This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-08-27 15:31:18 +02:00
parent ae46e42539
commit f56c0df10f
15 changed files with 673 additions and 415 deletions

View File

@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ pub struct Config {
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("consumer"), |t| {
let ac =;
let facet = t.facet.clone();
let boot_account = Arc::clone(t.account());
Ok(t.state.linked_task(tracing::Span::current(), async move {
Ok(t.linked_task(tracing::Span::current(), async move {
let config = Config::from_args();
let sturdyref = sturdy::SturdyRef::from_hex(&config.dataspace)?;
let (i, o) = TcpStream::connect("").await?.into_split();
Activation::for_actor(&ac, boot_account, |t| {
facet.activate(boot_account, |t| {
relay::connect_stream(t, i, o, sturdyref, (), |_state, t, ds| {
let consumer = syndicate::entity(0)
.on_message(|message_count, _t, m: AnyValue| {
@ -42,21 +42,22 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
ds.assert(t, &Observe {
pattern: syndicate_macros::pattern!("<Says $ $>"),
observer: Arc::clone(&consumer),
t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("tick"), async move {
t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("tick"), async move {
let mut stats_timer = interval(Duration::from_secs(1));
loop {
let consumer = Arc::clone(&consumer);
Box::new(move |t| consumer.underlying.with_entity(
|e| e.message(t, AnyValue::new(true)))))?;
Box::new(move |t| t.with_entity(
|t, e| e.message(t, AnyValue::new(true)))))?;

View File

@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("pingpong"), |t| {
let ac =;
let facet = t.facet.clone();
let boot_account = Arc::clone(t.account());
Ok(t.state.linked_task(tracing::Span::current(), async move {
Ok(t.linked_task(tracing::Span::current(), async move {
let config = Config::from_args();
let sturdyref = sturdy::SturdyRef::from_hex(&config.dataspace)?;
let (i, o) = TcpStream::connect("").await?.into_split();
Activation::for_actor(&ac, boot_account, |t| {
facet.activate(boot_account, |t| {
relay::connect_stream(t, i, o, sturdyref, (), move |_state, t, ds| {
let (send_label, recv_label, report_latency_every, should_echo, bytes_padding) =
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut rtt_ns_samples: Vec<u64> = vec![0; report_latency_every];
let mut rtt_batch_count: usize = 0;
let mut current_reply = None;
let self_ref = t.state.create_inert();
let self_ref = t.create_inert();
.on_message(move |self_ref, t, m: AnyValue| {
@ -177,15 +177,16 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
observer: Arc::clone(&consumer),
t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("tick"), async move {
t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("tick"), async move {
let mut stats_timer = interval(Duration::from_secs(1));
loop {
let consumer = Arc::clone(&consumer);
Box::new(move |t| consumer.underlying.with_entity(
|e| e.message(t, AnyValue::new(true)))))?;
Box::new(move |t| t.with_entity(
|t, e| e.message(t, AnyValue::new(true)))))?;
@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let turn_count = c.turn_count;
let action_count = c.action_count;
let account = Arc::clone(t.account());
t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("boot-ping"), async move {
t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("boot-ping"), async move {
let padding: AnyValue = Value::ByteString(vec![0; bytes_padding]).wrap();
for _ in 0..turn_count {
let mut events: PendingEventQueue = vec![];
@ -203,8 +204,9 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
for _ in 0..action_count {
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
let current_rec = current_rec.clone();
events.push(Box::new(move |t| ds.underlying.with_entity(
|e| e.message(t, current_rec))));
events.push(Box::new(move |t| t.with_entity(
|t, e| e.message(t, current_rec))));
external_events(&ds.underlying.mailbox, &account, events)?

View File

@ -33,26 +33,27 @@ fn says(who: AnyValue, what: AnyValue) -> AnyValue {
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("producer"), |t| {
let ac =;
let facet = t.facet.clone();
let boot_account = Arc::clone(t.account());
Ok(t.state.linked_task(tracing::Span::current(), async move {
Ok(t.linked_task(tracing::Span::current(), async move {
let config = Config::from_args();
let sturdyref = sturdy::SturdyRef::from_hex(&config.dataspace)?;
let (i, o) = TcpStream::connect("").await?.into_split();
Activation::for_actor(&ac, boot_account, |t| {
facet.activate(boot_account, |t| {
relay::connect_stream(t, i, o, sturdyref, (), move |_state, t, ds| {
let padding: AnyValue = Value::ByteString(vec![0; config.bytes_padding]).wrap();
let action_count = config.action_count;
let account = Account::new(syndicate::name!("account"));
t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("sender"), async move {
t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("sender"), async move {
loop {
let mut events: PendingEventQueue = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..action_count {
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
let padding = padding.clone();
events.push(Box::new(move |t| ds.underlying.with_entity(
|e| e.message(t, says(Value::from("producer").wrap(), padding)))));
events.push(Box::new(move |t| t.with_entity(
|t, e| e.message(t, says(Value::from("producer").wrap(), padding)))));
external_events(&ds.underlying.mailbox, &account, events)?;

View File

@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ pub struct Config {
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("state-consumer"), |t| {
let ac =;
let facet = t.facet.clone();
let boot_account = Arc::clone(t.account());
Ok(t.state.linked_task(tracing::Span::current(), async move {
Ok(t.linked_task(tracing::Span::current(), async move {
let config = Config::from_args();
let sturdyref = sturdy::SturdyRef::from_hex(&config.dataspace)?;
let (i, o) = TcpStream::connect("").await?.into_split();
Activation::for_actor(&ac, boot_account, |t| {
facet.activate(boot_account, |t| {
relay::connect_stream(t, i, o, sturdyref, (), |_state, t, ds| {
let consumer = {
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
s.arrival_counter = 0;
s.departure_counter = 0;
ds.assert(t, &Observe {
@ -69,15 +69,16 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
observer: Arc::clone(&consumer),
t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("tick"), async move {
t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("tick"), async move {
let mut stats_timer = interval(Duration::from_secs(1));
loop {
let consumer = Arc::clone(&consumer);
Box::new(move |t| consumer.underlying.with_entity(
|e| e.message(t, AnyValue::new(true)))))?;
Box::new(move |t| t.with_entity(
|t, e| e.message(t, AnyValue::new(true)))))?;

View File

@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ pub struct Config {
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("state-producer"), |t| {
let ac =;
let facet = t.facet.clone();
let boot_account = Arc::clone(t.account());
Ok(t.state.linked_task(tracing::Span::current(), async move {
Ok(t.linked_task(tracing::Span::current(), async move {
let config = Config::from_args();
let sturdyref = sturdy::SturdyRef::from_hex(&config.dataspace)?;
let (i, o) = TcpStream::connect("").await?.into_split();
Activation::for_actor(&ac, boot_account, |t| {
facet.activate(boot_account, |t| {
relay::connect_stream(t, i, o, sturdyref, (), move |_state, t, ds| {
let account = Account::new(syndicate::name!("account"));
t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("sender"), async move {
t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("sender"), async move {
let presence: AnyValue = Value::simple_record1(
@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let presence = presence.clone();
let handle = handle.clone();
external_event(&Arc::clone(&ds.underlying.mailbox), &account, Box::new(
move |t| ds.underlying.with_entity(|e| e.assert(t, presence, handle))))
move |t| t.with_entity(&ds.underlying, |t, e| e.assert(t, presence, handle))))
let retract_e = || {
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
let handle = handle.clone();
external_event(&Arc::clone(&ds.underlying.mailbox), &account, Box::new(
move |t| ds.underlying.with_entity(|e| e.retract(t, handle))))
move |t| t.with_entity(&ds.underlying, |t, e| e.retract(t, handle))))
loop {

View File

@ -72,13 +72,11 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut non_daemons = Vec::new();
if config.debt_reporter {
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("debt-reporter"), |t| {
t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("tick"), async {
t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("tick"), async {
let mut timer = tokio::time::interval(core::time::Duration::from_secs(1));
loop {
@ -93,51 +91,49 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let ds = Cap::new(&Actor::create_and_start(syndicate::name!("dataspace"), Dataspace::new()));
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("dataspace"), move |t| {
let ds = Cap::new(&t.create(Dataspace::new()));
if config.inferior {
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("parent"), move |t| run_io_relay(
let gateway = Cap::guard(&Actor::create_and_start(
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("rootcap"), move |t| {
use syndicate::schemas::gatekeeper;
let key = vec![0; 16];
let sr = sturdy::SturdyRef::mint(_Any::new("syndicate"), &key);
tracing::info!(rootcap = debug(&_Any::from(&sr)));
tracing::info!(rootcap = display(sr.to_hex()));
ds.assert(t, &gatekeeper::Bind { oid: sr.oid.clone(), key, target: ds.clone() });
for port in config.ports.clone() {
let gateway = Arc::clone(&gateway);
syndicate::name!("tcp", port),
move |t| Ok(t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("listener"),
run_tcp_listener(gateway, port)))));
if config.inferior {
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("parent"), move |t| run_io_relay(
for path in config.sockets.clone() {
let gateway = Arc::clone(&gateway);
syndicate::name!("unix", socket = debug(path.to_str().expect("representable UnixListener path"))),
move |t| Ok(t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("listener"),
run_unix_listener(gateway, path)))));
let gateway = Cap::guard(&t.create(
for port in config.ports.clone() {
let gateway = Arc::clone(&gateway);
syndicate::name!("tcp", port),
move |t| Ok(t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("listener"),
run_tcp_listener(gateway, port))));
for path in config.sockets.clone() {
let gateway = Arc::clone(&gateway);
syndicate::name!("unix", socket = debug(path.to_str().expect("representable UnixListener path"))),
move |t| Ok(t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("listener"),
run_unix_listener(gateway, path))));
@ -183,24 +179,24 @@ fn run_io_relay(
o: relay::Output,
initial_ref: Arc<Cap>,
) -> ActorResult {
let exit_listener = t.state.create(ExitListener);
let exit_listener = t.create(ExitListener);
relay::TunnelRelay::run(t, i, o, Some(initial_ref), None);
fn run_connection(
ac: ActorRef,
facet: FacetRef,
i: relay::Input,
o: relay::Output,
initial_ref: Arc<Cap>,
) -> ActorResult {
Activation::for_actor(&ac, Account::new(syndicate::name!("start-session")),
|t| run_io_relay(t, i, o, initial_ref))
|t| run_io_relay(t, i, o, initial_ref))
async fn detect_protocol(
ac: ActorRef,
facet: FacetRef,
stream: TcpStream,
gateway: Arc<Cap>,
addr: std::net::SocketAddr,
@ -229,7 +225,7 @@ async fn detect_protocol(
_ => unreachable!()
run_connection(ac, i, o, gateway)
run_connection(facet, i, o, gateway)
async fn run_tcp_listener(
@ -244,9 +240,9 @@ async fn run_tcp_listener(
let gateway = Arc::clone(&gateway);
let ac = Actor::new();
ac.boot(syndicate::name!(parent: None, "tcp"),
move |t| Ok(t.state.linked_task(
move |t| Ok(t.linked_task(
detect_protocol(, stream, gateway, addr))));
detect_protocol(t.facet.clone(), stream, gateway, addr))));
@ -261,24 +257,21 @@ async fn run_unix_listener(
let (stream, _addr) = listener.accept().await?;
let peer = stream.peer_cred()?;
let gateway = Arc::clone(&gateway);
let ac = Actor::new();
ac.boot(syndicate::name!(parent: None,
pid = debug(,
uid = peer.uid()),
move |t| Ok(t.state.linked_task(
let ac =;
async move {
tracing::info!(protocol = display("unix"));
let (i, o) = stream.into_split();
syndicate::name!(parent: None, "unix", pid = debug(, uid = peer.uid()),
|t| Ok(t.linked_task(
let facet = t.facet.clone();
async move {
tracing::info!(protocol = display("unix"));
let (i, o) = stream.into_split();
@ -342,7 +335,7 @@ fn handle_resolve(
if let Some(oh) = ds.assert(t, &dataspace::Observe {
// TODO: codegen plugin to generate pattern constructors
pattern: syndicate_macros::pattern!("<bind =queried_oid $ $>"),

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::time::Instant;
use syndicate::actor::*;
use syndicate::during::entity;
use syndicate::dataspace::Dataspace;
use syndicate::schemas::dataspace::Observe;
use syndicate::schemas::dataspace_patterns as p;
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ struct ShutdownEntity;
impl Entity<AnyValue> for ShutdownEntity {
fn message(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, _m: AnyValue) -> ActorResult {
@ -53,20 +54,22 @@ pub fn bench_pub(c: &mut Criterion) {
let start = Instant::now();
rt.block_on(async move {
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("dataspace"), move |t| {
let ds = t.state.create(Dataspace::new());
let shutdown = t.state.create(ShutdownEntity);
let ds = t.create(Dataspace::new());
let shutdown = t.create(ShutdownEntity);
let account = Account::new(syndicate::name!("sender-account"));
t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("sender"), async move {
t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("sender"), async move {
for _ in 0..iters {
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
external_event(&Arc::clone(&ds.mailbox), &account, Box::new(
move |t| ds.with_entity(
|e| e.message(t, says(AnyValue::new("bench_pub"),
move |t| t.with_entity(
|t, e| e.message(t, says(AnyValue::new("bench_pub"),
external_event(&Arc::clone(&shutdown.mailbox), &account, Box::new(
move |t| shutdown.with_entity(
|e| e.message(t, AnyValue::new(true)))))?;
move |t| t.with_entity(
|t, e| e.message(t, AnyValue::new(true)))))?;
@ -80,70 +83,96 @@ pub fn bench_pub(c: &mut Criterion) {
b.iter_custom(|iters| {
let start = Instant::now();
rt.block_on(async move {
let ds = Cap::new(
&Actor::create_and_start(syndicate::name!("dataspace"), Dataspace::new()));
let turn_count = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0));
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("dataspace"), {
let iters = iters.clone();
let turn_count = Arc::clone(&turn_count);
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("consumer"), move |t| {
struct Receiver(Arc<AtomicU64>);
impl Entity<AnyValue> for Receiver {
fn message(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, _m: AnyValue) -> ActorResult {
self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let shutdown = Cap::new(&t.state.create(ShutdownEntity));
let receiver = Cap::new(&t.state.create(Receiver(Arc::clone(&turn_count))));
move |t| {
let ds = Cap::new(&t.create(Dataspace::new()));
let shutdown = entity(())
.on_asserted(|_, _, _| {
Ok(Some(Box::new(|_, t| {
ds.assert(t, &Observe {
pattern: p::Pattern::DCompound(Box::new(p::DCompound::Rec {
ctor: Box::new(p::CRec {
label: Value::symbol("Says").wrap(),
arity: 2.into(),
members: Map::from_iter(vec![
(0.into(), p::Pattern::DLit(Box::new(p::DLit {
value: AnyValue::new("bench_pub"),
(1.into(), p::Pattern::DBind(Box::new(p::DBind {
pattern: p::Pattern::DDiscard(Box::new(p::DDiscard)),
observer: receiver,
ds.assert(t, &Observe {
pattern: p::Pattern::DBind(Box::new(p::DBind {
pattern: p::Pattern::DLit(Box::new(p::DLit {
value: AnyValue::new(true),
value: Value::symbol("consumer").wrap(),
observer: shutdown,
let account = Arc::clone(t.account());
t.state.linked_task(syndicate::name!("sender"), async move {
for _ in 0..iters {
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
external_event(&Arc::clone(&ds.underlying.mailbox), &account, Box::new(
move |t| ds.underlying.with_entity(
|e| e.message(t, says(AnyValue::new("bench_pub"),
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
external_event(&Arc::clone(&ds.underlying.mailbox), &account, Box::new(
move |t| ds.underlying.with_entity(
|e| e.message(t, AnyValue::new(true)))))?;
Actor::new().boot(syndicate::name!("consumer"), move |t| {
struct Receiver(Arc<AtomicU64>);
impl Entity<AnyValue> for Receiver {
fn message(&mut self, _t: &mut Activation, _m: AnyValue) -> ActorResult {
self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let shutdown = Cap::new(&t.create(ShutdownEntity));
let receiver = Cap::new(&t.create(Receiver(Arc::clone(&turn_count))));
ds.assert(t, Value::<AnyValue, _>::symbol("consumer").wrap());
ds.assert(t, &Observe {
pattern: p::Pattern::DCompound(Box::new(p::DCompound::Rec {
ctor: Box::new(p::CRec {
label: Value::symbol("Says").wrap(),
arity: 2.into(),
members: Map::from_iter(vec![
(0.into(), p::Pattern::DLit(Box::new(p::DLit {
value: AnyValue::new("bench_pub"),
(1.into(), p::Pattern::DBind(Box::new(p::DBind {
pattern: p::Pattern::DDiscard(Box::new(p::DDiscard)),
observer: receiver,
ds.assert(t, &Observe {
pattern: p::Pattern::DBind(Box::new(p::DBind {
pattern: p::Pattern::DLit(Box::new(p::DLit {
value: AnyValue::new(true),
observer: shutdown,
let account = Arc::clone(t.account());
t.linked_task(syndicate::name!("sender"), async move {
for _i in 0..iters {
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
external_event(&Arc::clone(&ds.underlying.mailbox), &account, Box::new(
move |t| t.with_entity(
|t, e| e.message(t, says(AnyValue::new("bench_pub"),
let ds = Arc::clone(&ds);
external_event(&Arc::clone(&ds.underlying.mailbox), &account, Box::new(
move |t| t.with_entity(
|t, e| e.message(t, AnyValue::new(true)))))?;
let actual_turns = turn_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
if actual_turns != iters {

View File

@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ The [actor][crate::actor] module is the core of the Syndicated Actor model imple
Central features:
- trait [`Entity`], the core protocol that must be implemented by
every object
- struct [`Activation`], the API for programming a Syndicated Actor
- trait [`Entity`], the core protocol that must be implemented by
every object
- struct [`Facet`], a node in the tree of nested conversations that
an Actor is participating in
- type [`AnyValue`], the type of messages and assertions that can be
exchanged among distributed objects, including via

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Flow control
- Account, LoanedItem
- start_debt_reporter
- [Account]
- [LoanedItem]

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Linked Tasks
- linked_task
- [Activation::linked_task]

View File

@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
# What is an Actor?
A [Syndicated Actor][Actor] is a collection of stateful
[Entities][Entity]. In the taxonomy of De Koster *et al.*
([2016](#DeKoster2016)), the Syndicated Actor model is a
*Communicating Event-Loop* actor model, similar to that offered by the
E programming language
[Entities][Entity], organised in a tree of [Facets][Facet], with each
facet representing a
that the Actor is engaged in. Each entity belongs to exactly one
facet; each facet has exactly one parent and zero or more children;
each actor has exactly one associated root facet. When a facet is its
actor's root facet, its parent is the actor itself; otherwise, its
parent is always another facet.
In the taxonomy of De Koster *et al.* ([2016](#DeKoster2016)), the
Syndicated Actor model is a *Communicating Event-Loop* actor model,
similar to that offered by the E programming language
**Note.** In the full Syndicated Actor model, entities are arranged in a tree of
*facets*; the current Rust implementation does not yet include support
for facets.
- Actor, ActorRef, ActorState, Mailbox
- [Actor], [ActorRef], [Facet], [FacetRef], [ActorState], [Mailbox],

View File

@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ use preserves::value::Domain;
use preserves::value::IOValue;
use preserves::value::Map;
use preserves::value::NestedValue;
use preserves::value::Set;
use preserves_schema::support::ParseError;
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::RwLock;
@ -50,6 +52,9 @@ pub type AnyValue = super::schemas::internal_protocol::_Any;
/// The type of process-unique actor IDs.
pub type ActorId = u64;
/// The type of process-unique facet IDs.
pub type FacetId = NonZeroU64;
/// The type of process-unique assertion handles.
/// Used both as a reference to [retract][Entity::retract]
@ -60,8 +65,8 @@ pub type Handle = u64;
/// Responses to events must have type `ActorResult`.
pub type ActorResult = Result<(), Error>;
/// Methods [`Actor::boot`] and [`Actor::start`] return an
/// `ActorHandle`, representing the actor's mainloop task.
/// The [`Actor::boot`] method returns an `ActorHandle`, representing
/// the actor's mainloop task.
pub type ActorHandle = tokio::task::JoinHandle<ActorResult>;
/// A small protocol for indicating successful synchronisation with
@ -193,17 +198,22 @@ pub type PendingEventQueue = Vec<Action>;
/// The main API for programming Syndicated Actor objects.
/// Through `Activation`s, programs can access the state of their
/// animating [`RunningActor`].
/// animating [`RunningActor`] and their active [`Facet`].
/// Usually, an `Activation` will be supplied to code that needs one; but when non-Actor code
/// (such as a [linked task][crate::actor#linked-tasks]) needs to enter an Actor's execution
/// context, use [`FacetRef::activate`] to construct one.
/// Many actions that an entity can perform are methods directly on
/// `Activation`, but methods on the [`RunningActor`] and [`ActorRef`]
/// `Activation`, but methods on the [`RunningActor`] and [`FacetRef`]
/// values contained in an `Activation` are also sometimes useful.
/// This is what other implementations call a "Turn", renamed here to
/// avoid conflicts with [`crate::schemas::internal_protocol::Turn`].
pub struct Activation<'activation> {
/// A reference to the implementation-side of the currently active [`Actor`].
pub actor: ActorRef,
/// A reference to the currently active [`Facet`] and the implementation-side state of its
/// [`Actor`].
pub facet: FacetRef,
/// A reference to the current state of the active [`Actor`].
pub state: &'activation mut RunningActor,
pending: EventBuffer,
@ -272,6 +282,14 @@ pub struct ActorRef {
state: Arc<Mutex<ActorState>>,
/// A combination of an [`ActorRef`] with a [`FacetId`], acting as a capability to enter the
/// execution context of a facet from a linked task.
pub struct FacetRef {
pub actor: ActorRef,
pub facet_id: FacetId,
/// The state of an actor: either `Running` or `Terminated`.
pub enum ActorState {
/// A non-terminated actor has an associated [`RunningActor`] state record.
@ -290,9 +308,40 @@ pub struct RunningActor {
pub actor_id: ActorId,
tx: UnboundedSender<SystemMessage>,
mailbox: Weak<Mailbox>,
cleanup_actions: CleanupActions,
linked_tasks: Map<u64, CancellationToken>,
exit_hooks: Vec<Box<dyn Send + FnOnce(&mut Activation, &Arc<ActorResult>) -> ActorResult>>,
facet_nodes: Map<FacetId, Facet>,
facet_children: Map<FacetId, Set<FacetId>>,
root: FacetId,
/// State associated with each facet in an [`Actor`]'s facet tree.
/// # Inert facets
/// A facet is considered *inert* if:
/// 1. it has no child facets;
/// 2. it has no cleanup actions (that is, no assertions placed by any of its entities);
/// 3. it has no linked tasks; and
/// 4. it has no "inert check preventers" (see [Activation::prevent_inert_check]).
/// If a facet is created and is inert at the moment that its `boot` function returns, it is
/// automatically terminated.
/// When a facet is terminated, if its parent facet is inert, the parent is terminated.
/// If the root facet in an actor is terminated, the entire actor is terminated (with exit
/// status `Ok(())`).
pub struct Facet {
/// The ID of the facet.
pub facet_id: FacetId,
/// The ID of the facet's parent facet, if any; if None, this facet is the `Actor`'s root facet.
pub parent_facet_id: Option<FacetId>,
cleanup_actions: CleanupActions,
stop_actions: Vec<Action>,
linked_tasks: Map<u64, CancellationToken>,
inert_check_preventers: Arc<AtomicU64>,
/// A reference to an object that expects messages/assertions of type
@ -303,6 +352,8 @@ pub struct RunningActor {
pub struct Ref<M> {
/// Mailbox of the actor owning the referenced entity.
pub mailbox: Arc<Mailbox>,
/// ID of the facet (within the actor) owning the referenced entity.
pub facet_id: FacetId,
/// Mutex owning and guarding the state backing the referenced entity.
pub target: Mutex<Option<Box<dyn Entity<M>>>>,
@ -352,15 +403,22 @@ pub fn next_actor_id() -> ActorId {
NEXT_ACTOR_ID.fetch_add(BUMP_AMOUNT.into(), Ordering::Relaxed)
static NEXT_HANDLE: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(2);
static NEXT_FACET_ID: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(2);
pub fn next_facet_id() -> FacetId {
FacetId::new(NEXT_FACET_ID.fetch_add(BUMP_AMOUNT.into(), Ordering::Relaxed))
.expect("Internal error: Attempt to allocate FacetId of zero. Too many FacetIds allocated. Restart the process.")
static NEXT_HANDLE: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(3);
/// Allocate a process-unique `Handle`.
pub fn next_handle() -> Handle {
NEXT_HANDLE.fetch_add(BUMP_AMOUNT.into(), Ordering::Relaxed)
static NEXT_ACCOUNT_ID: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(3);
static NEXT_ACCOUNT_ID: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(4);
static NEXT_TASK_ID: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(4);
static NEXT_TASK_ID: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(5);
preserves_schema::support::lazy_static! {
@ -394,29 +452,20 @@ impl From<&Synced> for AnyValue {
impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
fn make(actor: &ActorRef, account: Arc<Account>, state: &'activation mut RunningActor) -> Self {
Activation {
actor: actor.clone(),
pending: EventBuffer::new(account),
/// Constructs and executes `f` in a new "turn" for `actor`. If
/// `f` returns `Ok(())`, [commits the turn][Self::deliver] and
/// performs the buffered actions; otherwise, [abandons the
/// turn][Self::clear] and discards the buffered actions.
impl FacetRef {
/// Executes `f` in a new "[turn][Activation]" for `actor`. If `f` returns `Ok(())`,
/// [commits the turn][Activation::deliver] and performs the buffered actions; otherwise,
/// [abandons the turn][Activation::clear] and discards the buffered actions.
/// Bills any activity to `account`.
pub fn for_actor<F>(
actor: &ActorRef,
pub fn activate<F>(
account: Arc<Account>,
f: F,
) -> ActorResult where
F: FnOnce(&mut Activation) -> ActorResult,
match Self::for_actor_exit(actor, account, |t| match f(t) {
match self.activate_exit(account, |t| match f(t) {
Ok(()) => None,
Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
}) {
@ -425,28 +474,26 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
/// Constructs and executes `f` in a new "turn" for `actor`. If
/// `f` returns `Some(exit_status)`, terminates `actor` with that
/// `exit_status`. Otherwise, if `f` returns `None`, leaves
/// `actor` in runnable state. [Commits buffered
/// actions][Self::deliver] unless `actor` terminates with an
/// `Err` status.
/// Executes `f` in a new "[turn][Activation]" for `actor`. If `f` returns
/// `Some(exit_status)`, terminates `actor` with that `exit_status`. Otherwise, if `f`
/// returns `None`, leaves `actor` in runnable state. [Commits buffered
/// actions][Activation::deliver] unless `actor` terminates with an `Err` status.
/// Bills any activity to `account`.
pub fn for_actor_exit<F>(
actor: &ActorRef,
pub fn activate_exit<F>(
account: Arc<Account>,
f: F,
) -> Option<ActorResult> where
F: FnOnce(&mut Activation) -> Option<ActorResult>,
match actor.state.lock() {
match {
Err(_) => panicked_err(),
Ok(mut g) => match &mut *g {
ActorState::Terminated { exit_status } =>
ActorState::Running(state) => {
let mut activation = Activation::make(actor, account, state);
let mut activation = Activation::make(self, account, state);
match f(&mut activation) {
None => None,
Some(exit_status) => {
@ -455,12 +502,19 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
let exit_status = Arc::new(exit_status);
let mut t = Activation::make(actor, Account::new(crate::name!("shutdown")), state);
let mut t = Activation::make(&,
for action in std::mem::take(&mut t.state.exit_hooks) {
if let Err(err) = action(&mut t, &exit_status) {
tracing::error!(err = debug(err), "error in exit hook");
if let Err(err) = t._terminate_facet(t.state.root, false) {
// This can only occur as the result of an internal error in this file's code.
tracing::error!(err = debug(err), "unexpected error from disorderly terminate_facet");
panic!("Unexpected error result from disorderly terminate_facet");
*g = ActorState::Terminated {
exit_status: Arc::clone(&exit_status),
@ -471,29 +525,72 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
fn make(
facet: &FacetRef,
account: Arc<Account>,
state: &'activation mut RunningActor,
) -> Self {
Activation {
facet: facet.clone(),
pending: EventBuffer::new(account),
fn immediate_oid<M>(&self, r: &Arc<Ref<M>>) {
if r.mailbox.actor_id != {
if r.mailbox.actor_id != {
panic!("Cannot use for_myself to send to remote peers");
fn with_facet<F>(&mut self, check_existence: bool, facet_id: FacetId, f: F) -> ActorResult
F: FnOnce(&mut Activation) -> ActorResult,
if !check_existence || self.state.facet_nodes.contains_key(&facet_id) {
let old_facet_id = self.facet.facet_id;
self.facet.facet_id = facet_id;
let result = f(self);
self.facet.facet_id = old_facet_id;
} else {
pub fn with_entity<M, F>(&mut self, r: &Arc<Ref<M>>, f: F) -> ActorResult where
F: FnOnce(&mut Activation, &mut dyn Entity<M>) -> ActorResult
self.with_facet(true, r.facet_id, |t| r.internal_with_entity(|e| f(t, e)))
fn active_facet<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<&'a mut Facet> {
/// Core API: assert `a` at recipient `r`.
/// Returns the [`Handle`] for the new assertion.
pub fn assert<M: 'static + Send>(&mut self, r: &Arc<Ref<M>>, a: M) -> Handle {
let handle = next_handle();
let r = Arc::clone(r);
move |t| r.with_entity(|e| e.assert(t, a, handle))));
let r = Arc::clone(r);
CleanupAction::ForAnother(Arc::clone(&r.mailbox), Box::new(
move |t| r.with_entity(|e| e.retract(t, handle)))));
if let Some(f) = self.active_facet() {
let r = Arc::clone(r);
CleanupAction::ForAnother(Arc::clone(&r.mailbox), Box::new(
move |t| t.with_entity(&r, |t, e| e.retract(t, handle)))));
let r = Arc::clone(r);
move |t| t.with_entity(&r, |t, e| e.assert(t, a, handle))));
@ -515,25 +612,30 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
pub fn assert_for_myself<M: 'static + Send>(&mut self, r: &Arc<Ref<M>>, a: M) -> Handle {
let handle = next_handle();
let r = Arc::clone(r);
move |t| r.with_entity(|e| e.assert(t, a, handle))));
let r = Arc::clone(r);
move |t| r.with_entity(|e| e.retract(t, handle)))));
if let Some(f) = self.active_facet() {
let r = Arc::clone(r);
move |t| t.with_entity(&r, |t, e| e.retract(t, handle)))));
let r = Arc::clone(r);
move |t| t.with_entity(&r, |t, e| e.assert(t, a, handle))));
/// Core API: retract a previously-established assertion.
pub fn retract(&mut self, handle: Handle) {
if let Some(d) = self.state.cleanup_actions.remove(&handle) {
if let Some(f) = self.active_facet() {
if let Some(d) = f.cleanup_actions.remove(&handle) {
@ -541,7 +643,7 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
pub fn message<M: 'static + Send>(&mut self, r: &Arc<Ref<M>>, m: M) {
let r = Arc::clone(r);
move |t| r.with_entity(|e| e.message(t, m))))
move |t| t.with_entity(&r, |t, e| e.message(t, m))))
/// Core API: send message `m` to recipient `r`, which must be a
@ -558,7 +660,7 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
let r = Arc::clone(r);
move |t| r.with_entity(|e| e.message(t, m))))
move |t| t.with_entity(&r, |t, e| e.message(t, m))))
/// Core API: begins a synchronisation with `r`.
@ -569,7 +671,7 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
pub fn sync<M: 'static + Send>(&mut self, r: &Arc<Ref<M>>, peer: Arc<Ref<Synced>>) {
let r = Arc::clone(r);
move |t| r.with_entity(|e| e.sync(t, peer))))
move |t| t.with_entity(&r, |t, e| e.sync(t, peer))))
/// Retrieve the [`Account`] against which actions are recorded.
@ -596,6 +698,182 @@ impl<'activation> Activation<'activation> {
pub fn deliver(&mut self) {
/// Construct an entity with behaviour [`InertEntity`] within the active facet.
pub fn inert_entity<M>(&mut self) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
/// Construct an entity with behaviour `e` within the active facet.
pub fn create<M, E: Entity<M> + Send + 'static>(&mut self, e: E) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
let r = self.create_inert();
/// Construct an entity (within the active facet) whose behaviour will be specified later
/// via [`become_entity`][Ref::become_entity].
pub fn create_inert<M>(&mut self) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
Arc::new(Ref {
mailbox: self.state.mailbox(),
facet_id: self.facet.facet_id,
target: Mutex::new(None),
/// Start a new [linked task][crate::actor#linked-tasks] attached to the active facet. The
/// task will execute the future "`boot`" to completion unless it is cancelled first (by
/// e.g. termination of the owning facet or crashing of the owning actor). Uses `name` for
/// log messages emitted by the task.
pub fn linked_task<F: 'static + Send + futures::Future<Output = ActorResult>>(
&mut self,
name: tracing::Span,
boot: F,
) {
let mailbox = self.state.mailbox();
if let Some(f) = self.active_facet() {
let token = CancellationToken::new();
let task_id = NEXT_TASK_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
name.record("task_id", &task_id);
let token = token.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
tracing::trace!(task_id, "linked task start");
select! {
_ = token.cancelled() => {
tracing::trace!(task_id, "linked task cancelled");
result = boot => {
match &result {
Ok(()) => {
tracing::trace!(task_id, "linked task normal stop");
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!(task_id, "linked task error: {}", e);
let _ = mailbox.tx.send(SystemMessage::Crash(e.clone()));
f.linked_tasks.insert(task_id, token);
/// Create a new subfacet of the currently-active facet. Runs `boot` in the new facet's
/// context. If `boot` returns leaving the new facet [inert][Facet#inert-facets],
pub fn facet<F: 'static + Send + FnOnce(&mut Activation) -> ActorResult>(
&mut self,
boot: F,
) -> Result<FacetId, Error> {
let f = Facet::new(Some(self.facet.facet_id));
let facet_id = f.facet_id;
self.state.facet_nodes.insert(facet_id, f);
self.with_facet(true /* TODO: tiny optimisation: "false" would be safe here */, facet_id, move |t| {
/// Useful during facet (and actor) startup, in some situations: when a facet `boot`
/// procedure would return while the facet is inert, but the facet should survive until
/// some subsequent time, call `prevent_inert_check` to increment a counter that prevents
/// inertness-checks from succeeding on the active facet.
/// The result of `prevent_inert_check` is a function which, when called, decrements the
/// counter again. After the counter has been decremented, any subsequent inertness checks
/// will no longer be artificially forced to fail.
/// An example of when you might want this: creating an actor having only a single
/// Dataspace entity within it, then using the Dataspace from other actors. At the start of
/// its life, the Dataspace actor will have no outbound assertions, no child facets, and no
/// linked tasks, so the only way to prevent it from being prematurely garbage collected is
/// to use `prevent_inert_check` in its boot function.
pub fn prevent_inert_check(&mut self) -> Box<dyn FnOnce()> {
if let Some(f) = self.active_facet() {
} else {
Box::new(|| ())
/// Arranges for the [`Facet`] named by `facet_id` to be stopped cleanly when `self`
/// commits. If `continuation` is supplied, the facet to be stopped hasn't been stopped
/// yet, none of the shutdown handlers yields an error, and the facet's parent facet is
/// alive, executes `continuation` in the parent facet's context.
pub fn stop_facet(&mut self, facet_id: FacetId, continuation: Option<Action>) {
let mailbox = self.state.mailbox();
let maybe_parent_id = self.active_facet().and_then(|f| f.parent_facet_id);
move |t| {
t._terminate_facet(facet_id, true)?;
if let Some(k) = continuation {
if let Some(parent_id) = maybe_parent_id {
t.with_facet(true, parent_id, k)?;
/// Arranges for the active facet to be stopped cleanly when `self` commits.
/// Equivalent to `self.stop_facet(self.facet_id.unwrap(), None)`.
pub fn stop(&mut self) {
self.stop_facet(self.facet.facet_id, None)
fn stop_if_inert(&mut self) {
if self.state.facet_exists_and_is_inert(self.facet.facet_id) {
self.stop_facet(self.facet.facet_id, None);
fn _terminate_facet(&mut self, facet_id: FacetId, orderly: bool) -> ActorResult {
if let Some(mut f) = self.state.facet_nodes.remove(&facet_id) {
tracing::debug!("{} terminating {:?}",
if orderly { "orderly" } else { "disorderly" },
if let Some(p) = f.parent_facet_id {
self.state.facet_children.get_mut(&p).map(|children| children.remove(&facet_id));
self.with_facet(false, facet_id, |t| {
if let Some(children) = t.state.facet_children.remove(&facet_id) {
for child_id in children.into_iter() {
t._terminate_facet(child_id, orderly)?;
if orderly {
for action in std::mem::take(&mut f.stop_actions) {
let parent_facet_id = f.parent_facet_id;
// if !orderly, the drop will happen at the end of this function, but we
// need it to happen right here so that child-facet cleanup-actions are
// performed before parent-facet cleanup-actions.
if let Some(p) = parent_facet_id {
if t.state.facet_exists_and_is_inert(p) {
t._terminate_facet(p, true)?;
} else {
} else {
impl EventBuffer {
@ -764,52 +1042,31 @@ impl Drop for Mailbox {
impl Actor {
/// Create a new actor. It still needs to be
/// [`start`ed][Self::start]/[`boot`ed][Self::boot].
/// Create a new actor. It still needs to be [`boot`ed][Self::boot].
pub fn new() -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = unbounded_channel();
let actor_id = next_actor_id();
let root = Facet::new(None);
// tracing::trace!(id = actor_id, "Actor::new");
let mut st = RunningActor {
mailbox: Weak::new(),
exit_hooks: Vec::new(),
facet_nodes: Map::new(),
facet_children: Map::new(),
root: root.facet_id,
st.facet_nodes.insert(root.facet_id, root);
Actor {
ac_ref: ActorRef {
state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(ActorState::Running(RunningActor {
mailbox: Weak::new(),
cleanup_actions: Map::new(),
linked_tasks: Map::new(),
exit_hooks: Vec::new(),
state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(ActorState::Running(st))),
/// Create and start a new actor to own entity `e`. Returns a
/// `Ref` to the new entity. The `name` is used as context for any
/// log messages emitted by the new actor.
pub fn create_and_start<M, E: Entity<M> + Send + 'static>(
name: tracing::Span,
e: E,
) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
let r = Self::create_and_start_inert(name);
/// Create and start a new actor, returning a `Ref` to a fresh
/// entity contained within it. Before using the `Ref`, its
/// initialization must be completed by calling
/// [`become_entity`][Ref::become_entity] on it. The `name` is
/// used as context for any log messages emitted by the new actor.
pub fn create_and_start_inert<M>(name: tracing::Span) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
let ac = Self::new();
let r = ac.ac_ref.access(|s| s.unwrap().expect_running().create_inert());
/// Start the actor's mainloop. Takes ownership of `self`. The
/// `name` is used as context for any log messages emitted by the
/// actor. The `boot` function is called in the actor's context,
@ -822,7 +1079,11 @@ impl Actor {
name.record("actor_id", &self.ac_ref.actor_id);
tokio::spawn(async move {
tracing::trace!("start");;|t| {
let result = self.ac_ref.exit_status().expect("terminated");
match &result {
Ok(()) => tracing::trace!("normal stop"),
@ -832,53 +1093,51 @@ impl Actor {
/// Start the actor's mainloop. Takes ownership of `self`. The
/// `name` is used as context for any log messages emitted by the
/// actor. Delegates to [`boot`][Self::boot], with a no-op `boot`
/// function.
pub fn start(self, name: tracing::Span) -> ActorHandle {
self.boot(name, |_ac| Ok(()))
fn terminate(&mut self, result: ActorResult) {
let _ = Activation::for_actor_exit(
&self.ac_ref, Account::new(crate::name!("shutdown")), |_| Some(result));
async fn run<F: 'static + Send + FnOnce(&mut Activation) -> ActorResult>(
&mut self,
boot: F,
) -> () {
if Activation::for_actor(&self.ac_ref, Account::new(crate::name!("boot")), boot).is_err() {
let root = self.ac_ref.access(|s| match s.expect("New actor missing its state") {
ActorState::Terminated { .. } => panic!("New actor unexpectedly in terminated state"),
ActorState::Running(ra) => ra.root, // what a lot of work to get this one number
let root_facet_ref = self.ac_ref.facet_ref(root);
let terminate = |result: ActorResult| {
let _ = root_facet_ref.activate_exit(Account::new(crate::name!("shutdown")),
|_| Some(result));
if root_facet_ref.activate(Account::new(crate::name!("boot")), boot).is_err() {
loop {
match self.rx.recv().await {
None => {
return self.terminate(Err(error("Unexpected channel close", AnyValue::new(false))));
return terminate(Err(error("Unexpected channel close", AnyValue::new(false))));
Some(m) => match m {
SystemMessage::Release => {
return self.terminate(Ok(()));
return terminate(Ok(()));
SystemMessage::Turn(mut loaned_item) => {
let mut actions = std::mem::take(&mut loaned_item.item);
let r = Activation::for_actor(
&self.ac_ref, Arc::clone(&loaned_item.account), |t| {
loop {
for action in actions.into_iter() { action(t)? }
actions = std::mem::take(&mut t.pending.for_myself);
if actions.is_empty() { break; }
let r = root_facet_ref.activate(Arc::clone(&loaned_item.account), |t| {
loop {
for action in actions.into_iter() { action(t)? }
actions = std::mem::take(&mut t.pending.for_myself);
if actions.is_empty() { break; }
if r.is_err() { return; }
SystemMessage::Crash(e) => {
tracing::trace!("SystemMessage::Crash({:?})", &e);
return self.terminate(Err(e));
return terminate(Err(e));
@ -886,6 +1145,34 @@ impl Actor {
impl Facet {
fn new(parent_facet_id: Option<FacetId>) -> Self {
Facet {
facet_id: next_facet_id(),
cleanup_actions: Map::new(),
stop_actions: Vec::new(),
linked_tasks: Map::new(),
inert_check_preventers: Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0)),
fn prevent_inert_check(&mut self) -> impl FnOnce() {
let inert_check_preventers = Arc::clone(&self.inert_check_preventers);
let armed = AtomicU64::new(1);
inert_check_preventers.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
move || {
match armed.compare_exchange(1, 0, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst) {
Ok(_) => {
inert_check_preventers.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
Err(_) => (),
fn panicked_err() -> Option<ActorResult> {
Some(Err(error("Actor panicked", AnyValue::new(false))))
@ -913,13 +1200,11 @@ impl ActorRef {
ActorState::Terminated { exit_status } => Some((**exit_status).clone()),
impl ActorState {
fn expect_running(&mut self) -> &mut RunningActor {
match self {
ActorState::Terminated { .. } => panic!("Expected a running actor"),
ActorState::Running(r) => r,
fn facet_ref(&self, facet_id: FacetId) -> FacetRef {
FacetRef {
actor: self.clone(),
@ -946,77 +1231,30 @@ impl RunningActor {
/// Construct an entity with behaviour [`InertEntity`] within this
/// actor.
pub fn inert_entity<M>(&mut self) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
/// Construct an entity with behaviour `e` within this actor.
pub fn create<M, E: Entity<M> + Send + 'static>(&mut self, e: E) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
let r = self.create_inert();
/// Construct an entity whose behaviour will be specified later
/// (via [`become_entity`][Ref::become_entity]).
pub fn create_inert<M>(&mut self) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
Arc::new(Ref {
mailbox: self.mailbox(),
target: Mutex::new(None),
/// Registers the entity `r` in the list of exit hooks for this
/// actor. When the actor terminates, `r`'s
/// [`exit_hook`][Entity::exit_hook] will be called.
pub fn add_exit_hook<M: 'static + Send>(&mut self, r: &Arc<Ref<M>>) {
let r = Arc::clone(r);
self.exit_hooks.push(Box::new(move |t, exit_status| {
r.with_entity(|e| e.exit_hook(t, &exit_status))
move |t, exit_status| r.internal_with_entity(|e| e.exit_hook(t, &exit_status))))
/// Start a new [linked task][crate::actor#linked-tasks] attached
/// to this actor. The function `boot` is the main function of the
/// new task. Uses `name` for log messages emitted by the task.
pub fn linked_task<F: 'static + Send + futures::Future<Output = ActorResult>>(
&mut self,
name: tracing::Span,
boot: F,
) {
let mailbox = self.mailbox();
let token = CancellationToken::new();
let task_id = NEXT_TASK_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
name.record("task_id", &task_id);
let token = token.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
tracing::trace!(task_id, "linked task start");
select! {
_ = token.cancelled() => {
tracing::trace!(task_id, "linked task cancelled");
result = boot => {
match &result {
Ok(()) => {
tracing::trace!(task_id, "linked task normal stop");
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!(task_id, "linked task error: {}", e);
let _ = mailbox.tx.send(SystemMessage::Crash(e.clone()));
fn get_facet(&mut self, facet_id: FacetId) -> Option<&mut Facet> {
/// See the definition of an [inert facet][Facet#inert-facets].
fn facet_exists_and_is_inert(&mut self, facet_id: FacetId) -> bool {
let no_kids = self.facet_children.get(&facet_id).map(|cs| cs.is_empty()).unwrap_or(true);
if let Some(f) = self.get_facet(facet_id) {
no_kids &&
f.cleanup_actions.is_empty() &&
f.linked_tasks.is_empty() &&
f.inert_check_preventers.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == 0
} else {
self.linked_tasks.insert(task_id, token);
@ -1026,7 +1264,7 @@ impl Drop for Actor {
impl Drop for RunningActor {
impl Drop for Facet {
fn drop(&mut self) {
for (_task_id, token) in std::mem::take(&mut self.linked_tasks).into_iter() {
@ -1041,13 +1279,13 @@ impl Drop for RunningActor {
tracing::trace!(facet_id = debug(self.facet_id), "Facet::drop");
/// Directly injects `action` into `mailbox`, billing subsequent activity against `account`.
/// Primarily for use by [linked tasks][RunningActor::linked_task].
/// Primarily for use by [linked tasks][Activation::linked_task].
pub fn external_event(mailbox: &Arc<Mailbox>, account: &Arc<Account>, action: Action) -> ActorResult {
send_actions(&mailbox.tx, account, vec![action])
@ -1055,7 +1293,7 @@ pub fn external_event(mailbox: &Arc<Mailbox>, account: &Arc<Account>, action: Ac
/// Directly injects `actions` into `mailbox`, billing subsequent activity against `account`.
/// Primarily for use by [linked tasks][RunningActor::linked_task].
/// Primarily for use by [linked tasks][Activation::linked_task].
pub fn external_events(mailbox: &Arc<Mailbox>, account: &Arc<Account>, actions: PendingEventQueue) -> ActorResult {
send_actions(&mailbox.tx, account, actions)
@ -1063,7 +1301,7 @@ pub fn external_events(mailbox: &Arc<Mailbox>, account: &Arc<Account>, actions:
impl<M> Ref<M> {
/// Supplies the behaviour (`e`) for a `Ref` created via
/// [`create_inert`][RunningActor::create_inert].
/// [`create_inert`][Activation::create_inert].
/// # Panics
@ -1076,8 +1314,7 @@ impl<M> Ref<M> {
*g = Some(Box::new(e));
pub fn with_entity<R, F: FnOnce(&mut dyn Entity<M>) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> R {
fn internal_with_entity<R, F: FnOnce(&mut dyn Entity<M>) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> R {
let mut g ="unpoisoned");
@ -1135,6 +1372,7 @@ impl Cap {
Self::new(&Arc::new(Ref {
mailbox: Arc::clone(&underlying.mailbox),
facet_id: underlying.facet_id,
target: Mutex::new(Some(Box::new(Guard { underlying: underlying.clone() }))),
@ -1221,24 +1459,24 @@ where
fn assert(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, a: AnyValue, h: Handle) -> ActorResult {
match M::try_from(&a) {
Ok(a) => self.underlying.with_entity(|e| e.assert(t, a, h)),
Ok(a) => t.with_entity(&self.underlying, |t, e| e.assert(t, a, h)),
Err(_) => Ok(()),
fn retract(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, h: Handle) -> ActorResult {
self.underlying.with_entity(|e| e.retract(t, h))
t.with_entity(&self.underlying, |t, e| e.retract(t, h))
fn message(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, m: AnyValue) -> ActorResult {
match M::try_from(&m) {
Ok(m) => self.underlying.with_entity(|e| e.message(t, m)),
Ok(m) => t.with_entity(&self.underlying, |t, e| e.message(t, m)),
Err(_) => Ok(()),
fn sync(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, peer: Arc<Ref<Synced>>) -> ActorResult {
self.underlying.with_entity(|e| e.sync(t, peer))
t.with_entity(&self.underlying, |t, e| e.sync(t, peer))
fn exit_hook(&mut self, t: &mut Activation, exit_status: &Arc<ActorResult>) -> ActorResult {
self.underlying.with_entity(|e| e.exit_hook(t, exit_status))
self.underlying.internal_with_entity(|e| e.exit_hook(t, exit_status))

View File

@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ where
pub fn create(self, ac: &mut RunningActor) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
pub fn create(self, t: &mut Activation) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ where
Fa: 'static + Send + FnMut(&mut E, &mut Activation, AnyValue) -> DuringResult<E>,
Fm: 'static + Send + FnMut(&mut E, &mut Activation, AnyValue) -> ActorResult,
pub fn create_cap(self, ac: &mut RunningActor) -> Arc<Cap>
pub fn create_cap(self, t: &mut Activation) -> Arc<Cap>

View File

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ pub fn connect_stream<I, O, E, F>(
let i = Input::Bytes(Box::pin(i));
let o = Output::Bytes(Box::pin(o));
let gatekeeper = TunnelRelay::run(t, i, o, None, Some(sturdy::Oid(0.into()))).unwrap();
let main_entity = t.state.create(during::entity(initial_state).on_asserted(move |state, t, a: AnyValue| {
let main_entity = t.create(during::entity(initial_state).on_asserted(move |state, t, a: AnyValue| {
let denotation = a.value().to_embedded()?;
f(state, t, Arc::clone(denotation))
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ impl TunnelRelay {
) -> Option<Arc<Cap>> {
let (output_tx, output_rx) = unbounded_channel();
let tr_ref = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
let self_entity = t.state.create(TunnelRefEntity {
let self_entity = t.create(TunnelRefEntity {
relay_ref: Arc::clone(&tr_ref),
let mut tr = TunnelRelay {
@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ impl TunnelRelay {
tr.membranes.export_ref(ir, true);
let result =
|io| Arc::clone(&tr.membranes.import_oid(t.state, &tr_ref, io).obj));
|io| Arc::clone(&tr.membranes.import_oid(t, &tr_ref, io).obj));
*tr_ref.lock().unwrap() = Some(tr);
t.state.linked_task(crate::name!("writer"), output_loop(o, output_rx));
t.state.linked_task(crate::name!("reader"), input_loop(, i, tr_ref));
t.linked_task(crate::name!("writer"), output_loop(o, output_rx));
t.linked_task(crate::name!("reader"), input_loop(t.facet.clone(), i, tr_ref));
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ impl TunnelRelay {
let k = t.state.create(SyncPeer {
let k = t.create(SyncPeer {
relay_ref: Arc::clone(&self.self_ref),
peer: Arc::clone(&peer),
@ -419,11 +419,11 @@ impl Membranes {
fn import_oid(
&mut self,
ac: &mut RunningActor,
t: &mut Activation,
relay_ref: &TunnelRelayRef,
oid: sturdy::Oid,
) -> Arc<WireSymbol> {
let obj = ac.create(RelayEntity { relay_ref: Arc::clone(relay_ref), oid: oid.clone() });
let obj = t.create(RelayEntity { relay_ref: Arc::clone(relay_ref), oid: oid.clone() });
self.imported.insert(oid, Cap::new(&obj))
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ impl Membranes {
let oid = *b;
match self.imported.oid_map.get(&oid) {
Some(ws) => Ok(Arc::clone(&ws.obj)),
None => Ok(Arc::clone(&self.import_oid(t.state, relay_ref, oid).obj)),
None => Ok(Arc::clone(&self.import_oid(t, relay_ref, oid).obj)),
sturdy::WireRef::Yours { oid: b, attenuation } => {
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ impl Membranes {
None => Ok(Cap::new(&t.state.inert_entity())),
None => Ok(Cap::new(&t.inert_entity())),
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ impl DomainEncode<P::_Ptr> for Membranes {
async fn input_loop(
ac: ActorRef,
facet: FacetRef,
i: Input,
relay: TunnelRelayRef,
) -> ActorResult {
@ -525,10 +525,8 @@ async fn input_loop(
loop {
match {
None => return Activation::for_actor(&ac, Arc::clone(&account), |t| {
Some(bs) => Activation::for_actor(&ac, Arc::clone(&account), |t| {
None => return facet.activate(Arc::clone(&account), |t| Ok(t.state.shutdown())),
Some(bs) => facet.activate(Arc::clone(&account), |t| {
let mut g = relay.lock().expect("unpoisoned");
let tr = g.as_mut().expect("initialized");
tr.handle_inbound_datagram(t, &bs?)
@ -546,18 +544,14 @@ async fn input_loop(
Ok(n) => n,
Err(e) =>
if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::ConnectionReset {
return Activation::for_actor(&ac, Arc::clone(&account), |t| {
return facet.activate(Arc::clone(&account), |t| Ok(t.state.shutdown()));
} else {
return Err(e)?;
match n {
0 => return Activation::for_actor(&ac, Arc::clone(&account), |t| {
_ => Activation::for_actor(&ac, Arc::clone(&account), |t| {
0 => return facet.activate(Arc::clone(&account), |t| Ok(t.state.shutdown())),
_ => facet.activate(Arc::clone(&account), |t| {
let mut g = relay.lock().expect("unpoisoned");
let tr = g.as_mut().expect("initialized");
tr.handle_inbound_stream(t, &mut buf)

View File

@ -10,17 +10,9 @@ fn set_name_oid<M>(t: &mut Tracer, r: &Arc<Ref<M>>) {
t.0.record("oid", &tracing::field::display(&r.oid()));
pub fn tracer<M: Debug>(ac: &mut RunningActor, name: tracing::Span) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
pub fn tracer<M: Debug>(t: &mut Activation, name: tracing::Span) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
let mut e = Tracer(name);
let r = ac.create_inert();
set_name_oid(&mut e, &r);
pub fn tracer_top<M: Debug>(name: tracing::Span) -> Arc<Ref<M>> {
let mut e = Tracer(name);
let r = Actor::create_and_start_inert(crate::name!(parent: None, "tracer"));
let r = t.create_inert();
set_name_oid(&mut e, &r);