use crate::schemas::dataspace_patterns::*; use super::language; use preserves::value::Map; use preserves::value::NestedValue; use preserves::value::Record; use preserves::value::Value; use preserves_schema::Codec; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum PathStep { Index(usize), Key(_Any), } pub type Path = Vec; pub type Paths = Vec; struct Analyzer { pub const_paths: Paths, pub const_values: Vec<_Any>, pub capture_paths: Paths, } pub struct PatternAnalysis { pub const_paths: Paths, pub const_values: _Any, pub capture_paths: Paths, } struct PatternMatcher { captures: Vec<_Any>, } impl PatternAnalysis { pub fn new(p: &Pattern) -> Self { let mut analyzer = Analyzer { const_paths: Vec::new(), const_values: Vec::new(), capture_paths: Vec::new(), }; analyzer.walk(&mut Vec::new(), p); PatternAnalysis { const_paths: analyzer.const_paths, const_values: _Any::new(analyzer.const_values), capture_paths: analyzer.capture_paths, } } } impl Analyzer { fn walk_step(&mut self, path: &mut Path, s: PathStep, p: &Pattern) { path.push(s); self.walk(path, p); path.pop(); } fn walk(&mut self, path: &mut Path, p: &Pattern) { match p { Pattern::DCompound(b) => match &**b { DCompound::Rec { fields, .. } => { for (i, p) in fields.iter().enumerate() { self.walk_step(path, PathStep::Index(i), p); } } DCompound::Arr { items, .. } => { for (i, p) in items.iter().enumerate() { self.walk_step(path, PathStep::Index(i), p); } } DCompound::Dict { entries, .. } => { for (k, p) in entries { self.walk_step(path, PathStep::Key(k.clone()), p); } } } Pattern::DBind(b) => { let DBind { pattern, .. } = &**b; self.capture_paths.push(path.clone()); self.walk(path, pattern) } Pattern::DDiscard(_) => (), Pattern::DLit(b) => { let DLit { value } = &**b; self.const_paths.push(path.clone()); self.const_values.push(language().unparse(value)); } } } } impl Pattern<_Any> { pub fn match_value(&self, value: &_Any) -> Option> { let mut matcher = PatternMatcher::new(); if, value) { Some(matcher.captures) } else { None } } } impl PatternMatcher { fn new() -> Self { PatternMatcher { captures: Vec::new(), } } fn run(&mut self, pattern: &Pattern<_Any>, value: &_Any) -> bool { match pattern { Pattern::DDiscard(_) => true, Pattern::DBind(b) => { self.captures.push(value.clone());, value) } Pattern::DLit(b) => value == &language().unparse(&b.value), Pattern::DCompound(b) => match &**b { DCompound::Rec { label, fields } => { match value.value().as_record(Some(fields.len())) { None => false, Some(r) => { if r.label() != label { return false; } for (i, p) in fields.iter().enumerate() { if !, &r.fields()[i]) { return false; } } true } } } DCompound::Arr { items } => { match value.value().as_sequence() { None => false, Some(vs) => { if vs.len() != items.len() { return false; } for (i, p) in items.iter().enumerate() { if !, &vs[i]) { return false; } } true } } } DCompound::Dict { entries: expected_entries } => { match value.value().as_dictionary() { None => false, Some(actual_entries) => { for (k, p) in expected_entries.iter() { if !actual_entries.get(k).map(|v|, v)).unwrap_or(false) { return false; } } true } } } } } } } pub fn lift_literal(v: &_Any) -> Pattern { match v.value() { Value::Record(r) => Pattern::DCompound(Box::new(DCompound::Rec { label: r.label().clone(), fields: r.fields().iter().map(lift_literal).collect(), })), Value::Sequence(items) => Pattern::DCompound(Box::new(DCompound::Arr { items: items.iter().map(lift_literal).collect(), })), Value::Set(_members) => panic!("Cannot express literal set in pattern"), Value::Dictionary(entries) => Pattern::DCompound(Box::new(DCompound::Dict { entries: entries.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.clone(), lift_literal(v))).collect(), })), _other => Pattern::DLit(Box::new(DLit { value: language().parse(v).expect("Non-compound datum can be converted to AnyAtom"), })), } } pub fn drop_literal(p: &Pattern) -> Option<_Any> { match p { Pattern::DCompound(b) => match &**b { DCompound::Rec { label, fields } => { let mut r = vec![label.clone()]; for f in fields.iter() { r.push(drop_literal(f)?); } Some(Value::Record(Record(r)).wrap()) } DCompound::Arr { items } => Some(Value::Sequence(items.iter().map(drop_literal) .collect::>>()?).wrap()), DCompound::Dict { entries } => Some(Value::Dictionary(entries.iter() .map(|(k, p)| Some((k.clone(), drop_literal(p)?))) .collect::>>()?).wrap()), }, Pattern::DLit(b) => Some(language().unparse(&b.value)), _ => None, } }