Correct generation of patterns for literal embedded-values

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-06-10 13:32:39 +02:00
parent 7790923e65
commit 3984a2c22a
2 changed files with 83 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -92,12 +92,6 @@
(define (constructor-registered? stx)
(free-id-table-ref preserves-pattern-registry stx #f))
(define (member-entry key-stx pat-stx)
(define analysed (analyse-pattern pat-stx))
(syntax-case analysed (Pattern-DDiscard DDiscard)
[(Pattern-DDiscard (DDiscard)) (list)]
[_ (list key-stx analysed)]))
(define (struct-label-and-arity id-stx actual-count)
(match-define (list _type-stx ctor-stx pred-stx accessor-stxs _mutator-stxs _super)
(extract-struct-info (id-value id-stx)))
@ -117,68 +111,80 @@
[(list _) (raise-syntax-error #f "Odd number of elements in hash-like pattern")]
[(list* k v more) (append (f k v) (append-map-pairs f more))]))
(define (analyse-pattern stx)
(define disarmed-stx (syntax-disarm stx orig-insp))
(syntax-case disarmed-stx ($ quasiquote unquote quote)
[(ctor args ...)
(constructor-registered? #'ctor)
((free-id-table-ref preserves-pattern-registry #'ctor) 'pattern disarmed-stx)]
(define (analyse-pattern stx
[check-destructuring (lambda (stx) stx)]
[wrap-literal (lambda (stx) stx)])
(define (member-entry key-stx pat-stx)
(define analysed (analyse-pattern pat-stx check-destructuring wrap-literal))
(syntax-case analysed (Pattern-DDiscard DDiscard)
[(Pattern-DDiscard (DDiscard)) (list)]
[_ (list key-stx analysed)]))
(let walk ((stx stx))
(define disarmed-stx (syntax-disarm stx orig-insp))
(syntax-case disarmed-stx ($ quasiquote unquote quote)
[(ctor args ...)
(constructor-registered? #'ctor)
((free-id-table-ref preserves-pattern-registry #'ctor) 'pattern disarmed-stx))]
[(expander args ...)
(pattern-expander-id? #'expander)
(pattern-expander-transform disarmed-stx
(lambda (result)
(analyse-pattern (syntax-rearm result stx))))]
[(expander args ...)
(pattern-expander-id? #'expander)
(pattern-expander-transform disarmed-stx
(lambda (result)
(walk (syntax-rearm result stx))))]
;; Extremely limited support for quasiquoting and quoting
[(quasiquote (unquote p)) (analyse-pattern #'p)]
[(quasiquote (p ...)) (analyse-pattern #'(list (quasiquote p) ...))]
[(quasiquote p) #`(Pattern-DLit (DLit 'p))]
[(quote p) #`(Pattern-DLit (DLit 'p))]
;; Extremely limited support for quasiquoting and quoting
[(quasiquote (unquote p)) (walk #'p)]
[(quasiquote (p ...)) (walk #'(list (quasiquote p) ...))]
[(quasiquote p) #`(Pattern-DLit (DLit #,(wrap-literal #''p)))]
[(quote p) #`(Pattern-DLit (DLit #,(wrap-literal #''p)))]
[(unquote p) #'p]
[(unquote p) #'p]
[(ctor piece ...)
(struct-info? (id-value #'ctor))
(let-values (((label arity) (struct-label-and-arity #'ctor (length (syntax->list #'(piece ...))))))
(DCompound-rec (CRec '#,label #,arity)
(hasheqv #,@(append*
(for/list [(n (in-naturals))
(piece (in-list (syntax->list #'(piece ...))))]
(member-entry n piece)))))))]
[(ctor piece ...)
(struct-info? (id-value #'ctor))
(let-values (((label arity) (struct-label-and-arity #'ctor (length (syntax->list #'(piece ...))))))
(DCompound-rec (CRec '#,label #,arity)
(hasheqv #,@(append*
(for/list [(n (in-naturals))
(piece (in-list (syntax->list #'(piece ...))))]
(member-entry n piece))))))))]
[(list-stx piece ...)
(list-id? #'list-stx)
(DCompound-arr (CArr #,(length (syntax->list #'(piece ...))))
(hasheqv #,@(append*
(for/list [(n (in-naturals))
(piece (in-list (syntax->list #'(piece ...))))]
(member-entry n piece))))))]
[(list-stx piece ...)
(list-id? #'list-stx)
(DCompound-arr (CArr #,(length (syntax->list #'(piece ...))))
(hasheqv #,@(append*
(for/list [(n (in-naturals))
(piece (in-list (syntax->list #'(piece ...))))]
(member-entry n piece)))))))]
[(hash-stx piece ...)
(hash-or-hasheqv-id? #'hash-stx)
(DCompound-dict (CDict)
(hash #,@(append-map-pairs member-entry (syntax->list #'(piece ...))))))]
[(hash-stx piece ...)
(hash-or-hasheqv-id? #'hash-stx)
(DCompound-dict (CDict)
(hash #,@(append-map-pairs member-entry (syntax->list #'(piece ...)))))))]
(dollar-id? #'id)
#`(Pattern-DBind (DBind '#,(undollar #'id) (Pattern-DDiscard (DDiscard))))]
(dollar-id? #'id)
#`(Pattern-DBind (DBind '#,(undollar #'id) (Pattern-DDiscard (DDiscard))))]
[($ (unquote bp) p)
#`(Pattern-DBind (DBind bp #,(analyse-pattern #'p)))]
[($ (unquote bp) p)
#`(Pattern-DBind (DBind bp #,(walk #'p)))]
[($ id p)
#`(Pattern-DBind (DBind 'id #,(analyse-pattern #'p)))]
[($ id p)
#`(Pattern-DBind (DBind 'id #,(walk #'p)))]
(discard-id? #'id)
#`(Pattern-DDiscard (DDiscard))]
(discard-id? #'id)
#`(Pattern-DDiscard (DDiscard))]
#`(Pattern-DLit (DLit other))]))
#`(Pattern-DLit (DLit #,(wrap-literal #'other)))])))
(define (analyse-pattern-bindings stx)
(let walk ((stx stx))
@ -223,22 +229,28 @@
(define (expand-:pattern stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ pat-stx atomic-literal-transformer)
(analyse-pattern #'pat-stx
(lambda (stx) (raise-syntax-error #f "Attempt to destructure known-atomic"))
(lambda (stx) #`(atomic-literal-transformer #,stx)))]
[(_ pat-stx)
(analyse-pattern #'pat-stx)])))
(define-pattern-expander :pattern
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ pat-stx)
;; This effectively quasiquotes the pattern; a naked unquote in
;; the pattern returns to the "outer" context. This is useful
;; for observing observers:
;; (Observe (:pattern (some-pattern ...)) _)
(analyse-pattern #'pat-stx)]))
;; This effectively quasiquotes the pattern; a naked unquote in
;; the pattern returns to the "outer" context. This is useful for
;; observing observers:
;; (Observe (:pattern (some-pattern ...)) _)
(expand-:pattern stx))
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ pat-stx)
(analyse-pattern #'pat-stx)])))
(expand-:pattern stx)))

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@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
(define (pat-pattern p)
(match (unwrap p)
[(NamedSimplePattern_ name (SimplePattern-embedded _))
`(:pattern ,(escape name) embedded)]
[(NamedSimplePattern_ name p)
`(:pattern ,(escape name))]
[(SimplePattern-any) discard]