Many improvements

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2018-09-23 18:14:58 +01:00
parent 2996970cbe
commit f2f57385ce
1 changed files with 65 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ later in this document.
| Boolean
| Float
| Double
| MIMEData
Compound = Record
| Sequence
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ follows:[^ordering-by-syntax]
(Compounds) Record < Sequence < Set < Dictionary
(Atoms) SignedInteger < String < ByteString < Symbol
< Boolean < Float < Double < MIMEData
< Boolean < Float < Double
[^ordering-by-syntax]: The observant reader may note that the
ordering here is the same as that implied by the tagging scheme
@ -183,21 +182,6 @@ and infinities, using a suffix `f` or `d` to indicate `Float` or
**Non-examples.** 10, -6, and 0, because writing them this way
indicates `SignedInteger`s, not `Float`s or `Double`s.
### MIME-type tagged binary data.
A `MIMEData` is a pair of a `Symbol` denoting a
[media type]( and a `ByteString`
body, intended to be interpreted as an encoding of a document having
that media type. While each media type may define its own rules for
comparing documents, we define ordering among `MIMEData`
*representations* of such media types lexicographically over the
(`Symbol`, `ByteString`) pair. We write examples using the same syntax
as for byte strings, but with the media type `Symbol` sandwiched
between the “`#`” and the first “`"`”.
**Examples.** `#application/octet-stream""`; `#text/plain"ABC"`;
`#application/xml"<xhtml/>"`; `#text/csv"123,234,345"`.
### Records.
A `Record` is a *labelled* tuple of zero or more `Value`s, called the
@ -255,12 +239,12 @@ containing only the empty set; `#set{4 "hello" (void) 9.0f}`, the set
containing 4, the string `"hello"`, the record with label `void` and
no fields, and the `Float` denoting the number 9.0; `#set{1 1.0f}`,
the set containing a `SignedInteger` and a `Float`, both denoting the
number 1; `#set{#application/xml"<x/>" #application/xml"<x />"}`, a
set containing two different `MIMEData`
number 1; `#set{(mime application/xml #"<x/>") (mime
application/xml #"<x />")}`, a set containing two different
type-labelled byte arrays.[^mime-xml-difference]
[^mimedata-xml-difference]: The two XML documents `<x/>` and `<x />`
differ by bytewise comparison, and thus yield different `MIMEData`
[^mime-xml-difference]: The two XML documents `<x/>` and `<x />`
differ by bytewise comparison, and thus yield different record
values, even though under the semantics of XML they denote
identical XML infoset.
@ -343,8 +327,6 @@ The following figure summarises the definitions below:
11 00 0010 Float, 32 bits big-endian binary
11 00 0011 Double, 64 bits big-endian binary
11 01 mmmm ... MIME-type-labelled binary data
If mmmm = 1111, varint(m) is present; otherwise, m is the length
#### Type and Length representation
@ -367,7 +349,6 @@ follows:[^some-encodings-unused]
leadbyte(1,-,-) represents a Sequence, Set or Dictionary
leadbyte(2,-,-) represents an Atom with variable-length binary representation
leadbyte(3,0,-) represents an Atom with fixed-length binary representation
leadbyte(3,1,-) represents certain special variable-length values
[^some-encodings-unused]: Some encodings are unused. All such
encodings are reserved for future versions of this specification.
@ -430,13 +411,26 @@ making
[[ [X_1 ... X_m] ]] = header(1,0,m) ++ [[X_1]] ++ ... ++ [[X_m]]
[[ #set{X_1 ... X_m} ]] = header(1,1,m) ++ [[Y_1]] ++ ... ++ [[Y_m]]
where [Y_1 ... Y_m] = sort([X_1 ... X_m])
[[ #set{X_1 ... X_m} ]] = header(1,1,m) ++ [[X_1]] ++ ... ++ [[X_m]]
[[ #dict{K_1:V_1 ... K_m:V_m} ]]
= header(1,2,m) ++ [[K'_1]] ++ [[V'_1]] ++ ... ++ [[K'_m]] ++ [[V'_m]]
where [[K'_1 V'_1] ... [K'_m V'_m]]
= sort([[K_1 V_1] ... [K_m V_m]])
= header(1,2,m) ++ [[K_1]] ++ [[V_1]] ++ ... ++ [[K_m]] ++ [[V_m]]
There is *no* ordering requirement on the `X_i` elements or
`K_i`/`V_i` pairs.[^no-sorting-rationale] They may appear in any
[^no-sorting-rationale]: In the BitTorrent encoding format,
dictionary key/value pairs must be sorted by key. This is a
necessary step for ensuring serialization of `Value`s is
canonical. We do not require that key/value pairs (or set
elements) be in sorted order for serialized `Value`s, because (a)
where canonicalization is used for cryptographic signatures, it is
more reliable to simply retain the exact binary form of the signed
document than to depend on canonical de- and re-serialization, and
(b) sorting keys or elements makes no sense in streaming
serialization formats.
Note that `n=3` is unused and reserved.
@ -451,6 +445,11 @@ Note that `n=3` is unused and reserved.
many whole bytes as needed to unambiguously
identify the value
The value 0 needs zero bytes to identify the value, so `intbytes(0)`
is the empty byte string. Non-zero values need at least one byte; the
most-significant bit in the first byte in `intbytes(x)` for `x≠0` is
the sign bit.
For example,
[[ -257 ]] = [0x82, 0xFE, 0xFF]
@ -505,18 +504,6 @@ For example,
where binary32(F) and binary64(D) are big-endian 4- and 8-byte
IEEE 754 binary representations
#### Special variable-length values
##### MIMEData
Each `MIMEData` value is comprised of a media type `Symbol` and a raw
binary body.
[[ M ]] when M ∈ MIMEData = header(3,1,m) ++ [[T]] ++ B
where m = |B|
and T is the Symbol media type of M
and B is the ByteString body of M
## Examples
<!-- TODO: Give some examples of large and small Preserves, perhaps -->
@ -554,16 +541,16 @@ encodes to
35 ;; Record, generic, 4+1
45 ;; Sequence, 5
b6 74 69 74 6c 65 64 ;; Symbol, "titled"
b6 70 65 72 73 6f 6e ;; Symbol, "person"
B6 74 69 74 6C 65 64 ;; Symbol, "titled"
B6 70 65 72 73 6F 6E ;; Symbol, "person"
81 02 ;; SignedInteger, "2"
b5 74 68 69 6e 67 ;; Symbol, "thing"
B5 74 68 69 6E 67 ;; Symbol, "thing"
81 01 ;; SignedInteger, "1"
81 65 ;; SignedInteger, "101"
99 42 6c 61 63 6b 77 65 6c 6c ;; String, "Blackwell"
99 42 6C 61 63 6B 77 65 6C 6C ;; String, "Blackwell"
34 ;; Record, generic, 3+1
b4 64 61 74 65 ;; Symbol, "date"
82 07 1d ;; SignedInteger, "1821"
B4 64 61 74 65 ;; Symbol, "date"
82 07 1D ;; SignedInteger, "1821"
81 02 ;; SignedInteger, "2"
81 03 ;; SignedInteger, "3"
92 44 72 ;; String, "Dr"
@ -605,6 +592,33 @@ treat them specially.
and one which enforces validity (i.e. side-conditions) when reading,
writing, or constructing `Value`s.
### MIME-type tagged binary data
Many internet protocols use
[media types]( (a.k.a MIME types)
to indicate the format of some associated binary data. For this
purpose, we define `MIMEData` to be a record labelled `mime` with two
fields, the first being a `Symbol`, the media type, and the second
being a `ByteString`, the binary data.
While each media type may define its own rules for comparing
documents, we define ordering among `MIMEData` *representations* of
such media types lexicographically over the (`Symbol`, `ByteString`)
| `(mime application/octet-stream #"abcde")` | 33 B4 6D 69 6D 65 BF 18 61 70 70 6C 69 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 2F 6F 63 74 65 74 2D 73 74 72 65 61 6D A5 61 62 63 64 65 |
| `(mime text/plain "ABC")` | 33 B4 6D 69 6D 65 BA 74 65 78 74 2F 70 6C 61 69 6E 93 41 42 43 |
| `(mime application/xml "<xhtml/>")` | 33 B4 6D 69 6D 65 BF 0F 61 70 70 6C 69 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 2F 78 6D 6C 98 3C 78 68 74 6D 6C 2F 3E |
| `(mime text/csv "123,234,345")` | 33 B4 6D 69 6D 65 B8 74 65 78 74 2F 63 73 76 9B 31 32 33 2C 32 33 34 2C 33 34 35 |
Applications making heavy use of `mime` records may choose to use a
short form label number for the record type. For example, if short
form label number 1 were chosen, the second example above, `(mime
text/plain "ABC")`, would be encoded with "12" in place of "33 B4 6D
69 6D 65".
### Text
#### Normalization forms
@ -681,7 +695,6 @@ should both be identities.
- `Symbol``Symbol.for(...)`
- `Boolean``Boolean`
- `Float` and `Double` ↔ numbers,
- `MIMEData``{ "type": aString, "data": aUint8Array }`
- `Record``{ "_label": theLabel, "_fields": [field0, ..., fieldN] }`, plus convenience accessors
- `(undefined)` ↔ the undefined value
- `(rfc3339 F)``Date`, if `F` matches the `date-time` RFC 3339 production
@ -697,7 +710,6 @@ should both be identities.
- `Symbol` ↔ symbols
- `Boolean` ↔ booleans
- `Float` and `Double` ↔ inexact numbers (Racket: single- and double-precision floats)
- `MIMEData` ↔ a structure with a `type` and a `data` field (Racket: `(struct mime (type data))`)
- `Record` ↔ structures (Racket: prefab struct)
- `Sequence` ↔ lists
- `Set` ↔ Racket: sets
@ -711,7 +723,6 @@ should both be identities.
- `Symbol` ↔ a simple data class wrapping a `String`
- `Boolean``Boolean`
- `Float` and `Double``Float` and `Double`
- `MIMEData` ↔ an implementation of `javax.activation.DataSource`, maybe?
- `Record` ↔ in a simple implementation, a generic `Record` class; else perhaps a bean mapping?
- `Sequence` ↔ an implementation of `java.util.List`
- `Set` ↔ an implementation of `java.util.Set`
@ -728,7 +739,6 @@ should both be identities.
binary of the utf-8
- `Boolean``true` and `false`
- `Float` and `Double` ↔ floats (unsure how Erlang deals with single-precision)
- `MIMEData` ↔ tuple of the type as a utf8 binary, and the data as a binary
- `Record` ↔ a tuple with the label in the first position, and the fields in subsequent positions
- `Sequence` ↔ a list
- `Set` ↔ a `sets` set (is this unambiguous? Maybe a [map][erlang-map] from elements to `true`?)
@ -753,7 +763,7 @@ should both be identities.
C2 - Float
C3 - Double
Dx - MIMEData
@ -960,20 +970,13 @@ Q. Are the language mappings reasonable? How about one for Python?
OK so. No built-in `MIMEData`, but maybe a conventional `(mime-data
Symbol Bytes)`? Applications can put it in a short slot if they like.
Streaming: needed for variable-sized structures. Tricky to design
syntax for this that isn't gratuitously warty. End byte value.
SIGH. Streaming for text/bytes too I SUPPOSE. Chunks, like CBOR
Literal small integers: could be nice? Not absolutely necessary.
Give algorithm for computing size of integers.
Give up on sorting requirement for representation of sets and
dictionaries?? Probably a good idea if there are streaming forms of
them because that sounds impossible to do??
Maybe reorder: fixed-length atoms first, then variable-length atoms,
then fixed-length compounds, then variable-length compounds? Reason
being that then maybe can put the streaming forms of the