More robust approach to cleanup of assertions on actor termination.

We now explicitly track *committed* assertions of each actor in a new
field, `actor-cleanup-changes`. Each time a patch action is
*performed*, `actor-cleanup-changes` is updated. When an actor quits,
it enqueues a special new kind of action, a `quit` action.

When a `quit` action is performed, any remaining contents of
`actor-cleanup-changes` are processed in order to fully remove any
leftover assertions. (Leftover assertions will only arise in
exceptional cases: when some stop-script or facet boot-script raises
an uncaught exception.)

As part of this commit, we undo the effect of commit 8624047.
This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2018-04-27 17:30:26 +01:00
parent 65a221ae68
commit edb8e719f7
2 changed files with 39 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
;; A `(Bagof X)` is similar, but immutable.
;; A `(Deltaof X)` is a `(MutableHash X Int)`, just like a
;; `(MutableBagof X)` except the replication counts can be negative.
;; `MutableDeltaof` and `Deltaof` are like `MutableBagof` and `Bagof`,
;; respectively, except the replication counts can be negative.
(define make-bag make-hash)
(define bag hash)
@ -52,6 +52,6 @@
(define-syntax-rule (in-bag piece ...) (in-hash-keys piece ...))
(define-syntax-rule (in-bag/count piece ...) (in-hash piece ...))
(define (set->bag s)
(define (set->bag s [count 1])
(for/hash [(e (in-set s))]
(values e 1)))
(values e count)))

View File

@ -71,11 +71,15 @@
;; A `Dataspace` is a ... TODO
;; An `Action` is either `(patch (Deltaof Assertion))` or `(message
;; Assertion)` or `(spawn Any BootProc (Set Assertion))`.
;; An `Action` is one of
;; - `(patch (MutableDeltaof Assertion))`
;; - `(message Assertion)`
;; - `(spawn Any BootProc (Set Assertion))`
;; - `(quit)`.
(struct patch (changes) #:prefab)
(struct message (body) #:prefab)
(struct spawn (name boot-proc initial-assertions) #:prefab)
(struct quit () #:prefab)
(struct dataspace ([next-id #:mutable] ;; Nat
routing-table ;; Skeleton
@ -95,6 +99,7 @@
pending-scripts ;; (MutableVectorof (Queueof (-> Any)))
[pending-actions #:mutable] ;; (Queueof Action)
[adhoc-assertions #:mutable] ;; (Bagof Assertion)
[cleanup-changes #:mutable] ;; (Deltaof Assertion)
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define (write-proc a p mode)
@ -230,7 +235,8 @@
(make-vector priority-count (make-queue))
(set->bag filtered-initial-assertions)))
(set->bag filtered-initial-assertions +1)
(set->bag filtered-initial-assertions -1)))
(for [(a filtered-initial-assertions)]
(match (bag-change! (dataspace-assertions ds) a +1)
['absent->present (add-assertion! (dataspace-routing-table ds) a)]
@ -333,16 +339,27 @@
;; (log-info "~a performing ~a" ac action)
(match action
[(patch delta)
(for [((a count) (in-bag/count delta))]
(match (bag-change! (dataspace-assertions ds) a count)
['present->absent (remove-assertion! (dataspace-routing-table ds) a)]
['absent->present (add-assertion! (dataspace-routing-table ds) a)]
;; 'absent->absent absurd
['present->present (void)]))] ;; i.e. no visible change
(apply-patch! ds ac delta)]
[(message body)
(send-assertion! (dataspace-routing-table ds) body)]
[(spawn name boot-proc initial-assertions)
(add-actor! ds name boot-proc initial-assertions)]))))
(add-actor! ds name boot-proc initial-assertions)]
(apply-patch! ds ac (actor-cleanup-changes ac))]))))
(define (apply-patch! ds ac delta)
(define ds-assertions (dataspace-assertions ds))
(define rt (dataspace-routing-table ds))
(define new-cleanup-changes
(for/fold [(cleanup-changes (actor-cleanup-changes ac))] [((a count) (in-bag/count delta))]
(match (bag-change! ds-assertions a count)
['present->absent (remove-assertion! rt a)]
['absent->present (add-assertion! rt a)]
;; 'absent->absent absurd
['present->present (void)]) ;; i.e. no visible change
(define-values (updated-bag _summary) (bag-change cleanup-changes a (- count)))
(set-actor-cleanup-changes! ac new-cleanup-changes))
(define (run-scripts! ds)
(run-all-pending-scripts! ds)
@ -421,13 +438,17 @@
(let abort-facet! ((f f))
(set-facet-live?! f #f)
(for [(child (in-set (facet-children f)))] (abort-facet! child))
(retract-facet-assertions-and-subscriptions! ds f)))))
(retract-facet-assertions-and-subscriptions! ds f))))
(push-script! ds the-actor (lambda () (enqueue-action! the-actor (quit)))))
;; Cleanly terminates a facet and its children, running stop-scripts etc.
(define (terminate-facet! ds f)
(when (facet-live? f)
(define ac (facet-actor f))
(define parent (facet-parent f))
(if parent
(set-facet-children! parent (set-remove (facet-children parent) f))
(set-actor-root-facet! ac #f))
(set-facet-live?! f #f)
@ -444,13 +465,9 @@
(push-script! #:priority *gc-priority* ds ac
(lambda ()
(set-facet-children! parent (set-remove (facet-children parent) f))
(when (facet-inert? ds parent) (terminate-facet! ds parent))]
(set-actor-root-facet! ac #f)
(terminate-actor! ds ac)])))))
(if parent
(when (facet-inert? ds parent) (terminate-facet! ds parent))
(terminate-actor! ds ac))))))
(define (stop-facet! ds f stop-script)
(define ac (facet-actor f))