; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later ; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2021 Tony Garnock-Jones #lang racket/base (provide (struct-out irc-message) (struct-out irc-user) (struct-out irc-privmsg) (struct-out irc-source-servername) (struct-out irc-source-nick) parse-irc-message render-irc-message ;; TODO make these assertions in the dataspace: server-name server-prefix) (require racket/string) (require racket/match) (require racket/format) ;; ::= [':' ] ;; ::= | [ '!' ] [ '@' ] ;; ::= { } | ;; ::= ' ' { ' ' } ;; ::= [ ':' | ] ;; ;; ::= ;; ::= ;; ;; ::= CR LF ;; ::= [ "," ] ;; ::= | '@' | | ;; ::= ('#' | '&') ;; ::= ;; ::= see RFC 952 [DNS:4] for details on allowed hostnames ;; ::= { | | } ;; ::= ('#' | '$') ;; ::= ;; ::= { } ;; ::= 'a' ... 'z' | 'A' ... 'Z' ;; ::= '0' ... '9' ;; ::= '-' | '[' | ']' | '\' | '`' | '^' | '{' | '}' ;; ::= (struct irc-message (prefix command params trailing) #:prefab) (struct irc-user (username hostname realname) #:prefab) (struct irc-privmsg (source target text notice?) #:prefab) (struct irc-source-servername (servername) #:prefab) (struct irc-source-nick (nick user) #:prefab) (define (parse-irc-message line0) (match (string-trim #:left? #f line0 #px"[\r\n]") [(pregexp #px"^:([^ ]+) +(.*)$" (list _ prefix rest)) (parse-command prefix rest)] [line (parse-command #f line)])) (define (parse-command prefix line) (match-define (pregexp #px"^([^ ]+)( +([^:]+)?(:(.*))?)?$" (list _ command _ params _ rest)) line) (irc-message prefix (string-upcase command) (string-split (or params "")) rest)) ;; libpurple's irc protocol support crashes (!) (SIGSEGV) if you send ;; a prefix on a JOIN event from the server as just "nick" rather than ;; "nick!user@host" - specifically, it will crash if "!" doesn't ;; appear in the prefix. ;; (define (render-irc-message m) (match-define (irc-message prefix command params trailing) m) (string-append (render-prefix prefix) (~a command) (if (pair? params) (string-append " " (string-join (map ~a params))) "") (if trailing (string-append " :" trailing) ""))) (define (render-prefix p) (match p [#f ""] [(irc-source-servername servername) (format ":~a " servername)] [(irc-source-nick nick (irc-user username hostname _)) (format ":~a!~a@~a " nick username hostname)])) (define server-name "syndicate-ircd") (define server-prefix (irc-source-servername "syndicate-ircd.example"))