use super::Assertion; use super::ActorId; use super::Handle; use super::schemas::internal_protocol::*; use super::error::Error; use preserves::value::Domain; use preserves::value::IOResult; use preserves::value::IOValue; use preserves::value::Map; use preserves::value::NestedValue; use std::boxed::Box; use std::cell::Cell; use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap; use std::future::Future; use std::future::ready; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use tokio::select; use tokio::sync::mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedSender, UnboundedReceiver}; use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken; use tracing::{Instrument, trace, error}; pub type ActorResult = Result<(), Error>; pub type ActorHandle = tokio::task::JoinHandle; pub trait Entity { fn assert(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, _a: Assertion, _h: Handle) -> ActorResult { Ok(()) } fn retract(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, _h: Handle) -> ActorResult { Ok(()) } fn message(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, _m: Assertion) -> ActorResult { Ok(()) } fn sync(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, peer: Arc) -> ActorResult { t.message(peer, Assertion::new(true)); Ok(()) } } type OutboundAssertions = Map>; // This is what other implementations call a "Turn", renamed here to // avoid conflicts with schemas::internal_protocol::Turn. pub struct Activation<'activation> { outbound_assertions: &'activation mut OutboundAssertions, queues: HashMap, Event)>>, } enum SystemMessage { Release, ReleaseOid(Oid), Turn(Turn), Crash(Error), } pub struct Mailbox { pub actor_id: ActorId, pub mailbox_id: u64, tx: UnboundedSender, pub queue_depth: Arc, pub mailbox_count: Arc, } pub struct Actor { pub template_mailbox: Mailbox, rx: UnboundedReceiver, pub outbound_assertions: OutboundAssertions, pub oid_map: Map>>, pub next_task_id: u64, pub linked_tasks: Map, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct Ref { pub relay: Mailbox, pub target: Oid, /* TODO: attenuation */ } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> { pub fn for_actor(actor: &'activation mut Actor) -> Self { Self::for_actor_details(&mut actor.outbound_assertions) } pub fn for_actor_details(outbound_assertions: &'activation mut OutboundAssertions) -> Self { Activation { outbound_assertions, queues: HashMap::new(), } } pub fn assert(&mut self, r: Arc, a: M) -> Handle where M: Into { let handle = crate::next_handle(); self.queue_for(&r).push((Arc::clone(&r), Event::Assert(Box::new( Assert { assertion: Assertion(a.into()), handle: handle.clone() })))); self.outbound_assertions.insert(handle.clone(), r); handle } pub fn retract(&mut self, handle: Handle) { if let Some(r) = self.outbound_assertions.remove(&handle) { self.retract_known_ref(r, handle) } } pub fn retract_known_ref(&mut self, r: Arc, handle: Handle) { self.queue_for(&r).push((r, Event::Retract(Box::new(Retract { handle })))); } pub fn message(&mut self, r: Arc, m: M) where M: Into { self.queue_for(&r).push((r, Event::Message(Box::new( Message { body: Assertion(m.into()) })))) } fn queue_for(&mut self, r: &Arc) -> &mut Vec<(Arc, Event)> { self.queues.entry(r.relay.actor_id).or_default() } pub fn deliver(&mut self) { for (_actor_id, turn) in std::mem::take(&mut self.queues).into_iter() { if turn.len() == 0 { continue; } let first_ref = Arc::clone(&turn[0].0); let target = &first_ref.relay; target.send(Turn(turn.into_iter().map( |(r, e)| TurnEvent { oid:, event: e }).collect())); } } } impl<'activation> Drop for Activation<'activation> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.deliver() } } impl Mailbox { pub fn send(&self, t: Turn) { let _ = self.tx.send(SystemMessage::Turn(t)); self.queue_depth.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } impl std::fmt::Debug for Mailbox { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> { write!(f, "#", self.actor_id, self.mailbox_id) } } impl std::hash::Hash for Mailbox { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.mailbox_id.hash(state) } } impl Eq for Mailbox {} impl PartialEq for Mailbox { fn eq(&self, other: &Mailbox) -> bool { self.mailbox_id == other.mailbox_id } } impl Ord for Mailbox { fn cmp(&self, other: &Mailbox) -> std::cmp::Ordering { return self.mailbox_id.cmp(&other.mailbox_id) } } impl PartialOrd for Mailbox { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Mailbox) -> Option { return Some(self.cmp(&other)) } } impl Clone for Mailbox { fn clone(&self) -> Self { let Mailbox { actor_id, tx, queue_depth, mailbox_count, .. } = self; mailbox_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); Mailbox { actor_id: *actor_id, mailbox_id: crate::next_mailbox_id(), tx: tx.clone(), queue_depth: Arc::clone(queue_depth), mailbox_count: Arc::clone(mailbox_count), } } } impl Drop for Mailbox { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.mailbox_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) == 1 { let _ = self.tx.send(SystemMessage::Release); () } } } impl Actor { pub fn new() -> Self { let (tx, rx) = unbounded_channel(); Actor { template_mailbox: Mailbox { actor_id: crate::next_actor_id(), mailbox_id: crate::next_mailbox_id(), tx, queue_depth: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)), mailbox_count: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)), }, rx, outbound_assertions: Map::new(), oid_map: Map::new(), next_task_id: 0, linked_tasks: Map::new(), } } pub fn id(&self) -> ActorId { self.template_mailbox.actor_id } pub fn create(&mut self, e: E) -> Arc { let r = Ref { relay: self.template_mailbox.clone(), target: crate::next_oid(), }; self.oid_map.insert(, Cell::new(Box::new(e))); Arc::new(r) } pub fn boot + Send + 'static>( mut self, name: tracing::Span, boot: F, ) -> ActorHandle { tokio::spawn(async move { trace!("start"); let run_future =; let result = run_future.await; match &result { Ok(()) => trace!("normal stop"), Err(e) => error!("{}", e), } result }.instrument(name)) } pub fn start(self, name: tracing::Span) -> ActorHandle { self.boot(name, ready(Ok(()))) } async fn run>(&mut self, boot: F) -> ActorResult { boot.await?; loop { match self.rx.recv().await { None => Err(Error { message: "Unexpected channel close".to_owned(), detail: _Any::new(false), })?, Some(m) => { if self.handle(m)? { return Ok(()); } // We would have a loop calling try_recv until it answers "no more at // present" here, to avoid decrementing queue_depth for every message // (instead zeroing it on queue empty - it only needs to be approximate), // but try_recv has been removed from mpsc at the time of writing. See // . self.template_mailbox.queue_depth.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } } } fn handle(&mut self, m: SystemMessage) -> Result { match m { SystemMessage::Release => Ok(true), SystemMessage::ReleaseOid(oid) => { self.oid_map.remove(&oid); Ok(false) } SystemMessage::Turn(Turn(events)) => { for TurnEvent { oid, event } in events.into_iter() { if let Some(e) = self.oid_map.get_mut(&oid) { let mut t = Activation::for_actor_details(&mut self.outbound_assertions); let e = e.get_mut(); match event { Event::Assert(b) => { let Assert { assertion: Assertion(assertion), handle } = *b; e.assert(&mut t, assertion, handle)?; } Event::Retract(b) => { let Retract { handle } = *b; e.retract(&mut t, handle)?; } Event::Message(b) => { let Message { body: Assertion(body) } = *b; e.message(&mut t, body)?; } Event::Sync(b) => { let Sync { peer } = *b; e.sync(&mut t, peer)?; } } } } Ok(false) } SystemMessage::Crash(e) => Err(e)? } } pub fn linked_task + Send + 'static>( &mut self, name: tracing::Span, boot: F, ) { let mailbox = self.template_mailbox.clone(); let token = CancellationToken::new(); let task_id = self.next_task_id; self.next_task_id += 1; { let token = token.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { trace!("linked task start"); select! { _ = token.cancelled() => (), result = boot => match result { Ok(()) => trace!("linked task normal stop"), Err(e) => { error!("linked task error: {}", e); let _ = mailbox.tx.send(SystemMessage::Crash(e)); () } } } }.instrument(name)); } self.linked_tasks.insert(task_id, token); } } impl Drop for Actor { fn drop(&mut self) { for (_task_id, token) in std::mem::take(&mut self.linked_tasks).into_iter() { token.cancel(); } let to_clear = std::mem::take(&mut self.outbound_assertions); let mut t = Activation::for_actor(self); for (handle, r) in to_clear.into_iter() { t.retract_known_ref(r, handle); } } } impl Drop for Ref { fn drop(&mut self) { let _ = self.relay.tx.send(SystemMessage::ReleaseOid(; () } } impl Domain for Ref { fn from_preserves(v: IOValue) -> IOResult { panic!("aiee") } fn as_preserves(&self) -> IOValue { panic!("aiee") } } impl Domain for super::schemas::sturdy::WireRef { fn from_preserves(v: IOValue) -> IOResult { panic!("aiee") } fn as_preserves(&self) -> IOValue { panic!("aiee") } }