-object?))
(transition state (quit))]
[(tcp-channel _ _ (? bytes? remote-identification))
(check-remote-identification! remote-identification)
(sequence-actions (transition state)
;; First, set the incoming mode to bytes.
(send-feedback (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr (tcp-mode 'bytes))))
;; Then initialise the reader, switching to packet-reading mode.
(lambda (ignored-state) (ssh-reader new-conversation))
;; Finally, spawn the remaining processes and issue
;; the initial credit to the reader.
(name-process 'ssh-writer
;; TODO: canary: #:exit-signal? #t
(spawn (ssh-writer new-conversation)))
;; Wait for the reader and writer get started, then tell
;; the reader we are ready for a single packet and spawn
;; the session manager.
(wait-as 'subscriber (inbound-packet (wild) (wild) (wild) (wild))
(wait-as 'publisher (outbound-packet (wild))
(send-message (inbound-credit 1))
(name-process 'ssh-session
(spawn #:pid session-pid
;; TODO: canary: #:exit-signal? #t
(ssh-session session-pid
(define session-vm
(actor-group [(on-stop
(stop-facet root-facet)
(log-info "Session VM for ~a closed" conn))]
(define conn-ds (dataspace #:name (gensym 'conn-ds)))
(define (exn->outbound-packet reason)
(outbound-packet (ssh-msg-disconnect (exn:fail:contract:protocol-reason-code reason)
(string->bytes/utf-8 (exn-message reason))
(spawn/link #:name 'reader
(ssh-reader conn-ds conn update-input-handler))
(spawn/link #:name 'writer
(ssh-writer conn-ds conn))
(define (disconnect-message-required? reason)
(and (exn:fail:contract:protocol? reason)
(not (exn:fail:contract:protocol-originated-at-peer? reason))))
;; Wait for the reader and writer get started, then tell the reader
;; we are ready for a single packet and spawn the session manager.
(at conn-ds
(stop-when (asserted (Observe (:pattern (inbound-credit ,_)) _))
(send! conn-ds (inbound-credit 1))
(define (active-exception-handler reason)
;; This is kind of gross: because the absence handler gets invoked
;; several times in a row because of multiple flows intersecting
;; this role, we have to be careful to make the transmission of
;; the disconnection packet idempotent.
;; TODO: this is likely no longer true now we're using exit-signals %%%
(define interesting? (disconnect-message-required? reason))
(transition inert-exception-handler
(when interesting? (send-message (exn->outbound-packet reason)))
(yield state ;; gross
(transition state (at-meta-level (quit #f (and interesting? reason)))))))
#:name 'session
(ssh-session conn-ds
(lambda (user-name)
(error 'repl-boot "Would start session with ~a" user-name))
(define (inert-exception-handler reason)
(at conn-ds
(during $m
(on-start (log-info "++ ~v" m))
(on-stop (log-info "-- ~v" m)))
(when (message $m)
(log-info ">> ~v" m)))
(spawn-vm #:debug-name (list 'ssh-session-vm new-conversation)
(event-relay 'ssh-event-relay)
(timer-relay 'ssh-timer-relay)
(spy 'SSH)
(at conn-ds
(when (asserted (protocol-error $reason-code $message _ $originated-at-peer?))
(when (not originated-at-peer?)
(send! conn-ds
(outbound-packet (ssh-msg-disconnect reason-code
(string->bytes/utf-8 message)
(actor-system-shutdown! session-vm)))))
;; Expect identification string, then update (!) our inbound
;; subscription handler to switch to packet mode.
(send-feedback (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr (tcp-mode 'lines)))
(send-feedback (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr (tcp-credit 1))))
(name-process 'ssh-reader
;; TODO: canary: #:exit-signal? #t
(spawn (read-handshake-and-become-reader)))
;; TODO: canary:
;; (spawn #:child
;; (transition active-exception-handler
;; (role (topic-subscriber (exit-signal (wild) (wild)))
;; #:state current-handler
;; #:reason reason
;; #:on-absence (current-handler reason))))
(define (repl-boot user-name)
(event-relay 'app-event-relay)
(spy 'APP)
(subscriber (channel-message (channel-stream-name #t (wild)) (wild))
(match-conversation (channel-message (channel-stream-name _ cname) _)
(on-presence (name-process cname (spawn (repl-instance user-name cname)))))))))
;; ;; (repl-instance InputPort OutputPort InputPort OutputPort)
;; (struct repl-instance-state (c2s-in ;; used by thread to read input from relay
;; c2s-out ;; used by relay to feed input from remote to the thread
;; s2c-in ;; used by relay to feed output from thread to remote
;; s2c-out ;; used by thread to write output to relay
;; ) #:prefab)
;; (repl-instance InputPort OutputPort InputPort OutputPort)
(struct repl-instance-state (c2s-in ;; used by thread to read input from relay
c2s-out ;; used by relay to feed input from remote to the thread
s2c-in ;; used by relay to feed output from thread to remote
s2c-out ;; used by thread to write output to relay
) #:prefab)
(define (repl-instance user-name cname)
(define inbound-stream (channel-stream-name #t cname))
(define outbound-stream (channel-stream-name #f cname))
(define (ch-do action-ctor stream body)
(at-meta-level (action-ctor (channel-message stream body))))
(define (handle-channel-message state body)
(match body
[(channel-stream-request #"pty-req" _)
(match-define (repl-instance-state old-in _ _ old-out) state)
(define-values (cooked-in cooked-out) (cook-io old-in old-out "> "))
(transition (struct-copy repl-instance-state state
[c2s-in cooked-in]
[s2c-out cooked-out])
(ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-ok)))]
[(channel-stream-notify #"env" _)
;; Don't care
(transition state)]
[(channel-stream-request #"shell" _)
(match-define (repl-instance-state c2s-in _ s2c-in s2c-out) state)
(define buffer-size 1024)
(define dummy-buffer (make-bytes buffer-size))
(define repl-thread (thread (lambda () (repl-shell user-name c2s-in s2c-out))))
(transition state
(ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-ok))
(subscriber (cons (thread-dead-evt repl-thread) (wild))
(on-message [_ (quit #f "REPL thread exited")]))
(subscriber (cons (peek-bytes-avail!-evt dummy-buffer 0 #f s2c-in) (wild))
;; We're using peek-bytes-avail!-evt rather than
;; read-bytes-avail!-evt because of potential overwriting
;; of the buffer. The overwriting can happen when there's
;; any latency between handling the event and the next
;; firing of the event, since the peek-bytes-avail!-evt
;; will overwrite its buffer next time it's synced on.
(match-state state
[(cons _ (? eof-object?))
(let ()
(match-define (repl-instance-state c2s-in c2s-out s2c-in s2c-out) state)
(close-input-port c2s-in)
(close-output-port c2s-out)
(close-input-port s2c-in)
(close-output-port s2c-out)
(transition state (quit)))]
[(cons _ (? number? count))
(transition state
(ch-do send-message outbound-stream (channel-stream-data
(read-bytes count s2c-in))))]))))]
[(or (channel-stream-data #"\4") ;; C-d a.k.a EOT
(let ()
(close-output-port (repl-instance-state-c2s-out state))
;; ^ this signals the repl thread to exit.
;; Now, wait for it to do so.
(transition state))]
[(channel-stream-data bs)
(write-bytes bs (repl-instance-state-c2s-out state))
(flush-output (repl-instance-state-c2s-out state))
(transition state
(ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-credit (bytes-length bs))))]
(write `(channel inbound ,m)) (newline)
(transition state)]))
(match (channel-name-type cname)
(define-values (c2s-in c2s-out) (make-pipe))
(define-values (s2c-in s2c-out) (make-pipe))
(transition (repl-instance-state c2s-in c2s-out s2c-in s2c-out)
(subscriber (channel-message inbound-stream (wild))
(match-state state
(on-presence (transition state
(ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-config
(ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-credit 1024))))
[(channel-message _ body)
(handle-channel-message state body)]))))
(publisher (channel-message outbound-stream (wild))
(on-message [m (begin
(write `(channel outbound ,cname ,m)) (newline)
(at-meta-level (send-message
(channel-message outbound-stream
(bytes-append #"Unknown channel type " type))))))]))
;; TODO: module+
;; (define (repl-instance user-name cname)
;; (define inbound-stream (channel-stream-name #t cname))
;; (define outbound-stream (channel-stream-name #f cname))
;; (define (ch-do action-ctor stream body)
;; (at-meta-level (action-ctor (channel-message stream body))))
;; (define (handle-channel-message state body)
;; (match body
;; [(channel-stream-request #"pty-req" _)
;; (match-define (repl-instance-state old-in _ _ old-out) state)
;; (define-values (cooked-in cooked-out) (cook-io old-in old-out "> "))
;; (transition (struct-copy repl-instance-state state
;; [c2s-in cooked-in]
;; [s2c-out cooked-out])
;; (ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-ok)))]
;; [(channel-stream-notify #"env" _)
;; ;; Don't care
;; (transition state)]
;; [(channel-stream-request #"shell" _)
;; (match-define (repl-instance-state c2s-in _ s2c-in s2c-out) state)
;; (define buffer-size 1024)
;; (define dummy-buffer (make-bytes buffer-size))
;; (define repl-thread (thread (lambda () (repl-shell user-name c2s-in s2c-out))))
;; (transition state
;; (ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-ok))
;; (subscriber (cons (thread-dead-evt repl-thread) (wild))
;; (on-message [_ (quit #f "REPL thread exited")]))
;; (subscriber (cons (peek-bytes-avail!-evt dummy-buffer 0 #f s2c-in) (wild))
;; ;; We're using peek-bytes-avail!-evt rather than
;; ;; read-bytes-avail!-evt because of potential overwriting
;; ;; of the buffer. The overwriting can happen when there's
;; ;; any latency between handling the event and the next
;; ;; firing of the event, since the peek-bytes-avail!-evt
;; ;; will overwrite its buffer next time it's synced on.
;; (match-state state
;; (on-message
;; [(cons _ (? eof-object?))
;; (let ()
;; (match-define (repl-instance-state c2s-in c2s-out s2c-in s2c-out) state)
;; (close-input-port c2s-in)
;; (close-output-port c2s-out)
;; (close-input-port s2c-in)
;; (close-output-port s2c-out)
;; (transition state (quit)))]
;; [(cons _ (? number? count))
;; (transition state
;; (ch-do send-message outbound-stream (channel-stream-data
;; (read-bytes count s2c-in))))]))))]
;; [(or (channel-stream-data #"\4") ;; C-d a.k.a EOT
;; (channel-stream-eof))
;; (let ()
;; (close-output-port (repl-instance-state-c2s-out state))
;; ;; ^ this signals the repl thread to exit.
;; ;; Now, wait for it to do so.
;; (transition state))]
;; [(channel-stream-data bs)
;; (write-bytes bs (repl-instance-state-c2s-out state))
;; (flush-output (repl-instance-state-c2s-out state))
;; (transition state
;; (ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-credit (bytes-length bs))))]
;; [m
;; (write `(channel inbound ,m)) (newline)
;; (transition state)]))
;; (match (channel-name-type cname)
;; [#"session"
;; (define-values (c2s-in c2s-out) (make-pipe))
;; (define-values (s2c-in s2c-out) (make-pipe))
;; (transition (repl-instance-state c2s-in c2s-out s2c-in s2c-out)
;; (at-meta-level
;; (subscriber (channel-message inbound-stream (wild))
;; (match-state state
;; (on-presence (transition state
;; (ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-config
;; (default-packet-limit)
;; #""))
;; (ch-do send-feedback inbound-stream (channel-stream-credit 1024))))
;; (on-message
;; [(channel-message _ body)
;; (handle-channel-message state body)]))))
;; (at-meta-level
;; (publisher (channel-message outbound-stream (wild))
;; (on-message [m (begin
;; (write `(channel outbound ,cname ,m)) (newline)
;; (void))]))))]
;; [type
;; (transition/no-state
;; (at-meta-level (send-message
;; (channel-message outbound-stream
;; (channel-stream-open-failure
;; (bytes-append #"Unknown channel type " type))))))]))

View File

@ -7,24 +7,24 @@
(provide dh:oakley-group-2
;;(require (planet vyzo/crypto))
(require (planet vyzo/crypto/dh))
(require "crypto.rkt")
(require (only-in net/base64 base64-decode))
(define dh:oakley-group-2
(define dh:oakley-group-14

View File

@ -1,44 +1,39 @@
#lang racket/base
#lang syndicate
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2011-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
;;; Exceptions and error-raising and -handling utilities used in structuring SSH sessions.
;;; Error-raising and -handling utilities used in structuring SSH sessions.
(provide (struct-out exn:fail:contract:protocol)
(provide (struct-out protocol-error)
;; An exn:fail:contract:protocol, when thrown by the transport (TODO:
;; clarify scope of this behaviour) will cause a SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT to
;; be sent to the remote party with the included reason code, using
;; the exn-message as the description. The local-info field is useful
;; A `protocol-error`, when asserted, will cause a SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT
;; to be sent to the remote party with the included reason code, using
;; `message` as the description. The `local-info` field is useful
;; information for diagnosing problems known to the local stack that
;; should not be transmitted to the remote party. For example, upon
;; detection of a MAC failure, it might be useful to know the expected
;; and actual MACs for debugging, but they should not be sent over the
;; wire because we could be experiencing some kind of attack.
(struct exn:fail:contract:protocol exn:fail:contract
(reason-code local-info originated-at-peer?)
(struct protocol-error (reason-code message local-info originated-at-peer?) #:prefab)
;; Natural FormatString [Any ...] -> raised exn:fail:contract:protocol
(define (disconnect-with-error reason-code format-string . args)
(apply disconnect-with-error* #f '() reason-code format-string args))
;; DS Natural FormatString [Any ...] -> signalled protocol-error
(define (disconnect-with-error ds reason-code format-string . args)
(apply disconnect-with-error* ds #f '() reason-code format-string args))
;; Any Natural FormatString [Any ...] -> raised exn:fail:contract:protocol
(define (disconnect-with-error/local-info local-info reason-code format-string . args)
(apply disconnect-with-error* #f local-info reason-code format-string args))
;; DS Any Natural FormatString [Any ...] -> signalled protocol-error
(define (disconnect-with-error/local-info ds local-info reason-code format-string . args)
(apply disconnect-with-error* ds #f local-info reason-code format-string args))
;; Boolean Any Natural FormatString [Any ...] -> raised exn:fail:contract:protocol
(define (disconnect-with-error* originated-at-peer?
;; DS Boolean Any Natural FormatString [Any ...] -> signalled protocol-error
(define (disconnect-with-error* ds
. args)
(let ((message (apply format format-string args)))
(raise (exn:fail:contract:protocol message
(define message (apply format format-string args))
(spawn (at ds (assert (protocol-error reason-code message local-info originated-at-peer?))))
(error 'protocol-error "(~a) ~a: ~v" reason-code message local-info))

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
(require racket/port)
(require net/base64)
(require (planet vyzo/crypto))
(require bitsyntax)
(require "crypto.rkt")
(require "asn1-ber.rkt")
(require "ssh-message-types.rkt")
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
@ -38,8 +37,8 @@
(define (bs->n bs) (bit-string->integer bs #t #t))
(define (n->bs n) (integer->bit-string n (* 8 (mpint-width n)) #t))
(define (private-key->pieces key)
(bytes->private-key-pieces (private-key->bytes key)))
;; (define (private-key->pieces key)
;; (bytes->private-key-pieces (private-key->bytes key)))
(define (bytes->private-key-pieces bs)
(match (asn1-ber-decode-all bs)
@ -76,65 +75,32 @@
(define (pieces->private-key p)
(match p
((struct rsa-private-key (version n e d p q dmp1 dmq1 iqmp))
(bytes->private-key pkey:rsa
(asn1-ber-encode `(0 16 ((0 2 ,(n->bs version))
(0 2 ,(n->bs n))
(0 2 ,(n->bs e))
(0 2 ,(n->bs d))
(0 2 ,(n->bs p))
(0 2 ,(n->bs q))
(0 2 ,(n->bs dmp1))
(0 2 ,(n->bs dmq1))
(0 2 ,(n->bs iqmp)))))))
((struct dsa-private-key (version p q g y x))
(bytes->private-key pkey:dsa
(asn1-ber-encode `(0 16 ((0 2 ,(n->bs version))
(0 2 ,(n->bs p))
(0 2 ,(n->bs q))
(0 2 ,(n->bs g))
(0 2 ,(n->bs y))
(0 2 ,(n->bs x)))))))))
[(struct rsa-private-key (version n e d _p _q _dmp1 _dmq1 _iqmp))
(datum->pk-key (list 'rsa 'private n e d)
[(struct dsa-private-key (version p q g y x))
(datum->pk-key (list 'dsa 'private p q g y x)
(define (public-key->pieces key)
(match (asn1-ber-decode-all (public-key->bytes key))
(`(0 16 ((0 2 ,n-bytes)
(0 2 ,e-bytes)))
(rsa-public-key (bs->n n-bytes)
(bs->n e-bytes)))
(`(0 16 ((0 2 ,public-key-bytes) ;; y
(0 2 ,p-bytes)
(0 2 ,q-bytes)
(0 2 ,g-bytes)))
(dsa-public-key (bs->n public-key-bytes)
(bs->n p-bytes)
(bs->n q-bytes)
(bs->n g-bytes)))))
(match (pk-key->datum key 'rkt-public)
[(list 'rsa 'public n e)
(rsa-public-key n e)]
[(list 'dsa 'public p q g public-key-bytes)
(dsa-public-key public-key-bytes p q g)]))
(define (pieces->public-key p)
(match p
((struct rsa-public-key (n e))
(bytes->public-key pkey:rsa
(asn1-ber-encode `(0 16 ((0 2 ,(n->bs n))
(0 2 ,(n->bs e)))))))
(datum->pk-key (list 'rsa 'public n e) 'rkt-public))
((struct dsa-public-key (y p q g))
(bytes->public-key pkey:dsa
(asn1-ber-encode `(0 16 ((0 2 ,(n->bs y))
(0 2 ,(n->bs p))
(0 2 ,(n->bs q))
(0 2 ,(n->bs g)))))))))
(datum->pk-key (list 'dsa 'public p q g y) 'rkt-public))))
(define (host-key-algorithm->keys host-key-alg)
(case host-key-alg
((ssh-dss) (values host-key-dsa-private host-key-dsa-public))
(else (error 'host-key-algorithm->keys "Unsupported host-key-alg ~v" host-key-alg))))
(define (host-key-algorithm->digest-type host-key-alg)
(case host-key-alg
((ssh-rsa) digest:sha1)
((ssh-dss) digest:dss1)
(else (error 'host-key-algorithm->digest-type "Unsupported host-key-alg ~v" host-key-alg))))
(define (host-key-signature private-key host-key-alg exchange-hash)
(case host-key-alg
@ -142,7 +108,7 @@
;; local-algorithm-list in ssh-transport.rkt.
(error 'host-key-signature "ssh-rsa host key signatures unimplemented"))
(match (asn1-ber-decode-all (sign private-key digest:dss1 exchange-hash))
(match (asn1-ber-decode-all (pk-sign private-key exchange-hash))
(`(0 16 ((0 2 ,r-bytes)
(0 2 ,s-bytes)))
(bit-string (#"ssh-dss" :: (t:string))
@ -167,7 +133,7 @@
(s :: big-endian integer bits 160) ]
(asn1-ber-encode `(0 16 ((0 2 ,(n->bs r))
(0 2 ,(n->bs s))))))))))
(when (not (verify public-key digest:dss1 signature exchange-hash))
(when (not (pk-verify public-key exchange-hash signature))
(error 'verify-host-key-signature! "Signature mismatch")))))
(define (pieces->ssh-host-key pieces)
@ -207,7 +173,8 @@
(define host-key-dsa-private (load-private-key "test-dsa-key"))
(define host-key-dsa-public (pkey->public-key host-key-dsa-private))
(define host-key-dsa-public (pk-key->public-only-key host-key-dsa-private))
(check-equal? (public-key->bytes (pieces->public-key (public-key->pieces host-key-dsa-public)))
(public-key->bytes host-key-dsa-private))
(check-equal? (pk-key->datum (pieces->public-key (public-key->pieces host-key-dsa-public))
(pk-key->datum host-key-dsa-private 'SubjectPublicKeyInfo))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
#lang racket/base
#lang syndicate
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2011-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
(require bitsyntax)
(require (planet vyzo/crypto:2:3))
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require rackunit)
(require syndicate/drivers/tcp)
(require "aes-ctr.rkt")
(require "crypto.rkt")
(require "ssh-numbers.rkt")
(require "ssh-message-types.rkt")
(require "ssh-exceptions.rkt")
(require "marketplace-support.rkt")
(provide (struct-out inbound-packet)
(struct-out inbound-credit)
(struct-out outbound-packet)
@ -103,56 +96,42 @@
(define (make-evp-cipher-entry name cipher)
(define (make-cipher-entry name cipher-spec key-length)
(list name
(supported-cipher name
(lambda (enc? key iv)
(let ((state ((if enc? cipher-encrypt cipher-decrypt)
cipher key iv #:padding #f)))
(lambda (block)
(cipher-update! state block))))
(cipher-key-length cipher)
(cipher-block-size cipher)
(cipher-iv-length cipher))))
(define (aes-ctr-cipher-factory enc? key iv)
(let ((state (start-aes-ctr key iv)))
(lambda (block)
(aes-ctr-process! state block))))
(define (make-aes-ctr-entry name key-length)
(list name
(supported-cipher name
(lambda (input)
((if enc? encrypt decrypt)
cipher-spec key iv input #:pad #f)))
(cipher-block-size cipher-spec)
(cipher-iv-size cipher-spec))))
(define supported-crypto-algorithms
(make-aes-ctr-entry 'aes128-ctr 16)
(make-aes-ctr-entry 'aes192-ctr 24)
(make-aes-ctr-entry 'aes256-ctr 32)
(make-evp-cipher-entry 'aes128-cbc cipher:aes-128-cbc)
(make-evp-cipher-entry 'aes192-cbc cipher:aes-192-cbc)
(make-evp-cipher-entry 'aes256-cbc cipher:aes-256-cbc)
(make-evp-cipher-entry '3des-cbc cipher:des-ede3)
(make-cipher-entry 'aes128-ctr '(aes ctr) 16)
(make-cipher-entry 'aes192-ctr '(aes ctr) 24)
(make-cipher-entry 'aes256-ctr '(aes ctr) 32)
(make-cipher-entry 'aes128-cbc '(aes cbc) 16)
(make-cipher-entry 'aes192-cbc '(aes cbc) 24)
(make-cipher-entry 'aes256-cbc '(aes cbc) 32)
(make-cipher-entry '3des-cbc '(des-ede3 cbc) 24)
)) ;; TODO: actually test these!
(define (make-hmac-entry name digest key-length-or-false)
(let* ((digest-length (digest-size digest))
(define (make-hmac-entry name digest-spec key-length-or-false)
(let* ((digest-length (digest-size digest-spec))
(key-length (or key-length-or-false digest-length)))
(list name
(supported-hmac name
(lambda (key)
(lambda (blob)
(hmac digest key blob)))
(hmac digest-spec key blob)))
(define supported-hmac-algorithms
(list (make-hmac-entry 'hmac-md5 digest:md5 #f)
(make-hmac-entry 'hmac-sha1 digest:sha1 #f)))
(list (make-hmac-entry 'hmac-md5 'md5 #f)
(make-hmac-entry 'hmac-sha1 'sha1 #f)))
(define supported-compression-algorithms '(none)) ;; TODO: zlib, and zlib delayed
@ -161,7 +140,7 @@
(mac-names (map car supported-hmac-algorithms)))
(lambda ()
(ssh-msg-kexinit (random-bytes 16)
(ssh-msg-kexinit (crypto-random-bytes 16)
'(ssh-dss) ;; TODO: offer ssh-rsa. This will
@ -190,7 +169,7 @@
(define (apply-negotiated-options nk is-outbound?)
(define (apply-negotiated-options conn-ds nk is-outbound?)
(match-define (new-keys is-server?
c2s-enc s2c-enc
@ -208,7 +187,8 @@
(define cipher-description
((assq enc supported-crypto-algorithms) => cadr)
(else (disconnect-with-error SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED
(else (disconnect-with-error conn-ds
"Could not find driver for encryption algorithm ~v"
(define cipher
@ -220,7 +200,8 @@
(define hmac-description
((assq mac supported-hmac-algorithms) => cadr)
(else (disconnect-with-error SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED
(else (disconnect-with-error conn-ds
"Could not find driver for HMAC algorithm ~v"
(define hmac
@ -240,7 +221,7 @@
(mac (bit-string->bytes (bit-string-append (integer->bit-string sequence-number 32 #t)
(define (check-packet-length! actual-length limit block-size)
(define (check-packet-length! conn-ds actual-length limit block-size)
(when (> actual-length limit)
(log-warning (format "Packet of length ~v exceeded our limit of ~v"
@ -250,7 +231,8 @@
;; exceed the packet size limit! (For example, sending a packet of
;; length 65564 when I'm expecting a max of 65536.) So we actually
;; enforce twice our actual limit.
(disconnect-with-error 0 ;; TODO: better reason code?
(disconnect-with-error conn-ds
0 ;; TODO: better reason code?
"Packet of length ~v is longer than packet limit ~v"
@ -259,7 +241,8 @@
;; the length-of-length, but the requirements for transmitted
;; chunks of data are that they be block-size multiples
;; *including* the length-of-length
(disconnect-with-error SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR
(disconnect-with-error conn-ds
"Packet of length ~v is not a multiple of block size ~v"
@ -279,190 +262,125 @@
;; Encrypted Packet Input
(struct ssh-reader-state (mode config sequence-number remaining-credit) #:prefab)
(define (ssh-reader new-conversation)
(match-define (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr _) new-conversation)
(define (ssh-reader conn-ds conn update-input-handler)
(define packet-size-limit (default-packet-limit))
(define sequence-number 0)
(define remaining-credit 0)
(define (issue-credit state)
(match-define (ssh-reader-state _ (crypto-configuration _ desc _ _) _ message-credit) state)
(when (positive? message-credit)
(send-feedback (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr
(tcp-credit (supported-cipher-block-size desc)))))))
(define config initial-crypto-configuration)
(transition (ssh-reader-state 'packet-header initial-crypto-configuration 0 0)
(name-endpoint 'socket-reader
(subscriber (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr ?)
(match-state (and state
(ssh-reader-state mode
(crypto-configuration cipher
[(tcp-channel _ _ (? eof-object?))
(transition state (quit))]
[(tcp-channel _ _ (? bytes? encrypted-packet))
(let ()
(define block-size (supported-cipher-block-size cipher-description))
(define first-block-size block-size)
(define subsequent-block-size (if cipher block-size 1))
(define decryptor (if cipher cipher values))
(define (current-cipher) (crypto-configuration-cipher config))
(define (block-size)
(supported-cipher-block-size (crypto-configuration-cipher-description config)))
(define (decrypt-chunk chunk) ((or (current-cipher) values) chunk))
(define (subsequent-block-size) (if (current-cipher) (block-size) 1))
(define (hmac) (crypto-configuration-hmac config))
(define (check-hmac packet-length payload-length packet)
(define computed-hmac-bytes (apply-hmac hmac sequence-number packet))
(define mac-byte-count (bytes-length computed-hmac-bytes))
(if (positive? mac-byte-count)
(transition (struct-copy ssh-reader-state state
[mode `(packet-hmac ,computed-hmac-bytes
(send-feedback (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr
(tcp-credit mac-byte-count)))))
(finish-packet 0 packet-length payload-length packet)))
(define (issue-credit)
(when (positive? remaining-credit)
(send-bytes-credit conn (block-size))))
(define (finish-packet mac-byte-count packet-length payload-length packet)
(define bytes-read (+ packet-length mac-byte-count))
(define payload (subbytes packet 5 (+ 5 payload-length)))
(define new-credit (- remaining-credit 1))
(define new-state (struct-copy ssh-reader-state state
[mode 'packet-header]
[sequence-number (+ sequence-number 1)]
[remaining-credit new-credit]))
(transition new-state
(issue-credit new-state)
(inbound-packet sequence-number
(ssh-message-decode payload)
(define (handle-packet-header encrypted-packet _mode)
(define first-block (decrypt-chunk encrypted-packet))
(define packet-length (integer-bytes->integer first-block #f #t 0 4))
(check-packet-length! conn-ds packet-length packet-size-limit (subsequent-block-size))
(define padding-length (bytes-ref first-block 4))
(define payload-length (- packet-length padding-length 1))
(define amount-of-packet-in-first-block (- (bytes-length first-block) 4)) ;; not incl length
(define remaining-to-read (- packet-length amount-of-packet-in-first-block))
(if (positive? remaining-to-read)
(send-bytes-credit conn remaining-to-read)
#:on-data (lambda (encrypted-packet _mode)
(check-hmac packet-length
(bytes-append first-block (decrypt-chunk encrypted-packet))))))
(check-hmac packet-length payload-length first-block)))
(match mode
(define decrypted-packet (decryptor encrypted-packet))
(define first-block decrypted-packet)
(define packet-length (integer-bytes->integer first-block #f #t 0 4))
(check-packet-length! packet-length packet-size-limit subsequent-block-size)
(define padding-length (bytes-ref first-block 4))
(define payload-length (- packet-length padding-length 1))
(define amount-of-packet-in-first-block
(- (bytes-length first-block) 4)) ;; not incl length
(define remaining-to-read (- packet-length amount-of-packet-in-first-block))
(define (check-hmac packet-length payload-length packet)
(define computed-hmac-bytes (apply-hmac (hmac) sequence-number packet))
(define mac-byte-count (bytes-length computed-hmac-bytes))
(if (positive? mac-byte-count)
(send-bytes-credit conn mac-byte-count)
#:on-data (lambda (received-hmac-bytes _mode)
(if (equal? computed-hmac-bytes received-hmac-bytes)
(finish-packet mac-byte-count packet-length payload-length packet)
(disconnect-with-error/local-info conn-ds
`((expected-hmac ,computed-hmac-bytes)
(actual-hmac ,received-hmac-bytes))
"Corrupt MAC")))))
(finish-packet 0 packet-length payload-length packet)))
(if (positive? remaining-to-read)
(transition (struct-copy ssh-reader-state state
[mode `(packet-body ,packet-length
(send-feedback (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr
(tcp-credit remaining-to-read)))))
(check-hmac packet-length payload-length first-block))]
(define (finish-packet mac-byte-count packet-length payload-length packet)
(define bytes-read (+ packet-length mac-byte-count))
(define payload (subbytes packet 5 (+ 5 payload-length)))
(update-input-handler #:on-data handle-packet-header)
(send! conn-ds (inbound-packet sequence-number
(ssh-message-decode payload)
(set! sequence-number (+ sequence-number 1))
(set! remaining-credit (- remaining-credit 1))
[`(packet-body ,packet-length ,payload-length ,first-block)
(define decrypted-packet (decryptor encrypted-packet))
(check-hmac packet-length payload-length (bytes-append first-block
#:on-eof (lambda () (stop-current-facet))
#:on-data handle-packet-header)
[`(packet-hmac ,computed-hmac-bytes
(define received-hmac-bytes encrypted-packet) ;; not really encrypted!
(if (equal? computed-hmac-bytes received-hmac-bytes)
(finish-packet mac-byte-count packet-length payload-length main-packet)
(disconnect-with-error/local-info `((expected-hmac ,computed-hmac-bytes)
(actual-hmac ,received-hmac-bytes))
"Corrupt MAC"))]))])))))
(subscriber (inbound-credit (wild))
(match-state state
[(inbound-credit amount)
(let ()
(define new-state (struct-copy ssh-reader-state state
(+ amount (ssh-reader-state-remaining-credit state))]))
(transition new-state
(issue-credit new-state)))])))
(subscriber (new-keys (wild)
(wild) (wild)
(wild) (wild)
(wild) (wild))
(match-state state
[(? new-keys? nk)
(transition (struct-copy ssh-reader-state state
[config (apply-negotiated-options nk #f)]))])))
(publisher (inbound-packet (wild) (wild) (wild) (wild)))))
(at conn-ds
(when (message (inbound-credit $amount))
(set! remaining-credit (+ remaining-credit amount))
(when (message ($ nk (new-keys _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)))
(set! config (apply-negotiated-options conn-ds nk #f)))))
;; Encrypted Packet Output
(struct ssh-writer-state (config sequence-number) #:prefab)
;; (struct ssh-writer-state (config sequence-number) #:prefab)
(define (ssh-writer new-conversation)
(match-define (tcp-channel remote-addr local-addr _) new-conversation)
(transition (ssh-writer-state initial-crypto-configuration 0)
(publisher (outbound-byte-credit (wild)))
(subscriber (outbound-packet (wild))
(match-state (and state
(ssh-writer-state (crypto-configuration cipher
[(outbound-packet message)
(let ()
(define pad-block-size (supported-cipher-block-size cipher-description))
(define encryptor (if cipher cipher values))
(define payload (ssh-message-encode message))
;; There must be at least 4 bytes of padding, and padding needs to
;; make the packet length a multiple of pad-block-size.
(define unpadded-length (+ 4 ;; length of length
1 ;; length of length-of-padding indicator
(bit-string-byte-count payload)))
(define min-padded-length (+ unpadded-length 4))
(define padded-length (round-up min-padded-length pad-block-size))
(define padding-length (- padded-length unpadded-length))
(define packet-length (- padded-length 4))
;; ^^ the packet length does *not* include itself!
(define packet (bit-string->bytes
(bit-string (packet-length :: integer bits 32)
(padding-length :: integer bits 8)
(payload :: binary)
((random-bytes padding-length) :: binary))))
(define encrypted-packet (encryptor packet))
(define computed-hmac-bytes (apply-hmac hmac sequence-number packet))
(define mac-byte-count (bytes-length computed-hmac-bytes))
(transition (struct-copy ssh-writer-state state
[sequence-number (+ sequence-number 1)])
(send-message (tcp-channel local-addr remote-addr encrypted-packet)))
(when (positive? mac-byte-count)
(send-message (tcp-channel local-addr remote-addr computed-hmac-bytes))))
(outbound-byte-credit (+ (bytes-length encrypted-packet) mac-byte-count)))))])))
(subscriber (new-keys (wild)
(wild) (wild)
(wild) (wild)
(wild) (wild))
(match-state state
[(? new-keys? nk)
(struct-copy ssh-writer-state state [config (apply-negotiated-options nk #t)]))])))))
(define (ssh-writer conn-ds conn)
(define config initial-crypto-configuration)
(define sequence-number 0)
(define (block-size)
(supported-cipher-block-size (crypto-configuration-cipher-description config)))
(define (encrypt-chunk chunk) ((or (crypto-configuration-cipher config) values) chunk))
(define (hmac) (crypto-configuration-hmac config))
(at conn-ds
(when (message (outbound-packet $message))
(define pad-block-size (block-size))
(define payload (ssh-message-encode message))
;; There must be at least 4 bytes of padding, and padding needs to
;; make the packet length a multiple of pad-block-size.
(define unpadded-length (+ 4 ;; length of length
1 ;; length of length-of-padding indicator
(bit-string-byte-count payload)))
(define min-padded-length (+ unpadded-length 4))
(define padded-length (round-up min-padded-length pad-block-size))
(define padding-length (- padded-length unpadded-length))
(define packet-length (- padded-length 4))
;; ^^ the packet length does *not* include itself!
(define packet (bit-string->bytes
(bit-string (packet-length :: integer bits 32)
(padding-length :: integer bits 8)
(payload :: binary)
((crypto-random-bytes padding-length) :: binary))))
(define encrypted-packet (encrypt-chunk packet))
(define computed-hmac-bytes (apply-hmac (hmac) sequence-number packet))
(define mac-byte-count (bytes-length computed-hmac-bytes))
(send-data conn encrypted-packet)
(send-data conn computed-hmac-bytes)
(send! conn-ds (outbound-byte-credit (+ (bytes-length encrypted-packet)
(bytes-length computed-hmac-bytes))))
(set! sequence-number (+ sequence-number 1)))
(when (message ($ nk (new-keys _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)))
(set! config (apply-negotiated-options conn-ds nk #t)))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

View File

@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2011-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
(require "../aes-ctr.rkt")
(require rackunit)
(require bitsyntax)
(check-equal? (let ((x (start-aes-ctr (make-bytes 16 97) (make-bytes 16 0))))
(aes-ctr-process! x #"abcdefghijklmnop"))
#"\275XO-\317^<d\16(\262\257Fv}e" ;; = bd584f2dcf5e3c640e28b2af46767d65
(check-equal? (let ((x (start-aes-ctr (make-bytes 16 97) (make-bytes 16 0))))
(let* ((b1 (aes-ctr-process! x #"abcdef"))
(b2 (aes-ctr-process! x #"ghijklmnop")))
(list b1 b2)))
(list #"\275XO-\317^"
(check-equal? (let ((x (start-aes-ctr (make-bytes 16 97) (make-bytes 16 0))))
(aes-ctr-process! x #"\275XO-\317^<d\16(\262\257Fv}e"))
(check-equal? (let ((x (start-aes-ctr (make-bytes 16 97) (make-bytes 16 0))))
(let* ((b1 (aes-ctr-process! x #"\275XO-\317^"))
(b2 (aes-ctr-process! x #"<d\16(\262\257Fv}e")))
(list b1 b2)))
(list #"abcdef"
(check-equal? (let ((x (start-aes-ctr (make-bytes 16 97) (make-bytes 16 0))))
(aes-ctr-process! x #"abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop"))
#"\275XO-\317^<d\16(\262\257Fv}e!v\301\23\6@\330\305\314c\27\374\276\330 \342")
(check-equal? (let ((x (start-aes-ctr (make-bytes 16 97) (make-bytes 16 0))))
(aes-ctr-process! x
#"\275XO-\317^<d\16(\262\257Fv}e!v\301\23\6@\330\305\314c\27\374\276\330 \342"))
;; Test vectors from
(define (hex-string->bytes str) ;; grumble
(define cleaned (regexp-replace* #rx"[^0-9a-fA-F]+" str ""))
(define bits (* (string-length cleaned) 4))
(define n (string->number cleaned 16))
(integer->bit-string n bits #t))
(define (test-enc description key ivec plaintext ciphertext)
(let ((state (start-aes-ctr (hex-string->bytes key)
(hex-string->bytes ivec))))
(check-equal? (aes-ctr-process! state (hex-string->bytes plaintext))
(hex-string->bytes ciphertext)
(format "test-enc ~v" description))))
;; Test Vector #1: Encrypting 16 octets using AES-CTR with 128-bit key
(test-enc 1
"AE 68 52 F8 12 10 67 CC 4B F7 A5 76 55 77 F3 9E"
"00 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01"
"53 69 6E 67 6C 65 20 62 6C 6F 63 6B 20 6D 73 67"
"E4 09 5D 4F B7 A7 B3 79 2D 61 75 A3 26 13 11 B8")
;; Test Vector #2: Encrypting 32 octets using AES-CTR with 128-bit key
(test-enc 2
"7E 24 06 78 17 FA E0 D7 43 D6 CE 1F 32 53 91 63"
"00 6C B6 DB C0 54 3B 59 DA 48 D9 0B 00 00 00 01"
(string-append "00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F"
"10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F")
(string-append "51 04 A1 06 16 8A 72 D9 79 0D 41 EE 8E DA D3 88"
"EB 2E 1E FC 46 DA 57 C8 FC E6 30 DF 91 41 BE 28"))
;; Test Vector #3: Encrypting 36 octets using AES-CTR with 128-bit key
(test-enc 3
"76 91 BE 03 5E 50 20 A8 AC 6E 61 85 29 F9 A0 DC"
"00 E0 01 7B 27 77 7F 3F 4A 17 86 F0 00 00 00 01"
(string-append "00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F"
"10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F"
"20 21 22 23")
(string-append "C1 CF 48 A8 9F 2F FD D9 CF 46 52 E9 EF DB 72 D7"
"45 40 A4 2B DE 6D 78 36 D5 9A 5C EA AE F3 10 53"
"25 B2 07 2F"))
;; Test Vector #4: Encrypting 16 octets using AES-CTR with 192-bit key
(test-enc 4
"16 AF 5B 14 5F C9 F5 79 C1 75 F9 3E 3B FB 0E ED 86 3D 06 CC FD B7 85 15"
"00 00 00 48 36 73 3C 14 7D 6D 93 CB 00 00 00 01"
"53 69 6E 67 6C 65 20 62 6C 6F 63 6B 20 6D 73 67"
"4B 55 38 4F E2 59 C9 C8 4E 79 35 A0 03 CB E9 28")
;; Test Vector #5: Encrypting 32 octets using AES-CTR with 192-bit key
(test-enc 5
"7C 5C B2 40 1B 3D C3 3C 19 E7 34 08 19 E0 F6 9C 67 8C 3D B8 E6 F6 A9 1A"
"00 96 B0 3B 02 0C 6E AD C2 CB 50 0D 00 00 00 01"
(string-append "00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F"
"10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F")
(string-append "45 32 43 FC 60 9B 23 32 7E DF AA FA 71 31 CD 9F"
"84 90 70 1C 5A D4 A7 9C FC 1F E0 FF 42 F4 FB 00"))
;; Test Vector #6: Encrypting 36 octets using AES-CTR with 192-bit key
(test-enc 6
"02 BF 39 1E E8 EC B1 59 B9 59 61 7B 09 65 27 9B F5 9B 60 A7 86 D3 E0 FE"
"00 07 BD FD 5C BD 60 27 8D CC 09 12 00 00 00 01"
(string-append "00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F"
"10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F"
"20 21 22 23")
(string-append "96 89 3F C5 5E 5C 72 2F 54 0B 7D D1 DD F7 E7 58"
"D2 88 BC 95 C6 91 65 88 45 36 C8 11 66 2F 21 88"
"AB EE 09 35"))
;; Test Vector #7: Encrypting 16 octets using AES-CTR with 256-bit key
(test-enc 7
(string-append "77 6B EF F2 85 1D B0 6F 4C 8A 05 42 C8 69 6F 6C"
"6A 81 AF 1E EC 96 B4 D3 7F C1 D6 89 E6 C1 C1 04")
"00 00 00 60 DB 56 72 C9 7A A8 F0 B2 00 00 00 01"
"53 69 6E 67 6C 65 20 62 6C 6F 63 6B 20 6D 73 67"
"14 5A D0 1D BF 82 4E C7 56 08 63 DC 71 E3 E0 C0")
;; Test Vector #8: Encrypting 32 octets using AES-CTR with 256-bit key
(test-enc 8
(string-append "F6 D6 6D 6B D5 2D 59 BB 07 96 36 58 79 EF F8 86"
"C6 6D D5 1A 5B 6A 99 74 4B 50 59 0C 87 A2 38 84")
"00 FA AC 24 C1 58 5E F1 5A 43 D8 75 00 00 00 01"
(string-append "00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F"
"10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F")
(string-append "F0 5E 23 1B 38 94 61 2C 49 EE 00 0B 80 4E B2 A9"
"B8 30 6B 50 8F 83 9D 6A 55 30 83 1D 93 44 AF 1C"))
;; Test Vector #9: Encrypting 36 octets using AES-CTR with 256-bit key
(test-enc 9
(string-append "FF 7A 61 7C E6 91 48 E4 F1 72 6E 2F 43 58 1D E2"
"AA 62 D9 F8 05 53 2E DF F1 EE D6 87 FB 54 15 3D")
"00 1C C5 B7 51 A5 1D 70 A1 C1 11 48 00 00 00 01"
(string-append "00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F"
"10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F"
"20 21 22 23")
(string-append "EB 6C 52 82 1D 0B BB F7 CE 75 94 46 2A CA 4F AA"
"B4 07 DF 86 65 69 FD 07 F4 8C C0 B5 83 D6 07 1F"
"1E C0 E6 B8"))