Remove federation-prototype

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2019-05-16 15:48:51 +01:00
parent cd2d7e428b
commit 6952aec992
2 changed files with 0 additions and 407 deletions

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@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
#lang imperative-syndicate
(provide (struct-out router-connection)
(struct-out router-inbound)
(struct-out router-outbound))
(require "../wire-protocol.rkt")
(require imperative-syndicate/bag)
(require racket/set)
;; Node IDs must be dataspace-unique.
;; Connection IDs must be dataspace-unique. They are properly
;; node-unique, but for brevity assertions omit the node ID in most
;; places.
;; Subscription IDs must be connection-unique AND must correspond
;; one-to-one with a specific subscription spec. That is, a
;; subscription ID is merely shorthand for its spec, and two
;; subscription IDs within a connection must be `equal?` exactly when
;; their corresponding specs are `equal?`.
;; Local IDs must be node-unique. They are used as subscription IDs in
;; outbound messages.
;; Nodes maintain a bidirectional mapping between subscription IDs
;; (scoped within their connection ID) and local IDs. One local ID may
;; map to multiple subscription IDs - this is the place where
;; aggregation pops up.
;; Unlike the server protocol, both Actions and Events are
;; BIDIRECTIONAL, travelling in both directions along edges linking
;; peer nodes.
;; Connection protocol
(assertion-struct router-connection (node-id connection-id))
(message-struct router-inbound (connection-id body))
(message-struct router-outbound (connection-id body))
;; Internal state
(struct subscription (id ;; LocalID
spec ;; Assertion
holders ;; (Hash ConnectionID SubscriptionID)
matches ;; (Bag (Listof Assertion))
(define-logger syndicate/federation)
(spawn #:name 'router
(during/spawn (observe (router-connection $nodeid _))
#:name (list 'router nodeid)
;; Generates a fresh local ID naming a subscription
;; propagated to our peers.
(define make-localid
(let ((next 0))
(lambda () (begin0 next (set! next (+ next 1))))))
(field [peers (set)] ;; (Set ConnID)
[specs (hash)] ;; (Hash Spec LocalID)
[subs (hasheq)] ;; (Hash LocalID Subscription)
(when (log-level? syndicate/federation-logger 'debug)
(begin/dataflow (log-syndicate/federation-debug "::: ~a peers ~v" nodeid (peers)))
(begin/dataflow (log-syndicate/federation-debug "::: ~a specs ~v" nodeid (specs)))
(begin/dataflow (log-syndicate/federation-debug "::: ~a subs ~v" nodeid (subs))))
(define (call-with-sub localid connid f)
(match (hash-ref (subs) localid #f)
[#f (log-syndicate/federation-error
"Mention of nonexistent local ID ~v from connection ~v. Ignoring."
[sub (f sub)]))
(define (unsubscribe! localid connid)
localid connid
(lambda (sub)
(define new-holders (hash-remove (subscription-holders sub) connid))
(if (hash-empty? new-holders)
(begin (specs (hash-remove (specs) (subscription-spec sub)))
(subs (hash-remove (subs) localid)))
(subs (hash-set (subs) localid (struct-copy subscription sub
[holders new-holders]))))
;; The messages we send depend on (hash-count new-holders):
;; - if >1, there are enough other active subscribers that we don't need to send
;; any messages.
;; - if =1, we retract the subscription from that peer (INVARIANT: will not be connid)
;; - if =0, we retract the subscription from all peers except connid
(match (hash-count new-holders)
[0 (for [(peer (in-set (peers)))]
(when (not (equal? peer connid))
(send! (router-outbound peer (Clear localid)))))]
[1 (for [(peer (in-hash-keys new-holders))] ;; there will only be one, ≠ connid
(send! (router-outbound peer (Clear localid))))]
[_ (void)]))))
(define (adjust-matches localid connid captures delta expected-outcome ctor)
localid connid
(lambda (sub)
(define-values (new-matches outcome)
(bag-change (subscription-matches sub) captures delta #:clamp? #t))
(subs (hash-set (subs) localid (struct-copy subscription sub [matches new-matches])))
(when (eq? outcome expected-outcome)
(for ([(peer peer-subid) (in-hash (subscription-holders sub))])
(when (not (equal? peer connid))
(send! (router-outbound peer (ctor peer-subid captures)))))))))
(during (observe (router-connection nodeid $connid))
(assert (router-connection nodeid connid))
(on-start (peers (set-add (peers) connid)))
(on-stop (peers (set-remove (peers) connid)))
(field [conn-subs (hash)] ;; (Hash SubscriptionID LocalID)
[conn-matches (bag)] ;; (Bag (Cons LocalID (Listof Assertion)))
(when (log-level? syndicate/federation-logger 'debug)
(begin/dataflow (log-syndicate/federation-debug "::: ~a ~a conn-subs ~v"
nodeid connid (conn-subs)))
(begin/dataflow (log-syndicate/federation-debug "::: ~a ~a conn-matches ~v"
nodeid connid (conn-matches))))
(on-start (for ([(spec localid) (in-hash (specs))])
(send! (router-outbound connid (Assert localid (observe spec))))))
(on-stop (for ([item (in-bag (conn-matches))])
(match-define (cons localid captures) item)
(adjust-matches localid connid captures -1 'present->absent Del))
(for ([localid (in-hash-values (conn-subs))])
(unsubscribe! localid connid)))
(on (message (router-inbound connid (Assert $subid (observe $spec))))
(define known? (hash-has-key? (specs) spec))
(define localid (if known? (hash-ref (specs) spec) (make-localid)))
(define sub
(hash-ref (subs) localid (lambda () (subscription localid spec (hash) (bag)))))
(define holders (subscription-holders sub))
[(hash-has-key? holders connid)
"Duplicate subscription ~a, ID ~a, from connection ~a. Ignoring."
(conn-subs (hash-set (conn-subs) subid localid))
(when (not known?) (specs (hash-set (specs) spec localid)))
(subs (hash-set (subs) localid (struct-copy subscription sub
[holders (hash-set holders connid subid)])))
;; If not known, then relay the subscription to all peers except `connid`.
;; If known, then one or more connections that aren't this one have
;; previously subscribed with this spec. If exactly one other connection has
;; previously subscribed, the only subscription that needs sent is to that
;; peer; otherwise, no subscriptions at all need sent, since everyone has
;; already been informed of this subscription.
[(not known?)
(for [(peer (in-set (peers)))]
(when (not (equal? peer connid))
(send! (router-outbound peer (Assert localid (observe spec))))))]
[(= (hash-count holders) 1)
(for [(peer (in-hash-keys holders))] ;; there will only be one, ≠ connid
(send! (router-outbound peer (Assert localid (observe spec)))))]
;; Once subscription relaying has taken place, send up matches to the active
;; connection.
(for [(captures (in-bag (subscription-matches sub)))]
(send! (router-outbound connid (Add subid captures))))
(on (message (router-inbound connid (Clear $subid)))
(match (hash-ref (conn-subs) subid #f)
[#f (log-syndicate/federation-error
"Mention of nonexistent subscription ID ~v from connection ~v. Ignoring."
(conn-subs (hash-remove (conn-subs) subid))
(unsubscribe! localid connid)]))
(define (relay-add-or-del localid captures delta expected-outcome ctor)
(define-values (new-conn-matches conn-outcome)
(bag-change (conn-matches) (cons localid captures) delta #:clamp? #t))
(conn-matches new-conn-matches)
(when (eq? conn-outcome expected-outcome)
(adjust-matches localid connid captures delta expected-outcome ctor)))
(on (message (router-inbound connid (Add $localid $captures)))
(relay-add-or-del localid captures +1 'absent->present Add))
(on (message (router-inbound connid (Del $localid $captures)))
(relay-add-or-del localid captures -1 'present->absent Del))
(on (message (router-inbound connid (Msg $localid $captures)))
localid connid
(lambda (sub)
(for ([(peer peer-subid) (in-hash (subscription-holders sub))])
(when (not (equal? peer connid))
(send! (router-outbound peer (Msg peer-subid captures))))))))

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@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
#lang imperative-syndicate
(require imperative-syndicate/pattern)
(require/activate imperative-syndicate/drivers/timer)
(require/activate "../wire-protocol.rkt")
(require/activate "federation.rkt")
(assertion-struct present (who))
(message-struct says (who what))
(message-struct change-presence (who what))
(message-struct terminate (who))
(spawn #:name 'monitor
(on (message (router-outbound $name $body))
(log-info "-> ~a : ~v" name body))
(on (message (router-inbound $name $body))
(log-info " ~a ->: ~v" name body)))
(define C (capture (discard)))
(define (leaf name node)
(spawn #:name (list 'leaf name)
(stop-when (message (terminate name)))
(during (router-connection node name)
(router-inbound name (Assert (gensym (format "~a-P-" name)) (observe (present C)))))
(router-inbound name (Assert (gensym (format "~a-S-" name)) (observe (says C C))))))
(on (message (router-outbound name (Assert $x (observe (says C C)))))
(sleep 2)
;; We won't see our own one of these, because routers expect us to have done
;; local delivery ourselves. OHHH I am starting to get some insight into what is
;; underneath the way multicast lets you choose whether or not to see your own
;; transmissions! If you're in ~relay-node mode, you won't want to see them; if
;; you're in ~leaf mode, you will!
(send! (router-inbound name (Msg x (list name "Hello world!")))))
(on (message (router-outbound name (Assert $x (observe (present C)))))
(field [present? #t])
(stop-when (message (router-outbound name (Clear x))))
;; We won't see our own one of these either! For the same reasons as
;; explained above.
(if (present?)
(send! (router-inbound name (Add x (list name))))
(send! (router-inbound name (Del x (list name))))))
(on (message (change-presence name $new-presence))
(present? new-presence))))
(assertion-struct to-server (node assertion))
(assertion-struct from-server (node assertion))
(define (leaf2 name node)
(local-require imperative-syndicate/term)
(spawn #:name (list 'leaf2 name)
(stop-when (message (terminate name)))
(field [present? #t])
(assert #:when (present?) (to-server node (present name)))
(on (message (change-presence name $new-presence))
(present? new-presence))
;; TODO: Doing it this way, with the implementation in `leaf`
;; above, causes missing "absent" messages because `leaf`
;; processes don't respond to the specific `presence`
;; interests generated by the way `during` is implemented,
;; only to general ones.
;; NB: There's a semantic difference here! In the
;; commented-out version immediately below, we care about the
;; start and stop events of the *facet*, so will get "absent"
;; messages upon clean termination. In the other version,
;; with separate asserted/retracted handlers, we will *not*
;; get "absent" messages on clean termination, because the
;; assertion is still there even as the actor terminates!
;; (during (from-server node (present $who))
;; (on-start (log-info "~a: ~a present" name who))
;; (on-stop (log-info "~a: ~a absent" name who)))
(on (asserted (from-server node (present $who))) (log-info "~a: ~a present" name who))
(on (retracted (from-server node (present $who))) (log-info "~a: ~a absent" name who))
(on (asserted (from-server node (observe (present _))))
(log-info "~a: someone cares about presence!" name))
(on (message (from-server node (says $who $what)))
(log-info "~a: ~a says ~v" name who what))
(during (to-server node $what)
;; This takes care of the self-signalling discussed above.
(assert (from-server node what)))
(during (router-connection node name)
(on (message (router-outbound name (Assert $subid (observe $spec))))
(let ((! (lambda (ctor)
(lambda (cs) (send! (router-inbound name (ctor subid cs)))))))
(add-observer-endpoint! (lambda () (to-server node spec))
#:on-add (! Add)
#:on-remove (! Del)
#:on-message (! Msg)))
(assert (from-server node (observe spec)))
(stop-when (message (router-outbound name (Clear subid))))))
(during (observe ($ pat (from-server node $spec)))
(define ep (gensym 'ep))
(on-start (send! (router-inbound name (Assert ep (observe spec)))))
(on-stop (send! (router-inbound name (Clear ep))))
(assert (from-server node (observe spec))) ;; more self-signalling
(on (message (router-outbound name (Add ep $captures)))
(react (assert (instantiate-term->value pat captures))
(stop-when (message (router-outbound name (Del ep captures))))))
(on (message (router-outbound name (Msg ep $captures)))
(send! (instantiate-term->value pat captures))))
(define (relay node1 node2)
(spawn #:name (list 'relay node1 node2)
(define node1-connid (string->symbol (format "~a(~a)" node1 node2)))
(define node2-connid (string->symbol (format "~a(~a)" node2 node1)))
(field [pending1 '()]
[pending2 '()])
(stop-when (message (terminate (list 'relay node1 node2))))
(during (router-connection node1 node1-connid)
(on (message (router-outbound node1-connid $body))
(pending1 (cons body (pending1)))))
(during (router-connection node2 node2-connid)
(on (message (router-outbound node2-connid $body))
(pending2 (cons body (pending2)))))
(during (router-connection node1 node1-connid)
(during (router-connection node2 node2-connid)
(when (pair? (pending1))
(for [(body (reverse (pending1)))]
(send! (router-inbound node2-connid body)))
(pending1 '())))
(when (pair? (pending2))
(for [(body (reverse (pending2)))]
(send! (router-inbound node1-connid body)))
(pending2 '())))))))
(spawn* (define-syntax-rule (pause n action)
(begin (sleep n)
(log-info "\n********** ~v" 'action)
(pause 0 (begin
(leaf 'c1 'n1)
(leaf2 'c2 'n1)
(leaf 'c3 'n2)
(leaf 'c4 'n2)
(pause 0.5 (relay 'n1 'n2))
(pause 0.25 (leaf2 'c5 'n3))
(pause 0.25 (relay 'n2 'n3))
(pause 0.5 'delivery-of-the-says-messages) ;; the newline is important here
(pause 1 (send! (change-presence 'c1 #f)))
(pause 0.2 (send! (change-presence 'c1 #t)))
(pause 0.4 (send! (terminate (list 'relay 'n1 'n2))))
(pause 0.4 (relay 'n1 'n2))
(pause 0.2 (send! (terminate 'c1)))
(pause 0.2 (send! (terminate 'c3)))
(pause 0.2 (send! (terminate 'c2)))
(pause 0.2 (send! (terminate 'c4)))