Split out authentication

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-06-21 14:41:33 +02:00
parent 32595e718f
commit 2fc82642ea
5 changed files with 209 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -40,11 +40,6 @@
(define test-user-private (load-private-key "test-user-key"))
(define test-user-public (load-public-key "test-user-key.pub"))
(define (user-public-key-accepted? user-name public-key)
(match* (user-name public-key)
[(#"tonyg" (== (public-key->pieces test-user-public))) #t]
[(_ _) #f]))
(define (session ground-ds source sink host-private-key)
@ -73,12 +68,44 @@
(log-error "Invalid peer identification string ~v" remote-identification)
(assert (SshAuthenticationMethodAcceptable (SshAuthMethod-none)))
(during (Observe (:pattern (SshAuthenticationAcceptable
(SshAuthRequest-none ,(DLit $username))
(assert (SshAuthenticationAcceptable (SshAuthMethod-none)
(SshAuthRequest-none username)
(equal? username "guest"))))
(assert (SshAuthenticationMethodAcceptable (SshAuthMethod-password)))
(during (Observe (:pattern (SshAuthenticationAcceptable
(SshAuthRequest-password ,(DLit $username) ,(DLit $password))
(assert (SshAuthenticationAcceptable (SshAuthMethod-password)
(SshAuthRequest-password username password)
(and (equal? username "user")
(equal? password "password")))))
(assert (SshAuthenticationMethodAcceptable (SshAuthMethod-publickey)))
(during (Observe (:pattern (SshAuthenticationAcceptable
(SshAuthRequest-publickey ,(DLit $username) ,(DLit $key))
(assert (SshAuthenticationAcceptable
(SshAuthRequest-publickey username key)
(and (equal? username "tonyg")
(equal? key (public-key->pieces test-user-public))))))
(during (SshAuthenticatedUser $user-name #"ssh-connection")
(run-repl-instance conn-ds user-name))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,26 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Ref .
SshAuthenticatedUser = <authenticated @username bytes @service bytes>.
SshAuthenticatedUser = <authenticated @username string @service bytes>.
SshAuthMethod =
/ @none #"none"
/ @publickey #"publickey"
/ @password #"password"
SshAuthRequest =
/ <none @username string>
/ <publickey @username string @key PublicKey>
/ <password @username string @password string>
SshAuthenticationMethodAcceptable = <authentication-method-acceptable @method SshAuthMethod>.
SshAuthenticationAcceptable =
<authentication-acceptable? @method SshAuthMethod @request SshAuthRequest @ok bool>.
PublicKey = Ed25519PublicKey .
Ed25519PublicKey = <ed25519-public-key @q bytes>.
Ed25519PrivateKey = <ed25519-private-key @q bytes @d bytes>.

View File

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(struct ed25519-private-key (q d) #:transparent)
(struct ed25519-public-key (q) #:transparent)
(struct ed25519-private-key (q d) #:prefab)
(struct ed25519-public-key (q) #:prefab)
(define (bytes->private-key-pieces bs)
(match (bytes->ssh-private-key bs)
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
(datum->pk-key (list 'eddsa 'public 'ed25519 q) 'rkt-public)]))
(define (make-key-signature private-key key-alg exchange-hash)
(case key-alg
(match key-alg
(define signature (pk-sign private-key exchange-hash))
(bit-string (#"ssh-ed25519" :: (t:string))
(signature :: (t:string)))]))
@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
(define (verify-key-signature! public-key key-alg exchange-hash h-signature)
;; TODO: If we are *re*keying, worth checking here that the key hasn't *changed* either.
(write `(TODO check-key!)) (newline) (flush-output) ;; actually check the identity TOFU/POP
(case key-alg
(match key-alg
(define signature (bit-string-case h-signature
([ (= #"ssh-ed25519" :: (t:string #:pack))
(sig :: (t:string #:pack)) ]
@ -77,12 +77,14 @@
(bit-string (#"ssh-ed25519" :: (t:string))
(q :: (t:string)))]))
(define (ssh-key->pieces blob)
(bit-string-case blob
([ (= #"ssh-ed25519" :: (t:string #:pack))
(q :: (t:string #:pack)) ]
(ed25519-public-key q))
(else #f)))
(define (ssh-key->pieces key-alg blob)
(match key-alg
[#"ssh-ed25519" (bit-string-case blob
([ (= #"ssh-ed25519" :: (t:string #:pack))
(q :: (t:string #:pack)) ]
(ed25519-public-key q))
(else #f))]
[_ #f]))
;; TODO: proper store for keys
@ -92,5 +94,6 @@
(define (load-public-key filename)
(match (file->string filename)
[(pregexp #px"ssh-ed25519 +(\\S+) +([^\n]*)\n$" (list _ data-base64 _comment))
(pieces->public-key (ssh-key->pieces (base64-decode (string->bytes/utf-8 data-base64))))]
(pieces->public-key (ssh-key->pieces #"ssh-ed25519"
(base64-decode (string->bytes/utf-8 data-base64))))]
[_ (error 'load-public-key "Cannot load key in file ~s" filename)]))

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(provide t:boolean
@ -116,6 +117,13 @@
(bit-string ((bytes-length (bit-string->bytes bs)) :: integer bits 32)
(bs :: binary)))))
(define-syntax t:string/utf-8
(syntax-rules ()
((_ #t input ks kf)
(t:string #t input (lambda (v rest) (ks (bytes->string/utf-8 v) rest)) kf #:pack))
((_ #f str)
(t:string #f (string->bytes/utf-8 str) #:pack))))
(define-syntax t:mpint
(syntax-rules ()
((_ #t input ks kf)
@ -169,13 +177,14 @@
(else (kf))))]))
(define-for-syntax (codec-options field-type)
(syntax-case field-type (byte boolean uint32 uint64 string mpint name-list extension)
(syntax-case field-type (byte boolean uint32 uint64 string string/utf-8 mpint name-list extension)
(byte #'(integer bits 8))
((byte n) #'((t:packed-bytes n)))
(boolean #'((t:boolean)))
(uint32 #'(integer bits 32))
(uint64 #'(integer bits 64))
(string #'((t:string #:pack)))
(string/utf-8 #'((t:string/utf-8)))
(mpint #'((t:mpint)))
(name-list #'((t:name-list)))
(extension #'((t:packed-bytes)))))
@ -309,9 +318,9 @@
(string service-name))
(define-ssh-message-type ssh-msg-userauth-request SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST
(string user-name)
(string service-name)
(string method-name)
(string/utf-8 user-name)
(string service-name)
(string method-name)
(extension method-specific-fields))
(define-ssh-message-type ssh-msg-userauth-failure SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE
@ -321,8 +330,8 @@
(define-ssh-message-type ssh-msg-userauth-success SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS)
(define-ssh-message-type ssh-msg-userauth-banner SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER
(string message)
(string language))
(string/utf-8 message)
(string language))
(define-ssh-message-type ssh-msg-userauth-pk-ok SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK
(string algorithm-name)

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
;; An AuthenticationState is one of
;; - #f, for not-yet-authenticated
;; - an (SshAuthenticatedUser Bytes Bytes), recording successful completion
;; - an (SshAuthenticatedUser String Bytes), recording successful completion
;; of the authentication protocol after a request to be identified
;; as the given username for the given service.
;; TODO: When authentication is properly implemented, we will need
@ -74,32 +74,35 @@
(define-syntax with-incoming-task
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ #:done done! (type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern) body ...)
(with-incoming-task* on done! (type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern)
body ...)]
[(_ (type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern) body ...)
(with-incoming-task* on (type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern) body ...)]))
(with-incoming-task #:done done! (type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern)
body ...
(with-incoming-task/react (type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern) body ...)
(with-incoming-task* stop-on (type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern)
body ...)))
(with-incoming-task* stop-on done! (type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern)
body ...
(define-syntax with-incoming-task*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ on-stx (type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern) body ...)
[(_ on-stx k-id (type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern) body ...)
(on-stx (message (task ($ seq-id _) type-byte packet-pattern message-pattern))
body ...
(send! (task-complete seq-id)))]))
(let ((k-id (lambda () (send! (task-complete seq-id)))))
body ...))]))
(define-syntax-rule (with-assertion-presence ds assertion
(define-syntax-rule (with-assertion-presence assertion
#:on-present [body-present ...]
#:on-absent [body-absent ...])
(let ((assertion-present #f))
(at ds (on (asserted assertion)
(set! assertion-present #t)
body-present ...))
(sync! ds (when (not assertion-present)
body-absent ...))))
(let/query ([present? (query-value #f assertion #t)])
(if present?
(let () body-present ... (void))
(let () body-absent ... (void)))))
;; Key Exchange
@ -277,7 +280,7 @@
(exchange-hash-info local-id remote-id encoded-local-algs encoded-remote-algs))
(string->bytes/utf-8 (symbol->string host-key-alg))
(lambda (shared-secret exchange-hash hash-alg)
(when (not (session-id)) (session-id exchange-hash)) ;; don't overwrite existing ID
(define k-h-prefix (bit-string ((bit-string->integer shared-secret #t #f) :: (t:mpint))
@ -319,87 +322,125 @@
;; Service request manager and user authentication
(define (service-request-handler conn-ds user-public-key-accepted? session-id)
(define (service-request-handler conn-ds session-id)
(define-field authentication-state #f)
(begin/dataflow (log-info "authentication-state ~s" (authentication-state)))
(define (acceptable-ed25519-pk key-alg user-name pk-bytes)
(and (equal? key-alg #"ssh-ed25519")
(let ((pk (ssh-key->pieces pk-bytes)))
(and pk
(user-public-key-accepted? user-name pk)
(pieces->public-key pk)))))
(define (run-userauth)
(define expected-service #"ssh-connection")
(define remaining-methods '(publickey password))
(define (give-up-on method)
(set! remaining-methods (remq method remaining-methods)))
(at conn-ds
(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-userauth-banner #"Welcome to Racket SSH!\r\n" #"")))
(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-userauth-banner "Welcome to Racket SSH!\r\n" #"")))
(define (auth-ok new-authentication-state)
(define/query-set remaining-methods (SshAuthenticationMethodAcceptable $m)
(parse-SshAuthMethod m))
(define (give-up-on method)
(log-info "Giving up on ~v" method)
(remaining-methods (set-remove (remaining-methods) method))
(define (with-method-check method done! proc)
(if (set-member? (remaining-methods) method)
(begin (auth-fail)
(define (auth-fail)
(define remaining (map (lambda (m) (string->symbol (bytes->string/utf-8 (->preserve m))))
(set->list (remaining-methods))))
(send! (outbound-packet
(ssh-msg-userauth-failure (if (null? remaining) '(none) remaining) #f))))
(define (auth-ok user-name)
(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-userauth-success)))
(authentication-state new-authentication-state)
(authentication-state (SshAuthenticatedUser user-name expected-service))
;; RFC4252 section 5.1 page 6:
(react (with-incoming-task (SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST _ _)))
(spawn #:name 'channel-manager (run-channel-manager conn-ds))))
#:done done!
_ (ssh-msg-userauth-request $user-name expected-service #"none" _))
;; This is a request for available authentication methods.
(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-userauth-failure remaining-methods #f))))
_ (ssh-msg-userauth-request $user-name expected-service (SshAuthMethod-none) _))
(with-method-check (SshAuthMethod-none) done!
(lambda ()
(on (asserted (SshAuthenticationAcceptable (SshAuthMethod-none)
(SshAuthRequest-none user-name)
(if ok
(auth-ok user-name)
(give-up-on (SshAuthMethod-none)))
#:done done!
_ (ssh-msg-userauth-request $user-name expected-service #"password" $extension))
(log-info "SSH-MSG-USERAUTH-REQUEST ~s ~s ~s ~s" user-name expected-service #"password" extension)
(bit-string-case extension
([ (= #f :: (t:boolean))
(password-bytes :: (t:string #:pack)) ]
(log-info "User supplied password ~s" password-bytes)
(auth-ok (SshAuthenticatedUser user-name expected-service)))
(give-up-on 'password)
(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-userauth-failure remaining-methods #f))))))
_ (ssh-msg-userauth-request $user-name expected-service (SshAuthMethod-password) $extension))
(with-method-check (SshAuthMethod-password) done!
(lambda ()
(bit-string-case extension
([ (= #f :: (t:boolean)) (password :: (t:string/utf-8)) ]
(on (asserted (SshAuthenticationAcceptable (SshAuthMethod-password)
(SshAuthRequest-password user-name password)
(if ok
(auth-ok user-name)
(give-up-on (SshAuthMethod-password)))
(give-up-on (SshAuthMethod-password))
#:done done!
_ (ssh-msg-userauth-request $user-name expected-service #"publickey" $extension))
(log-info "SSH-MSG-USERAUTH-REQUEST ~s ~s ~s ~s" user-name expected-service #"publickey" extension)
(bit-string-case extension
([ (= #f :: (t:boolean))
(key-alg :: (t:string #:pack))
(pk-blob :: (t:string #:pack)) ]
(if (acceptable-ed25519-pk key-alg user-name pk-blob)
(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-userauth-pk-ok key-alg pk-blob)))
(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-userauth-failure remaining-methods #f)))))
([ (= #t :: (t:boolean))
(key-alg :: (t:string #:pack))
(pk-bytes :: (t:string #:pack))
(signature :: (t:string #:pack)) ]
(let ((pk (acceptable-ed25519-pk key-alg user-name pk-bytes)))
(if (not pk)
(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-userauth-failure remaining-methods #f)))
(let* ((exchange-hash
(bit-string ((session-id) :: (t:string))
(user-name :: (t:string))
(expected-service :: (t:string))
(#"publickey" :: (t:string))
(#t :: (t:boolean))
(key-alg :: (t:string))
(pk-bytes :: (t:string))))))
(verify-key-signature! pk 'ssh-ed25519 exchange-hash signature)
(auth-ok (SshAuthenticatedUser user-name expected-service))))))
(give-up-on 'publickey)
(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-userauth-failure remaining-methods #f)))))))))
_ (ssh-msg-userauth-request $user-name expected-service (SshAuthMethod-publickey) $extension))
(with-method-check (SshAuthMethod-publickey) done!
(lambda ()
(define (acceptable-pk key-alg pk-bytes ks)
(let ((pk (ssh-key->pieces key-alg pk-bytes)))
(if (not pk)
(begin (auth-fail)
(on (asserted (SshAuthenticationAcceptable (SshAuthMethod-publickey)
(SshAuthRequest-publickey user-name pk)
(if ok (ks pk) (auth-fail))
(bit-string-case extension
([ (= #f :: (t:boolean))
(key-alg :: (t:string #:pack))
(pk-blob :: (t:string #:pack)) ]
key-alg pk-blob
(lambda (pk) (send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-userauth-pk-ok key-alg pk-blob))))))
([ (= #t :: (t:boolean))
(key-alg :: (t:string #:pack))
(pk-bytes :: (t:string #:pack))
(signature :: (t:string #:pack)) ]
key-alg pk-bytes
(lambda (pk)
(let* ((exchange-hash
(bit-string ((session-id) :: (t:string))
(user-name :: (t:string/utf-8))
(expected-service :: (t:string))
((->preserve (SshAuthMethod-publickey)) :: (t:string))
(#t :: (t:boolean))
(key-alg :: (t:string))
(pk-bytes :: (t:string))))))
(verify-key-signature! (pieces->public-key pk)
(auth-ok user-name)))))
(give-up-on (SshAuthMethod-publickey))
(at conn-ds
(assert #:when (authentication-state) (authentication-state))
@ -555,7 +596,7 @@
(log-info "open ~s" (list channel-type remote-ref initial-window-size maximum-packet-size extra-request-data))
(with-assertion-presence conn-ds (SshChannelTypeAvailable channel-type)
(with-assertion-presence (SshChannelTypeAvailable channel-type)
#:on-present [(define local-ref (allocate-local-ref remote-ref))
(if (not local-ref)
(send! (outbound-packet
@ -646,8 +687,7 @@
(define-field rekey-state (rekey-in-seconds-or-bytes -1 -1 0))
(define-field session-id #f)
(define-field total-transferred 0)
@ -699,7 +739,7 @@
(at conn-ds
(stop-on (message 'enable-service-request-handler)
(spawn #:name 'service-request-handler
(service-request-handler conn-ds user-public-key-accepted? session-id)))))
(service-request-handler conn-ds session-id)))))
(define (maybe-rekey)
(match (rekey-state)
@ -740,8 +780,7 @@
;; performing key exchange. Dispatch it.
(on-start (send! (task sequence-number packet-type-number payload message)))
(with-assertion-presence conn-ds
(Observe (:pattern (task ,_ packet-type-number ,_ ,_)) _)
(with-assertion-presence (Observe (:pattern (task ,_ packet-type-number ,_ ,_)) _)
#:on-present []
#:on-absent [(send! (outbound-packet (ssh-msg-unimplemented sequence-number)))
(send! (task-complete sequence-number))])