; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later ; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones #lang racket/base ;; 2D affine transformation matrices. ;; These are *active* transformations: they transform vectors to new ;; vectors, rather than coordinate systems to new coordinate systems. (provide (struct-out transformation-matrix) identity-transformation translation-transformation rotation-transformation stretching-transformation shearing-transformation invert-transformation compose-transformation transform-point transform-vector untransform-point untransform-vector) (require (only-in racket/math pi)) (require racket/match) (struct transformation-matrix (a b c d tx ty) #:prefab) (define identity-transformation (transformation-matrix 1 0 0 1 0 0)) (define (translation-transformation x y) (transformation-matrix 1 0 0 1 x y)) (define (rad deg) (* deg (/ pi 180.0))) (define (rotation-transformation theta-d) (match theta-d [(or 0 360) identity-transformation] [(or 90 -270) (transformation-matrix 0 1 -1 0 0 0)] [180 (transformation-matrix -1 0 0 -1 0 0)] [(or 270 -90) (transformation-matrix 0 -1 1 0 0 0)] [_ (define theta-r (rad theta-d)) (define c (cos theta-r)) (define s (sin theta-r)) (transformation-matrix c s (- s) c 0 0)])) (define (stretching-transformation sx [sy sx]) (transformation-matrix sx 0 0 sy 0 0)) (define (shearing-transformation sx sy) (transformation-matrix 1 sy sx 1 0 0)) (define (invert-transformation m) (define det (determinant m)) (when (zero? det) (error 'invert-transformation "Zero determinant")) (define -det (- det)) (match-define (transformation-matrix a b c d tx ty) m) (transformation-matrix (/ d det) (/ b -det) (/ c -det) (/ a det) (/ (- (* c ty) (* d tx)) det) (/ (- (* b tx) (* a ty)) det))) (define (determinant m) (match-define (transformation-matrix a b c d _ _) m) (- (* a d) (* b c))) (define (compose-transformation* m1 m0) (match-define (transformation-matrix a b c d tx ty) m1) (match-define (transformation-matrix e f g h sx sy) m0) (transformation-matrix (+ (* a e) (* c f)) (+ (* b e) (* d f)) (+ (* a g) (* c h)) (+ (* b g) (* d h)) (+ (* a sx) (* c sy) tx) (+ (* b sx) (* d sy) ty))) (define compose-transformation (case-lambda [() identity-transformation] [(m) m] [(m1 m0) (compose-transformation* m1 m0)] [mtxs (foldr compose-transformation* identity-transformation mtxs)])) (define (transform-point m v) (match-define (transformation-matrix a b c d tx ty) m) (define x (real-part v)) (define y (imag-part v)) (make-rectangular (+ (* a x) (* c y) tx) (+ (* b x) (* d y) ty))) (define (transform-vector m v) (match-define (transformation-matrix a b c d _ _) m) (define x (real-part v)) (define y (imag-part v)) (make-rectangular (+ (* a x) (* c y)) (+ (* b x) (* d y)))) (define (untransform-point m v) (transform-point (invert-transformation m) v)) (define (untransform-vector m v) (transform-vector (invert-transformation m) v)) (module+ test (require rackunit) (define eps 0.00001) (define invrt2 (/ (sqrt 2))) (define (within-eps a b) (< (magnitude (- a b)) eps)) (define-binary-check (check-transformation~? actual expected) (match-let (((transformation-matrix aa ab ac ad atx aty) actual) ((transformation-matrix ea eb ec ed etx ety) expected)) (and (within-eps aa ea) (within-eps ab eb) (within-eps ac ec) (within-eps ad ed) (within-eps atx etx) (within-eps aty ety)))) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 0) +i) +i eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 90) +i) -1 eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 180) +i) -i eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 270) +i) 1 eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation -90) +i) 1 eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 360) +i) +i eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 0) 1) 1 eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 90) 1) +i eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 180) 1) -1 eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 270) 1) -i eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation -90) 1) -i eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 360) 1) 1 eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation -45) 1) (make-rectangular invrt2 (- invrt2)) eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 45) 1) (make-rectangular invrt2 invrt2) eps) (check-= (transform-point (rotation-transformation 135) 1) (make-rectangular (- invrt2) invrt2) eps) (check-= (transform-point (stretching-transformation 2) 1) 2 eps) (check-= (transform-point (stretching-transformation 2) +i) +2i eps) (check-= (transform-point (stretching-transformation 2) 1+i) 2+2i eps) (check-= (transform-point (compose-transformation (translation-transformation 0 2) (rotation-transformation 45)) 1) (make-rectangular invrt2 (+ invrt2 2)) eps) (check-= (transform-point (compose-transformation (rotation-transformation 45) (translation-transformation 0 2)) 1) -0.7071067811865474+2.121320343559643i eps) (check-= (transform-point (invert-transformation (compose-transformation (rotation-transformation 45) (translation-transformation 0 2))) -0.7071067811865474+2.121320343559643i) 1 eps) (check-transformation~? (compose-transformation (rotation-transformation -90) (translation-transformation 0 2) (rotation-transformation 90)) (translation-transformation 2 0)) (check-transformation~? (compose-transformation (rotation-transformation -45) (translation-transformation 0 (* 2 (sqrt 2))) (rotation-transformation 45)) (translation-transformation 2 2)) ;; Cairo's drawing model has *device coordinates* and *user ;; coordinates*. In the Cairo tutorial, we are given the task of ;; mapping a 1.0x1.0 workspace onto the 100x100 pixel square in the ;; middle of a 120x120 pixel surface, and shown three different ways ;; of achieving this: ;; ;; - cairo_translate (cr, 10, 10); cairo_scale (cr, 100, 100); ;; ;; - cairo_scale (cr, 100, 100); cairo_translate (cr, 0.1, 0.1); ;; ;; - cairo_matrix_t mat; cairo_matrix_init (&mat, 100, 0, 0, 100, 10, 10); ;; cairo_transform (cr, &mat); ;; ;; Let's see what those look like here. We'll assume a right-handed ;; coordinate system for both the workspace and the surface, so we ;; can judge a correct outcome by seeing that (0,0) on the workspace ;; should map to (10,10) on the surface, that (1,1) on the workspace ;; should map to (110,110), and that the other two corners should ;; map correspondingly. (let () (define (apply-to-inputs m) (map (lambda (v) (transform-point m v)) (list 0 1 1+i +i))) (define expected-outputs (list 10+10i 110+10i 110+110i 10+110i)) (define-binary-check (check-list~? actual expected) (andmap within-eps actual expected)) (check-list~? (apply-to-inputs (compose-transformation (translation-transformation 10 10) (stretching-transformation 100 100))) expected-outputs) (check-list~? (apply-to-inputs (compose-transformation (stretching-transformation 100 100) (translation-transformation 0.1 0.1))) expected-outputs) (check-list~? (apply-to-inputs (transformation-matrix 100 0 0 100 10 10)) expected-outputs)) ;; The Cairo tutorial also makes this note regarding line widths: ;; "While you're operating under a scale, the width of your line is ;; multiplied by that scale." That is, in Cairo, you reason about ;; line widths in user coordinates, just as with everything else. (let* ((m (transformation-matrix 100 0 0 100 10 10))) ;; transform-vector is analogous to Cairo's ;; "cairo_user_to_device_distance" function. (check-= (transform-vector m 0.01+0.01i) 1+i eps) ;; untransform-vector is analogous to Cairo's ;; "cairo_device_to_user_distance" function. (check-= (untransform-vector m 1+i) 0.01+0.01i eps)) )