
129 lines
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#lang syndicate
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
(provide (all-from-out syndicate/drivers/stream)
(all-from-out syndicate/schemas/gen/tcp))
(require racket/async-channel)
(require racket/tcp)
(require (only-in racket/exn exn->string))
(require syndicate/driver-support)
(require syndicate/functional-queue)
(require syndicate/pattern)
(require syndicate/drivers/stream)
(require syndicate/schemas/gen/tcp)
(require syndicate/schemas/gen/dataspace-patterns)
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
(define-logger syndicate/drivers/tcp)
(provide-service [ds]
(with-services [syndicate/drivers/stream]
(at ds
;; TODO: this is annoying. We have to pay attention to the *syntactic* structure of the
;; listener's pattern in order to match all possible variants:
;; - `variable`, where `variable`'s value matches `(TcpLocal _ _)`
;; - `(TcpLocal variable1 variable2)`
;; - `(TcpLocal "hostname" variable)`
;; - `(TcpLocal variable 1234)`
;; - `(TcpLocal "hostname" 1234)`
;; POSSIBLE SOLUTION: have pattern analysis check to see if there are any binds or
;; discards within a constructor application; if there are none, it may as well be a
;; constant literal, so make it one. This is what the earlier Syndicate/js
;; implementations do (because they don't have a compile-time constructor registry and
;; have to decide whether to assume a compound or just evaluate some expression), and it
;; works fine there.
(during/spawn (Observe (:pattern (StreamConnection ,_ ,_ (TcpLocal ,$host-pat ,$port-pat))) _)
#:match [host (pattern->constant host-pat)]
#:match [port (pattern->constant port-pat)]
#:when (not (or (void? host) (void? port)))
#:name (TcpLocal host port)
(run-listener ds host port))
(Observe (:pattern (StreamConnection ,_ ,_ ,(DLit (TcpLocal $host $port)))) _)
#:name (TcpLocal host port)
(run-listener ds host port))
(during/spawn (StreamConnection $source $sink (TcpRemote $host $port))
#:name (TcpRemote host port)
(run-outbound ds source sink host port)))))
(define (run-listener ds host port)
(define spec (TcpLocal host port))
(on-start (log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-info "+listener on ~v" spec))
(on-stop (log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-info "-listener on ~v" spec))
#:name (list 'listen-thread host port)
(lambda (facet)
(with-connection-error-guard ds
(lambda (message)
(turn! facet (lambda ()
(log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-warning "~a" message)
(at ds (assert (StreamListenerError spec message))))))
(lambda ()
(define listener (tcp-listen port 512 #t host))
(lambda ()
(turn! facet (lambda ()
(at ds (assert (StreamListenerReady spec)))))
(let loop ()
(define connection-custodian (make-custodian))
(define-values (i o) (parameterize ((current-custodian connection-custodian))
(tcp-accept listener)))
(turn! facet (lambda () (spawn-connection ds connection-custodian i o spec #f #f)))
(define (tcp-ends p)
(call-with-values (lambda () (tcp-addresses p #t))
(lambda (lh lp rh rp) (list (TcpLocal lh lp) (TcpRemote rh rp)))))
(define (spawn-connection ds custodian i o spec peer-source peer-sink)
(match-define (and ends (list (and local-end (TcpLocal local-host local-port))
(and remote-end (TcpRemote remote-host remote-port))))
(tcp-ends i))
(define name (format "[~a:~a::~a:~a]" local-host local-port remote-host remote-port))
(log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-info "TCP socket ~a for ~a established" name spec)
(spawn #:name name
(actor-add-exit-hook! this-actor (lambda ()
(close-input-port i)
(close-output-port o)))
(define-field facet-count 2)
(define source #f)
(define sink #f)
(react (on-stop (facet-count (- (facet-count) 1))
(close-input-port i))
(set! source (port-source i #:initial-sink peer-sink #:custodian custodian))
(at ds (assert (TcpPeerInfo source local-end remote-end))))
(react (on-stop (facet-count (- (facet-count) 1))
(close-output-port o))
(set! sink (port-sink o #:initial-source peer-source))
(at ds (assert (TcpPeerInfo sink local-end remote-end))))
(when (TcpLocal? spec)
(at ds
(assert #:when (positive? (facet-count)) (StreamConnection source sink spec))))))
(define (with-connection-error-guard ds error-proc proc)
((with-handlers ([exn:fail:network? (lambda (e) (lambda () (error-proc (exn->string e))))])
(define (run-outbound ds source sink host port)
(with-connection-error-guard ds
(lambda (message)
(log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-warning "~a" message)
(at source (assert (StreamError message)))
(at sink (assert (StreamError message))))
(lambda ()
(define connection-custodian (make-custodian))
(define-values (i o) (parameterize ((current-custodian connection-custodian))
(tcp-connect host port)))
(lambda ()
(spawn-connection ds connection-custodian i o (TcpRemote host port) source sink)))))