#lang racket/base ;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later ;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2021-2023 Tony Garnock-Jones (provide run-rewrites attenuate-entity-ref) (require racket/match) (require racket/dict) (require preserves) (require "entity-ref.rkt") (require "schemas/sturdy.rkt") (define (match-Pattern p v) (define bindings-rev '()) (define (walk p v) (match p [(Pattern-PDiscard _) #t] [(Pattern-PAtom (PAtom-Boolean)) (boolean? v)] [(Pattern-PAtom (PAtom-ByteString)) (bytes? v)] [(Pattern-PAtom (PAtom-Double)) (flonum? v)] [(Pattern-PAtom (PAtom-Float)) (float? v)] [(Pattern-PAtom (PAtom-SignedInteger)) (integer? v)] [(Pattern-PAtom (PAtom-String)) (string? v)] [(Pattern-PAtom (PAtom-Symbol)) (symbol? v)] [(Pattern-PEmbedded (PEmbedded)) (embedded? v)] [(Pattern-PBind (PBind p)) (and (walk p v) (begin (set! bindings-rev (cons v bindings-rev)) #t))] [(Pattern-PAnd (PAnd ps)) (andmap (lambda (p) (walk p v)) ps)] [(Pattern-PNot p) (let ((saved bindings-rev)) (set! bindings-rev '()) (let ((result (walk p v))) (set! bindings-rev saved) (not result)))] [(Pattern-Lit (Lit expected)) (preserve=? expected v)] [(Pattern-PCompound (PCompound-rec label field-pats)) (match v [(record (== label preserve=?) fields) (and (= (length fields) (length field-pats)) (andmap walk field-pats fields))] [_ #f])] [(Pattern-PCompound (PCompound-arr item-pats)) (and (list? v) (= (length v) (length item-pats)) (andmap walk item-pats v))] [(Pattern-PCompound (PCompound-dict members)) (and (dict? v) (for/and [((key pp) (in-hash members))] (define vv (hash-ref v key (void))) (and (not (void? vv)) (walk pp vv))))])) (and (walk p v) (reverse bindings-rev))) (define (instantiate-Template t bindings) (let walk ((t t)) (match t [(Template-TAttenuate (TAttenuate t caveats)) (match-define (embedded v) (walk t)) (embedded (apply attenuate-entity-ref v caveats))] [(Template-TRef (TRef index)) (if (< index (length bindings)) (list-ref bindings index) (error 'instantiate-Template "Binding index out of range: ~v" index))] [(Template-Lit (Lit v)) v] [(Template-TCompound (TCompound-rec label field-templates)) (record label (map walk field-templates))] [(Template-TCompound (TCompound-arr item-templates)) (map walk item-templates)] [(Template-TCompound (TCompound-dict members)) (for/hash [((key tt) (in-hash members))] (values key (walk tt)))]))) (define (rewrite r v) (define bindings (match-Pattern (Rewrite-pattern r) v)) (if bindings (instantiate-Template (Rewrite-template r) bindings) (void))) (define (examine-alternatives caveat v) (match caveat [(Caveat-Alts (Alts alts)) (let loop ((alts alts)) (match alts ['() (void)] [(cons alt remaining) (match (rewrite alt v) [(? void?) (loop remaining)] [rewritten rewritten])]))] [(Caveat-Rewrite r) (rewrite r v)] [(Caveat-Reject (Reject pattern)) (if (match-Pattern pattern v) (void) v)] [(Caveat-unknown v) (void)])) (define (run-rewrites caveats v) (let/ec return (foldr (lambda (c v) (match (examine-alternatives c v) [(? void?) (return (void))] [rewritten rewritten])) v caveats))) ;; Extends `r` with `caveats`, which are appended, in the order given, to the sequence of ;; caveats already in `r`, if any. (define (attenuate-entity-ref r . caveats) (if (null? caveats) r (struct-copy entity-ref r [attenuation (append (entity-ref-attenuation r) caveats)])))