use preserves_schema::Codec; use std::io; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use syndicate::actor::*; use syndicate::dataspace::Dataspace; use syndicate::during; use syndicate::enclose; use syndicate::pattern::{lift_literal, drop_literal}; use syndicate::schemas::dataspace; use syndicate::schemas::dataspace_patterns as P; use syndicate::schemas::sturdy; use syndicate::value::Map; use syndicate::value::NestedValue; use syndicate::value::Record; use syndicate::value::Set; use syndicate::value::Value; use crate::language::language; #[derive(Debug)] struct PatternInstantiator<'env> { env: &'env Env, binding_names: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Env { pub path: PathBuf, bindings: Map, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Parser<'t> { tokens: &'t [AnyValue], errors: Vec, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Parsed { Value(T), Skip, Eof, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Instruction { Assert { target: String, template: AnyValue, }, Message { target: String, template: AnyValue, }, During { target: String, pattern_template: AnyValue, body: Box, }, OnMessage { target: String, pattern_template: AnyValue, body: Box, }, OnStop { body: Box, }, Sequence { instructions: Vec, }, Let { pattern_template: AnyValue, expr: Expr, }, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Expr { Template { template: AnyValue, }, Dataspace, Timestamp, Facet, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum RewriteTemplate { Filter { pattern_template: AnyValue, }, Rewrite { pattern_template: AnyValue, template_template: AnyValue, }, } #[derive(Debug)] enum Symbolic { Reference(String), Binder(String), Discard, Literal(String), Bare(String), } struct FacetHandle; impl Default for Parsed { fn default() -> Self { Parsed::Skip } } impl FacetHandle { fn new() -> Self { FacetHandle } } impl Entity for FacetHandle { fn message(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, body: AnyValue) -> ActorResult { if let Some("stop") = body.value().as_symbol().map(|s| s.as_str()) { t.stop(); return Ok(()) } tracing::warn!(?body, "Unrecognised message sent to FacetHandle"); return Ok(()) } } fn analyze(s: &str) -> Symbolic { if s == "_" { Symbolic::Discard } else if s.starts_with("?") { Symbolic::Binder(s[1..].to_owned()) } else if s.starts_with("$") { Symbolic::Reference(s[1..].to_owned()) } else if s.starts_with("=") { Symbolic::Literal(s[1..].to_owned()) } else { Symbolic::Bare(s.to_owned()) } } fn bad_instruction(message: &str) -> io::Error { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, message) } fn discard() -> P::Pattern { P::Pattern::DDiscard(Box::new(P::DDiscard)) } fn dlit(value: AnyValue) -> P::Pattern { lift_literal(&value) } fn tlit(value: AnyValue) -> sturdy::Template { sturdy::Template::Lit(Box::new(sturdy::Lit { value })) } fn parse_attenuation(r: &Record) -> io::Result)>> { if r.label() != &AnyValue::symbol("*") { return Ok(None); } if r.fields().len() != 2 { Err(bad_instruction(&format!( "Attenuation requires a reference and a sequence of rewrites; got {:?}", r)))?; } let base_name = match r.fields()[0].value().as_symbol().map(|s| analyze(&s)) { Some(Symbolic::Reference(s)) => s, _ => Err(bad_instruction(&format!( "Attenuation must have variable reference as first argument; got {:?}", r.fields()[0])))?, }; let raw_alternatives = match r.fields()[1].value().as_sequence() { None => Err(bad_instruction(&format!( "Attenuation of {:?} must have sequence of rewrites; got {:?}", r.fields()[0], r.fields()[1])))?, Some(vs) => vs, }; let mut alternatives = Vec::new(); for e in raw_alternatives.iter() { match e.value().as_simple_record("filter", Some(1)) { Some(fields) => alternatives.push(RewriteTemplate::Filter { pattern_template: fields[0].clone() }), None => match e.value().as_simple_record("rewrite", Some(2)) { Some(fields) => alternatives.push(RewriteTemplate::Rewrite { pattern_template: fields[0].clone(), template_template: fields[1].clone(), }), None => Err(bad_instruction(&format!( "Bad rewrite in attenuation of {:?}: {:?}", r.fields()[0], e)))?, } } } Ok(Some((base_name, alternatives))) } impl<'env> PatternInstantiator<'env> { fn instantiate_pattern(&mut self, template: &AnyValue) -> io::Result { Ok(match template.value() { Value::Boolean(_) | Value::Float(_) | Value::Double(_) | Value::SignedInteger(_) | Value::String(_) | Value::ByteString(_) | Value::Embedded(_) => dlit(template.clone()), Value::Symbol(s) => match analyze(s) { Symbolic::Discard => discard(), Symbolic::Binder(s) => { self.binding_names.push(s); P::Pattern::DBind(Box::new(P::DBind { pattern: discard() })) } Symbolic::Reference(s) => dlit(self.env.lookup(&s, "pattern-template variable")?.clone()), Symbolic::Literal(s) | Symbolic::Bare(s) => dlit(Value::Symbol(s).wrap()), }, Value::Record(r) => match parse_attenuation(r)? { Some((base_name, alternatives)) => dlit(self.env.eval_attenuation(base_name, alternatives)?), None => { let label = self.instantiate_pattern(r.label())?; let fields = r.fields().iter().map(|p| self.instantiate_pattern(p)) .collect::>>()?; P::Pattern::DCompound(Box::new(P::DCompound::Rec { label: drop_literal(&label) .ok_or(bad_instruction("Record pattern must have literal label"))?, fields, })) } }, Value::Sequence(v) => P::Pattern::DCompound(Box::new(P::DCompound::Arr { items: v.iter() .map(|p| self.instantiate_pattern(p)) .collect::>>()?, })), Value::Set(_) => Err(bad_instruction(&format!("Sets not permitted in patterns: {:?}", template)))?, Value::Dictionary(v) => P::Pattern::DCompound(Box::new(P::DCompound::Dict { entries: v.iter() .map(|(a, b)| Ok((a.clone(), self.instantiate_pattern(b)?))) .collect::>>()?, })), }) } } impl Env { pub fn new(path: PathBuf, bindings: Map) -> Self { Env { path: path.clone(), bindings, } } pub fn clone_with_path(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Self { Env { path, bindings: self.bindings.clone(), } } fn lookup_target(&self, s: &str) -> io::Result> { Ok(self.lookup(s, "target variable")?.value().to_embedded()?.clone()) } fn lookup(&self, s: &str, what: &'static str) -> io::Result { if s == "." { Ok(AnyValue::new(self.bindings.iter().map(|(k, v)| (AnyValue::symbol(k), v.clone())) .collect::>())) } else { Ok(self.bindings.get(s).ok_or_else( || bad_instruction(&format!("Undefined {}: {:?}", what, s)))?.clone()) } } fn instantiate_pattern( &self, pattern_template: &AnyValue, ) -> io::Result<(Vec, P::Pattern)> { let mut inst = PatternInstantiator { env: self, binding_names: Vec::new(), }; let pattern = inst.instantiate_pattern(pattern_template)?; Ok((inst.binding_names, pattern)) } fn instantiate_value(&self, template: &AnyValue) -> io::Result { Ok(match template.value() { Value::Boolean(_) | Value::Float(_) | Value::Double(_) | Value::SignedInteger(_) | Value::String(_) | Value::ByteString(_) | Value::Embedded(_) => template.clone(), Value::Symbol(s) => match analyze(s) { Symbolic::Binder(_) | Symbolic::Discard => Err(bad_instruction(&format!( "Invalid use of wildcard in template: {:?}", template)))?, Symbolic::Reference(s) => self.lookup(&s, "template variable")?, Symbolic::Literal(s) | Symbolic::Bare(s) => Value::Symbol(s).wrap(), }, Value::Record(r) => match parse_attenuation(r)? { Some((base_name, alternatives)) => self.eval_attenuation(base_name, alternatives)?, None => Value::Record(Record(r.fields_vec().iter().map(|a| self.instantiate_value(a)) .collect::, _>>()?)).wrap(), }, Value::Sequence(v) => Value::Sequence(v.iter().map(|a| self.instantiate_value(a)) .collect::, _>>()?).wrap(), Value::Set(v) => Value::Set(v.iter().map(|a| self.instantiate_value(a)) .collect::, _>>()?).wrap(), Value::Dictionary(v) => Value::Dictionary(v.iter().map(|(a,b)| Ok((self.instantiate_value(a)?, self.instantiate_value(b)?))) .collect::>>()?).wrap(), }) } pub fn safe_eval(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, i: &Instruction) -> bool { match self.eval(t, i) { Ok(()) => true, Err(error) => { tracing::error!(path = ?self.path, ?error); t.stop(); false } } } pub fn extend(&mut self, binding_names: &Vec, captures: Vec) { for (k, v) in binding_names.iter().zip(captures) { self.bindings.insert(k.clone(), v); } } fn eval_attenuation( &self, base_name: String, alternatives: Vec, ) -> io::Result { let base_value = self.lookup(&base_name, "attenuation-base variable")?; match base_value.value().as_embedded() { None => Err(bad_instruction(&format!( "Value to be attenuated is {:?} but must be capability", base_value))), Some(base_cap) => { match base_cap.attenuate(&sturdy::Attenuation(vec![ self.instantiate_caveat(&alternatives)?])) { Ok(derived_cap) => Ok(AnyValue::domain(derived_cap)), Err(caveat_error) => Err(bad_instruction(&format!("Attenuation of {:?} failed: {:?}", base_value, caveat_error))), } } } } fn bind_and_run( &self, t: &mut Activation, binding_names: &Vec, captures: AnyValue, body: &Instruction, ) -> ActorResult { if let Some(captures) = captures.value_owned().into_sequence() { let mut env = self.clone(); env.extend(binding_names, captures); env.safe_eval(t, body); } Ok(()) } pub fn eval(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, i: &Instruction) -> io::Result<()> { match i { Instruction::Assert { target, template } => { self.lookup_target(target)?.assert(t, &(), &self.instantiate_value(template)?); } Instruction::Message { target, template } => { self.lookup_target(target)?.message(t, &(), &self.instantiate_value(template)?); } Instruction::During { target, pattern_template, body } => { let (binding_names, pattern) = self.instantiate_pattern(pattern_template)?; let observer = during::entity(self.clone()) .on_asserted_facet(enclose!((binding_names, body) move |env, t, cs: AnyValue| { env.bind_and_run(t, &binding_names, cs, &*body) })) .create_cap(t); self.lookup_target(target)?.assert(t, language(), &dataspace::Observe { pattern, observer, }); } Instruction::OnMessage { target, pattern_template, body } => { let (binding_names, pattern) = self.instantiate_pattern(pattern_template)?; let observer = during::entity(self.clone()) .on_message(enclose!((binding_names, body) move |env, t, cs: AnyValue| { t.facet(|t| env.bind_and_run(t, &binding_names, cs, &*body))?; Ok(()) })) .create_cap(t); self.lookup_target(target)?.assert(t, language(), &dataspace::Observe { pattern, observer, }); } Instruction::OnStop { body } => { let mut env = self.clone(); t.on_stop(enclose!((body) move |t| Ok(env.eval(t, &*body)?))); } Instruction::Sequence { instructions } => { for i in instructions { self.eval(t, i)?; } } Instruction::Let { pattern_template, expr } => { let (binding_names, pattern) = self.instantiate_pattern(pattern_template)?; let value = self.eval_expr(t, expr)?; match pattern.match_value(&value) { None => Err(bad_instruction( &format!("Could not match pattern {:?} with value {:?}", pattern_template, value)))?, Some(captures) => { self.extend(&binding_names, captures); } } } } Ok(()) } pub fn eval_expr(&self, t: &mut Activation, e: &Expr) -> io::Result { match e { Expr::Template { template } => self.instantiate_value(template), Expr::Dataspace => Ok(AnyValue::domain(Cap::new(&t.create(Dataspace::new())))), Expr::Timestamp => Ok(AnyValue::new(chrono::Utc::now().to_rfc3339())), Expr::Facet => Ok(AnyValue::domain(Cap::new(&t.create(FacetHandle::new())))), } } fn instantiate_caveat( &self, alternatives: &Vec, ) -> io::Result { let mut rewrites = Vec::new(); for rw in alternatives { match rw { RewriteTemplate::Filter { pattern_template } => { let (_binding_names, pattern) = self.instantiate_pattern(pattern_template)?; rewrites.push(sturdy::Rewrite { pattern: embed_pattern(&P::Pattern::DBind(Box::new(P::DBind { pattern }))), template: sturdy::Template::TRef(Box::new(sturdy::TRef { binding: 0.into() })), }) } RewriteTemplate::Rewrite { pattern_template, template_template } => { let (binding_names, pattern) = self.instantiate_pattern(pattern_template)?; rewrites.push(sturdy::Rewrite { pattern: embed_pattern(&pattern), template: self.instantiate_template(&binding_names, template_template)?, }) } } } if rewrites.len() == 1 { Ok(sturdy::Caveat::Rewrite(Box::new(rewrites.pop().unwrap()))) } else { Ok(sturdy::Caveat::Alts(Box::new(sturdy::Alts { alternatives: rewrites, }))) } } fn instantiate_template( &self, binding_names: &Vec, template: &AnyValue, ) -> io::Result { let find_bound = |s: &str| { binding_names.iter().enumerate().find(|(_i, n)| *n == s).map(|(i, _n)| i) }; Ok(match template.value() { Value::Boolean(_) | Value::Float(_) | Value::Double(_) | Value::SignedInteger(_) | Value::String(_) | Value::ByteString(_) | Value::Embedded(_) => tlit(template.clone()), Value::Symbol(s) => match analyze(s) { Symbolic::Binder(_) | Symbolic::Discard => Err(bad_instruction(&format!( "Invalid use of wildcard in template: {:?}", template)))?, Symbolic::Reference(s) => match find_bound(&s) { Some(i) => sturdy::Template::TRef(Box::new(sturdy::TRef { binding: i.into() })), None => tlit(self.lookup(&s, "attenuation-template variable")?), }, Symbolic::Literal(s) | Symbolic::Bare(s) => tlit(Value::Symbol(s).wrap()), }, Value::Record(r) => match parse_attenuation(r)? { Some((base_name, alternatives)) => match find_bound(&base_name) { Some(i) => sturdy::Template::TAttenuate(Box::new(sturdy::TAttenuate { template: sturdy::Template::TRef(Box::new(sturdy::TRef { binding: i.into(), })), attenuation: sturdy::Attenuation(vec![ self.instantiate_caveat(&alternatives)?]), })), None => tlit(self.eval_attenuation(base_name, alternatives)?), }, None => { // TODO: properly consolidate constant templates into literals. match self.instantiate_template(binding_names, r.label())? { sturdy::Template::Lit(b) => sturdy::Template::TCompound(Box::new(sturdy::TCompound::Rec { label: b.value, fields: r.fields().iter() .map(|t| self.instantiate_template(binding_names, t)) .collect::>>()?, })), _ => Err(bad_instruction("Record template must have literal label"))?, } } }, Value::Sequence(v) => sturdy::Template::TCompound(Box::new(sturdy::TCompound::Arr { items: v.iter() .map(|p| self.instantiate_template(binding_names, p)) .collect::>>()?, })), Value::Set(_) => Err(bad_instruction(&format!("Sets not permitted in templates: {:?}", template)))?, Value::Dictionary(v) => sturdy::Template::TCompound(Box::new(sturdy::TCompound::Dict { entries: v.iter() .map(|(a, b)| Ok((a.clone(), self.instantiate_template(binding_names, b)?))) .collect::>>()?, })), }) } } fn embed_pattern(p: &P::Pattern) -> sturdy::Pattern { match p { P::Pattern::DDiscard(_) => sturdy::Pattern::PDiscard(Box::new(sturdy::PDiscard)), P::Pattern::DBind(b) => sturdy::Pattern::PBind(Box::new(sturdy::PBind { pattern: embed_pattern(&b.pattern), })), P::Pattern::DLit(b) => sturdy::Pattern::Lit(Box::new(sturdy::Lit { value: language().unparse(&b.value), })), P::Pattern::DCompound(b) => sturdy::Pattern::PCompound(Box::new(match &**b { P::DCompound::Rec { label, fields } => sturdy::PCompound::Rec { label: label.clone(), fields: fields.iter().map(embed_pattern).collect(), }, P::DCompound::Arr { items } => sturdy::PCompound::Arr { items: items.iter().map(embed_pattern).collect(), }, P::DCompound::Dict { entries } => sturdy::PCompound::Dict { entries: entries.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.clone(), embed_pattern(v))).collect(), }, })), } } impl<'t> Parser<'t> { pub fn new(tokens: &'t [AnyValue]) -> Self { Parser { tokens, errors: Vec::new(), } } fn peek(&mut self) -> &'t Value { self.tokens[0].value() } fn shift(&mut self) -> AnyValue { let v = self.tokens[0].clone(); self.drop(); v } fn drop(&mut self) { self.tokens = &self.tokens[1..]; } fn len(&self) -> usize { self.tokens.len() } fn ateof(&self) -> bool { self.len() == 0 } fn error<'a, T: Default, E: Into>>(&mut self, message: E) -> T { self.errors.push(message.into().into_owned()); T::default() } pub fn parse(&mut self, target: &str) -> Parsed { if self.ateof() { return Parsed::Eof; } if self.peek().is_record() || self.peek().is_dictionary() { return Parsed::Value(Instruction::Assert { target: target.to_owned(), template: self.shift(), }); } if let Some(tokens) = self.peek().as_sequence() { self.drop(); return Parsed::Value(Instruction::Sequence { instructions: Parser::new(tokens).parse_all(target), }); } if let Some(s) = self.peek().as_symbol() { match analyze(s) { Symbolic::Binder(s) => { self.drop(); let ctor = match s.as_ref() { "" => |target, pattern_template, body| { Instruction::During { target, pattern_template, body } }, "?" => |target, pattern_template, body| { Instruction::OnMessage { target, pattern_template, body } }, "-" => match self.parse(target) { Parsed::Value(i) => return Parsed::Value(Instruction::OnStop { body: Box::new(i), }), other => return other, }, _ => return self.error(format!( "Invalid use of pattern binder in target: ?{}", s)), }; if self.ateof() { return self.error("Missing pattern and instruction in react"); } let pattern_template = self.shift(); return match self.parse(target) { Parsed::Eof => self.error(format!( "Missing instruction in react with pattern {:?}", pattern_template)), Parsed::Skip => Parsed::Skip, Parsed::Value(body) => Parsed::Value(ctor(target.to_owned(), pattern_template, Box::new(body))), }; } Symbolic::Discard => { self.drop(); let m = format!("Invalid use of discard in target: {:?}", self.peek()); return self.error(m); }, Symbolic::Reference(s) => { self.drop(); if self.ateof() { let m = format!("Missing instruction after retarget: {:?}", self.peek()); return self.error(m); } return self.parse(&s); } Symbolic::Bare(s) => { if s == "let" { self.drop(); if self.len() >= 2 && self.tokens[1].value().as_symbol().map(String::as_str) == Some("=") { let pattern_template = self.shift(); self.drop(); return match self.parse_expr() { Some(expr) => Parsed::Value(Instruction::Let { pattern_template, expr }), None => Parsed::Skip, }; } else { return self.error("Invalid let statement"); } } else if s == "!" { self.drop(); if self.ateof() { return self.error("Missing payload after '!'"); } return Parsed::Value(Instruction::Message { target: target.to_owned(), template: self.shift(), }); } else { /* fall through */ } } Symbolic::Literal(_) => { /* fall through */ } } } { let m = format!("Invalid token: {:?}", self.shift()); return self.error(m); } } pub fn parse_all(&mut self, target: &str) -> Vec { let mut instructions = Vec::new(); loop { match self.parse(target) { Parsed::Value(i) => instructions.push(i), Parsed::Skip => (), Parsed::Eof => break, } } instructions } pub fn parse_top(&mut self, target: &str) -> Result, Vec> { let instructions = self.parse_all(target); if self.errors.is_empty() { match instructions.len() { 0 => Ok(None), _ => Ok(Some(Instruction::Sequence { instructions })), } } else { Err(std::mem::take(&mut self.errors)) } } pub fn parse_expr(&mut self) -> Option { if self.ateof() { return None; } if self.peek() == &Value::symbol("dataspace") { self.drop(); return Some(Expr::Dataspace); } if self.peek() == &Value::symbol("timestamp") { self.drop(); return Some(Expr::Timestamp); } if self.peek() == &Value::symbol("facet") { self.drop(); return Some(Expr::Facet); } return Some(Expr::Template{ template: self.shift() }); } }