
149 lines
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#lang racket/base
;; Cross-layer relaying between adjacent dataspaces
;; TODO: protocol for *clean* shutdown of a dataspace
;; TODO: Actually elide the need for relays entirely, by allowing an
;; actor to manifest in multiple dataspaces (multiple
;; points-of-attachment), and by placing assertions and subscriptions
;; directly in the dataspace concerned. (Done naively, this would
;; avoid manifesting observed assertions in intermediate nested
;; dataspaces; but then, if anyone cared, they'd be observing the
;; tuples themselves - right?? Oh, maybe observing the observers would
;; be an, er, observable difference.)
(provide (struct-out inbound)
(struct-out outbound)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require "dataspace.rkt")
(require "syntax.rkt")
(require "skeleton.rkt")
(require "term.rkt")
(require "bag.rkt")
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse))
(require "syntax-classes.rkt")
(struct inbound (assertion) #:prefab)
(struct outbound (assertion) #:prefab)
(struct *quit-dataspace* () #:transparent)
;; TODO: inbound^n, outbound^n -- protocol/standard-relay, iow
(define (quit-dataspace!)
(send! (*quit-dataspace*)))
(define-syntax (dataspace stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ name:name form ...)
(syntax/loc stx
(let ((ds-name name.N))
(spawn #:name ds-name
(define outer-facet (current-facet))
(begin/dataflow (void)) ;; eww. dummy endpoint to keep the root facet alive
(define (schedule-inner!)
(facet-actor outer-facet)
(lambda ()
(with-current-facet [outer-facet]
(when (facet-live? outer-facet)
(defer-turn! (lambda ()
(when (run-scripts! inner-ds)
(define inner-ds (make-dataspace
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(spawn #:name (list 'ds-link ds-name)
(boot-relay schedule-inner!
(spawn* form ...))))))
(on-start (schedule-inner!)))))]))
(define (boot-relay schedule-inner! outer-facet)
(define inbound-endpoints (make-hash))
(define outbound-endpoints (make-hash))
(define inner-actor (current-actor))
(define inner-facet (current-facet))
(on (asserted (observe (inbound $x)))
;; (log-info "~a (asserted (observe (inbound ~v)))" inner-actor x)
(with-current-facet [outer-facet]
(define i (skeleton-interest
(term->skeleton x)
(term->skeleton-proj x)
(term->key x)
(term->capture-proj x)
(lambda (op . captured-values)
(define term (inbound (instantiate-term->value x captured-values)))
;; (log-info "~a => ~a ~a ~v"
;; outer-facet
;; inner-facet
;; op
;; term)
(push-script! inner-actor
(lambda ()
;; (log-info "~a (~a) ~v" inner-actor op term)
(match op
['+ (adhoc-assert! inner-actor term)]
['- (adhoc-retract! inner-actor term)]
['! (enqueue-send! inner-actor term)])))
(lambda (cache)
(push-script! inner-actor
(lambda ()
(for [(captured-values (in-bag cache))]
(define term
(inbound (instantiate-term->value x captured-values)))
;; (log-info "~a (cleanup) ~v" inner-actor term)
(adhoc-retract! inner-actor term))))
(hash-set! inbound-endpoints
(add-endpoint! outer-facet
"dataspace-relay (observe (inbound ...))"
(lambda () (values (observe x) i)))))))
(on (message (*quit-dataspace*))
(with-current-facet [outer-facet]
(on (retracted (observe (inbound $x)))
;; (log-info "~a (retracted (observe (inbound ~v)))" inner-actor x)
(with-current-facet [outer-facet]
(remove-endpoint! outer-facet (hash-ref inbound-endpoints x))
(hash-remove! inbound-endpoints x))))
(on (asserted (outbound $x))
;; (log-info "~a (asserted (outbound ~v))" inner-actor x)
(with-current-facet [outer-facet]
(hash-set! outbound-endpoints
(add-endpoint! outer-facet
"dataspace-relay (outbound ...)"
(lambda () (values x #f)))))))
(on (retracted (outbound $x))
;; (log-info "~a (retracted (outbound ~v))" inner-actor x)
(with-current-facet [outer-facet]
(remove-endpoint! outer-facet (hash-ref outbound-endpoints x))
(hash-remove! outbound-endpoints x))))
(on (message (outbound $x))
;; (log-info "~a (message (outbound ~v))" inner-actor x)
(with-current-facet [outer-facet]
(send! x))))