#lang syndicate ;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later ;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2021-2023 Tony Garnock-Jones (provide make-gatekeeper gatekeeper-resolve (all-from-out syndicate/schemas/gatekeeper)) (require (only-in racket/list append-map)) (require syndicate/rewrite) (require syndicate/schemas/gatekeeper) (require syndicate/sturdy) (define (make-gatekeeper ds #:name [name 'gatekeeper]) (object #:name name ;; TODO: I'd like to write `(SturdyStepType)` instead of `(app parse-SturdyStepType ;; (SturdyStepType))` here, and likewise for `unvalidated-parameters`, but because ;; there are `any`s in those positions, it doesn't know it needs to carry on parsing. [(Resolve (Step (app parse-SturdyStepType (SturdyStepType)) (app parse-Parameters unvalidated-parameters)) observer) (at ds (during (Bind (Description (SturdyStepType) (SturdyDescriptionDetail $key (Parameters-oid unvalidated-parameters))) $target _) (define sturdyref (validate (SturdyRef unvalidated-parameters) key)) (define attenuation (SturdyRef-caveatChain sturdyref)) (define attenuated-target (apply attenuate-entity-ref target attenuation)) (at observer (assert (Resolved-accepted attenuated-target)))))])) (define (gatekeeper-resolve gatekeeper ref k) (at gatekeeper (assert (Resolve ref (object #:name (list 'gatekeeper-resolve gatekeeper ref) [(Resolved-accepted a) (k a)] [(Resolved-Rejected r) (error 'gatekeeper-resolve "Rejected: ~v" r)])))))