use preserves_schema::Codec; use std::io; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use syndicate::actor::*; use syndicate::enclose; use syndicate::error::Error; use syndicate::relay; use tokio::net::UnixListener; use tokio::net::UnixStream; use crate::language::language; use crate::protocol::run_connection; use crate::schemas::internal_services; use syndicate_macros::during; pub fn on_demand(t: &mut Activation, ds: Arc, gateway: Arc) { t.spawn(syndicate::name!("on_demand", module = module_path!()), move |t| { Ok(during!(t, ds, language(), , |t: &mut Activation| { t.spawn_link(syndicate::name!(parent: None, "relay", addr = ?spec), enclose!((ds, gateway) |t| run(t, ds, gateway, spec))); Ok(()) })) }); } fn run( t: &'_ mut Activation, ds: Arc, gateway: Arc, spec: internal_services::UnixRelayListener, ) -> ActorResult { let path_str = spec.addr.path.clone(); { let spec = language().unparse(&spec); ds.assert(t, &(), &syndicate_macros::template!("")); } let parent_span = tracing::Span::current(); t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("listener"), async move { let listener = bind_unix_listener(&PathBuf::from(path_str)).await?; tracing::info!("listening"); loop { let (stream, _addr) = listener.accept().await?; let peer = stream.peer_cred()?; Actor::new().boot( syndicate::name!(parent: parent_span.clone(), "conn", pid = ?, uid = peer.uid()), enclose!((gateway) |t| Ok(t.linked_task( tracing::Span::current(), { let facet = t.facet.clone(); async move { tracing::info!(protocol = %"unix"); let (i, o) = stream.into_split(); run_connection(facet, relay::Input::Bytes(Box::pin(i)), relay::Output::Bytes(Box::pin(o)), gateway) } })))); } }); Ok(()) } async fn bind_unix_listener(path: &PathBuf) -> Result { match UnixListener::bind(path) { Ok(s) => Ok(s), Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AddrInUse => { // Potentially-stale socket file sitting around. Try // connecting to it to see if it is alive, and remove it // if not. match UnixStream::connect(path).await { Ok(_probe) => Err(e)?, // Someone's already there! Give up. Err(f) if f.kind() == io::ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused => { // Try to steal the socket. tracing::info!("Cleaning stale socket"); std::fs::remove_file(path)?; Ok(UnixListener::bind(path)?) } Err(error) => { tracing::error!(?error, "Problem while probing potentially-stale socket"); return Err(e)? // signal the *original* error, not the probe error } } }, Err(e) => Err(e)?, } }