It is OK for an assertion to be placed at an unregistered remote_oid, it turns out

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Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-12-01 11:14:02 +01:00
parent 34c336e457
commit 730fa2098b
1 changed files with 22 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -408,21 +408,34 @@ impl TunnelRelay {
match event {
P::Event::Assert(b) => {
let P::Assert { assertion: P::Assertion(a), handle } = &**b;
let target_ws = self.membranes.imported.oid_map.get(&remote_oid).map(Arc::clone)
.expect("RelayEntity to have a valid oid");
target_ws.inc_ref(); // encoding won't do this; target oid is syntactically special
let mut pins = vec![target_ws];
a.foreach_embedded::<_, Error>(
&mut |r| Ok(pins.push(self.membranes.lookup_ref(r))))?;
self.outbound_assertions.insert(handle.clone(), pins);
if let Some(target_ws) = self.membranes.imported.oid_map.get(&remote_oid).map(Arc::clone) {
target_ws.inc_ref(); // encoding won't do this; target oid is syntactically special
let mut pins = vec![target_ws];
a.foreach_embedded::<_, Error>(
&mut |r| Ok(pins.push(self.membranes.lookup_ref(r))))?;
self.outbound_assertions.insert(handle.clone(), pins);
} else {
// This can happen if
// 1. remote peer asserts a value causing remote_oid to be allocated
// 2. some local actor holds a reference to that entity
// 3. remote peer retracts the value
// 4. local actor uses the ref
tracing::trace!(?remote_oid, "not registered in imported membrane (ok)");
P::Event::Retract(b) => {
let P::Retract { handle } = &**b;
if let Some(pins) = self.outbound_assertions.remove(handle) {
} else {
// This can happen e.g. if an assert leads to no
// outbound message as in the scenario in the
// P::Event::Assert stanza above, and then the
// local actor retracts their assertion again.
tracing::trace!(?handle, "not registered in outbound_assertions (ok)");
P::Event::Message(b) => {
let P::Message { body: P::Assertion(a) } = &**b;