
175 lines
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//! Records *describing* actions committed at the end of a turn and
//! events triggering the start of a turn. These are not the actions
//! or events themselves: they are reflective information on the
//! action of the system, enough to reconstruct interesting
//! projections of system activity.
pub use super::schemas::trace::*;
use preserves::value::NestedValue;
use preserves::value::Writer;
use preserves_schema::Codec;
use super::actor::{self, AnyValue, Ref, Cap};
use super::language;
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use tokio::select;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedSender};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TraceCollector {
pub tx: UnboundedSender<TraceEntry>,
impl<M> From<&Ref<M>> for Target {
fn from(v: &Ref<M>) -> Target {
Target {
actor: v.mailbox.actor_id.into(),
facet: v.facet_id.into(),
oid: Oid(AnyValue::new(v.oid())),
impl<M: std::fmt::Debug> From<&M> for AssertionDescription {
default fn from(v: &M) -> Self {
Self::Opaque { description: AnyValue::new(format!("{:?}", v)) }
impl From<&AnyValue> for AssertionDescription {
fn from(v: &AnyValue) -> Self {
Self::Value { value: v.clone() }
impl TraceCollector {
pub fn record(&self, id: actor::ActorId, a: ActorActivation) {
let _ = self.tx.send(TraceEntry {
timestamp: SystemTime::now().duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH)
.expect("Time after Unix epoch").as_secs_f64().into(),
actor: id.into(),
item: a,
impl TurnDescription {
pub fn new(activation_id: u64, cause: TurnCause) -> Self {
Self {
id: TurnId(AnyValue::new(activation_id)),
actions: Vec::new(),
pub fn record(&mut self, a: ActionDescription) {
pub fn take(&mut self) -> Self {
Self {
cause: self.cause.clone(),
actions: std::mem::take(&mut self.actions),
impl TurnCause {
pub fn external(description: &str) -> Self {
Self::External { description: AnyValue::new(description) }
struct CapEncoder;
impl preserves::value::DomainEncode<Arc<Cap>> for CapEncoder {
fn encode_embedded<W: Writer>(
&mut self,
w: &mut W,
d: &Arc<Cap>,
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
pub enum CollectorEvent {
impl TraceCollector {
pub fn new<F: 'static + Send + FnMut(CollectorEvent)>(mut f: F) -> TraceCollector {
let (tx, mut rx) = unbounded_channel::<TraceEntry>();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut timer = tokio::time::interval(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100));
loop {
select! {
maybe_entry = rx.recv() => {
match maybe_entry {
None => break,
Some(entry) => {
_ = timer.tick() => f(CollectorEvent::PeriodicFlush),
TraceCollector { tx }
pub fn ascii<W: 'static + std::io::Write + Send>(w: W) -> TraceCollector {
let mut writer = preserves::value::TextWriter::new(w);
Self::new(move |event| match event {
CollectorEvent::Event(entry) => {
writer.write(&mut CapEncoder, &language().unparse(&entry))
.expect("failed to write TraceCollector entry");
.expect("failed to write TraceCollector newline");
CollectorEvent::PeriodicFlush =>
writer.flush().expect("failed to flush TraceCollector output"),
pub fn packed<W: 'static + std::io::Write + Send>(w: W) -> TraceCollector {
let mut writer = preserves::value::PackedWriter::new(w);
Self::new(move |event| match event {
CollectorEvent::Event(entry) =>
writer.write(&mut CapEncoder, &language().unparse(&entry))
.expect("failed to write TraceCollector entry"),
CollectorEvent::PeriodicFlush =>
writer.flush().expect("failed to flush TraceCollector output"),
impl From<actor::Name> for Name {
fn from(v: actor::Name) -> Name {
match v {
None => Name::Anonymous,
Some(n) => Name::Named { name: n.clone() },
impl From<NonZeroU64> for ActorId {
fn from(v: NonZeroU64) -> Self {
impl From<NonZeroU64> for FacetId {
fn from(v: NonZeroU64) -> Self {