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124 lines
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;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2010-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <tonyg@leastfixedpoint.com>
#lang syndicate
(provide (struct-out mcds-inbound)
(struct-out mcds-outbound))
(require/activate syndicate/drivers/timer)
(require/activate syndicate/drivers/udp)
(require racket/random file/sha1)
(require syndicate/skeleton)
(require syndicate/term)
(require preserves)
(define-logger mcds)
(struct mcds-inbound (assertion) #:prefab)
(struct mcds-outbound (assertion) #:prefab)
(struct mcds-change (peer type assertion) #:transparent)
(struct mcds-demand () #:transparent)
(struct mcds-relevant (assertion peer) #:transparent)
(define group-address "") ;; falls within Organization Local Scope (see RFC 2365)
(define group-port 5999) ;; make sure your firewall is open to UDP on this port
(define group-target (udp-remote-address group-address group-port))
(define *assertion-lifetime* 30000)
(define *assertion-refresh* (* 0.9 *assertion-lifetime*))
(define (send-packet! h packet)
(send! (udp-packet h group-target (preserve->bytes packet))))
(define (packet-statistics h)
(define report-period 10000)
(field [packet-count 0]
[byte-count 0]
[reset-time (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) report-period)])
(on (message (udp-packet _ h $body))
(packet-count (+ (packet-count) 1))
(byte-count (+ (byte-count) (bytes-length body))))
(on (asserted (later-than (reset-time)))
(reset-time (+ (reset-time) report-period))
(log-mcds-info "~a packets, ~a bytes received in ~a ms = ~a Hz, ~a bytes/s"
(/ (packet-count) (/ report-period 1000.0))
(/ (byte-count) (/ report-period 1000.0)))
(packet-count 0)
(byte-count 0)))
(spawn (during (observe (mcds-inbound _)) (assert (mcds-demand)))
(during (mcds-outbound _) (assert (mcds-demand)))
(during/spawn (mcds-demand)
(define me (crypto-random-bytes 8))
(define h (udp-listener group-port))
(during h
(assert (udp-multicast-group-member h group-address #f))
(assert (udp-multicast-loopback h #t))
(packet-statistics h)
(on (message (udp-packet _ h $body))
;; (log-mcds-info "received: ~v" body)
(match (bytes->preserve body)
[(list peer type assertion)
;; (log-mcds-info "~v ~v ~v" peer type assertion)
(send! (mcds-change peer type assertion))])))
(on (message (mcds-change $peer '+ $assertion))
(define expiry (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) *assertion-lifetime*))
(assert (mcds-inbound assertion))
(when (observe? assertion)
(define pattern (observe-specification assertion))
(define x (mcds-outbound pattern))
(lambda () x)
(lambda (captured-values)
;; TODO: flawed?? Needs visibility-restriction, or some other way of
;; ignoring the opaque placeholders!
(assert! (mcds-relevant (instantiate-term->value pattern
(stop-when (message (mcds-change peer '- assertion)))
(stop-when (asserted (later-than expiry)))
(stop-when (retracted (mcds-demand)))))
(during (observe (mcds-inbound $pattern))
(assert (mcds-relevant (observe pattern) me))
(assert (mcds-outbound (observe pattern))))
(during (mcds-relevant $assertion _)
(during (mcds-outbound assertion)
(define (refresh!) (send-packet! h (list me '+ assertion)))
(on-start (refresh!))
(on-stop (send-packet! h (list me '- assertion)))
(field [deadline (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) *assertion-refresh*)])
(on (asserted (later-than (deadline)))
(deadline (+ (deadline) *assertion-refresh*)))
(on (asserted (mcds-relevant assertion $peer))
;; (log-mcds-info "Peer ~a cares about outbound assertion ~v" peer assertion)
(define soon (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) 100))
(when (> (deadline) soon) (deadline soon)))))
(on (message (mcds-change $peer '! $body))
(send! (mcds-inbound body)))
(on (message (mcds-outbound $body))
(send-packet! h (list me '! body))))))