Automate SPDX header maintenance

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-06-04 15:51:09 +02:00
parent c6d4d3acf1
commit 92b0272ba1
4 changed files with 142 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
__ignored__ := $(shell ./
PACKAGES=syndicate syndicate-examples
COLLECTS=syndicate syndicate-examples

fixcopyright.rkt Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
(require file/glob)
(require racket/date)
(define ((re p) i) (regexp-match p i))
(define ((re? p) i) (regexp-match? p i))
(define ((s p ins) i) (regexp-replace p i ins))
(define this-year (number->string (date-year (current-date))))
(define (get-git-config key)
(string-trim (with-output-to-string
(lambda () (system (format "git config --get ~a" key))))))
(define user-name (get-git-config ""))
(define user-email (get-git-config ""))
(define user (format "~a <~a>" user-name user-email))
(define (make-copyright who low [hi #f])
(if (and hi (not (string=? low hi)))
(format "Copyright © ~a-~a ~a" low hi who)
(format "Copyright © ~a ~a" low who)))
(define total-file-count 0)
(define total-changed-files 0)
(define dry-run? #f)
(define (fix-files file-type-name file-pattern front-matter-re leading-comment-re comment-prefix)
(define matched-files (glob file-pattern))
(define file-count (length matched-files))
(define changed-files 0)
(for [(file-number (in-naturals))
(f (in-list matched-files))]
(printf "~a [~a/~a] ~a ..." file-type-name file-number file-count f)
(define all-lines (file->lines f))
(define-values (front-matter head tail)
(let*-values (((lines) all-lines)
((front-matter lines) (if front-matter-re
(splitf-at lines (re? front-matter-re))
(values '() lines)))
((head tail) (splitf-at lines (re? leading-comment-re))))
(values front-matter head tail)))
(let* ((head (map (s leading-comment-re "") head))
(head (map (lambda (l)
(match (regexp-match "^([^:]+): (.*)$" l)
[(list _ k v) (list k v)]
[#f (list #f l)]))
(head (if (assoc "SPDX-FileCopyrightText" head)
(cons (list "SPDX-FileCopyrightText" (make-copyright user this-year)) head)))
(head (if (assoc "SPDX-License-Identifier" head)
(cons (list "SPDX-License-Identifier" "LGPL-3.0-or-later") head)))
(head (map (lambda (l)
(match l
[(list "SPDX-FileCopyrightText"
(and (regexp (regexp-quote user-name))
(regexp #px"(\\d{4})-\\d{4}" (list _ low))))
(list "SPDX-FileCopyrightText"
(make-copyright user low this-year))]
[(list "SPDX-FileCopyrightText"
(and (regexp (regexp-quote user-name))
(regexp #px"\\d{4}" (list low))))
(list "SPDX-FileCopyrightText"
(make-copyright user low this-year))]
[_ l]))
(head (map (lambda (l) (string-append comment-prefix
(match l
[(list #f v) v]
[(list k v) (format "~a: ~a" k v)])))
(new-lines `(,@front-matter
,@(dropf tail (lambda (l) (string=? (string-trim l) "")))))
(changed? (not (equal? all-lines new-lines))))
(when (and changed? (not dry-run?))
(lambda (port _tmp-path)
(for [(l front-matter)] (displayln l port))
(for [(l head)] (displayln l port))
(newline port)
(for [(l (dropf tail (lambda (l) (string=? (string-trim l) ""))))] (displayln l port)))))
(if changed?
(begin (set! changed-files (+ changed-files 1))
(printf "\e[41mchanged\e[0m\n"))
(printf "\r\e[K"))))
(when (positive? changed-files)
(printf "~a [~a total files, ~a changed]\n" file-type-name file-count changed-files))
(set! total-file-count (+ total-file-count file-count))
(set! total-changed-files (+ total-changed-files changed-files)))
(command-line #:once-each
[("-n" "--dry-run") "Do not write back changes to files"
(set! dry-run? #t)])
(void (fix-files "Racket" "**.rkt" #px"^#" #px"^;+ *" ";;; "))
(printf "fixcopyright: ~a files examined, ~a ~a\n"
(if dry-run?
(if (zero? total-changed-files)
"changes are needed"
"files need to be updated")
(if (zero? total-changed-files)
"changes were needed"
"files were updated")))
(void (system "chmod a+x fixcopyright.rkt"))
(exit (if (positive? total-changed-files) 1 0))

git-hooks/pre-commit Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
set -e
exec 1>&2
./fixcopyright.rkt -n

18 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Set up a git checkout of this repository for local dev use.
exec 2>/dev/tty 1>&2
set -e
[ -d .git ] || exit 0
for fullhook in ./git-hooks/*
hook=$(basename "$fullhook")
[ -L .git/hooks/$hook ] || (
echo "Installing $hook hook"
ln -s ../../git-hooks/$hook .git/hooks/$hook