Implement during and ad-hoc assertions

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2018-04-19 17:55:52 +01:00
parent 5377a486c9
commit 55f4b55784
6 changed files with 168 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
;; A `(Bagof X)` is a `(MutableHash X Nat)`, where the `Nat` against
;; an `X` is its replication count in the bag.
@ -28,5 +30,7 @@
(hash-ref b x 0))
(define bag-clear! hash-clear!)
(define bag-member? hash-has-key?)
(define-syntax-rule (in-bag piece ...) (in-hash piece ...))
(define-syntax-rule (in-bag piece ...) (in-hash-keys piece ...))
(define-syntax-rule (in-bag/count piece ...) (in-hash piece ...))

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
add-stop-script! ;; TODO: shouldn't be provided - inline syntax.rkt??
terminate-facet! ;; TODO: shouldn't be provided - inline syntax.rkt??
schedule-script! ;; TODO: shouldn't be provided - inline syntax.rkt??
@ -41,6 +42,9 @@
spawn! ;; TODO: should this be provided?
enqueue-send! ;; TODO: should this be provided?
adhoc-retract! ;; TODO: should this be provided?
adhoc-assert! ;; TODO: should this be provided?
actor-adhoc-assertions ;; TODO: should this be provided?
(require syndicate/functional-queue)
@ -76,6 +80,9 @@
(struct dataspace ([next-id #:mutable] ;; Nat
routing-table ;; Skeleton
actors ;; (MutableHash ActorID Actor)
;; v TODO: Caches have to be bags, not sets; once
;; this change is made, can I avoid keeping a bag
;; of assertions in the dataspace as a whole?
assertions ;; (Bagof Assertion)
dataflow ;; DataflowGraph
[runnable #:mutable] ;; (Listof Actor)
@ -88,6 +95,8 @@
[runnable? #:mutable] ;; Boolean
pending-scripts ;; (MutableVectorof (Queueof (-> Any)))
[pending-actions #:mutable] ;; (Queueof Action)
;; TODO: consider using a bag, rather than set, of ad-hoc assertions.
[adhoc-assertions #:mutable] ;; (Setof Assertion)
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define (write-proc a p mode)
@ -212,7 +221,8 @@
(make-vector priority-count (make-queue))
(hash-set! (dataspace-actors ds) the-actor-id the-actor)
(for [(a initial-assertions)]
(match (bag-change! (dataspace-assertions ds) a 1)
@ -312,7 +322,7 @@
;; (log-info "performing ~a" action)
(match action
[(patch delta)
(for [((a count) (in-bag delta))]
(for [((a count) (in-bag/count delta))]
(match (bag-change! (dataspace-assertions ds) a count)
['present->absent (remove-assertion! (dataspace-routing-table ds) a)]
['absent->present (add-assertion! (dataspace-routing-table ds) a)]
@ -388,6 +398,8 @@
;; Abruptly terminates an entire actor, without running stop-scripts etc.
(define (terminate-actor! ds the-actor)
(hash-remove! (dataspace-actors ds) (actor-id the-actor))
(push-script! ds the-actor
(lambda () (for [(a (actor-adhoc-assertions the-actor))] (retract! the-actor a))))
(let ((f (actor-root-facet the-actor)))
(when f
(let abort-facet! ((f f))
@ -468,6 +480,16 @@
(when (not (void? assertion))
(bag-change! (ensure-patch-action! ac) assertion +1)))
(define (adhoc-retract! ac assertion)
(when (not (void? assertion))
(set-actor-adhoc-assertions! ac (set-remove (actor-adhoc-assertions ac) assertion))
(retract! ac assertion)))
(define (adhoc-assert! ac assertion)
(when (not (void? assertion))
(set-actor-adhoc-assertions! ac (set-add (actor-adhoc-assertions ac) assertion))
(assert! ac assertion)))
(define (dataspace-unsubscribe! ds h)
(remove-interest! (dataspace-routing-table ds) h))

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
(struct-out capture)
(for-syntax analyse-pattern
@ -76,7 +77,25 @@
(list 'discard)]
(list 'atom stx)]))
(define (instantiate-pattern stx)
(syntax-case stx ($)
[(ctor piece ...)
(struct-info? (id-value #'ctor))
(quasisyntax/loc stx (ctor #,@(stx-map instantiate-pattern #'(piece ...))))]
[(list piece ...)
(list-id? #'list)
(quasisyntax/loc stx (list #,@(stx-map instantiate-pattern #'(piece ...))))]
(dollar-id? #'id)
(undollar #'id)]
[($ id p)
(discard-id? #'id)

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
(require racket/hash)
(require racket/list)
(require "bag.rkt")
(module+ test (require rackunit))
;; A `Skeleton` is a structural guard on an assertion: essentially,
@ -50,12 +52,12 @@
;; (MutableSet Assertion)
;; (MutableHash SkProj SkAcc))
;; SkAcc = (skeleton-accumulator
;; (Set SkKey)
;; (MutableBag SkKey)
;; (MutableSeteq (... -> Any)))
(struct skeleton-continuation (cache table) #:transparent)
(struct skeleton-matched-constant (cache table) #:transparent)
(struct skeleton-accumulator ([cache #:mutable] handlers) #:transparent)
(struct skeleton-accumulator (cache handlers) #:transparent)
;; A `SkProj` is a *skeleton projection*, a specification of loci
;; within a tree-shaped assertion to collect into a flat list.
@ -111,12 +113,14 @@
(define cvt (hash-ref! (skeleton-continuation-table c) cs make-hash))
(define sc (hash-ref! cvt cv make-matched-constant))
(define (make-accumulator)
(skeleton-accumulator (for/set [(a (skeleton-matched-constant-cache sc))]
(apply-projection a vs))
(define cache (make-bag))
(for [(a (skeleton-matched-constant-cache sc))]
(define vars (apply-projection a vs))
(bag-change! cache vars 1))
(skeleton-accumulator cache (mutable-seteq)))
(define acc (hash-ref! (skeleton-matched-constant-table sc) vs make-accumulator))
(set-add! (skeleton-accumulator-handlers acc) h)
(for [(vars (skeleton-accumulator-cache acc))] (apply-handler! h vars)))
(for [(vars (in-bag (skeleton-accumulator-cache acc)))] (apply-handler! h vars)))
(define (skcont-remove! c i apply-handler!)
(match-define (skeleton-interest _desc cs cv vs h) i)
@ -126,7 +130,7 @@
(when sc
(define acc (hash-ref (skeleton-matched-constant-table sc) vs #f))
(when acc
(for [(vars (skeleton-accumulator-cache acc))] (apply-handler! h vars))
(for [(vars (in-bag (skeleton-accumulator-cache acc)))] (apply-handler! h vars))
(set-remove! (skeleton-accumulator-handlers acc) h)
(when (set-empty? (skeleton-accumulator-handlers acc))
(hash-remove! (skeleton-matched-constant-table sc) vs)))
@ -229,9 +233,13 @@
(define (add-term-to-skconst! skconst term)
(set-add! (skeleton-matched-constant-cache skconst) term))
(define (add-term-to-skacc! skacc vars _term)
(set-skeleton-accumulator-cache! skacc (set-add (skeleton-accumulator-cache skacc) vars))
(for [(handler (skeleton-accumulator-handlers skacc))]
(apply handler '+ vars)))
(match (bag-change! (skeleton-accumulator-cache skacc) vars 1)
(for [(handler (skeleton-accumulator-handlers skacc))]
(apply handler '+ vars))]
;; 'present->absent and 'absent->absent absurd
(define (add-assertion! sk term)
(skeleton-modify! sk
@ -245,9 +253,16 @@
(define (remove-term-from-skconst! skconst term)
(set-remove! (skeleton-matched-constant-cache skconst) term))
(define (remove-term-from-skacc! skacc vars _term)
(set-skeleton-accumulator-cache! skacc (set-remove (skeleton-accumulator-cache skacc) vars))
(for [(handler (skeleton-accumulator-handlers skacc))]
(apply handler '- vars)))
(define cache (skeleton-accumulator-cache skacc))
(if (bag-member? cache vars)
(match (bag-change! cache vars -1)
(for [(handler (skeleton-accumulator-handlers skacc))]
(apply handler '- vars))]
;; 'absent->absent and 'absent->present absurd
(log-warning "Removing assertion not previously added: ~v" _term)))
(define (remove-assertion! sk term)
(skeleton-modify! sk

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
(define-splicing-syntax-class assertions
(pattern (~seq #:assertions [exprs ...]))
(pattern (~seq) #:attr (exprs 1) #'()))
(pattern (~seq) #:attr (exprs 1) '()))
(define-splicing-syntax-class name
(pattern (~seq #:name N))

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
;; during
;; during/spawn
@ -47,6 +47,9 @@
@ -357,17 +360,14 @@
(lambda ()
;; (define-syntax (during stx)
;; (syntax-parse stx
;; [(_ P O ...)
;; (define E-stx (syntax/loc #'P (asserted P)))
;; (define-values (_proj _pat _bindings instantiated)
;; (analyze-pattern E-stx #'P))
;; (quasisyntax/loc stx
;; (on #,E-stx
;; (let ((p #,instantiated))
;; (react (stop-when (retracted p))
;; O ...))))]))
(define-syntax (during stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ P O ...)
(define Q-stx (instantiate-pattern #'P))
(quasisyntax/loc stx
(on (asserted P)
(react (stop-when (retracted #,Q-stx))
O ...)))]))
;; (define-syntax (during/spawn stx)
;; (syntax-parse stx
@ -576,6 +576,17 @@
(until (message ack)
(on-start (send! ack))))
(define (assert! a)
(ensure-in-script! 'assert!)
(adhoc-assert! (current-actor) a))
(define (retract! a)
(ensure-in-script! 'retract!)
(adhoc-retract! (current-actor) a))
(define (current-adhoc-assertions)
(actor-adhoc-assertions (current-actor)))
(module+ test
@ -589,6 +600,71 @@
#;(lambda ()
(struct foo (x y) #:prefab)
(spawn (field [x 123])
(assert (foo (x) 999))
(during (foo (x) $v)
(log-info "x=~a v=~a" (x) v)
(when (= (x) 123) (x 124))
(log-info "finally for x=~a v=~a" (x) v))))
(lambda ()
;; .../racket/syndicate/examples/actor/example-partial-retraction.rkt
(struct ready (what) #:prefab)
(struct entry (key val) #:prefab)
(spawn (assert (ready 'listener))
(on (asserted (entry $key _))
(log-info "key ~v asserted" key)
(until (retracted (entry key _))
(on (asserted (entry key $value))
(log-info "add binding: ~v -> ~v" key value))
(on (retracted (entry key $value))
(log-info "del binding: ~v -> ~v" key value)))
(log-info "key ~v retracted" key)))
(spawn (assert (ready 'other-listener))
(during (entry $key _)
(log-info "(other-listener) key ~v asserted" key)
(on-stop (log-info "(other-listener) key ~v retracted" key))
(during (entry key $value)
(log-info "(other-listener) ~v ---> ~v" key value)
(on-stop (log-info "(other-listener) ~v -/-> ~v" key value)))))
(define (pause)
(log-info "pause")
(define token (gensym 'pause)) ;; FIXME:: If we use the same token every time, need epochs!
(until (asserted (ready token))
(assert (ready token))))
(spawn* (until (asserted (ready 'listener)))
(until (asserted (ready 'other-listener)))
(assert! (entry 'a 1))
(assert! (entry 'a 2))
(assert! (entry 'b 3))
(assert! (entry 'c 33))
(assert! (entry 'a 4))
(assert! (entry 'a 5))
(retract! (entry 'a 2))
(retract! (entry 'c 33))
(assert! (entry 'a 9))
(for [(a (current-adhoc-assertions))]
(local-require racket/match)
(match a
[(entry 'a _) (retract! a)]
[_ (void)]))
;; ^ (retract! (entry 'a ?))
#;(lambda ()
(spawn (on (message $v)
(if (= v 10000000)
@ -597,7 +673,7 @@
(on-start (send! 0)))
(lambda ()
#;(lambda ()
(message-struct stage (n))