use std::io; use std::str::FromStr; use clap::ArgGroup; use clap::CommandFactory; use clap::Parser; use clap::Subcommand; use clap::arg; use clap_complete::{generate, Shell}; use noise_protocol::DH; use noise_protocol::Hash; use noise_rust_crypto::Blake2s; use noise_rust_crypto::X25519; use preserves::hex::HexParser; use preserves::value::BytesBinarySource; use preserves::value::NestedValue; use preserves::value::NoEmbeddedDomainCodec; use preserves::value::Reader; use preserves::value::TextReader; use preserves::value::ViaCodec; use preserves::value::TextWriter; use syndicate::language; use syndicate::preserves_schema::Codec; use syndicate::preserves_schema::ParseError; use syndicate::schemas::noise; use syndicate::sturdy::_Any; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Preserves(N); #[derive(Subcommand, Debug)] enum Action { #[command(group(ArgGroup::new("key").required(true)))] /// Generate a fresh SturdyRef from an OID value and a key Mint { #[arg(long, value_name="VALUE")] /// Preserves value to use as SturdyRef OID oid: Preserves<_Any>, #[arg(long, group="key")] /// Key phrase phrase: Option, #[arg(long, group="key")] /// Key bytes, encoded as hex hex: Option, }, #[command(group(ArgGroup::new("key").required(true)))] /// Generate a fresh NoiseServiceSpec from a service selector and a key Noise { #[arg(long, value_name="VALUE")] /// Preserves value to use as the service selector service: Preserves<_Any>, #[arg(long, value_name="PROTOCOL")] /// Noise handshake protocol name protocol: Option, #[arg(long, group="key")] /// Key phrase phrase: Option, #[arg(long, group="key")] /// Key bytes, encoded as hex hex: Option, #[arg(long, group="key")] /// Generate a random key random: bool, }, /// Emit shell completion code Completions { /// Shell dialect to generate shell: Shell, } } #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(version)] struct Cli { #[command(subcommand)] action: Action, } impl FromStr for Preserves { type Err = ParseError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { Ok(Preserves(TextReader::new(&mut BytesBinarySource::new(s.as_bytes()), ViaCodec::new(NoEmbeddedDomainCodec)).demand_next(false)?)) } } fn main() -> io::Result<()> { let args = ::parse(); match args.action { Action::Completions { shell } => { let mut cmd = ::command(); let name = cmd.get_name().to_string(); generate(shell, &mut cmd, name, &mut io::stdout()); } Action::Noise { service, protocol, phrase, hex, random } => { let key = if random { X25519::genkey() } else if let Some(hex) = hex { let mut hash = Blake2s::default(); hash.input(hex.as_bytes()); hash.result() } else if let Some(phrase) = phrase { let mut hash = Blake2s::default(); hash.input(phrase.as_bytes()); hash.result() } else { unreachable!() }; let n = noise::NoiseServiceSpec { base: noise::NoiseSpec { key: X25519::pubkey(&key).to_vec(), service: noise::ServiceSelector(service.0), pre_shared_keys: noise::NoisePreSharedKeys::Absent, protocol: if let Some(p) = protocol { noise::NoiseProtocol::Present { protocol: p } } else { noise::NoiseProtocol::Absent }, }, secret_key: noise::SecretKeyField::Present { secret_key: key.to_vec(), }, }; println!("{}", TextWriter::encode(&mut NoEmbeddedDomainCodec, &language().unparse(&n))?); } Action::Mint { oid, phrase, hex } => { let key = if let Some(hex) = hex { HexParser::Liberal.decode(&hex).expect("hex encoded sturdyref") } else if let Some(phrase) = phrase { phrase.as_bytes().to_owned() } else { unreachable!() }; let m = syndicate::sturdy::SturdyRef::mint(oid.0, &key); println!("{}", TextWriter::encode(&mut NoEmbeddedDomainCodec, &language().unparse(&m))?); } } Ok(()) }