Beginnings of a TCP driver

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-06-10 10:00:43 +02:00
parent 5ab375bc26
commit 336811c51e
2 changed files with 152 additions and 0 deletions

syndicate/drivers/tcp.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#lang syndicate
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
(require racket/tcp)
(require syndicate/driver-support)
(require syndicate/schemas/gen/tcp)
(require syndicate/schemas/gen/dataspace-patterns)
(define-logger syndicate/drivers/tcp)
(define spawn-tcp-driver
(action (ds)
#:name 'tcp-driver
#:daemon? #t
(at ds
(Observe (:pattern (Connection ,_ (TcpInbound ,(DLit $host) ,(DLit $port)))) _)
#:name (TcpInbound host port)
(run-listener this-turn ds host port))))))
(define run-listener
(action (ds host port)
(on-start (log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-info "+listener on ~v ~v" host port))
(on-stop (log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-info "-listener on ~v ~v" host port))
#:name (list (TcpInbound host port) 'thread)
(ref (entity #:name 'listen-monitor #:retract (action (_handle) (stop-current-facet))))
(lambda ()
(define listener (tcp-listen port 512 #t host))
(let loop ()
(define connection-custodian (make-custodian))
(define-values (i o) (parameterize ((current-custodian connection-custodian))
(tcp-accept listener)))
(turn-freshen this-turn (action () (spawn-connection this-turn
(TcpInbound host port))))
(define spawn-connection
(action (ds custodian i o spec)
(define name (call-with-values (lambda () (tcp-addresses i #t)) list))
#:name name
(on-stop (close-input-port i)
(close-output-port o))
(define active-controller #f)
(define active-controller-handle #f)
(define flush-pending #f)
(define start-thread
(action ()
#:name (list name 'input-thread)
#:custodian custodian
(ref (entity #:name (list name 'socket-monitor)
#:retract (action (_handle) (stop-current-facet))))
(lambda ()
(let loop ()
(define bs (read-bytes-avail i))
(when (bytes? bs)
(log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-info "inbound data ~v for ~v" bs this-actor)
(turn-freshen this-turn (action () (send! active-controller (Socket bs))))
(define active-socket
(ref (entity #:name (list name 'active-socket)
(action (m handle)
(match (parse-ActiveSocket m)
[(ActiveSocket-controller controller)
(log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-info "~v controller for ~v" controller this-actor)
(when (not active-controller) (start-thread this-turn))
(set! active-controller controller)
(set! active-controller-handle handle)]
[(ActiveSocket-close _)
(log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-info "closing ~v" this-actor)
(action (handle)
(log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-info "peer withdrawn ~v" this-actor)
(when (equal? handle active-controller-handle)
(action (m)
(match (parse-ActiveSocket m)
[(ActiveSocket-Socket (Socket payload))
(log-syndicate/drivers/tcp-info "outbound data ~v for ~v" payload this-actor)
(write-bytes payload o)
(when (not flush-pending)
(set! flush-pending #t)
(facet-on-end-of-turn! this-facet
(action ()
(set! flush-pending #f)
(flush-output o))))])))))
(at ds
(assert (Connection active-socket spec))))))
(define (read-bytes-avail input-port #:limit [limit 65536])
(define buffer (make-bytes limit))
(match (read-bytes-avail! buffer input-port)
[(? number? count) (subbytes buffer 0 count)]
[other other]))
(module+ main
(require syndicate/drivers/timer)
(actor-system/dataspace (ds)
(spawn-timer-driver this-turn ds)
(spawn-tcp-driver this-turn ds)
(at ds
(during/spawn (Connection $conn (TcpInbound "" 5999))
(on-start (log-info "Starting service ~a" this-facet))
(on-stop (log-info "Stopping service ~a" this-facet))
(at conn
(assert (ActiveSocket-controller
(ref (entity #:message
(action (m)
(match (parse-Socket m)
[(Socket #"bye\n")
(log-info "Bye!")
[(Socket data)
(log-info "Echoing ~v" data)
(send! conn (Socket data))]))))))))))))

syndicate/schemas/tcp.prs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
version 1 .
embeddedType EntityRef.Ref .
Connection = <connection @handle #!ActiveSocket @spec any>.
ConnectionPeer = <connection-peer @handle #!ActiveSocket @spec any>.
TcpOutbound = <outbound @host string @port int>.
TcpInbound = <inbound @host string @port int>.
ActiveSocket =
/ <controller @controller #!Sink>
/ <close @reason any>
/ Socket
; TODO: <credit @amount int>
Socket = <data @payload bytes>.