use std::io; use clap::arg; use clap::value_parser; use clap::ArgGroup; use clap::Command; use clap::Id; use clap_complete::{generate, Shell}; use preserves::hex::HexParser; use preserves::value::NoEmbeddedDomainCodec; use preserves::value::ViaCodec; use preserves::value::TextWriter; use syndicate::language; use syndicate::preserves_schema::Codec; fn cli() -> Command { Command::new("syndicate-macaroon") .subcommand_required(true) .subcommand( Command::new("mint") .about("Mint a fresh macaroon") .arg(arg!(--oid "Preserves value to use as SturdyRef OID").required(true)) .arg(arg!(--phrase "Key phrase")) .arg(arg!(--hex "Key bytes, encoded as hex")) .group( ArgGroup::new("key") .args(["phrase", "hex"]) .required(true))) .subcommand( Command::new("completions") .about("Generate shell completions for this command") .arg(arg!( "Shell dialect to generate").value_parser(value_parser!(Shell)))) } fn main() -> io::Result<()> { let args = cli().get_matches(); if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("completions") { let shell = args.get_one::("shell").unwrap().clone(); let mut cmd = cli(); let name = cmd.get_name().to_string(); generate(shell, &mut cmd, name, &mut io::stdout()); } if let Some(args) = args.subcommand_matches("mint") { let oid_str = args.get_one::("oid").unwrap(); let oid = match preserves::value::text::from_str(&oid_str, ViaCodec::new(NoEmbeddedDomainCodec)) { Ok(oid) => oid, Err(e) => { eprintln!("Could not parse oid: {}", e); std::process::exit(1); } }; let key = match args.get_one::("key").unwrap().as_str() { "hex" => { let hex = args.get_one::("hex").unwrap(); HexParser::Liberal.decode(hex).expect("hex encoded sturdyref") } "phrase" => { let text = args.get_one::("phrase").unwrap(); text.as_bytes().to_owned() } &_ => unreachable!(), }; let m = syndicate::sturdy::SturdyRef::mint(oid, &key); println!("{}", TextWriter::encode(&mut NoEmbeddedDomainCodec, &language().unparse(&m))?); } Ok(()) }