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#lang racket/base
2021-06-04 14:20:14 +00:00
;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © 2021 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
(provide schema-compiler-plugin
(require racket/pretty)
(require racket/match)
(require (only-in racket/file make-parent-directory*))
(require (only-in racket/syntax format-symbol))
(require (only-in racket/list append* append-map))
(require preserves-schema/compiler)
(require preserves-schema/type)
(require preserves-schema/gen/schema)
(define schema-compiler-plugin-mode (make-parameter 'normal))
(define (schema-compiler-plugin schema options)
(match-define (schema-compiler-options _name
paths) options)
(define ds-path
(match (schema-compiler-plugin-mode)
['normal 'syndicate/schemas/gen/dataspace-patterns]
['meta (lookup-module-path '(dataspace-patterns))]))
(define meta?
(match (schema-compiler-plugin-mode)
['normal #f]
['meta (equal? ds-path (schema-translation-paths-relative-output-path paths))]))
(define (N sym)
(if meta?
(format-symbol ":pat:~a" sym)))
(define (def-pattern name def)
(define discard `(,(N 'Pattern-DDiscard) (,(N 'DDiscard))))
(define (pat-pattern p)
(match (unwrap p)
[(NamedSimplePattern_ name p)
`(:pattern ,(escape name))]
[(SimplePattern-any) discard]
[(SimplePattern-atom _atomKind) discard]
[(SimplePattern-embedded _interface) discard]
[(SimplePattern-lit value) `(,(N 'Pattern-DLit) (,(N 'DLit) ',value))]
[(SimplePattern-seqof pat) discard]
[(SimplePattern-setof pat) discard]
[(SimplePattern-dictof key-pat value-pat) discard]
[(SimplePattern-Ref (Ref module-path name))
`(:pattern-ref ,(format-symbol "~a~a" (module-path-prefix module-path) name))]
[(CompoundPattern-rec label-pat fields-pat)
(match* ((unwrap label-pat) (unwrap fields-pat))
[((SimplePattern-lit label) (CompoundPattern-tuple field-pats))
`(,(N 'Pattern-DCompound)
(,(N 'DCompound-rec)
2021-06-03 13:58:48 +00:00
(,(N 'CRec) ',label ,(length field-pats))
(hasheqv ,@(append* (for/list [(i (in-naturals))
(p (in-list field-pats))]
(define s (pat-pattern p))
2021-06-03 13:58:48 +00:00
(if (equal? s discard) `() `(,i ,s)))))))]
[(_ _) `#,(raise-syntax-error ',name "Record schema cannot be used as a pattern")])]
[(CompoundPattern-tuple pats)
`(,(N 'Pattern-DCompound)
(,(N 'DCompound-arr)
2021-06-03 13:58:48 +00:00
(,(N 'CArr) ,(length pats))
(hasheqv ,@(append* (for/list [(i (in-naturals))
(p (in-list pats))]
(define s (pat-pattern p))
2021-06-03 13:58:48 +00:00
(if (equal? s discard) `() `(,i ,p)))))))]
[(CompoundPattern-tuple* fixed-pats variable-pat)
`#,(raise-syntax-error ',name "Variable-length array cannot be used as a pattern")]
[(CompoundPattern-dict entries)
`(,(N 'Pattern-DCompound)
(,(N 'DCompound-dict)
(,(N 'CDict))
(hash ,@(append* (for/list [((k p) (in-hash entries))]
(define s (pat-pattern p))
(if (equal? s discard) `() `(',k ,s)))))))]
[other (error 'pat-pattern "Unimplemented: ~v" other)]))
2021-06-03 20:42:01 +00:00
(define (top-pat top-name name p ty k-nonrecord)
2021-06-03 13:58:48 +00:00
(let ((fields (match ty
[(ty-unit) '()]
[(ty-record fields) (map escape (map car fields))]
[_ #f])))
(if (not fields)
2021-06-03 20:42:01 +00:00
`(define-preserves-pattern ,top-name (,name ,@fields)
2021-06-03 13:58:48 +00:00
(quasisyntax ,(pat-pattern p))
(append ,@(for/list [(f (in-list fields))]
`(analyse-pattern-bindings (syntax ,f))))))))
2021-06-03 13:58:48 +00:00
(match def
[(Definition-or p0 p1 pN)
`(begin ,@(for/list [(named-alt (in-list (list* p0 p1 pN)))
(alt-ty (in-list (map cadr (ty-union-variants (definition-ty def)))))]
(match-define (NamedAlternative variant-label-str pattern) named-alt)
2021-06-03 20:42:01 +00:00
(define full-name (format-symbol "~a-~a" name variant-label-str))
(top-pat name full-name pattern alt-ty
(lambda () `(define-preserves-pattern ,name (,full-name value)
(analyse-pattern #'value)
(analyse-pattern-bindings (syntax value)))))))]
2021-06-03 13:58:48 +00:00
[(? Definition-and?)
[(Definition-Pattern p)
2021-06-03 20:42:01 +00:00
(top-pat name name p (definition-ty def) (lambda () `(begin)))]))
(define exprs
`((require (prefix-in :pat: ,ds-path))
(require syndicate/pattern)
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
,@(map-Schema-definitions def-pattern schema)))
(if meta?
(let ((output-path (path-replace-extension
(schema-translation-paths-full-output-path paths)
(make-parent-directory* output-path)
(with-output-to-file output-path #:exists 'replace
(lambda ()
(displayln "#lang racket/base\n")
(for [(e (in-list exprs))]
(pretty-write e)
`(begin ,@exprs)))